psycho final

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Scene 1

Teacher : Good morning class. Please go back to your seats and keep quiet. As you all know, your final exam will be next week. I hope you all have done your revision and if you’ve been paying attention to my class, I’m sure you all will pass with flying colours!

Jacob : Hey Robert, are you prepared for finals? I’m quite nervous for it to be honest.

Robert : Oh I am prepared actually.

*Jacob looks at Robert surprisingly because Robert is someone to prepare for his exams at the last minute*

Scene 2

Jacob : I’m quite surprised that you said you’re prepared for the papers. I thought you were someone to prepare at the last minute?

Rob : Yeah I was that kind of guy but this time it’s different. My sister promised to make a family secret recipe that we’ve never eaten before if I score an A for my final exam!

Jacob : You and your love of food! I can’t believe that you are willing to study so hard just for a reward at the end.

Rob : It’s our family tradition and I’ve got to try out this mysterious recipe she has been boasting about forever!

Scene 3

Rob : Hi sis, I’m home!

Sister : Hi Rob! How was your day in school?Rob : It was great! My final exam starts next week.

Sister : Remember to get an A alright?

Rob : I will! Remember to hit the store and get ready with your ingredients!

Sister: That’s my boy.

Scene 4

Rob : Ahh. Finally I can study!

*Phone rings*

Jacob : Hey man! Do you want to hang with Daniel and I at his place now? Liverpool and Man U is on! Let’s go!

Rob thinks to himself * I’ve been studying a lot, I guess it’s okay.

Rob : “Sure thing bro, I’m on my way!”

Scene 5

Rob : Hey sis, I’m going out with Jacob and Daniel tonight to watch football.

Sister : Do you need me to pick you up later?

Rob : No it’s fine. I can walk back.

Scene 6

*Watching football intensely**After the match*

Jacob : I can’t believe Man U lost! The referee was totally bought over man.

Daniel : Stop being a sore loser like all the man u fans are, just accept your defeat.

Jacob : Alright alright. Whatever. It’s getting late guys, we should get going. Rob, you need a lift?

Rob : It’s okay, I can just walk home.

Jacob : Okay, see you tomorrow guys!

Daniel : Ciao guys.

Scene 7

*while rob walks home from daniel’s house*

Rob : Man I should’ve studies just now. I regret going especially when Man U lost!

*A gang of motorist passed by*

Rob : I hate these motorist! They are all up to no good especially when they ride at the speed of lightning in the housing area! I better run before they do something to me!

Rob started running and he was panting*Rob : I’m so tired from running, my heart is beating so fast and I can’t catch my breath! I’m sweating so bad right now.

Rob : Finally I’m home and it’s time to sleep!

Scene 8

Rob : I can already taste how good sister’s cooking will be! Come on finals! I’m going to kick butt!

Scene 9

*Exam week*

*Robert and his classmates are taking their final exams*

One week later,

Teacher : “Robert! Congratulations, you got an A!

Rob : “Oh yes! Thank you miss!

Rob : “ Hey Jacob, how did you do?”

*Robert thinks to himself, he’s so lazy, I’m sure he didn’t do well*

Jacob : I didn’t do too well, I got a C.

Scene 10

*Robert hurries home to tell his Sister the good news*Rob : Hey sis, I got an A for my exams!

Sister: I knew you would, I’ll start cooking.

Rob : Don’t you need a book to refer to the recipe?

Sister: Well, during my college days, I used to cook this dish almost everyday that I already have it at the back of my mind.

Rob : Oh it’s spaghetti? *slurp* It’s delicious! Can you make me more next time?

Sister : Sure Rob

Rob: Sis what are you doing to your spaghetti?

Sister : Oh my, I’ve made a scaft unintentionally, silly me. The spaghetti looks so much like yarn! Hahaha.

Rob : Oh Sis.

Scene 11

Teacher : Hey Robert, I have something to ask you. How did you become so hardworking all of a sudden? I’m very impressed by your scores for this exam!

Rob : Thanks Miss! My SISTER gave me a motivation to study and I noticed that I achieved a goal I never imagined I could. She motivated me by giving me a reward and I did it!

Jacob : Hey Daniel, I’ve got a secret. I saw Rob cheating during the exam with notes under his desk!

Daniel: Wha..whattt? Oh just let him be, it’s non of our business anyways.*Daniel thinks to himself, I hope Jacob doesn’t find out that Rob learnt to cheat from me*

Scene 12

Jacob : I can’t believe that Daniel doesn’t even care about this? What should I do? I don’t want to be a tale tell but cheating just won’t do. I think I should just tell Miss xx.

