quality assurance and voice of children and young people ... · 1.2 the quality assurance and voice...

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Manchester Children’s Services

Quality Assurance and

Voice of Children and Young

People - Continuous

Improvement Framework




1. Introduction 3

2. Learning and Improvement Cycle 5

3. Performance Data and Management Information 6

4. Voice of Children and Young People Framework 8

5. Audit Framework 9 6. Compliments and Complaints 12 7. Supervision and Appraisal Frameworks 13 9. Listening to staff 14

Appendix 1. - Performance and Improvement Framework Appendix 2. - Voice of Children and Young People Framework Appendix 3. - Audit Framework

Appendix 4. - .Supervision and Appraisal Framework


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Manchester Children’s Services is committed to providing high quality, consistent and

dependable services for children, young people and their families. In order that this commitment is realised we will ensure that children and young people remain front and centre to everything we do, ensure services are delivered to nationally recognised standards and performance targets are met.

1.2 The Quality Assurance and Voice of Children and Young People - Continuous

Improvement Framework includes all activity undertaken by Children’s Services to ensure work with children and their families are carried out to the highest standard of quality. It aims to improve our understanding of whether we are supporting the right children, in the right way, at the right time, and whether we are making a difference to the progress that children make and the outcomes they achieve. The framework is designed to help us in our journey of continuous development and improvement and will inform our self-assessment and Single Service Plan as follows:

Workforce Development

Developing an integrated Early Help offer

A responsive and safe ‘front door’ through Contact, MASH and referral

Delivering an effective youth justice service

Improving the quality and consistency of social work.

Improving outcomes for looked after children and care leavers

Improving the quality of residential, fostering and adoption provision

Effective quality assurance

1.3 This framework is underpinned by a commitment to promoting equality of opportunity,

eliminate discrimination and ensure we make life better and improve the life opportunities for children, young people and their families.

1.4 The overall purpose of the Framework is to:

Support the drive to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families by improving practice and the quality of service delivery at all levels. Our effectiveness will be measured by the impact we have on improving outcomes for children and young people and their families.

Improve practice through measuring the quality of practice, management oversight

and the experiences of children and young people. This combined with performance monitoring arrangements will be benchmarked against required standards and targets, identifying what has worked well (strengths), what are we worried about and what needs to happen to ensure short falls in performance are identified and action taken to bring about continuous development and improvement.

Ensure quality assurance activity informs learning and development plans i.e. audit; compliments and complaints; feedback from children, young people and their families.

Define roles and responsibilities in relation to quality assurance to strengthen accountability and promote a culture of excellence, which embraces feedback with the intention of advancing practice and improving the quality services.

1.5 Managers, at all levels, practitioners, Independent Reviewing Officers and Child Protection Conference Chairs have a fundamental responsibility in ensuring that practice meets expected standards and that improvement actions are taken. Managers and supervisors have a particular responsibility in maintaining and improving standards


in the support, guidance and direction they provide to staff. It is important to remember activities that are carried out on a day to day basis to quality assure practice and services. Examples are as follows:

The sign off and quality assurance of assessments

Agency Decision Making (ADM)

Management sign off of CIN, CP and Care Plans

Legal Gateway

The quality assurance of court statements

Child Permanence Report sign off

Endorsement of the final care plan in legal proceedings.

Special Guardianship Order support plan sign off.

1.6 The Safeguarding and Improvement Unit exists to quality assure practice plan and

arrangements for looked after children and those in need of protection, ensuring the local authority is fulfilling its statutory responsibility to them. The unit will lead on the implementation and monitoring of the Quality Assurance and Voice of Children and Young People Continuous Improvement Framework.

1.7 This framework will be overseen by the Statutory Director of Children’s Services and the Children’s Services Management Team.

1.8 The Head of Quality Assurance for Safeguarding will produce an annual report in April of each year. This report will seek to analyse the effectiveness of the quality assurance activity and its influence on practice and service development and improvement. Consideration will be given to additional areas of quality assurance that may be required.

1.9 Internal audit will carry out an audit compliance and performance against this framework on an annual basis and produce a report, in April of each year, and this will be reported to the Lead Member and the Children and Families Scrutiny Committee.

