quaestio 2016 general quiz - prelims

Post on 13-Jan-2017



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Quaestio 2016: Presented by IEM QUIZZARD CLUB

We would like to thank all our sponsors involved in this tech-fest and also the IEM faculty and management team .

The Question Setters:-


General Rules1.There are 30 questions of which 6 are star-marked . The multiples of 5 are star-marked ones, which are useful to break ties.2.The questions will be read out once and after a stipulated time period the QM shall proceed to the next question.3.However a team or an individual missing out on any question or any detail of a question will get a chance when questions are repeated at the end , but obviously it will be of shorter duration . 4.We are very tech-savy people and would love to add to our kitty of mobile phones or i-phones if any group is found using them during the course of the prelims and finals. :P 5.Most importantly the QM and his allies are your friend and not your enemy .

X was the first African American to be either nominated for or to win an Academy Award when she won Best Supporting Actress for the movie Y.However, when the movie premiered at the Loew's Grand Theater in Atlanta, she along with the other black actors were advised against attending as the Jim Crow laws in effect in Georgia at the time prevented them from sitting with the rest of the cast.The lead actor in the movie threatened to boycott the premiere unless X was allowed to attend, but she convinced him to go ahead anyway.Who is X? [Half points only if you can identify the movie.]

Question 1:Lets start with an easy one

Question 2• X:“Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to interrupt my work

in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and proceed home, being affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant, intoxicated-like condition characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away.”

• Give me X and what is the context ? (part points allowed)

Question 3• This is James Smith, widower of Moira Smith, winner of the “woman

of the year,2001” (for her daring services in 9/11 attacks) speaking in relation to X being given the “Woman of the year,2015”

• “I was shocked and saddened to learn that Glamour has just named X -‘Woman of the Year’. Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man?

• “At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police officers and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life threatening diseases… the list of possibilities goes on … is this the best you could do?”Simply give me X !

Question 4• These are some of the tweets in repercussions to a quiz

question. Either give me X and Y or give me the context.• Pretty sure Y is now regretting his birthday after reading

this quiz question and answer. • Presenting the worst quiz question in the history of the

world. Take a bow X• Even Hindi news channels wouldn't have been able to

come up with this.• This will be quoted again and again whenever a brand

asks a quizzing co./ good content dev. why they shd pay (well).

Question 5*• Which word, acc to the OED, is thought to have been

derived from French, Spanish and Portuguese words, all of which mean rough or imperfect pearl?

• The words were used in the sense that few pearls were differently shaped than the usual smooth ones. The word was first applied in a derogatory sense to harp on the elaborate emphasis.

• Later, it came to define an era and was applied to all things of such elaborate nature.

Question 6

• The Surname X is most likely derived from a Chinese surname. X is the Vietnamese transliteration of the Chinese surname, which is often transliterated as Ruan in Mandarin, Yuen in Cantonese.

• By 19th century the dynasty seized power and unified the country and a rhyming version of the previous surnames developed.

• This Surname has an estimated 40% population in Vietnam.

Question 7

• Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, along with two other journalists Peter Greste and Baher Mohamed - all working with Al Jazeera - were arrested in December 2013 for "publishing false news about Egypt" in support of Muslim Brotherhood. General Fatah-Al-Sisi after listening to arguments put forward by the trios lawyer is thinking of a presidential pardon. Who is representing the trio??

Question 8

Connect the three images.

Question 9

The band in the picture is COLDPLAY for the music video “Christmas Lights”. What exactly does “CREDO ELVEM ETIAM VIVERE” mean ?

Question 10*• It came to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, when it

was a style common among African American men, most notably jazzmen.

• Jazz trumpeters in particular preferred the ______ for the comfort it provided when using a trumpet mouthpiece.

• It found its champion in Luke Perry, thanks to Perry’s role in 1992 s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was actually fake, ′and co-star Kristy Swanson’s cat once licked it off and ate it.

• What?

