pullman reef hotel casino cairns, qld · ausboard is a conference specifically for the pet...

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Pullman Reef Hotel Casino

19-21 August 2019Cairns, QLD

Exhibitor Prospectus

PIAA presents

Pullman Reef Hotel CasinoCairns QLDMonday August 19 to Wednesday August 21

About AusBoard 2019 Why should you exhibit at AusBoard?AusBoard is a conference specifically for the pet boarding, dog training and pet sitter sector. If your product or service is targeting these sectors, then AusBoard will provide you with the opportunity to reach your target audience. As an exhibitor at AusBoard, you will have the opportunity to not only sell your product or service, but network with the delegates at the social functions scheduled during the event. You will also have the opportunity to make a short presentation about your product or service during the conference.

How will the event be promoted?We will be targeting all boarding facilities, pet sitters and dog training facilities through our extensive database, social media, PIAA Newsletter and Pet Industry News commencing March 2019.

What does it cost to exhibit at AusBoard?Current financial PIAA members - $1000 + GSTNon-members - $1500 + GST

Exhibitor cost includes: - Dressed trestle table & two chairs - Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea on conference days (max 2 guests) - Welcome Cocktail (max 2 guests) - Off-site kennel & cattery tour (max 2 guests) - Attendee database via email post event

You must hold your own Public Liability insurance policy. A copy of your Certificate of Currency will be required with your booking. A deposit of 25% must be paid when submitting your booking form. Without a deposit your booking will only be held for 3 business days and then released

PIAA presents

AusBoard 2019 Exhibitor TimetableSunday August 186.30pm – Optional dinner & networking – Marina Paradisio (2 mins walk from the hotel)

Monday August 197.30am – Load in and set up9.00am – 5.00pm – Conference6.30pm – 8.30pm – Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday August 209.00am – 5.00pm – Kennel Tour & lunch6.30pm – Optional networking dinner – Salthouse (8 mins walk from hotel)

Wednesday August 219.00am – 5.00pm – Conference5.00pm – 6.00pm – Load out

** We will be offering 30 minutes in the program for an exhibitor product information session **

CONDITIONS OF EXHIBITING These conditions are to be read in conjunction with the Exhibitors Booking Form. These conditions together with the Exhibitors Booking Form constitute the terms and conditions upon which the Exhibitor has offered to the Pet Industry Association of Australia Limited (PIAA) (“the organiser”) to license certain booth space from the venue referred to in the exhibitors booking form (“the premises”) Pullman Reef Casino Hotel as an exhibition to be known as AusBoard 2019 (“the exhibition”). The said offer may only be accepted by the organiser in writing. There-upon, the organiser and exhibitor will be taken to have entered into a License Agreement (“this Agreement”) of the premises in accordance with these terms. No act or omission by the organiser other than written acceptance of the exhibitors offer evidences any intention by it to enter into this Agreement.

COSTS The discounted member cost for exhibition stand only applies if your membership of the association is current as at 1/6/19.

AGREEMENT The organiser at the request of the exhibitor hereby licenses to the exhibitor and the exhibitor takes on license from the organiser the premises at a cost each particularised in the booking form for the period from 19th -21st August 2018 inclusive upon these terms. This Agreement shall commence on receipt of an exhibitor booking form and all the license fees shall become due and payable as noted. All license fees are exclusive of GST. The exhibitor shall pay the license fees in the following manner: 25% of the license fees upon signing and forwarding the exhibitors booking form to the organiser 50% is due 19/6/19 & the remaining 25% is due 19/7/19.

CANCELLATIONAll cancellations must be received in writing to the organiser at events@piaa.net.au In the event that full payment is not received prior to 19/7/19 or an exhibitor rescinds this agreement after this date, the organiser may by notice in writing to the exhibitor rescing this Agreement and make the premises available for license to another exhititor and in such case no refunds shall be issued of any monies paid as at 19/7/19. If the exhibitor rescinds this Agreement prior to 19/7/19, the organiser shall pay to the exhibitor all of the license fees, then paid less an amount being 10% fo the total license fees which would have otherwise have been due and payable as at 19/7/19.

FLOOR PLAN The organiser reserves the right to allot spaces in accordance with the theme and arrangements of the exhibition at its absolute discretion. As far as possible the organiser will endeavour to accommodate the wishes of the exhibitor in relation to the location of the premises. The organ-iser however reserves the right to decline, prohibit or expel an exhibit, which, in its sole discretion, is out of keeping with the character of the exhibition for any reason whatsoever not limited to the appearance or conduct of the exhibitor at the premises. The organiser may in its abso-lute discretion alter the floor plan or to relocate the premises to another area within the exhibition in its absolute discretion. The organiser will in such circumstances notify the exhibitor of such alterations and if possible, offer some comparable premises elsewhere within the exhibition. Such alteration may require an adjustment in respect of the license fees. Exhibitors may in such circumstances determine this license within 1 week of receipt of such notification and neither party shall be liable to the other in respect of any such determination.

PIAA presents

The exhibitor covenants that the display to be erected by the exhibitor within the premises shall be completed by no later than 8.30am on Monday August 19, 2019 and shall be in place for the entire duration of the exhibition. The exhibitor together with a member of their staff will attend the display within the premises at least 30 minutes prior to the advertised opening times of the exhibition. The exhibitor further covenants that no goods or displays shall be removed or dismantled during the published exhibition times without the prior written approval of the organiser.

