pubquiz -sci-fi edition 7-31-14

Post on 27-Jun-2015



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Pubquiz for July 2014. Sci-Fi, baby!


  • 1. Rules Questions from a variety of categories ranging from the academic to pop culture. Questions will be asked and your team will have 15 seconds to confer and record your response on your team's dry erase board. When time is called, teams will reveal their answers. After mentioning each response, the correct answer will be revealed and teams with the correct answer will be awarded points. The team with the most points at the end of the quiz wins. No smart phones or tablets, please. This is about what you know not what Siri can tell you.

2. What is the title of the fifth (in series order, not release date) Star Wars movie? 20171819161514131211109876543210 3. The Empire Strikes Back 4. Who played Commander Adama in the original Battlestar Galactica? 20171819161514131211109876543210 5. Lorne Greene 6. Considered the first Science Fiction book, Somnium was published in 1638 by what German astronomer/mathematicia n? 20171819161514131211109876543210 7. Johannes Kepler 8. What comic series, published in 1986 and 1987, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons was adapted as a feature film in 2009? 20171819161514131211109876543210 9. Watchmen 10. Appearing in 25 episodes of the original series, 9 of the animated series, and 2 movies what Star Trek nurse and medical officer was played by Majel Barrett? 20171819161514131211109876543210 11. Nurse/CMO/Lieutenant/ Commander Christine Chapel 12. What is the model number of the shapeshifting assassin played by Robert Patrick in Terminator 2: Judgment Day? 20171819161514131211109876543210 13. T-1000 14. Speaking of Schwarzenegger films What is the name of the company that provides memory implantation in the movie Total Recall? 20171819161514131211109876543210 15. Rekall 16. What is the name of the visual effects company responsible for the visual effects in both Star Wars and Star Trek movies (among other award winning films)? 20171819161514131211109876543210 17. Industrial Light and Magic 18. Most recently making an appearance in Transformers: Age of Extinction, what is the name of the transformer that can change into a Tyrannosaurus Rex? 20171819161514131211109876543210 19. Grimlock 20. Who is the author of the book "Brave New World? 20171819161514131211109876543210 21. Aldus Huxley 22. In Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome Who run Barter Town? 20171819161514131211109876543210 23. Master Blaster runs Barter Town 24. Who played the scarf donned fourth Doctor? 20171819161514131211109876543210 25. Tom Baker 26. What was the name of Flash Gordon's nemesis in the eponymous movie? 20171819161514131211109876543210 27. Ming the Merciless 28. Who plays the psychotic Surgeon General of Beverly Hills in Escape From L.A.? 20171819161514131211109876543210 29. Bruce Campbell 30. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" is the third of three 'laws' of prediction created by what science fiction writer? 20171819161514131211109876543210 31. Arthur C. Clarke 32. The (in)famous 1938 Orson Welles radio production of War of the Worlds happened on the evening of what holiday? 20171819161514131211109876543210 33. Halloween 34. Who wrote the series based on Barsoom (Mars) feature John Carter? 20171819161514131211109876543210 35. Edgar Rice Burroughs 36. 'Order 66' is the designation for the order that commanded clone troopers in Star Wars to do what? 20171819161514131211109876543210 37. Attack and kill Jedi 38. In the classic film adaptation of Logan's Run, citizens are allowed to become what age before they must participate in the 'Carrousel' ritual and be vaporized? 20171819161514131211109876543210 39. 30 40. Repeat Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager character (and occasional feature character) Lieutenant Reginald Barclay is jokingly referred to by the crew as what? 20171819161514131211109876543210 41. Broccoli 42. In the novel Dune by Frank Herbert, each chapter is preceded by a quote from whom? 20171819161514131211109876543210 43. Princess Irulan 44. Intermission Time! 45. What alien race in the Mass Effect games communicates tone and emotion by stating an emotive prefix before their dialog? 20171819161514131211109876543210 46. Elcor 47. Author William Gibson popularized the term 'cyberspace' as identified with virtual online networks in what novel? 20171819161514131211109876543210 48. Neuromancer 49. In H.G. Wells' The Time Machine the Time Traveler encounters two races, one dwelling on the surface and one underground; what are their names? 20171819161514131211109876543210 50. Eloi and Morlock 51. In the Firefly episode "Jaynestown" we find the crew in a town full of laborers termed 'mudders'. What is the high protein alcoholic beverage the mudders drink called? 20171819161514131211109876543210 52. Mudder's Milk 53. Speaking of Firefly, who is the only main actor in the series that hasn't voiced an animated character from the DC comics universe? 20171819161514131211109876543210 54. Jewel Staite 55. What author created the "Three Laws of Robotics? 20171819161514131211109876543210 56. Isaac Asimov 57. What is the name of the computer that is the primary antagonist in 2001: A Space Odyssey? 20171819161514131211109876543210 58. HAL 9000 59. Frank Welker is the voice actor who brought life to Megatron in the original Transformers cartoon, but what diminutive Futurama character does he voice? 20171819161514131211109876543210 60. Nibbler 61. The Millennium Falcon purportedly "made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs" but what is a parsec? 20171819161514131211109876543210 62. Unit of distance about 3.26 light years long 63. The stargate in the Stargate film was unearthed during an archeological dig outside of what city? 20171819161514131211109876543210 64. Giza 65. What Osamu Tezuka manga series, started in 1952, went on to be adapted into the first anime series? 20171819161514131211109876543210 66. Astro Boy (Mighty Atom) 67. What is the name of the spacecraft on which most of the movie Alien takes place? 20171819161514131211109876543210 68. Nostromo 69. What Sci-Fi series of novels (23 in all) features genetically modified lizards that live with humans and protect their world from an extra- planetary threat called 'threadfall'? 20171819161514131211109876543210 70. Dragonriders of Pern 71. What Sci-Fi film classic features an art deco aesthetic and iconic robotic woman? 20171819161514131211109876543210 72. Metropolis 73. Who is this Star Wars character 20171819161514131211109876543210 74. Jek Tono Porkins 75. What literary award is awarded by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America and whose winners include Larry Niven, Ursula K. LeGuin, Frank Herbert, Isaac Asimov, and Neal Gaiman? 20171819161514131211109876543210 76. Nebula Awards 77. Joan Rivers provided the voice for what character in the film Spaceballs? 20171819161514131211109876543210 78. Dot Matrix 79. Terry Pratchett's new science fiction series, The Long Earth, has its characters using a device called a 'stepper' to access what? 20171819161514131211109876543210 80. Parallel Earths 81. A painting of a woman in a field of wheat (called Christina's World) is featured in several scenes in the film Oblivion; who is the artist that created the painting? 20171819161514131211109876543210 82. Andrew Wyeth 83. What recurring Muppet Show skit included the characters Cpt. Link Hogthrob, First Mate Miss Piggy, and Dr. Julius Strangepork on the USS Swinetrek? 20171819161514131211109876543210 84. Piiiiigs innnnn Spaaaaaaace 85. What is the name of the robot in the movie Moon that aids and attempts to keep character Sam Bell sane? 20171819161514131211109876543210 86. GERTY 87. The film Blade Runner is based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep written by whom? 20171819161514131211109876543210 88. Phillip K Dick 89. In the animated sci-fi webseries called Bravest Warriors the heroes have companion animals they can summon What are the animals? 20171819161514131211109876543210 90. Bee, Cat, Falcon, and Dog 91. What day will harpist Amanda Fehlner play during the library's first lunch-hour music program? 20171819161514131211109876543210 92. Wednesday, August 20th at 12pm 93. Thanks for playin

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