1.10 The framework will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to reflect any

changes in practice or arrangements or in-between times if required.


2. LEARNING AND IMPROVEMENT 2.1 We will effectively use learning from all activities undertaken as part of this framework to

drive continuous development and improvement in practice, plans and services to children, young people and their families.

2.2 ‘Closing the Loop’ - in all activities we will ensure learning and required actions have

made a difference. Our approach to continuous development and improvement is outlined in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Closing the Loop

2.3 Learning gained from activity undertaken as part of this framework will be proactively

used to bring about continuous development and improvement in practice and services to ensure improved outcomes for children, young people and their families are achieved. Positive practice and learning and development requirements identified will be cascaded through the service in the following ways:

Direct contact with the allocated workers via audit or observation.

Six weekly ‘Closing the Loop’ learning and development sessions will be held across the service

Monthly performance clinics will be held service wide

Quarterly service wide staff engagement sessions

Monthly management and team meetings will cascade

Staff supervision

Annual appraisal

Learning and development plans will be routinely informed by framework activity. Key themes identified will be reflected in Directorate appraisals and reviews of the Single Service Plan.

2.4 In addition, learning and improvement activity will take into account learning from

Serious Case Reviews, Concise Learning Reviews and reviews of cases that have triggered a Serious Incident Notification.

Quality Assurance Activity

Learning and improvement identified and


Action taken to ‘close loop’ on

required actions

Practice learning and improvement

takes place


3. PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVEMENT FRAMEWORK 3.1 Effective performance management is essential, allowing managers at all levels to

monitor and improve practice, performance and services in accordance with the priorities set out within the Single Service Plan. It is therefore essential that the approach to performance management is robust, embedded and understood across the service.

3.2 The aims of this performance and improvement framework are to:

Promote a culture of continuous development and improvement within the service

Promote accountability and decision making

Ensure a consistently good quality of practice is delivered

Improve understanding of service demand

Improve business intelligence and business planning

Measure performance, trends and how we compare to statistical comparators

Inform service development and improvement and identify risk

Figure 2: Performance Improvement Framework for Manchester Children’s Services

3.3 All performance activity is linked to achieving our strategic vision in ‘Our Manchester ,

Our Children’ - building a safe, happy, healthy and successful future for children and

young people. As such, the Performance Improvement Framework includes key

activity and information for managers within the service to gain grip and understanding

of how safe, effective and efficient the service is at any given time. It also provides a

framework of activity to promote and maintain practice improvement. The key

components of the Performance and Improvement Framework are as follows:

Performance and Improvement Framework

‘Running the Business’

Daily and weekly child level management reports

‘Monthly strategic detailed reports’

Long term trends, statistical comparators

‘Thematic reports’

Deep dive into practice or service areas


Bench Marking How does our performance compare to our Statistical?

Service Targets Service targets are set against Statutory Guidance, best practice and the Single Service Plan.

Individual Targets Individuals need to demonstrate continuous development and improvement in practice and performance.

3.4 The Performance and Improvement Framework includes a range of performance data

and other information available and used by managers, across the service, to monitor and review service outputs and outcomes related to children and families. The Performance and Improvement Framework is implemented and maintained by a set of monitoring and review activities that are led by the senior management team, together with other managers across the service.

3.5 The key meetings that underpin the Performance Improvement Framework include: Monthly Performance Clinics (whole service), Corporate Parenting Panel (Looked After Children and young people), Executive Portfolio Member meeting (Lead Member and DCS review of performance), Practice Development Group (locality and service teams), Team Meetings (practice review at team level) and one to one supervision (case focused with individual practitioner reflection).

3.6 Monthly improvement activity is driven by the Performance Clinics, chaired by the

Director for Children’s Services or the Deputy Director of Children’s Services, review performance across all areas of Children’s Services, with each service area submitting a performance report containing a variety of performance metrics that cover all key outcomes for children and young people. The clinics will also commission and review ‘deep dives’ into key areas of focus as determined by performance reporting, audits and service user feedback. Other key activity includes weekly performance groups chaired by Service Managers or Strategic Leads focused on improving performance and practice consistently across all service teams.