Question 11• A X is a long, trapeze-shaped traditional Russian jumper

dress (pinafore) worn as Russian folk costume by women and girls.• It was the dress worn by peasant girls and women in the central

and northern part of Russia until the 20th century. Russian women from the upper and middle classes stopped wearing traditional Russian costume in the 18th century, during Peter the Great's modernization of Russia, apart from the Kokoshinks as part a court dress (although the clothing style of Russian aristocrats differed greatly from those of commoners). It is now worn as folk costume for performing Russian folk songs and folk dancing.

• Image follows in the next slide.

Question 12

GK Chesterton closes with the following stanza in his poem Lepanto :-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on his galley sets the sword back in the sheath (Don John of Austria rides homeward with a wreath.) And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain, 140Up which a lean and foolish knight for ever rides in vain, And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile, and settles back the

blade.... (But Don John of Austria rides home from the Crusade.)

Question 13

• Connect the 3 films

Question 14• Many people in Haiti believe in the religion known as X or among most

outsiders Y. X came to Haiti more than 300 years ago when a large number of people were taken there to work as slaves. As time passed, the beliefs of the African slaves mingled with those of Haiti’s French plantation owners, who were mostly Roman Catholics.

• Those who practice X believe that there is one God and many kinds of spirits called loa. The purpose of X is to serve these spirits and keep their goodwill. The spirits serve as a link between people and the god whom the Haitians call Bondye.

• Unfortunately, Hollywood horror movies did much to create misunderstandings about ‘Y’ and fear of its followers. It has often been shown as an evil and terrifying religion.

• Give me X or Y(any one)

Question 15*• The two women pictured on the next slide (bigger pictures on

next slide) were the only two who never married on a list that currently includes 45 women.

• Depending on how things go over the next year or so, we might see the first man to enter the list.

• The second lady moved to India in 1940 and ended up spending the last few years of her life at the ashram of Sri Aurobindo in Puducherry, where she adopted the name Nistha.

• Perhaps the most famous name on the list who wasn't married at the time, but married later was Harriet Lane (1857-1861).

• What is this list about?

Question 15*

Question 16

• On February 3, 1959, rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with the pilot, Roger Peterson. The event later became known as “X", after singer-songwriter Don McLean so referred to it in his song "American Pie".X ???

Question 17• The two-word slogan is extensively used in Iran, North India and

Pakistan to ward-off the evil eye. It is a Persian language derivation which literally means "far be the evil eye."

• There are two icons that often appear in association with the slogan. One depicts a traditional Indo-Pakistani shoe. Another is a stylized mask that shows a demonic face with oversized canines and two horns.

• The slogan is frequently uttered as a protective phrase when a loved one or friend succeeds, has good luck or otherwise receives praise. The slogan was also used as the name of a Bollywood movie starring Farooq Sheikh and Deepti Naval.

• Give the two-word slogan.

Question 18A Belarusian investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer who writes in Russian. She was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature "for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time". She is the first writer from Belarus to receive the award. Who is she?

Question 19• The Ampelmännchen was created in East Germany by Karl Peglau in 1961. He

argued that the existing forms at the time disadvantaged people who had difficulty differentiating between colors as well as were often too small and weak when viewed in sunlight.

• As a part of the reunification in 1990, most of the Ampelmännchen were discarded in favor of a standardized set throughtout Germany. Nevertheless, they become a virtual mascot for East German nostalgia (Ostalgie) and a hugely popular souvenir item.

• As a result of public demand, the Ampelmännchen started making a comeback in some areas of Berlin in the mid-2000s.

• Who/what is the Ampelmännchen?

Question 20*• During the filming of the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show,

the crew conducted an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (X Y) hunt on the sets as a fun activity during one of the off days.

• However, not all the X Y were found and as result at least three of them ended up mistakenly appearing in the movie later on.

• These appearances were: one under Frank's throne, one instead of a light in the main room and one as the group goes up in the elevator to the lab.

• This incident has also given rise to a commonly used term these days.

• What objects did the crew hide & try to find?

Question 21

• Turkmenabat also known as Chardjui (the Persian for “four canals” or “four streams”) is a town in Turkeministan.

• It’s ancient name gives a river known as “OXUS” to the Greeks its more popular or famous name.

• Incidentally this name is famous to INDIANS for a very different reason.

• Very simply identify the ancient name of the place ?

