punerphoo and dba selection

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Punerphoo and DBA selection


http://jyotishqa.blogspot.ca/2010/12/re-jr-re-any-expert-can-decode-this_7077.htmlPUNERPHOO Dosha and DBA Selection

Re: [JR] Re: Any Expert can decode this ?? Exeperienced , expert astrologer should know this.

Misra ji,

I know what is punarbhoo and the astrological indication. But thank you for your efforts.

You wroteWhat is "Punarphoo"?

You wrote a lot. But did not explain what that word means.

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

From:Dhirendra Nath Misra To:Jyotish_Remedies@yahoogroups.comSent:Fri, December 3, 2010 10:43:54 PMSubject:Re: [JR] Re: Any Expert can decode this ?? Exeperienced , expert astrologer should know this.

Dear Sir,

Rahul Pollard wants to know much more about Satur + Moon combination where it forms Punarphoo Dosh if it does not seem cancelled.

Please go through followingavailable details:

What is "Punarphoo"?Connection between Saturn and Moon is known as Punarphoo or Punarphoo Dosha. Shri K. S. Krishnamurti dealt Punarphoo mainly from marriage perspective and talked about Punarphoo in sixth reader (Marriage, Married Live and Children). Here is excerpt from the Sixth Reader "Whenever Saturn has got any connection what-so-even with Moon, there will be some obstacle or impediment, not only during negotiation but also at the time of fixation and even at the time of celebration of the marriage. This connection between Moon and Saturn causes delay, though ultimately both of them do much more good with a better partner."According to him headache, fear and anxiety are some of the results of Punarphoo. Though the results of Punarphoo are not very clearly defined in sixth reader, some of the possibilities due to Punarphoo are (Taken from:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/7673) Broken engagement Postphonement of marriage date, after it is fixed The spouse not being the first choice Delay while travelling to the Marriageplace etc.Meaning of 'connection' was not very clearly defined in sixth reader. Though the following has been mentioned (taken from: Sixth reader, Page #78, Sixth Edition - June 1993) -1. Saturn in the star of the Moon and sub of Saturn2. Moon is in the star of Saturn and in sub of Moon3. Saturn in the houses - 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10Later KP followers defined 'connection' between Saturn and Moon more precisely as follows - (taken from the book "PUNARPHOO: Saturn & Moon" - by K. Subramaniam) -1. Any of these connections between Saturn and Moon will result in Punarphoo1. Saturn in the star of the Moon and his own sub,2. or Moon is in the star of Saturn and in her own sub,3. or if Moon and Saturn are in the same sign.2. The condition pertains also if the Moon is in the star of Saturn and in the sub of the Moon,3. or if the Moon is the 3rd or 10th sign from Saturn, to Saturn's 3rd and 10th aspect from the Moon.Some KP astrologers prefer much simpler definition, e.g. - "Punarphoo is the phenomenon of "SAT and MOON being connected to each other .in any way"- Anant Raichur(Taken from:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/6097)Whereas, some give more importanceto special aspects of Saturn and the houses involved - Punarphoo dosha, is mainly caused by the evil aspect of Sat over the Moon, by his powerful IIIrd and Xth aspect, mainly,and his other aspects on the Moon are secondary. Punarphoo will cause some obstacles, not only during negotiations for marriage but ALSO at the time of celebration of the marriage. It can upset and change the date set for the marriage. Further, if Saturn is deposited in the constellation of Moon and sub of Sat and if Moon is deposited in the I, III, V, VII, and X, then such difficulties arise- L. Y. Rao(Taken from:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/6097)Later some KP astrologers also expended definition of Punarphoo for other aspect of life like profession etc. and interpreted it for delay and obstacle in those areas. Punarphoo is a horary chart is also interpreted by some KP astrologer as delay in getting results related to the the question under consideration (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/8658).Here is what Mr Vaikari Ramamurthy has written about the effects of Punarphoo (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/20724)1. Our beloved guruji in his readers mentioned about this "Punarphoo" only in some marriage matters and he has not elaborated this (any other) aspect of Sat-Moon combination.2. I had lot of experience of this Sat-Moon combination, i.e. Punarphoo dosha not only in marriage aspect, but each and every aspect of a man's life. We can call it is a Dosha of this Moon-Sat combination like mars dosha and other malefic doshas.3. I have covered almost all the cases such as marriage, progeny, love affairs, intercaste marriage, delays profession, denial of marriage, betrothal, marriage agreements, mismatched marriage and also some miserable life of the native due to the presence of this Sat-Moon combination, i.e. PunarphooSome astrologers considered Punarphoo impacts aspects of life signified by the houses with which Saturn and Moon are connected. For example, if the Saturn and Moon are connected with 10th house, it will create delay and impediments in profession and career (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/8691)In other words:When Moon & Saturn are in any way connected to each either by posion in other sign or in each others star or in each other sub or by conjunction or aspect. PP Dosha is formed. According Shri Tin Winji, if bioth are in rapt conjunctioni/e/ if both are in the same sign, same star and same sub, the PP Dosha gets nullified. Accoding to Dr.K.R. Kar of Bolani who has done researches in Multi stellar Theory and Sub-Sub lord, the PP Dosha is cancelledif Sun is in either in the star of Saturn or Moon, or if Saturn or Moon are in the star of either Sun or in any other star lord of which is very near to Sun. According to Dr.Kar's research, the PP Dosha will get the event delayed and it would not allow other planetary period in the Dasa Bhukthi period till the last anthara of planet which are in the star or sub of Saturn. Thus you have to see which are the panets involved with Saturn connection and suppose if you are running a Dasa, Bhukthi favourable for an event, the last planet's Anthara which is involved with Saturn connection. Suppose you are runningJupiter Dasa and Jupiter Bhukthi,you have to find out which is the Antharam, having connection to Saturn and you will have to wait till that Antharam commences. In that Antharam only the result will come, andthe delay will be upto that antharam in case of PP Dosha.Hope you follow this principle.PunarphooDoshatakes place when: 1. Moon is in the star of Sat and Sat is in the star of Moon. 2. Moon is in the sub of Sat and Sat is in the sub of Moon. 3. Moon is in in the 3rd/10th sign from Saturn.