3.7 The Performance Improvement Framework is used to provide an evidence base to

inform the quarterly self-assessment and the Single Service Plan to ensure that they remain relevant and focused on the right activity to maintain a strong pace of improvement within the service.

3.8 A summary of the Performance and Improvement Framework and activity can be found

at Appendix 1.


4. VOICE OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE FRAMEWORK 4.1 Manchester Children’s Services strives to ensure children and young people remain

front and centre of everything we do. In everything we do, there must be clear and immediately accessible information about the child or young person, their views and ascertainable wishes and feelings.

4.2 The overall purpose of this Voice of the Children and Young People Framework is to:

Outline expectations in relation to how we will engage with children and young people to elicit their views and ascertainable wishes and feelings.

Ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and to strengthen lines of accountability.

To ensure the views of children and young people influence the care and services they receive and service development.

Bring about improved outcomes for children, young people and their families by improving professional practice and the quality of service delivery.

4.3 Key principles underpinning the Voice and Influence of Children and Young People:

Children with severe communication difficulties pose a challenge to services when

trying to capture their views, opinions and feedback. Workers should identify the child's communication strategy and evidence how they have obtained the views of the child within assessments, plans, reviews and case notes.

Views, opinions and feedback offered by children and young people must always be recorded in their case notes along with the response.

We routinely check back with children and young people to ensure that their experience of practice, services and arrangements for them have developed and improved based on what they have told us.

4.4 The Voice of Children and young People Framework can be found at Appendix 2.



5.1 Audit of practice is an important area of the Framework. The following key principles underpin our audit programme:

5.2 Principle 1: Auditors will in most circumstances audit alongside and with the allocated

social worker/ key worker, responsible IRO/CP Chair or manager in order to facilitate learning and ensure agreed practice standards and expectations are applied consistently. This process is reflective and built on discussion and reflection between auditor and the practitioner allocated to the case. The auditor is expected to meet with the case holder to jointly review the case using the audit template. Examples of good or best practice as well as areas for improvement must be recognised as part of the audit. It is recognised that for any practitioner, having one of their cases audited may feel uncomfortable at first. It is the role of auditors to ensure that this discomfort is minimised and that, for the case holder, the audit feels like an inclusive, constructive and positive process, even when learning is identified. Auditors should adopt a strengths based approach: What is working well? What are you worried about? What needs to happen?

5.3 Principle 2: Service Managers/Leads supported by Consultant Social Workers will

moderate and quality assure audits undertaken in their service area, to ensure agreed practice standards are being applied consistently in all auditing activity and judgements. Audit tools outline required practice.

5.4 Principle 3: Auditors will ensure required actions and recommendations are

communicated promptly using clear language that outlines what worked well, what we are worried about and what needs to happen, by when and by whom. All audit reports will be placed on the child’s case file and auditors will make themselves available to offer clarity.

5.5 Principle 4: Managers responsible will be required to ensure all required actions are

closely tracked and then actioned in a timely manner in relation to individual children and young people. Independent Reviewing Officers and Child Protection Conference Chairs will be cited on all case specific audit actions and they will be required to monitor that improvement is maintained.

5.6 Principle 5: The ‘Loop’ is always closed and practice, plans and arrangements for

children and young people have improved. CMT will, on a monthly basis, sample and sign off audit action trackers across all areas of the service in order to be assured required remedial actions and recommendations have been followed up.

5.7 Principle 6: Practice learning and development sessions based on audit and other

Framework findings will be offered to all staff across the service; this will enable individuals and teams to come together, discuss practice themes emerging from practice and how the required changes will be achieved. This dissemination will take place in a variety of ways:

Mandatory monthly briefings, delivered by the Head of Quality Assurance for

Safeguarding to Service Managers/Leads and Consultant Social Workers from across the service. This briefing will take place on Week 6 of the audit programme.

Service Manager/Leads supported by Consultant Social Workers will cascade

briefing to managers within their service area.


