qfi ender bender 2015

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Presentations & Public Speaking



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When Christianity was brought to Ireland in the 5th century, a byproduct was that the use of Latin also became more widespread in the country. As the Irish were not very familiar with the language, they struggled to read the voluminous texts.

However, one of their kind had a brainwave, where they rewrote the texts in a particular way, that made it easier for everybody to read and grasp the tomes.

What was introduced?

Ender Bender


A. The space between words. Earlier Latin text was written continuously without space between the words.

Ender Bender


Ender Bender


A: Originally intended to be temporary structures, but became permanent because of popularity

Ender Bender

Why did experienced athletes take newspapers along with them to the opening ceremony in the Olympic Games during the middle of the 20th century?

Ender Bender


A. To protect themselves from bird droppings when the doves were released

Ender Bender

When they were discovered in 2005 as moons of Pluto, Nix and Hydra were named so for a couple of reasons :-The obvious reason was the association with Greek mythology and darknessA second reason was in relation to a mission that was in the pipeline for a long time, and was going to launched in 2006.

What is the second reason?

Ender Bender


A. Nix and Hydra same initials as New Horizons (N,H)

Ender Bender

Gsta Mittag-Leffler was a Swedish Mathematician whose contributions were chiefly with the theory of functions.He was also an advocate of women's rights and was instrumental in making Sofia Kovalevskaya a full professor of mathematics in Stockholmthe first woman anywhere in the world to hold that position. As a member of the Nobel Prize Committee in 1903, it was because of his intervention that the committee relented and awarded the prize for Physics to Marie Curie as well as her husband Pierre.

According to many accounts, he is supposed to be main person responsible for the prevalence of an urban legend.

What is the legend?

Ender Bender

Ender Bender


A. No Nobel in Mathematics because a mathematician had an affair with Nobels wife

Ender Bender

This watch model has a specific name, based on what it looks like. What is it called?

Ender Bender


A. Stirrup Models

Ender Bender

Such seats in an airplane where the flight attendants sit, are jocularly called X seats, as a famous pop culture reference. What are they called?

Ender Bender


A. Sharon Stone Jumpseats

Ender Bender

In the picture is Violet Jessop, an ocean liner stewardess and nurse, who achieved fame in the early 20th century. She was popularly dubbed Miss Unsinkable. Characters inspired by her have been depicted both in cinema and stageplays. What was her claim to fame?

Ender Bender


A. Survived the disastrous sinkings of the Titanic and the Britannic and was on the Olympic during its collision with HMS Hawke in 1911

Ender Bender

In the picture is an art installation called Touched Echo.

Which city is this in?What are the people doing?What is the symbolic significance of the manner in which tourists experience this piece of art?

Ender Bender

Ender Bender


A. Dresden. By leaning onto the railing of the terrace with the elbows placed on the railing and the hands covering the ears, visitors are able to hear sounds, transported from the railing via bone conduction. The emanating sounds enable visitors to hear the noises of howling airplanes and detonating bombs. The position, which is necessary to hear the noises, resemble people covering their ears to protect them from the deafening noises of the dropped bombs as many did during the actual bombing.

Ender Bender

For the military tribunals after World War II, Leipzig and Luxembourg were briefly considered as locations. The Soviet Union had wanted the trials to take place in Berlin, as the capital city of the 'fascist conspirators, but Nuremberg was chosen as the site for two reasons The Palace of Justice was spacious and largely undamaged (one of the few buildings that had remained largely intact through extensive Allied bombing of Germany), and a large prison was also part of the complex. What was the second reason?The Nuremberg Trials employed four official languages: English, German, French, and Russian. In order to address the complex linguistic issues that clouded over the proceedings, what innovation (that is now the standard) was first introduced, so that the extensive trial proceedings were not slowed down?

Ender Bender


A.Nuremberg was considered the ceremonial birthplace of the Nazi partyExtempore Simultaneous Interpretation Before this interpretation only used to be consecutive

Ender Bender

In picture is the Ajyad Fortress, which was a citadel built on a hill called Bulbul Mount by the Ottomans in 1780.

In early 2002, the Ajyad Fortress was demolished and most of Bulbul mount was levelled, in order to clear the area for the $533 million construction project of the Abraj Al Bait Towers (The face of the clock on the tower is the largest in the world)

The destruction of the historic structure stirred both domestic and international protest. The Turkish Foreign Minister and several institutions tried to prevent the demolition. The Turkish Democratic Left Party even suggested a boycott on travelling to this country. The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism condemned the obliteration of the fortress, comparing the act to the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan, and accused the countrys authorities of "continuing with their policy of demolishing Ottoman heritages."

Ender Bender

What was the purpose of building this fortress in 1780?What was the construction group that courted controversy?

Ender Bender


A.The Ottoman Turks built the fortress in order to protect the Kaaba and Islamic shrines in Mecca from bandits and invaders. At the time, many of the bandits and invaders were Wahhabi radicals and the Ottomans wanted to keep them out of the city2. The Bin Laden Group

Ender Bender

What myth about cowboys in the Wild west Was perpetuated by 19th century paintings such as these by Frederic Remington?

