q1. in what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real...

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Question 1

In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.


• The masthead is the largest part on my cover and covers the top half of my page; as I want this to stand out to the reader so that they recognize my brand and the name of the magazine. A pink drop shadow is used behind the black writing to contrast and come out more especially as the background is light.

• I used the colours black and pink as they balance each other out as well as the two colours contrasting against each other; I also wanted it to apply to my target audience which is both male and female so instead of sticking to one specific colour I chose two.

• It is layered on top of the artist’s instead of beneath as although the artist’s do stand out as this is also one of the vocal points of the magazine as the name makes a statement.

Cover Image• Both artists are making eye contact with the

camera (audience) in order to make a connection with the reader as it grabs attention once you’ve recognized eye contact.

• The artist is placed on the centre of the front page and covers the width of the page the artists are wearing opposite colours “black and white” to contrast against each other.

• I’ve increased both the vibrance and brightness so that the reflection of the light enhances the artist and makes them stand off against the white background.

• Both artist are stood face on slightly standing to the side, as well as leaning on each other to incorporate that they are not individual artists but work together.


• This is also one of the main fonts on the page and also one of the largest; it simply states the name of the two artists so that the reader can tell who the main accent of the magazine, this will entice the reader to carry on reading the magazine further to know what the artists are about and why they are such a main feature of the magazine.

• The headline is positioned about ¾ below the page and sits fairy to the middle of the artists, I used to same font styles and colours that were used on the masthead to dramatise the importance of the celebrities just as much as the importance of the magazine itself, the font is the same as my masthead because I feel that it would make a statement.

• The pull quote follows just below the headline to give an insight of what the artists are bout without revealing too much information, It is intriguing the reader to reading the article as it says a lot without being to informative.

• This is still following the conventions of a magazine cover.


• This is located at the bottom of the page beneath the masthead, cover image and headlines instead of at the top where this is usually placed on a magazine.

• This adds something extra to the magazine rather than just articles it’s a chance for the reader to win something, which also engages the reader to the magazine as the magazine itself includes more than one thing and features more than one celebrity. The font is also the same as both the masthead and headline as its bold and stands out more than other headlines so that these are the first things that appeal to the reader.

• The font is also in upper case letters to make it stand out more as it’s a unique offer for the reader to take part in.

coverlines• I have 2 coverlines both aligned to the left and

right of the page margins, leaving a slight gap between the edges of the page so that no writing is cut off. Both of my coverlines are positioned different one closer to the top of the page and one further down making sure that none of the text is covering the artists faces as these were the main focal point of the magazine and the selling point of the magazine as this I what should first appeal to the reader.

• Some of the writing is in capital letters to make it stand out from the rest a text as this is what should draw in the reader as it’s defined making it stand out more.

• The writing below this is still used with the same font as the the masthead but with lower case letters to correspond from what I want to stand out more e.g; the artists names.


Column layout • The contents page has only one

column which features all the information for the contents of the magazine. This includes a brief description about what each feature entails

• Used pull quotes underneath each section of the column to summarily explain what each article is about without revealing to much to the reader, as I want them to feel intrigued into reading my magazine rather than knowing everything jus from first look of a page.

• The contents page contains an image of the two artists that were on the front cover of the magazine to emphasise the importance of them both. As well as having their feature on the top of the list of the contents page.

• The layer of the image is place above the shape of the column to make them stand out more but beneath the text, the text also changes from black and white depending of the position of the back ground e.g; on the black part of the image the text colour is changed to white so both the image and text contrast against each other to stand out.


Columns for body text

• All the text is printed on the first page to allow both the artists featured to appear fully on the second page.

• The text is also over layed on top of another photos of the artists which is slightly faded which makes both the image and and text visible. The body of the text is split into three separate columns.

• The background image shows through all the text to enhance both the text and images as well as making them both stand out proportionally.


• This is placed near the top of the page off to the side just beneath the title of the artists name.

• Used different colours to highlight the importance of the text ‘THE NEW FACE OF R&B” the word FACE is in black writing to emphasise that my artists define the R&B genre as that is what I want the readers to believe.

Lead in

• ‘we’re constantly hearing about ‘the one to watch’ and today this phrase couldn’t be more apparent.

• This is positioned below the the title but next to the headline; it is a brief description about the purpose of my article so that this can captivate the readers eye just as they begin to read the article.

• In italics to make it stand out from the rest as its using a different text format.


A red box positioned beneath the image across the spread of a double page,it includes the page numbers and the names of how to access the magazine online; twitter,instagram and facebook.

Pull quote

• Placed on the opposite page to the article.

• On top of the image with the opacity being taken down slightly so that the both the pull quote and image are still visible.

• Decided to place this quote between the two artists faces to make it clear it has came from them this also looks effective as it makes both the quote and image stand out more.

Photoshoot image

• The main photoshoot image covers the whole spread of the second page.

• Both artists have a head shot with only one half of the faces showing bringing more attention to the eyes as if they are concerntrating on the reader.

• The studio image was taken at a headshot using each half of the face.

• The pull quote is placed exactly in the middle of the space between both artists heads.

Developing ideas

Front cover

• Most of the conventions I have used on my front cover are developed from the ‘vibe’ magazine from this particular issue. I used some of the same names of artists from the vibe magazine onto my own as my magazine is specified to the R&B genre so by using these names of artists like Drake and Chris Brown so that the reader can recognise what my magazine is about.

• I used the same idea by having a massive bold font but developed this as I used uppercase letters whereas the vibe magazine uses a variation of both upper and lower case letters. I also used the colour black instead of white and used a pink drop shadow to make the text bounce off the page more, both texts are bold and use sharp edges so that it makes more of a statement by standing out.

• I also positioned my cover lines on either sides of the margins the same as VIBE magazine which makes it look a little similar but decided to not use as many as the other

Contents page • The column layout on my contents

page only includes one which is aligned to the left hand side of the margins.

• They are split into separate sections to tell that it’s a break to a new page.

• The feature image is positioned infront of the box instead of behind, but still beneath the text.

• This idea was developed from the vibe magazine also but using a different issue.

ArticleElements have been copied and developed from the particular issue of billboard magazine featuring Nicki Minaj.I have used three separate columns on my article and had the first letter highlighted in the colour pink in bold text.A pull quote insert is used at the top of the page beneath the artists name, instead of on top like the billboard issue.The position of the headline is placed at the top of the page in the colour pink also with a black drop shadow, changed from the billboard issue as this is beneath the quote/ headline with just the colour pink, this font is thinner compared to the one used in billboard.Quotes of what the artists have said are in bold and break down the start of a new topic.Image covers one half of the page with text wrapped between it.

Challenging ideas of my front cover

I have decided to use a footer but not to include all the different feature inside this magazine but to promote my magazine by offering something for the audience to take part in e.g; a competition. To the direct the reader eye to this particular part of the magazine as well as the headline

Challenging ideas of my contents page

Instead of having a variety of columns and photographs I decided to use one column and one image, to draw attention more the the two feature artists rather than everything else inside the magazine, although this too should stand out the main feature of me magazine is the article so this is to make a bolder statement by repeating the image.

Challenging ideas of my article

The pull quote is placed between both pages rather than fit to one page in a medium font size to stand out from the rest of the text but not as large as the headline. Using an image of the artists beneath the text as a background to promote the artists even more as there Is an image of them n both pages to make them stand out more towards the reader.

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