A six-weekly briefing based on findings from audit and other framework activity will be delivered to staff.

Service area specific briefings will be delivered when required.

Other tools will be used to disseminate learning i.e. 7 minute briefings.

5.8 Audit tools have been developed for each case type and reflect practice standards in

those areas. Auditors are asked to rate each practice area using the following ratings:


Rating guidance

MET Practice standards outlined are fully Met.

PART MET Practice Standards are MET is inconsistent in a small number of areas but not all.

NOT MET Practice standards are Not Met in all or they are Not Met in the majority of areas.

NOT APPLICABLE Practice standard does not apply to the case.

5.9 In addition audit tools ask auditors to make an overall Judgement about outcomes for

children based on current Ofsted grades as follows:


Judgement guidance adapted - Outcomes for children

OUTSTANDING Outcomes for the child demonstrate that the child has received effective services that contribute to significantly improved outcomes for children and young people who need help, protection and care. Their progress exceeds expectations and is sustained over time.

GOOD Outcomes for the child demonstrate that effective services of help, protection and care for the child or young person and those who are looked after or care leavers have their welfare safeguarded and protected.



Outcomes for the child demonstrates that there are no widespread or serious failures that create or leave the child being harmed or at risk of harm. The welfare of the child is safeguarded and promoted. Minimum requirements are in place, However case management is no yet delivering good protection, help and care for the child/young person and families.

INADEQUATE Outcomes for the child demonstrate that in the services provided to them there is widespread and serious failures that create or leave children being harmed or at risk of harm or result in children looked after or care leavers not having their welfare safeguarded or promoted.

5.10 Those cases judged as inadequate will be re-audited within a six month period, to

evaluate whether required progress has been sustained following the audit and immediate remedial actions have been taken.

5.11 Figure 3 below illustrates the “golden threads’ that will run through all audit activity.


Figure 3: ‘Golden threads’ throughout audit activity

: 5.12 Monthly Audit Programme:

Programme Start The first working day of each month, a case sample is selected at random by PRI and sent out to Service Managers who will assign the audits to managers, ensuring managers in their area of responsibility do not audit their own team’s cases.

Week 1/2 Audits are undertaken using the agreed audit tools alongside and with the allocated social workers/workers.

Week3 Service Managers/Leads moderate completed audits and final audits are agreed. At least one parent/carer and where appropriate, child/children, will be approached to contribute their experiences of services as part of the audit in each service area. This will be undertaken by Social Work Consultants and feedback will be added to the audit report.

Week 4 ‘Closing the Loop’ remedial actions and recommendations will be routinely tracked by Consultant Social Workers and this will be overseen / supported by Service Managers/Leads. CMT will sample trackers in order to seek assurance that required actions have been taken.

Week 5 Monthly Audits Reports that outline the quality of practice are drafted and circulated service wide

Week 6 Mandatory wider Management meeting takes place to consider audit findings led by Head of Quality Assurance for Safeguarding. Social Work Consultants deliver learning and development sessions to staff.

5.13 The Audit Programme can be found at Appendix 3.

Outcomes for children,

young people and families.

Parent/carer engagement

‘Working with, not doing to’

Quality of assessment and


Quality of Practice

Management oversight &

decisions making

Quality reflective


Equality and diversity

Voice of children and young people

Signs of Safety Model Fidelity


6. COMPLAINTS AND COMPLIMENTS 6.1 Complaints and compliments made to Children’s Services are a rich source of learning

about where we can improve our services and the experiences of children and young people. Mechanisms are in place to enable us to respond to individual complaints. Importantly, however it is also possible to identify good practice through compliments and learning through complaints.

6.2 The Corporate Complaints Team produce a series of reports to facilitate the on-going improvement and development of practice. These include weekly reports outlining the status of all complaints and key themes and a quarterly management report for the Children’s Management Team and managers that provides an overview of complaints and compliments received into Children’s Services. Monthly reporting includes the identification of emerging themes with recommendations for change to current practice both on individual cases and across services. Alongside this, a retrospective quarterly report outlining lessons learned, actions taken and where necessary changes to service delivery will be produced for senior managers’ consideration.