Question 22

• In the Achaemenid period, there are no representations of X other than the custom for every emperor to have an empty chariot drawn by white horses, to invite X to accompany the Persian army on battles(believed to have brought luck).

• ID X ?

Question 23

This is an illustration of a white beluga whale being held up by a flock of birds. Where could have one possibly seen this image ? Why ? (Part Points allowed )

Question 24• ___ Latin refers to the creation of a phrase, verse or jargon in the

imitation of Latin by pretending to 'translate' words from English or other languages into Latin by conjugating or declining them as if they were Latin words.

• E.g.


Patres conscripti took a boat, and went to Philippi; Boatum est upsettum, magno cum grandine venti. Omnes drownderunt qui swim away non potuerunt. Trumpeter unus erat, qui coatum scarlet habebat; Et magnum periwig, tied about with the tail of a dead pig.

Charlibus sittibus On the deskonorum Deskibus collapsibus Charlie on the floorum..

Question 25*• The club's manifesto includes the following core principles:

The Board will be democratically elected by its members Decisions taken by the membership will be decided on a one-member, one vote basis The club will develop strong links with the local community and strive to be accessible to all, discriminating against none The club will endeavour to make admission prices as affordable as possible, to as wide a constituency as possibleThe club will encourage young, local participation—playing and supporting—whenever possible The Board will strive wherever possible to avoid outright commercialism the club will remain a non-profit organisationThe club accepts sponsorship but does not allow sponsors' logos to be displayed on the team's shirts. The club's main sponsor in its inaugural 2005–06 season was the Bhopal Medical Appeal and in season 2006–07 it was the Williams BMW Group. From the 2011–12 season onwards, X is sponsored by mxData.

• X???

Question 26 Richard Paul Pavlick (1887-1975) was a US postal worker from Boston,

who after retiring in the 1950s moved back to his hometown of Belmont, New Hampshire.

He became known at local public meetings for his angry political rants, including complaints like the American flag not being displayed appropriately.

He regularly criticized the government and had a hatred for Catholics. In 1960, he turned over his possessions to a local youth camp and

disappeared with the intention of accomplishing something On December 11, 1960, he came close to achieving this but he refrained

from following through due to the presence of a lady and her two children.

Who ended up accomplishing what Pavlick intended to do?

Question 27

• X is an Iraqi-British architect. In 2004 she became the first woman recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She received the Stirling Prize in 2010 and 2011. In 2012 she was made a dame. In 2014 the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre, designed by her, won the Design Museum Design of the Year Award, making her the first woman to win the top prize in that competition.

• To make things easier ---she is also the principle architect behind the Qatar World Cup stadiums .

Question 28

What optical illusion is being demonstrated to the audience?

Question 29• The song is very popular in European football stadiums, even becoming the

unofficial anthem of Italy's World Cup win in 2006 and was used in both Euro 2008, when the teams walked onto the pitch at the start of the game and in Euro 2012 and in U-21 Euro 2013, when it was played when a goal was scored.

• During the Scottish Cup semi-final in April 2006, where Hearts met local rivals Hibernian, this song gained infamy as when Paul Hartley had scored his hat-trick and Hearts fourth goal against Hibs, this song was played to which the Hearts fans started chanting to the chorus "Oh the Hibees are gay". In later years Hibernian used the song to taunt Hearts about their financial troubles by singing "All the Hibees get paid" to the song's main riff.

• Probably the best hint :Every time the German club Bayern Munich scores, a remixed version of the song is played.Very simply name the song !

Question 30*

• Connect the following pictures

Thank You!

Answers in the next slides

X was the first African American to either be nominated for or to win an Academy Award when she won Best Supporting Actress for the movie Y.However, when the movie premiered at the Loew's Grand Theater in Atlanta, she along with the other black actors were advised against attending as the Jim Crow laws in effect in Georgia at the time prevented them from sitting with the rest of the cast.The lead actor in the movie threatened to boycott the premiere unless X was allowed to attend, but she convinced him to go ahead anyway.Who is X(Full points)? [Half points only if you can identify the movie.]

Question 1

• Hattie McDaniel for the role of Mammy in Gone with the Wind (1939).