Ender Bender


A. That cowboy hats (Stetsons) were ubiquitous Cowboys actually preferred bowlers

Ender Bender

The dog breed in the picture is a short-legged, long-bodied creature which got its name for a particular activity it was bred for. The scientific name of the breed was Canis Vertigus (meaning Dizzy Dog), which was probably an indication of how the dog would feel after the completion of the activity.Using the picture on the right as a clue, figure out the name of the dog/ what was the activity?

Ender Bender


A. Turnspit Dog. The symbol on the right is called an Obelus (Latin for spit)

Ender Bender

While there is no certainty to the origin of this two word phrase (XY), many linguists have noted that this is actually a clever play of words. To explain, during the 1970s a popular term for the television was, the _____ ______which was coined by people who believed watching television was a pursuit only enjoyed by the foolish. Since the edible part of the plant in question (Y) is known as a _______, it is commonly believed that the phrase XY was intended as a clever combination of these two concepts.

What phrase?

Ender Bender


A. Couch Potato

Ender Bender

Who was the first ever retired U.S. Marine to get a promotion? Put fundae.This type of a bullet is a small-arms projectile consisting of a soft core encased in a harder metal, such as gilding metal, cupronickel or steel alloy. Also called ball ammunition. Name?

Ender Bender


A. R Lee Ermey. Got promoted from staff sergeant to gunnery sergeant (which was the rank of the role he played in FMJ)

Full Metal Jacket

Ender Bender

What journey took off with the words 'Poyehali! meaning Lets go!? In 2014, where were the words Let's Go prominently featured as a tribute to this journey?

Ender Bender


A. Vostok 1 (Yuri Gagarin) Means Lets go! in Russian. Russian team jersey at the FIFA World Cup.

Ender Bender

Why are South Indian scripts round and curved?Why is upper case English boxier but lower case round and curvy?

Ender Bender


A. To avoid tearing palm leaves.Straight lines are easier to cut into stone. All of Latin was what we now call upper case.Lower case easier to shape with writing instrument.

Ender Bender

Recent scans through X ray technology have revealed the Russian words believed to be 'Negroes battling at night' written on this painting. Which one?

Was supposedly inspired by French humourist Alphonse Allais who created a similar painting called The first communion of anemic young girls in snow. What was it?

Ender Bender


A. Black square by Kazimir Malevich. Plain white rectangle

Ender Bender


Ender Bender


A. Cooper, Kupier, Fassbinder All derive name from barrel making profession

Ender Bender

This word originated from the Italian word for church porch. The idea behind this was probably that the porch was at the end of the church farthest away from the altar, just as this region was an outlying portion of the Holy land, far away from Jerusalem. What English word am I talking about?

Ender Bender


A. Gallery from Galilee

Ender Bender

In the US, an invitational golf tournament is played between PGA players and prison inmates. What is the name of the tournament?

Ender Bender


A. Pros and Cons Golf invitational

Ender Bender

What is the primary reason for baseball dugouts to be built below ground level?

Ender Bender


A. Not to block spectators

Ender Bender

Whose portrait by Hans Holbein? According to popular folklore, why was this painting commissioned?

Ender Bender


A. Anne of Cleves. Henry wanted to know how she looked before marrying her.

Ender Bender

Who playing Uncle Fester, in the Addams Family?

Ender Bender


A. Jackie Coogan

Ender Bender

Why is the floor of the Pantheon in Rome built slanted?

Ender Bender


A. Because of hole in the roof called an Oculus

Ender Bender

After the death of Lazarus, Jesus having arrived 4 days later, spoke to the grieving sisters and friends. He was deeply troubled, and asked where Lazarus had been laid. What happened next?

Ender Bender


A. Jesus wept

Ender Bender

Name the respective highest scorers in India's highest Test, ODI and T20 innings?

Ender Bender


A. Sehwag x 3

Ender Bender

If it is the cell phone switch off advisory in the current movie halls, what was it in the silent era?

Ender Bender


A. Take off your hats

Ender Bender

What mishap happened in the 1934 Oscars, in the Best Director category?

Ender Bender


A. The host, Will Rogers said come up and get it Frank. Frank Capra thought he had surely won and went up, only to realise that Frank Lloyd had won for Cavalcade.

Ender Bender

What seminal contribution to football did English footballer, coach and analyst Jimmy Hill make in 1981, which fundamentally changed the way in which the game was being played?

Ender Bender


A. 3 points for a win

Ender Bender

What is common to Navjot Singh Sidhu and Evelyn Waugh?

Ender Bender


A. Same name as their wives

Ender Bender

What strategy does Go Air adopt while hiring flight attendants? And why?

Ender Bender


A. Female only to keep weight down

Ender Bender

Why is Aug 15th a national holiday in Bangladesh?

Ender Bender


A. Mujibur Rahman was assassinated on Aug 15th National day of mourning

Ender Bender

Whose middle name came from the name of the hospital he was born in and also his father's association with that name?Which tennis player's middle name comes from the name of an American billionaire?

Ender Bender


A. Francis Ford Coppola; Andre Kirk Agassi from Kirk Kerkorian

Ender Bender

In the context of Christmas, what is a 'yule-hole'?

Ender Bender


A. The hole you have to move your belt to after Christmas dinner, or any other big meal. Called a yule hole.

Ender Bender

This name was misapplied to a type of an American agave plant, though it is not closely related to the genus that its name indicates. As a result a second term was added to original species to indicate its authenticity. What are we talking about?

Ender Bender


A. Aloe Vera (Vera means True)

Ender Bender

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