6.3 Learning from complaints and compliments will be fed into six weekly practice learning

and development sessions that will be offered to staff across the service on a six weekly basis. Specific briefings will be delivered to staff involved as required.

6.4 If needs be the Children’s Management Team may request a reflective learning review

in relation to the complaint and emerging practice development needs.


7.1 Manchester Children’s Services is committed to ensuring staff receive good quality reflective supervision and the Supervision and Appraisal Frameworks outline how this commitment will be fulfilled. Supervision assists in developing a positive culture and focuses on continuous development, improvement and consistent practice helping to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and their families.

7.2 Supervision is a key managerial tool in the quality assurance process. The provision of regular, robust and reflective supervision is essential in promoting the delivery of high quality services. Children’s Services recognises the value of supervision and invests heavily in creating the conditions in which good quality reflective supervision can take place.

7.3 Good quality supervision of individual staff is crucial if practice is to improve across

the service. All qualified Social Workers have a duty to continue to improve and develop their practice. Registration of social work staff with the Health and Care Professions Council is contingent upon evidence of minimum learning requirements over a three year period. It requires managers to provide oversight to and sign off of the evidence of learning for each qualified Social Worker for whom they are responsible.

7.4 The Children’s Services supervision policy has been refreshed and compliance in terms of frequency is monitored monthly. As part of the thematic calendar the quality of supervision will be routinely evaluated to establish a benchmark against which to assess progress.

7.5 A supervision health check survey will be carried out across Children’s Services on an annual basis.

7.6 Annual appraisals are a fundamental part of this quality assurance framework. This process is underpinned by directorate business plans that steer and inform individual employee appraisals, in order that everyone in the Council understands what their role is, in contributing to directorate goals and plans and what part they can play in bringing about improvements, in the services we deliver.

7.7 The annual appraisal process provides the opportunity for employees to identify strengths and areas for learning and development, establish and understand performance expectations and to evaluate their contribution towards service plans and objectives.

7.8 Employees will have an annual development plan arising from their appraisal and that analysis of trends and issues would inform team plans and the annual learning and development plan.

7.9 Appraisals within Children’s Services will enable us to identify individual and collective learning and development needs that will influence workforce development.



8.1 We will listen to staff working within Children’s Services and engage with them in a meaningful way is critically important to quality assurance. This helps us to understand what their experience is, what is working well and what is not working. Listening to staff and engaging with them is vital to maintaining a highly motivated workforce, and to creating and sustaining the conditions that enables best practice to flourish, develop and improve.

8.2 Director of Children’s Services, Children’s Management Team and managers at all

levels are expected to be visible and accessible to staff working within our services.

8.3 Director of Children’s Services and the Children’s Management Team will host

management and leadership development sessions focussing on our shared vision; collective management and leadership style and approach; key issues and challenges facing the service and celebrating success.

8.4 Director of Children’s Services and the Children’s Management Team will host

quarterly staff engagement events aimed at listening to and working with front-line staff. These sessions will provide insight and understanding of what is working well, what we are worried about and what needs to happen.

8.5 Strategic Leads will ensure there are regular opportunities to engage with staff in their

service areas on a quarterly basis.

8.6 The Council holds and annual BHeard survey - a survey that invites staff from across

all areas of the Council to contribute their views about what it is like working for the Council and within Children’s Services.

8.7 A monthly staff bulletin will be sent out from the Director of Children’s Services aimed

at sharing key issues from across the directorate.

8.8 Strategic Leads will ensure there is regular communication and briefings to staff in their services that keep them informed about important matters, development areas and successes.



Activity and Lead Frequency Purpose Reporting


Children’s Services Performance Improvement Framework - Comprehensive whole service performance report

Published monthly, one month behind.

The purpose of the Performance Improvement Framework provides the Children’s Management team with key performance data that is used effectively to understand service performance and drive continuous development themes. Commentary will provide essential context.

Monthly Performance Information produced, scrutinised and commented on.