Question 2• X:“Last Friday, April 16, 1943, I was forced to interrupt my work

in the laboratory in the middle of the afternoon and proceed home, being affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant, intoxicated-like condition characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After some two hours this condition faded away.”

• Give me X and what is the context ? (part points allowed)

• Albert HoffmanLSD(lysergic acid diethylamide)

Question 3• This is James Smith, widower of Moira Smith( winner of the “woman

of the year,2001”for her daring services in 9/11 attacks) speaking in relation to X being given the “Woman of the year,2015”

• “I was shocked and saddened to learn that Glamour has just named X -‘Woman of the Year’. Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man?

• “At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police officers and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life threatening diseases… the list of possibilities goes on … is this the best you could do?”Simply give me X !

• Caitlyn Jenner

Question 4• These are some of the tweets in repercussions to a quiz

question. Either give me X and Y or give me the context.• Pretty sure Y is now regretting his birthday after reading

this quiz question and answer. • Presenting the worst quiz question in the history of the

world. Take a bow X• Even Hindi news channels wouldn't have been able to

come up with this.• This will be quoted again and again whenever a brand

asks a quizzing Question.

• Amazon.com(Hashim Amla..Shikhar controversy)

Question 5*• Which word, acc to the OED, is thought to have been

derived from French, Spanish and Portuguese words, all of which mean rough or imperfect pearl?

• The words were used in the sense that few pearls were differently shaped than the usual smooth ones. The word was first applied in a derogatory sense to harp on the elaborate emphasis.

• Later, it came to define an era and was applied to all things of such elaborate nature.

• Baroque

Question 6

• The Surname X is most likely derived from a Chinese surname. X is the Vietnamese transliteration of the Chinese surname, which is often transliterated as Ruan in Mandarin, Yuen in Cantonese.

• By 19th century the dynasty seized power and unified the country and a rhyming version of the previous surnames developed.

• This Surname has an estimated 40% population in Vietnam.

• Nguyen

Question 7

• Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, along with two other journalists Peter Greste and Baher Mohamed - all working with Al Jazeera - were arrested in December 2013 for "publishing false news about Egypt" in support of Muslim Brotherhood. General Fatah-Al-Sisi after listening to arguments put forward by the trios lawyer is thinking of a presidential pardon. Who is representing the trio??

• Amal Clooney

Question 8

Connect the three images.

• Stephen Fry( He is the board of directors of norwich city FC;Appeared in V for Vendetta ;and the other one obviously is Elliot Spencer)

Question 9The band in the picture is COLDPLAY for the music video “Christmas Lights”. What exactly does “CREDO ELVEM ETIAM VIVERE” mean ? (logical variants of the answer are accepted )

• I believe Elvis yet lives .

Question 10*• It came to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, when it

was a style common among African American men, most notably jazzmen.

• Jazz trumpeters in particular preferred the ______ for the comfort it provided when using a trumpet mouthpiece.

• It found its champion in Luke Perry, thanks to Perry’s role in 1992 s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was actually fake, ′and co-star Kristy Swanson’s cat once licked it off and ate it.

• What?

• Soulpatch

Question 11• A X is a long, trapeze-shaped traditional Russian jumper

dress (pinafore) worn as Russian folk costume by women and girls.• It was the dress worn by peasant girls and women in the central

and northern part of Russia until the 20th century. Russian women from the upper and middle classes stopped wearing traditional Russian costume in the 18th century, during Peter the Great's modernization of Russia, apart from the Kokoshinks as part a court dress (although the clothing style of Russian aristocrats differed greatly from those of commoners). It is now worn as folk costume for performing Russian folk songs and folk dancing.

• Image follows in the next slide.


Question 12

GK Chesterton closes with the following stanza in his poem Lepanto :-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on his galley sets the sword back in the sheath (Don John of Austria rides homeward with a wreath.) And he sees across a weary land a straggling road in Spain, 140Up which a lean and foolish knight for ever rides in vain, And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile, and settles back the

blade.... (But Don John of Austria rides home from the Crusade.)

