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The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

20 September 2015

P e a c e w i t h C h r i s t L u t h e r a n C h u rc hA congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

1412 West Swallow RoadFort Collins, Colorado 80526

Reverend Richard Pierson, Vacancy Pastor970-597-0218

We l c o m e t o P e a c e w i t h C h r i s tWe’re glad that you’ve joined with us today to receive the gifts of

God’s grace given in his Son Jesus Christ. It is our sincere hope that these provide you spiritual refreshment and strength, confirming you in the promise of eternal life that is ours in Christ, both now, and in the age to come.

Since worship involves substantial things, you may wish to prepare through personal reflection and prayer, as many in our congregation do. To facilitate this, we intend that the pre-service time within the sanctuary be a quiet, tranquil environment, and we do appreciate everyone’s considerateness in this regard. The time before worship also offers an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the order of service, which is detailed in the following pages.

If you are a guest with us today and would like to learn more about our congregation, please ask a greeter or an usher for a copy of our welcome packet. Also, if time permits, take a moment to speak with our pastor; he would love to make a personal connection with you.

Our Father Cares for His Children with the Gospel of His Son

The sinful heart is filled with “bitter jealousy and selfish ambition” (James 3:14), which causes hostility, quarrels and conflicts, even among those who are fellow members of the body of Christ. This should not be so! Rather, God “opposes the proud” with His Law, in order to humble them unto repentance; He “gives grace to the humble,” in order to exalt them by His Gospel of forgiveness (James 4:6–10). This true “wisdom from above” is found in the gentleness, mercy and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who humbled Himself and sacrificed Himself for the salvation of sinners (James 3:17). He was “like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter,” committing Himself to God, His Father, “who judges righteously, who tests the heart and the mind” (Jer. 11:19–20). Therefore, “after three days,” His Father exalted Him by raising Him from the dead (Mark 9:31). In Holy Baptism, He takes disciples of all ages into His arms like little children. In receiving Him through repentance and faith in His forgiveness of sins, they receive from His Father a share in the glory of His cross and resurrection (Mark 9:36–37).

Order o f D iv i ne Se rv i ceSetting Four—Lutheran Service Book, page 203

C o n f e s s i o n & A b s o l u t i o nOpening Hymn“Our Paschal Lamb Who Sets Us Free” LSB 473

~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross as it is processed into the chancel.

StandConfession & Absolution p. 203

S e r v i c e o f t h e Wo r dIntroit Psalm 37:5-7; antiphon Psalm 37:4

~Chanted responsively between the cantor and congregation.

Delight yourself | in the Lord,* and he will give you the desires | of your heart.Commit your way | to the Lord;* trust in him, and | he will act.He will bring forth your righteousness | as the light,* and your justice as the | noonday.Be still before the Lord and wait patiently | for him;* fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil de- | vices!Glory be to the Father and | to the Son* and to the Holy | Spirit;as it was in the be- | ginning,* is now, and will be forever. | Amen.Delight yourself | in the Lord,* and he will give you the desires | of your heart.

Kyrie p. 204Hymn of Praise

“Gloria In Excelsis” p. 204Salutation & Collect of the Day p. 205

SitFirst Lesson—Jeremiah 11:18-20 Response after the reading p. 205

Gradual Rom. 11:33, 36~Chanted in unison.

Fear the Lord, | you his saints,* for those who fear him lack | nothing!Many are the afflictions of the | righteous,* but the Lord delivers him out | of them all.

Epistle Lesson—James 3:13-4:10Response after the reading p. 205

StandAlleluia p. 205Gospel Responses p. 206Gospel Lesson—Mark 9:30-37

SitHymn of the Day

“Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go” LSB 920Sermon

“Peacemakers! So What?” James 3:18Stand

Nicene Creed p. 206~The creed can also be found inside the back cover of the hymnal.

Prayer of the ChurchSit

The offering is received~During this time, you are invited you to sign the Record of

Fellowship as it is passed down the pew.

StandS e r v i c e o f t h e S a c r a m e n t

Preface & Proper Preface p. 208Sanctus p. 208Prayer of Thanksgiving Lord’s Prayer p. 209The Words of Our LordPax Domini p. 209Agnus Dei p. 210

SitConcerning the Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in this congregation in the confession and glad confidence that, as He says, our Lord gives into our mouths not only bread and wine but His true body and blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with Him and with one another. Our Lord invites to His table those who trust in His words, repent of all sin, and set aside any refusal to forgive and love as He forgives and loves us, that they may show forth His death until He comes.

Because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood in an inappropriate manner do so to their great harm, and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith confessed at this congregation’s altar, any who are not yet instructed, in doubt, or who hold a confession of faith differing from that of this congregation and The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are asked to refrain from receiving the sacrament until they have spoken with the Pastor.