The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that all products on display will comply with all laws governing the construction and display of products and services on display within the premises.

The organiser reserves the right to require the removal of any illegal products which are on display. The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that all advertising material shall be restricted to the area within the premises and the exhibitor shall arrange the exhibits to ensure that there is no harm or nuisance to adjoining exhibitors and for this purpose the exhibitor further covenants that it will not solicit or promote itself outside the area of the premises. The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that all wiring, installation of spot lights or other electrical work, carpentry and all other building work shall be carried out by such persons as are approved of or directed by the organiser. The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that it will obtain the organiser’s express written approval to display livestock during the period of the exhibition within the premises. The exhibitor shall ensure that all such livestock are cared for and managed in compliance with all laws governing the keeping of such animals. The exhibitor further covenants that all animals used in the display within the premises will always be attended by the exhibitor or a member of its staff and will be housed in appropriate containers. The exhibitor will ensure that there is no undue noise and/ or odour which will cause offence to other exhibitors or invitees within the exhibition and the exhibitor will take all steps to ensure that floor areas are protected from the keeping of any animals within the premises. The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that at no time during the exhibition will it permit or allow to be permitted the sale of any livestock during the term of the license. The exhibitor covenants with the organiser that it shall only schedule private functions or special events during the exhibition so that they do not clash with or take place at the same time as any advertised AusBoard event. The exhibitor covenants that it shall abide by all reasonable directions issued to it from time to time by the organiser or by anyone employed or nominated by the owner of the premises upon which the exhibition is held. The exhibitor acknowledges that the organiser shall determine the hours during which the exhibition shall be conducted and otherwise have complete control of the management decisions relating to programming of the exhibition. The decisions of the organiser shall be final and binding.

Nothing in this agreement shall make the organiser liable to the exhibitor if the premises become unavailable by reason of damage caused by fire, act of god, public enemy, war or insurrections, strikes or for any other reason beyond the control of the organiser. In such circumstances however, the organiser shall reimburse the exhibitor for all monies paid by the exhibitor to the organiser less any expenses incurred by the organiser to that time not limited to any costs payable with respect to securing the exhibition.

Exhibitors who wish to direct sell at AusBoard will be able to do so, providing the following criteria is met;a) Exhibitor takes total resp[onsibility for their own cash/credit handling facilities and,b) Security notes are attachd with invoice copy to the products purchased, andc) the exhibitors stand is not compromised to make it look depleted of stock or untidy.

YOUR EXHIBIT No other person or business is to exhibit or occupy the space of the contracted exhibitor without the express written approval of the organiser. The penalty for subletting to another exhibitor is 10% of the total space sold. Displays erected within the premises must conform to the organiser’s specifications and the organiser reserves the right to refuse the erection of display stands within the premises, which are unsuitable or inadequate in the opinion of the organiser in its sole and absolute discretion.

The exhibitor shall use the premises at the risk of the exhibitor and hereby releases to the full extent permitted by Law the organiser and its agents, servants, contractors and employees from all claims and demands of every kind resulting from any accident, damage or injury caused by or contributed to or in any way relating to the premises and the exhibitor will and does hereby indemnify the organiser in respect thereof and the exhibitor expressly agrees that the organiser shall have no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to any property of the exhib-itor in or about the premises. The exhibitor at its own cost will keep the premises always clean and free from rubbish.

The exhibitor must have or show to have during the continuance of this license adequate insurance and adequate public risk policies in respect of the premises for an amount not less than $20,000,000.00 or as advised by the organiser. An exhibitor must produce a certificate of currency covering the dates of the event.

AusBoard 2019 Exhibitor Booking Form & Tax Invoice

Pre Event Information (not published)Email for accounts/invoices:___________________________________________Email of key staff members who need to be kept informed of relevant AusBoard event and exhibitor information: _______________________________________

CostsDressed Trestle Table & 2 Chairs

Number Cost GST (10%) Total

PIAA Member $1,000.00 $

Non-Member $1,500.00 $

Payment Details$ +GST Total

Payment upon booking: 25% of Total Cost (due on receipt of inv)

PROGRESS PAYMENT: 50% of Total Cost (due 19/6/19)

FINAL PAYMENT: 25% of Total Cost due (19/7/19)

Payment OptionsBank: BSB 062 102 Account No: 10120145

Credit Card: Mastercard (1.23% fee) or Visa (1.28% fee)


Card No:______/______/______/______ Expiry:______/______ CVC:__________ $:______________

Sign here if you authorise us to take future instalments from the above credit card:____________________________

Return to events@piaa.net.au | Fax: 02 9659 5822 | Phone: 02 9659 5811Mail: PO Box 7105 BHBC NSW 2153 ABN 47 001 782 770

Payment of the deposit indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of exhibiting at AusBoard.

Exhibiting details for promotional publicationCompany Name:_____________________________________________________

ABN:__________________________ Website:__________________________

Phone (sales/info): __________________________________________________

Mobile (sales/info):__________________________________________________

Contact email (sales/info): ____________________________________________

Exhibitor Contact Name:______________________________________________

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