Portfolio Member Meeting - Chaired by the DCS and attended by the Lead member responsible for Children’s Services Portfolio

Weekly DCS and senior managers reporting improvement and service performance using the balanced score card and specific service focused reports to the Lead Member

Weekly meetings with monthly feedback using the balanced score card

Children’s Services Performance Clinics - Chaired by the DCS or Deputy DCS

Monthly Managers from across the service come together monthly to consider key performance information and to work together to drive continuous development and improvement.

10 meetings a year (minimum)/meeting minutes and required actions captured and followed-up.

Service Area - weekly Performance Meetings - Chaired by the relevant Strategic Lead

Weekly Managers from each service areas come together to consider key performance information and to work together to drive continuous development and improvement and to ensure consistent implementation across Children’s Services.

10 meetings a year (minimum)/meeting minutes and required actions captured and followed-up.

Corporate Parenting Panel - Chaired by the Lead Member

Monthly Key performance information linked to looked after children is presented to the Corporate Parenting Panel and exception reports are tabled as required.

10 meetings a year (minimum), meeting minutes and required actions captured and followed-up.


Service Area Management meetings Chaired by the relevant Service Manager, Service Lead or Head of Service

Monthly Management teams in each service area (Children’s Social Care, Early Help, Youth Justice Service, Residential Services and Safeguarding and Improvement Unit) scrutinise key performance data and use to drive continuous development and improvement across services.

10 meetings a year (minimum)/meeting minutes and required actions captured and followed-up.

Team Meetings - Chaired by relevant Team Manager

Monthly Managers in each service area (Children’s Social Care, Early Help, Youth Justice Service, Residential Services and Safeguarding and Improvement Unit) share key performance data with frontline staff and engage them in discussions aimed at driving continuous development and improvement.

10 meetings a year (minimum)/meeting minutes and required actions captured and followed-up.



1. Looked After Children

What When Purpose Who

Statutory Visits 6 weekly Child/ young person has been seen and spoken to individually, away from their carer where this is age appropriate, and that their wishes and feelings have been sought.

Social Worker

Foster Placement Visit

6 weekly Children seen and spoken to and their views, ascertainable wishes and feelings are sought.

Fostering Link Worker

Foster Carer Reviews - Consultation document

Consultation document sent out to children and young people in advance of the Foster care review annually.

Children and young people are invited to contribute feedback to the review via the consultation document.

Corporate IRO

Foster Carer Reviews - Social Workers Report

Annual social workers report is shared at the Foster Carers review.

Social Workers report reflects the views of children, young people and their parents.

Social Worker

Corporate Parent Panel

Monthly (min 10 Panel Meetings a year)

Corporate Parenting Panel is responsible for monitoring and ensuring the well-being of children who are looked after and to scrutinise all aspects of services to looked after children and young people. Representation from The Group and The Change Group.

Executive Member for Children’s Services

Supersonics Group 7yrs -11yrs Quarterly events.

Children living in foster care are engaged in meaningful activities aimed at enabling them to share their experience and contribute their views, opinions that will influence practice and service development.

LAC Engagement Worker, Fostering team engagement lead

The Group 11yrs - 18yrs Fortnightly

Children and young people looked after are engaged in meaningful activities aimed at enabling them to share their experience and contribute their views, opinions that will influence practice and service

LAC Engagement Workers



The Change Group 18 yrs plus Weekly meetings

Care Leavers are engaged in meaningful activities aimed at enabling them to share their experience and contribute their views, opinions that will influence practice and service development.

Barnardos/LAC Engagement Worker

The Grasp 18 yrs plus Weekly meetings

Manchester Care Leavers are engaged in a regional groups aimed at enabling them to share their experience and contribute their views, opinions that will influence practice and service development.

Care Leaver Chair.

Manchester Youth Council

Monthly Children and young people looked after or care leavers will represent The Group and The Change Group on Manchester Youth Council so they can have a voice in wider decision making about things that affect them in the City.

Head of Youth Engagement/ Manchester Youth Council.

Residential Services Group

Fortnightly Children and young people looked after are engaged in meaningful activities aimed at enabling them to share their experience and contribute their views, opinions that will influence practice and service development. The Residential Services Group will be represented on The Group.