Hymns during distribution:“Jesus Comes Today with Healing” LSB 620“What Is the World to Me” LSB 730“Children of the Heavenly Father” LSB 725

StandPost-Communion Canticle

“Nunc Dimittis” p. 211Post-Communion Collect p. 212Benediction p. 212

Recessional Hymn “Son of God, Eternal Savior” LSB 842

~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross as it is processed out of the nave.

SitWelcome & AnnouncementsPostlude

Divine Service, Setting Four from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Reprinted with permission.

This WeekS u n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0

8:00 a.m.—Divine Service with communion9:30 a.m.—Congregation Meeting10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with communion12:00 p.m.—Hands In HarmonyBroadcast Articles Due

Monday, September 216:00 p.m.—Evangelism Committee6:00 p.m.—Youth Board 7:00 p.m.—Church Council

Wednesday, September 236:00 p.m.—Youth Bible Study6:00 p.m.—Confirmation Class

Thursday, September 2410:50 a.m.—RMHS Lunch

Friday, September 255:00 p.m.—Middle School Activity

Sunday, September 278:00 a.m. —Divine Service with Communion9:30 a.m.—Education Hour10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with Communion

O n t h e A i r a n d t h e N e t

~The Lutheran Hour is broadcast locally on Sunday mornings on: KOA 850 – 6 a.m., KFKA 1310 – 9:30 a.m., or KATR 98.3 – 8:30 a.m. Sermons, devotions, and other resources are also available on the LHM website:

~The Peace with Christ Radio Broadcast can be heard on KCOL 600 on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

~The sermon from our radio program is available on the church website:

B i b l e R e a d i n g s f o r t h e We e kToday: Psalm 104; Song of Solomon 5-8Monday: Psalm 105; Jeremiah 1-3Tuesday: Psalm 106; Jeremiah 4-6Wednesday: Psalm 107; Jeremiah 7-9 Thursday: Psalm 108; Jeremiah 10-12Friday: Psalm 109; Jeremiah 13-15Saturday: Psalm 110; Jeremiah 16-18

Next Week’s Bible ReadingsFirst Reading: Num. 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29Epistle: James 5:13-20Gospel: Mark 9:38-50

News & NotesWe e k l y F i g u r e s

Attendance—September 13Worship: 8:00 a.m.—88, 10:45 a.m.—85Education Hour: Adult Bible Study—, Sunday School—21

Financials—As of August 2015Budget: $479,475.00 Income: $279,878.35Expenses: $290,038.58 Net Income: -$10,160.23

I n O u r P r a y e r s

Those ill, hospitalized, or recoveringDaniel Cerman, Patrick Fox

Those unable to attend churchMarjorie Brannen, Lorraine Buchleiter, Vern Carlson, Nancy Drage, Dorothy Gordon, Esther Kent, Shirley Norman, Shirley Poppe, Patty Price, Richard & Jeannine Salisbury, June Schwarck, Leora Snyder, Betty Walters, Jan Wergin, Jack Wolfe

L u t h e r a n Wo m e n ’ s M i s s i o n a r y L e a g u e


• LWML Sunday is October 4th: Sign up sheets are posted on the LWML bulletin board for women willing to serve as greeters, ushers, guestbook or nursery attendants, coffee makers and treat bakers. We would like to offer your delicious baked goods during coffee hour EVERY Sunday in October. Free-will offering will support Pastor Tim & Lisa Beckendorf, missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators in Botswana, Africa. Come hungry and give generously!• LWML's Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Soup & Pie Luncheon is Friday, November 13th and Saturday, November 14th. If you plan to donate your skills or time to this event, please stop by the LWML board. Sign ups for craft items, baked goods, pies and soup, kitchen help, cashiering, and set-up are posted. Proceeds raised from your time and talent support the three Concordia students we're supporting this year... Claire Hoy, Kyle Winter and Joshua Vanderhyde.• Joy Circle is getting ready to pickle beets! If you have jelly jars or pint-sized canning jars to donate, please label and leave them in the church kitchen.LWML's Executive Board will meet Monday, September 28th beginning at 6:30pm in the home of Colleen Rohlfs. All ladies are invited to attend this business meeting.

G e n e r a lPreschool

This week in the lesson will be “Jacob’s Lie”

Today in Sunday SchoolThe account of “Joseph’s Troubles” continues the study of

Joseph’s life in the Sunday School lesson for today. God was with Joseph; and in Christ, God is with us in all the situations of life, providing, protecting, and forgiving us. As a family, you might discuss, “How do we usually react when we are falsely accused of wrongdoing? How can we learn to trust Jesus to work out all things for our good?”