• Cervantes( Miguel Cervantes was one of the soldiers in the Battle of Lepanto )

Question 13

• Martin Scorsese

Question 14• Many people in Haiti believe in the religion known as X or among most outsiders

Y. X came to Haiti more than 300 years ago when a large number of people were taken there to work as slaves. As time passed, the beliefs of the African slaves mingled with those of Haiti’s French plantation owners, who were mostly Roman Catholics.

• Those who practice X believe that there is one God and many kinds of spirits called loa. The purpose of X is to serve these spirits and keep their goodwill. The spirits serve as a link between people and the god whom the Haitians call Bondye.

• Unfortunately, Hollywood horror movies did much to create misunderstandings about ‘Y’ and fear of its followers. It has often been shown as an evil and terrifying religion.

• Give me X or Y(any one)

• X: Vodun• Y: Voodoo

Question 15*• The two women pictured on the next slide (bigger pictures on

next slide) were the only two who never married on a list that currently includes 45 women.

• Depending on how things go over the next year or so, we might see the first man to enter the list.

• The second lady moved to India in 1940 and ended up spending the last few years of her life at the ashram of Sri Aurobindo in Puducherry, where she adopted the name Nistha.

• Perhaps the most famous name on the list who wasn't married at the time, but married later was Harriet Lane (1857-1861).

• What is this list about?

Question 15*

• First Lady of the US (FLOTUS).• First picture is Rose Cleveland, who was First

Lady during her brother's first term as president from 1885 until his marriage in 1886.

• The second lady is Margaret Woodrow Wilson, the daughter of Woodrow Wilson.

• Harriet Lane served as FLOTUS for her uncle James Buchanan who never married.

Question 16

• On February 3, 1959, rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with the pilot, Roger Peterson. The event later became known as “X", after singer-songwriter Don McLean so referred to it in his song "American Pie".X ???

• The Day the music Died

Question 17• The two-word slogan is extensively used in Iran, North India and

Pakistan to ward-off the evil eye. It is a Persian language derivation which literally means "far be the evil eye."

• There are two icons that often appear in association with the slogan. One depicts a traditional Indo-Pakistani shoe. Another is a stylized mask that shows a demonic face with oversized canines and two horns.

• The slogan is frequently uttered as a protective phrase when a loved one or friend succeeds, has good luck or otherwise receives praise. The slogan was also used as the name of a Bollywood movie starring Farooq Sheikh and Deepti Naval.

• Give the two-word slogan.

• Chasme Baddoor

Question 18A Belarusian investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer who writes in Russian. She was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature "for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time". She is the first writer from Belarus to receive the award. Who is she?

• Svetlana Alexievich

Question 19• The Ampelmännchen was created in East Germany by Karl Peglau in 1961. He

argued that the existing forms at the time disadvantaged people who had difficulty differentiating between colors as well as were often too small and weak when viewed in sunlight.

• As a part of the reunification in 1990, most of the Ampelmännchen were discarded in favor of a standardized set throughtout Germany. Nevertheless, they become a virtual mascot for East German nostalgia (Ostalgie) and a hugely popular souvenir item.

• As a result of public demand, the Ampelmännchen started making a comeback in some areas of Berlin in the mid-2000s.

• Who/what is the Ampelmännchen?

• The Ampelmännchen was the iconic East German pedestrian crossing traffic light symbol.

Question 20*• During the filming of the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show,

the crew conducted an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 letters &3 letters) hunt on the sets as a fun activity during one of the off days.

• However, not all the X Y were found and as a result , at least three of them ended up mistakenly appearing in the movie later on.

• These appearances were: one under Frank's throne, one instead of a light in the main room and one as the group goes up in the elevator to the lab.

• This incident has also given rise to a commonly used term these days.

• What objects did the crew hide & try to find?

• Easter Egg Hunt—leading to the term Easter Egg being used for any intentional inside joke, hidden message or feature placed in a computer program, video game etc.

Question 21

• Turkmenabat also known as Chardjui (the Persian for “four canals” or “four streams”) is a town in Turkeministan.

• It’s ancient name gives a river known as “OXUS” to the Greeks its more popular or famous name.

• Incidentally this name is famous to INDIANS for a very different reason.

• Very simply identify the ancient name of the place ?

