
Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Name: Truong Phuong Quyen

Class: 11BSM3

Student number: 1158114

Subject: Introduction to Psychology

Course coordinator: Dr. Nguyen Duc Danh

The operant conditioning theory of learning is a process that involves an increase or decrease in

the likelihood of some behavior as a result of the consequences. Positive reinforcement, negative

reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment are four types of learning

processes in operant conditioning. Firstly, positive reinforcement occurs when the likelihood of a

particular action increases as an effect of the presentation of something desirable after the action.

For example, you go to work for a company daily, and you work very hard, the reason that make

you work hard because every month you receive a high salary deserve with your performance,

and you may be more likely to increase the frequency of working hard, or you try to study hard

and you do well on the exam, then you receive award from your parents, therefore you will

increase your action that you try to study hard, and that is some examples of positive

reinforcement. Secondly, negative reinforcement occurs when the likelihood of a particular

action increases as the effect of removing something non desirable after the action. For instance,

you want to open the window for fresh air blowing to your house. However, you are not happy

with the noise from outside, and then you decide to turn on the TV, and this make the noise less


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