Cancellation of this Dosha takes place when: a)Sat/Moon are asscociated with the SUN,in the same sign or may be in 2 bhavas in the same sign...b) Sun is thestar of Sat or Moon. c) If any planet in Sun's staris close to Moon/Sat. d) Sat or Moon is in thesub-sub of Sun.e)Sun is ina star,lord of which is near Moon/Sat.( Ref: The excellent book,"Punarphoo"by Shri K.Subramaniam)The Cancellation of "Punarphoo"(Taken from: "Cancellation of Punarphoo" by the late Pt. K.R. Kar in the "K.P. & Astrology" -1996 Annual issue(pages 69-72) -http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/message/8690)Generally speaking, connection of Sun with the Punarphoo causing planets (Saturn and Moon) results in cancellation of Punarphoo. Precisely speaking, cancellation takes place due to following conditions -1. Sat or Moon or both in association with Sun in one sign (could involve eventwo houses)2. Sat or Moon in the star of Sun3. Sun is in a star, lord of which is near either Moon or Saturn.4. Sun is in the star of either Moon or Sat5. Any planet near the Moon or Saturn, but is posited in the star of Sun6. Sat or Moon is in the sub-sub of SunVisit@www.awgp.org(forremedies)Dhirendra Nath Misra,Astro Krishnamurti Padhadhati

From:Suresh Babu.A.G To:Jyotish_Remedies@yahoogroups.comSent:Fri, December 3, 2010 10:00:45 PMSubject:Re: [JR] Re: Any Expert can decode this ?? Exeperienced , expert astrologer should know this.

Dear Tripaty ji & others,

The situation narrated by the member is a reality. Many a times even though one is fully informed, the work shall get stuck and it may take 2, 3 or 4 attempts to succeed.

In malayalam there is a saying "onnayaal moonu". The implication is if there is "one' there shall be three counts. That is if the first fails the next two also shall fail and the 4th attempt shall succeed. the same is applied in many areas.

In astrology,

there are many yogas that reflect this condition.

for ex: Ketu in the 10 th (or ketu having navamsa in the 10th)Phaladdepika sayasalkarmavignamashuchitvamavadyakrityam

karma vigna impediments in doing good.

Hora sara: Sun+Mars in the 10thbhritako viphalaarambhaH

viphalaaramabha: failure in the beginning.

Similarly there are many yogas that imply this effect.

Gulika in the 10th can also give the same effect.

Punarbhoo yoga on the other hand is repetition. There is difference between repetition and failure in attempts and succeeding later.

A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

From:jyotish To:Jyotish_Remedies@yahoogroups.comSent:Fri, December 3, 2010 12:50:33 PMSubject:[JR] Re: Any Expert can decode this ?? Exeperienced , expert astrologer should know this.

Dear friend,

Failing in the first superficial approach and

succeeding subsequently is common in every field of life,

whether it be examination, interview, successful sellsmanship or

new initiative.

If we have complete information or know how .....

we can succeed even in the first time.


Please refer to the classic TAJIKA NEELAKANTHI (chapter on Tajika aspect of planets is complete answer to your question, whereas the concept of Punarphoo ( actually it is 'Punarbhoo' in Sanskrit = meaning ' to happen again' is only a part of the whole truth).

Have a nice time ahead.


Mrutyunjay Tripathy

--- InJyotish_Remedies@yahoogroups.com, "rahul.pollard" wrote:>> This is curious case.>> Its related to one of the comibanation of planets in one house where it leads to destiny where in one cannot do his work or his work never gets completed in one shot.>> For eg: 1.Going to meet somebody new with whom you have some work. You never going to get him first time for sure. ONly on second or third attempt, you able to meet him. First time you able to finally locate address only>> 2. Going to purchase somethign new, you able to locate the shop first time ( it will be closed by the time you reach or holiday ) , second time you will succeed.>> 3. applying somethign in some office or govt office. First time you wil never able to do it, second or third you will be able to apply and you will get it only after chasing several times.>> What I mean ..everything you apply or procure or work or get , you will never succeed in first or one shot, you will always have to work hard for it.>>> Now I am sure experienced astrologer must have got already what is this peculiar combinatin in mans short. Can anyboyd right guess and tell me? and also if possible remedies for it.>> What I am saying is 100 percent truth, the real expert should guess it right.>>> ANYBODY ...PLS DECODE AND EXPLAIN>> Thank you>

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