psychological disorders psychology 1107. why study disorders? disorders are pretty pervasive 400...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Psychological DisordersPsychological Disorders

Psychology 1107Psychology 1107

Why study disorders?Why study disorders?

Disorders are pretty pervasive 400 million people worldwide Schizophrenia and depression are culture free

Help us understand normal folks Maybe disordered have too much or too little

of something They are sick, HELP THEM!

Disorders are pretty pervasive 400 million people worldwide Schizophrenia and depression are culture free

Help us understand normal folks Maybe disordered have too much or too little

of something They are sick, HELP THEM!

What is a disorderWhat is a disorder

To understand and study disorders we must first define what disordered means Atypical Disturbing Maladaptive Unjustifiable

Varies culturally Varies temporally Harm is the key really

To understand and study disorders we must first define what disordered means Atypical Disturbing Maladaptive Unjustifiable

Varies culturally Varies temporally Harm is the key really

Where do disorders come from?Where do disorders come from?

Evil! Remove blood, hair

teeth, that ought to take care of it….

Drill a hole in the skull….

Evil! Remove blood, hair

teeth, that ought to take care of it….

Drill a hole in the skull….

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Medical PerspectiveMedical Perspective

Pinel realized it wasn’t demons Stressors, inhumane treatment Syphilis Still a pretty popular idea Brain problems Schizophrenia and depression are treated

with drugs

Pinel realized it wasn’t demons Stressors, inhumane treatment Syphilis Still a pretty popular idea Brain problems Schizophrenia and depression are treated

with drugs

Bio Psycho Social PerspectiveBio Psycho Social Perspective

Interaction of nature and nurture While schizophrenia and depression are

universal, others are not So say anxiety may lead to one disorder in

one place and one in another Pretty popular approach nowadays

Interaction of nature and nurture While schizophrenia and depression are

universal, others are not So say anxiety may lead to one disorder in

one place and one in another Pretty popular approach nowadays


Have to know the overall characteristics of a disorder

DSM Doesn’t please everyone Doesn’t talk about causes Neurotic vs. psychotic disorders

Have to know the overall characteristics of a disorder

DSM Doesn’t please everyone Doesn’t talk about causes Neurotic vs. psychotic disorders


Many categories Properly used the DSM is valid and

reliable Critics say it is just labeling Rosenhan (1973) More and more people seem to

understand the idea of it being more like sickness

Many categories Properly used the DSM is valid and

reliable Critics say it is just labeling Rosenhan (1973) More and more people seem to

understand the idea of it being more like sickness

A warning…A warning…

This system is for trained professionals

Please do not try this at home…

This system is for trained professionals

Please do not try this at home…

Anxiety disordersAnxiety disorders

Generalized anxiety disorders, phobias, OCD

GAD is also known as ‘free floating anxiety’

Cam escalate into a panic attack Scary Avoid situations agoraphobia

Generalized anxiety disorders, phobias, OCD

GAD is also known as ‘free floating anxiety’

Cam escalate into a panic attack Scary Avoid situations agoraphobia


Anxiety is focused on some object or situation

Can be incapacitating Easily treated

More on that in another lecture….

Anxiety is focused on some object or situation

Can be incapacitating Easily treated

More on that in another lecture….

Obsessive Compulsive DisorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder

Many of us can see a bit of OCD in ourselves

When it interferes with daily life, that is when it becomes a problem

So where do OCD and GAD come from? Learning Evolutionary explanations

Many of us can see a bit of OCD in ourselves

When it interferes with daily life, that is when it becomes a problem

So where do OCD and GAD come from? Learning Evolutionary explanations

Dissociaciative disordersDissociaciative disorders

Amnesia Fugue Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) Only in America…. May not really even exist

Amnesia Fugue Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) Only in America…. May not really even exist

Mood disordersMood disorders

We all have bad days, but not like this Major depressive disorder involves

Lethargy Loss of interest in everything Feelings of worthlessness Not just being sad Dysthimic disorder is a minor version

We all have bad days, but not like this Major depressive disorder involves

Lethargy Loss of interest in everything Feelings of worthlessness Not just being sad Dysthimic disorder is a minor version

Bipolar disorderBipolar disorder

From depression to mania Grandiose optimism Too much esteem No sex differences

From depression to mania Grandiose optimism Too much esteem No sex differences

Some key depressing facts..Some key depressing facts..

Cognitive changes Depression is widespread Sex differences Usually short lived Stressful events before onset Rate increasing, age of onset decreasing

Cognitive changes Depression is widespread Sex differences Usually short lived Stressful events before onset Rate increasing, age of onset decreasing


Clear genetic effects NE and 5Ht correlate with mood Most drugs that are effective operate on

these systems

Clear genetic effects NE and 5Ht correlate with mood Most drugs that are effective operate on

these systems

Social cognitive approachSocial cognitive approach

Self defeating moods and thoughts Thoughts feed moods Moods feed thoughts Aww what’s the use….

Self defeating moods and thoughts Thoughts feed moods Moods feed thoughts Aww what’s the use….



It is disordered thinking It is distorted perceptions It is inappropriate emotins and actions Can be chronic or acute


It is disordered thinking It is distorted perceptions It is inappropriate emotins and actions Can be chronic or acute


Positive and negative symptoms Paranoid Disorganized Catatonic undifferentiated

Positive and negative symptoms Paranoid Disorganized Catatonic undifferentiated


Not social Genetic Biological Dopamine is the key

Not social Genetic Biological Dopamine is the key

Personality disordersPersonality disorders

Debilitating personality, not just annoying Borderline Narcissistic Histrionic Antisocial

Psychopath or sociopath

Debilitating personality, not just annoying Borderline Narcissistic Histrionic Antisocial

Psychopath or sociopath


About 30 % of people have had a disorder, about 20 % have one right now

Remember this includes phobias, drug problems

Two times higher under the poverty line Something has to be done

About 30 % of people have had a disorder, about 20 % have one right now

Remember this includes phobias, drug problems

Two times higher under the poverty line Something has to be done

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