pupil and parent learning sheet - ipsleyacademy.co.uk · judaism. the hebrew bible is a collection...

Post on 20-May-2020






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Pupil and parent learning sheetWeek beginning: 11th May 2020This week's work for Year 7 RE is an introduction to Judaism.By the end of this week, you should be able to: 1. Discover key facts about this religion.2. Use the internet/Miss D’s resources to research more information and create a

project.3. Describe how following the faith would affect someone’s life.

Your work this week will include the following activities: (You do not need to print any resources!)• Using your amazing map skills to tell me where it all started!• Thinking about who is a role model to you• Reading or researching more about Judaism• Creating a fact file or project.

If you complete all your work to a high standard, you may also want to explain the challenges of following religion in the modern world.

For extra help with RE learning, you may also want to look at the following (choose the Judaism Introduction link) Don’t forget – this is completely optional! https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-7/religion/#subjects

Can you identify each picture to which religion it belongs to?

1 2 3

54 6

Answers! How many did you get right? Well done on having a go!

1 2 3

54 6





It began here in Israel. We live here!

Bronze: Name the country where it began and some of the countries that surround it.

Silver: Add detail by describing the location of the country where it started using compass points to describe where it is in relation to other places. Include continent information also.

Gold: Add further detail by describing where the country is in relation to where we live.

Below is some information related to key facts associated with Judaism. You have 2 minutes to remember it then you must write down what you can remember.

It's also one of the smallest major

religions, with only about 12 million

followers around the world.

What do Jews believe?

Jews believe that there is a single God who

created the universe.

Who is the founder of Judaism?

Jewish history begins with Abraham in the

Middle East.

Who is Abraham?Abraham is the father of the

Jewish people. Jews see Abraham as a symbol of

trusting and obeying God.

Judaism originated (began) in Israel around 4000 years ago.

Holy book?The Torah.

Main Branches of Judaism: Orthodox, Reform and


Question Fact

How old is Judaism?

Where did it begin?

Who started the religion?

How many Gods?

Holy book?

Using what you can remember from the previous slide, fill in the table like this the best (you can

draw it and fill in or just think about the answers if you like!) .

Abraham: Trust in God

• Abraham is seen as a person who symbolises trust in God. He was faced with some difficult decisions during his life, but always believed that God would guide him in the right way.

Think about someone in your life who you look up to. What makes them a great role model? Create a mini fact file or spider diagram about them. You could draw them and add labels about why they are so amazing! If it is someone in your house, don’t forget to share it with them!

Look at these quotes about being a role model – which one is your

favourite and why? What message is it trying to give?

Challenge: can you create your own quote (be creative – make it big and decorate it!) about being someone somebody else can look

up to.

Well done on your work so far!

• Now may be a good time to take a break from this week’s RE work and try something different!

• If you do take a break, remember to keep your work safe for finishing a different time this week!

Watch the clips about living life as a young Jewish person. This YouTube clip is a good starting point –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73WsIne-FKg&list=PLcvEcrsF_9zLEkrjUn7s2E8wDNknt7yqp&index=6At the side of the clip there are other options thinking about the following sections: Think about the following sections and make notes:• What is Judaism?• Life as a Jewish child.•What is Bat Mitzvah?•What is Passover?•What is Chanukah (Hanukkah)?•What is Rosh Hashanah?•What is the Torah?•What is Shabbat?•What does Jerusalem mean to Jewish people?

•If you can't get to access the internet, there is helpful information om the next two slides.

Bat Mitzvah (girls) Bar Mitzvah (boys)

At 12 or 13, Jewish young people can become ‘sons or daughters of the Commandments’, of the Torah. They learn to pray and sing in Hebrew, a test for every young Jewish person as they grow up. This shows they are mature and becoming more grown up.

Passover, or Pesach –

Celebrates the freedom of the Jews from slavery in ancient Egypt. Thousands of years ago the early Jews, called Israelites, moved to Egypt, where they became slaves of the Egyptians. It is believed that Moses was chosen to go to the pharaoh, or king of Egypt, to demand that he free the Israelites from slavery. The pharaoh said no, so God sent down 10 plagues (or punishments) to force the king to change his mind. The word Passover comes from the 10th plague.

The festival of Passover is one of great joy. It takes place for about one week in March or April. A special family meal called a seder is held the first and sometimes the second night of Passover. Before the meal the story of Passover is told through the songs and prayer of the Haggadah, which is the book used during the seder. The most important food of the holiday is matzo, which is a bread made with only flour and water. It is unrisen which means that it is flat. This reminds the Jews of the bread the Israelites took with them when they fled Egypt for freedom. They did not have time to let it rise because they were in a hurry to leave.

Hanukkah or Chanukah:

Is the Jewish Festival of Lights. It dates back to two centuries before the beginning of Christianity.

In the western calendar Hanukkah is celebrated in November or December.

The word Hanukkah means rededication and commemorates the Jews' struggle for religious freedom.

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is a Jewish religious holiday. It celebrates the Jewish New Year as well as the creation of the world. Rosh Hashanah generally falls in the month of September, but can actually be between September 5th and October 5th. Rosh Hashanah is generally a time of spiritual reflection and prayer. A special horn called a shofar is blown to signal the start of the new year. People often send cards and have gatherings of relatives on this day. They eat traditional foods that may vary depending on where they live but will often include bread called challah and sweets such as apples and honey. Many Jewish people also perform a ceremony called Tashlikh. In this ceremony the sins of the previous year are "cast off" into a body of water like a river or ocean.

The Torah

The Torah is the most important holy book of Judaism. The Hebrew Bible is a collection of writings called the "Tanakh".

It is divided into three parts - Torah(Instruction), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim(Writings).

The most important teaching of Judaism is that there is one God, who wants people to do what is just and compassionate.


Is a festive day (Friday night into Saturday) when Jews exercise their freedom from the regular labours of everyday life.

It offers an opportunity to think about the spiritual aspects of life and to spend time with family.

The city of Jerusalem was important for Judaism and Christianity because it is considered the Holy Land.

You are now going to create a poster or a project about the faith of Judaism. This can be done in your book, on paper or however you like! You can include all of the wonderful facts that you have already learnt from the YouTube clips. You may have even conducted some more of your own research!

You can structure your work by thinking about these different medals:

• Bronze:

• Identify key elements of a faith (using lots of keywords!)

• Describe how following the faith would affect someone’s life.

• Silver:

• Complete bronze and offer your view as to what difference the faith makes to someone’s personal identity with examples.

• Gold:

• Complete bronze and silver and explain the challenges of following religion in the modern world.

Ask someone in your house to look at your fantastic work and set them a quiz – you may want to think about some of the questions I asked you earlier in this learning

session as a starting point.

How old is Judaism?

Where did it begin?

Who started the religion?

How many Gods?

Holy book?

Well done!

• Well done on your achievements this week – even of you haven’t completed all the tasks –I am so pleased you have had a go!

• Keep your work safe, as it can help with a new display when we get back to school!

• Stay safe everyone –missing you all! Miss D ☺

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