• Amul• Amu-Darya (meaning river of Amul)

Question 22

• From the Achaemenid period, there are no representations of X other than the custom for every emperor to have an empty chariot drawn by white horses, to invite X to accompany the Persian army on battles(believed to be a sign of Good Luck)

• ID X ?

• Ahura Mazda

Question 23

This is an illustration of a white beluga whale being held up by a flock of birds. Where could have one possibly seen this image ? Why ? (Part Points allowed )

• Twitter.• When Twitter gets overloaded the users see

this error message .

Question 24• ___ Latin refers to the creation of a phrase, verse or jargon in the

imitation of Latin by pretending to 'translate' words from English or other languages into Latin by conjugating or declining them as if they were Latin words.

• E.g.


Patres conscripti took a boat, and went to Philippi; Boatum est upsettum, magno cum grandine venti. Omnes drownderunt qui swim away non potuerunt. Trumpeter unus erat, qui coatum scarlet habebat; Et magnum periwig, tied about with the tail of a dead pig.

Charlibus sittibus On the deskonorum Deskibus collapsibus Charlie on the floorum..

• Dog Latin/Cod Latin (either of them is acceptable ).

Question 25*• The club's manifesto includes the following core principles:

The Board will be democratically elected by its members Decisions taken by the membership will be decided on a one-member, one vote basis The club will develop strong links with the local community and strive to be accessible to all, discriminating against none The club will endeavour to make admission prices as affordable as possible, to as wide a constituency as possibleThe club will encourage young, local participation—playing and supporting—whenever possible The Board will strive wherever possible to avoid outright commercialism the club will remain a non-profit organisationThe club accepts sponsorship but does not allow sponsors' logos to be displayed on the team's shirts. The club's main sponsor in its inaugural 2005–06 season was the Bhopal Medical Appeal and in season 2006–07 it was the Williams BMW Group. From the 2011–12 season onwards, X is sponsored by mxData.

• X???

• Fc United of Manchester

Question 26 Richard Paul Pavlick (1887-1975) was a US postal worker from Boston,

who after retiring in the 1950s moved back to his hometown of Belmont, New Hampshire.

He became known at local public meetings for his angry political rants, including complaints like the American flag not being displayed appropriately.

He regularly criticized the government and had a hatred for Catholics. In 1960, he turned over his possessions to a local youth camp and

disappeared with the intention of accomplishing something On December 11, 1960, he came close to achieving this but he refrained

from following through due to the presence of a lady and her two children.

Who ended up accomplishing what Pavlick intended to do?

• Lee Harvey Oswald.• Pavlick intended to assassinate Kennedy at

Palm Beach, Florida by detonating the dynamite he'd packed in his car as the President passed by.

• He stopped himself at the last minute because JFK was accompanied by his wife and two children.

Question 27

• X is an Iraqi-British architect. In 2004 she became the first woman recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She received the Stirling Prize in 2010 and 2011. In 2012 she was made a dame. In 2014 the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre, designed by her, won the Design Museum Design of the Year Award, making her the first woman to win the top prize in that competition.

• To make things easier ---she is also the principle architect behind the Qatar World Cup stadiums .

• Zaha Hadid

Question 28

What optical illusion is being demonstrated to the audience?

Pepper’s Ghost, that was demonstrated in the episode, “The Abominable Bride” of Sherlock, Season IV

Question 29• The song is very popular in European football stadiums, even becoming the

unofficial anthem of Italy's World Cup win in 2006 and was used in both Euro 2008, when the teams walked onto the pitch at the start of the game and in Euro 2012 and in U-21 Euro 2013, when it was played when a goal was scored.

• During the Scottish Cup semi-final in April 2006, where Hearts met local rivals Hibernian, this song gained infamy as when Paul Hartley had scored his hat-trick and Hearts fourth goal against Hibs, this song was played to which the Hearts fans started chanting to the chorus "Oh the Hibees are gay". In later years Hibernian used the song to taunt Hearts about their financial troubles by singing "All the Hibees get paid" to the song's main riff.

• Probably the best hint :Every time the German club Bayern Munich scores, a remixed version of the song is played.Very simply name the song !

• White Stripe:Seven Nation Army

Question 30*

• Connect the following pictures

Golden ratio/logarithmic spiral.

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