
Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Journal Assignment 2

Yap Wei Tyng


PSYC 103

Entry 1

In this assignment, we are required to write journal about lesson and things we learn in

psychology class. The aim of writing this journal is to make sure that we can apply these concept

and lesson into our daily life, but not learn for nothing.

Conformity and group behavior is the main topic for today’s psychology lesson. For the

first part of the lesson is talking about conformity. Through this part of lesson, I realized that

most of us always got interfered by groups of people to confirm something. We don’t have much

confidence in ourselves to do any decision. We only confirm our answer or decision when there

are similarities with a group of people. By having the same decision with a group of people, we

only gain confidence. However, in my opinion, I don’t 100 percent agree in group decisions as it

wasn’t decisions upon our own will. I trust more about my own decisions than group as it was

something I really want and something I really confident in.

The interesting part for today’s lesson is the second part for the lesson that talks about

obedience. There was an experiment taken out by Stanley Milgram that was called Controversial

landmark experiment. This experiment involved 1 outsider and 2 actors. It shows the obedience

and resistance of a people in doing cruel things. It shown that there are more than 50 percent of

people cause high voltage to victim and give out excuses such as I was just following orders. In

my opinion, we should stand out or stop anything that was ordered by someone if we found out it

was wrong or non-ethnic orders.

The final part where most of the people agree about was the bystander effect. It was the

effect when people are less likely to help when they are in groups than when alone. They always

thought that there must be someone to help them. This was a non-responsible thinking of every

individual. In my opinion, we should help someone when we have the capability to help.

However, if we can’t help, we should help the victim find for help but not just walk away

without doing anything.

In conclusion, I learn a lot about today’s lesson. Through this lesson, I knew that we

should have our own thinking and we should help someone when there was in trouble but not

just walk away without doing anything.

Entry 2

In this assignment, we are required to write journal about lesson and things we learn in

psychology class. The aim of writing this journal is to make sure that we can apply these concept

and lesson into our daily life, but not learn for nothing.

The Power and Perils of Intuition was the topic of the lesson in learnt today. This lesson

taught us that our thinking is partly controlled and partly automatic. Reflective, deliberate and

conscious are the controlled part of our thinking while impulsive, effortless, unconscious are the

automatic part of our thinking.

Automatic thinking was the main topic taught in today’s lesson. The common cases

happen in our life time was expertise and unconscious thinking. As for expertise example, we

can recognize our friends or family member’s voice on the phone or hairstyle by sawing them on

street. Next, unconscious thinking as all of us love to daydreaming to have sports car or having a

mansion with many servants.

Overestimating was the most serious problem face by us as a student. We always

overestimating time that we are able to finish the assignment at a short time. However, we end

up in rushing our work without sleeping and cause us bad result by submitting last minute work.

In conclusion, the most important lesson today was not to overestimating our time. We

should plan our time perfectly so that we can finish our assignment on time with perfect work

and colorful results.

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