SATBs Needed

The season for choir is approaching, so it's time to build the ranks. Our approach for the coming months will be that of a "festival choir," which will sing for major celebrations in the church. Depending on your schedule, you could sing for all the dates, just one, or anything in-between. We hope this arrangement will allow some flexibility to allow more people to participate in our choir. We'd love to have lots of voices filling the church this year! The schedule is as follows:Oct. 1, 15, & 22 - rehearsal 7-8 p.m. Oct. 25 - Reformation - sing both services Dec. 3, 10, & 17 – rehearsal 7-8 p.m.Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - sing for 8 p.m. service Jan. 21, 18, Feb. 4 - rehearsal 7-8 p.m. Feb. 7 - Transfiguration - sing both services Mar. 10, 17, & 23? – rehearsal 7-8 p.m. Mar. 27 - Easter - sing for one/both services

Stewardship Emphasis Program We will be presenting six videos on Stewardship starting TODAY,

during the adult education hour. These videos will provide you with an understanding of what Stewardship is all about and how you can use your own talents to serve the LORD. The videos were developed by the Nebraska District to challenge, equip, and motivate God’s people to become better stewards of their time, talents and treasures. As God states in 1Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace”. We also as church members need to serve rather than be served. These videos will point out how we can serve using the talents he has given us. The stewardship program will culminate on Sunday November 8th as commitment Sunday.

The session themes are as follows:1. Justified for the Sake of the World2. A Part of the Creation3. Living My Vocation(s)4. My Money—My Responsibility5. The Stewardship of Evangelism6. All of Life as a Disciple

An update on Pastor Perry Copus and family Pastor Perry Copus was formerly a Vicar here at PWC in 2005-6,

He is now serving at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lexington, MO. He has been listed "In Our Prayers" in our bulletin

for quite some time during his battle with cancer. Following is a note received in August.

"Concerning my health, all the news is good! I am cancer-free as far as we know, and if this keeps up another 18 months, we will say that I am surely free of it. Thanks be to God for His mercy - I did not really expect to be alive at this point, much less working and back to 90%!Belinda is very busy this semester, as she is teaching 3 sections, taking 3 courses toward her Ph.D. and doing a great deal of administration toward accreditation of her university's computer science program. But she loves what she is doing and I love to see her fulfilled in her career after a 15- year hiatus with young children. Speaking of young children- baby Caleb is 11 (!), and Zachary is a sophomore, and Peter is a senior (!!)"

Pastor Copus expressed much thanks for cards, letters, phone calls and prayers that they have received from his "extended family" here at PWC.

He also said, "At this point, I would say, go ahead and have us removed from the prayer list---Your prayers on our behalf were heard and answered by God. Let there be a prayer or thanksgiving and then let God's people pray for those who are in need. Our needs have been filled super-abundantly--- My cup overflows. Greet the brothers and sisters at PWC for us. Peace to you all in Jesus. Your servant in Christ.  + Pastor Copus"

We will honor his request of having his name removed from our prayer list at this time. Please feel free to keep him and his family in your prayers. Thanks be to God for so graciously hearing and answering our prayers on their behalf thus far!!! 

Volunteer opportunityChrist Clinic, a free community medical clinic is looking for a

phone intake nurse to join a team of RN’s. Recently retired, part-time working, or not-currently-working-in-the-field RN’s with current license needed! Responsibilities include answering voice messages to Christ Clinic, scheduling clinic appointment, addressing established patients questions and pharmacy refills. Excellent training provided. For more information about Christ Clinic: >< For more information about the intake position, please email Kathy Simmons, Christ Clinic Volunteer Coordinator at >; <.

S e r v i n g To d a y

8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m.Materials: Kerri FaganGreeters: Corrie Kaiser BuchholzGuest Book: Rhonda Kaiser Pat StegnerElders: Michael RohlfsUshers: Harry Krueckeberg Kerri Fagan

Ken Keeney Stony AchzigerVirgil Mohr Wes Nierman

Christie PeeblesNursery: Colleen RohlfsAcolytes: Rylie DuRant Melissa MuellerCrucifers: Karly Petago Bridger BoehnkeAudio: Chris Dunker David NiermanOrganist: Anthony Ouradnik

Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for the“Glory of God”

Placed by Deborah Knapp

S e r v i n g S e p t e m b e r 2 7

Materials: Kerri FaganGreeters: Cermans Harold NanselGuest Book: Kaiser MooresElders: Wes NiermanUshers: Harry Krueckeberg Chris Dunker

Michael RohlfsDan KrueckebergBrian Lacey

Nursery: Colleen Rohlfs Julie KasterAcolytes: Caleb FrenchCrucifers: Logan French Christian PetersonAudio: David Nierman Scott Boehnke

Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for the“Glory of God”

Placed by Marilyn Lasich

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