Jacob : Miss, may I have a word with you?

Teacher : Yes Jacob. What is it?

Jacob : I saw Robert cheat during the exam with notes under his desk.

Teacher: Are you sure you saw cheating?

Jacob : Yes Miss. I wouldn’t lie to you about this, he’s my best friend, I only reported to you because it was the right thing to do.

Teacher : Very well then.

Scene 13

Teacher, Rob, Jacob told me that he saw you cheating during the exam, is this true?

Rob : WHAT? I did not! I told you I studied very hard for this exam to receive an award from my SISTER

Jacob : Please tell the truth Rob. I wouldn’t lie about this, do the right thing and admit.

Rob : How could you think of me that way? I thought we were bros. This is unacceptable!

*Rob dashes out and heads home because he felt bad for lying to his grandma. He cheated because he wanted to taste the secret recipe so bad that he didn’t do it the right way*

Scene 14

Rob : Sis! I have something to tell you quick!

Sister : Hold on Rob I’m coming, what is it?

*Car driving by really fast*

Rob : No Sis! Look out!

*Loud and long honk**Bang**Blood spilled on the road**Rob hold his sister’s walking cane and cries*The End.

Extrinsic motivation (Chapter 2)

Definition :

Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from external of an individual, such as rewards, money and grades.

Concept applied :

In the video, Robert is motivated by the spaghetti which is a secret recipe of his sister. Therefore, he study hard to get a good grade in his final examination so that he can eat the spaghetti.

Example :

It is hard to imagine a pure intrinsic motivation for losing weight. Perhaps a person craves a feeling of lightness. But most weight-loss motivators are extrinsic. These extrinsic motivators include attracting or keeping a partner, inciting envy from peers at a high school reunion and avoiding diabetes or other diseases associated with obesity.

Schema (Chapter 3)

Definition :

Schema is a mental concept that informs a person about what to expect from a variety of experiences and situations. Schemas are developed based on information provided by life experiences and are then stored in memory. Our brains create and use schemas as a short cut to make future encounters with similar situations easier to navigate.

Concept applied :

The concept of schema applied when Robert’s sister cooks the spaghetti without referring the recipe. The process of making the spaghetti is already develops and stored in sister’s memory.

Example :

A young child may first develop a schema for a horse. She knows that a horse is large, has hair, four legs and a tail. When the little girl encounters a cow for the first time, she might initially call it a horse. After all, it fits in with her schema for the characteristics of a horse; it is a large animal that has hair, four legs and a tail. Once she is told that this is a different animal called a cow, she will modify her existing schema for a horse and create a new schema for a cow.

Discrimination (Chapter 7)

Definition :

Discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards an individual or group of people, especially on the basis of sex, race, social class and so on.

Concept applied :

In this video, Robert discriminate the bikers when he is going back to home. He thinks that every bikers are bad and born to be disturb the others. Therefore, he quickly runs back home.

Example :

Let us take the gender discrimination as an example, in western societies while women are often discriminated against in the workplace, men are often discriminated against in the home and family environments. For instance after a divorce women receive primary custody of the children far more often than men. Women on average earn less pay than men for doing the same job.

Post-decision dissonance (Chapter 5)

Definition :

A feeling of anxiety over whether the correct decision was made.

Concept applied :

This concept happened when Robert just finished watching football with his friends at his home. Robert feels regret after watching the football match and think that he should be study instead of wasting the time.

Example :

Jack bought something then worried about whether he had got a bargain or otherwise. Seeing the item at another shop or check the price because he trying to comfort himself.

Dispositional attribution (Chapter 4)

Definition :

Dispositional attribution is the assumption that a person's behavior reflects his internal dispositions like his personality, beliefs, attitude and so on.

Concept applied :

When the students get all his own exam paper, Robert assume that Jacob is lazy and not study because they are watching football match together before the final exam. Also, Robert judges Jacob sucks inside his minds immediately.

Example :

James submits an assignment late but you are quick to say that he is lazy and irresponsible and never finishes his work on time.


Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in

Southeast Asia

Foundation in Natural and Built Environments (FNBE)

Final Project : Psychology report


NAMES Student ID

LIM ZIA HUEI 0321031



TEO VI VIEN 0321645


Social Psychology [PSYC0103]

LECTURER: Mr. Shankar


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