Residential Workers.

Young Peoples meetings (Internal Residential home)

Weekly Young people are engaged in meetings aimed at enabling them to discuss issues relating to their experience of living in the home and to influence development and improvement.

Residential Home Managers

Regulation 44 Visits

Monthly Regulation 44 visits in accordance Homes Regulations 2001 take place and will involved:

Meeting children and young people living in residential units and hear their views and opinions about the care they are receiving.

Capture the views of staff and parents.

To review compliance with policy and procedures.

Council Officers Independent of Children’s Services and Elected members


Looked After Children’s Reviews

First review a minimum of 20 days of being looked after, thereafter within 3 months of the Initial review and subsequent reviews are conducted at no more than six monthly intervals.

Statutory LAC Reviews are held in accordance with the review procedures to review arrangements for Looked After Children.


Looked After Children’s Reviews pre visit

In advance of the first review at 20 working days or within six weeks of the subsequent reviews.

The IRO will visit the child or young person no less than six weeks in advance of the LAC review to elicit their views and opinions about the review itself and arrangements, plans that are in place for them.


Missing from Home and Care Return Interviews

Carried out following each missing episode.

Return interview is carried out following each return interview and enables understanding of push and pull factors and of issues impacting children and young people.

Children’s Society and Internal Staff as appropriate.

Consultation documents ‘Have Your Say’.

Is sent out to children and young people in advance of the first or subsequent reviews.

Ascertain the child’s views about their placement and care plan.


Consultation and Feedback Form

External/ residential and Independent Fostering Agency placements.

Ascertain the child’s views about their placement and care plan.

Commissioning team

Independent Visitor Services

Available on request of the Looked after child or young person, once matched to an Independent Visitor monthly visits will take place.

Independent Visitor service delivered in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and Children and Young Person’s Act 2008 is provided by CORAM Voice which is a national children’s charity. Independent visitors befriend children in care who do not have regular contact with their own families.

CORAM Voice IRO/Social Worker has a role in ensuring children and young people are aware of the service.

Advocacy Services Advocacy service is available to any child or young person looked

Advocacy services are provided CORAM Voice which is a national children’s charity. Advocacy aimed at ensuring the

Coram Voice IRO/Social Worker has a role


after. child is supported to make themselves heard and understood is offered to children and young people in relation to particular matters or for support at a LAC review.

in ensuring children and young people are aware of the service.

Regular Engagement Activities

Regular engagement in participation activities.

Will develop an annual programme of activities designed to engage children and young people in meaningful participation activities and actively seek their views and opinions on a range of matters and assist them to influence service and practice development.

LAC Engagement Worker

Looked After Children Ballot/Survey and Care Leaver Annual Surveys

A Looked After Children Ballot/Survey and Care Leaver Survey is conducted annually and helps us to understand how well we are doing and what we need to do better.

These surveys seek the views of children and young people on a range of issues relating to their experience of practice, plans and arrangements for them.

Children in Care and Care Leavers Councils.

Children and young people are routinely consulted as part of commissioning processes.

Children and young people are engaged in the commissioning processes and then the review and evaluation of services commissioned by Manchester City Council.

The views of children and young people consistently inform the commissioning of services and the experiences of children and young people using these services is taken into account when commissioned services are reviewed and evaluated.

Children and Families Commissioning team.

2. Children Subject to Child Protection Plans and Child in Need Plans

What When Purpose Who

Statutory Visits Monthly Children are seen and spoken to alone and away from their parents where this is deemed age appropriate. Their wishes and feelings are sought.

Social Worker

Social workers report to Initial Child Protection Conference and

Every Initial Child Protection Conference and reviews.

Social worker completes a report for every conference and the child’s views and feelings are included.

Social Worker



Initial Child Protection Conference and reviews

Every Initial Child Protection Conference and review.

Child’s is invited to contribute their views and opinions if present.

Child Protection Safeguarding Chair

Child Protection Safeguarding Chair - Consultation Form titled ‘Have Your Say’.

Every Initial and review child protection conference.

Child Protection Safeguarding Chair sends out a consultation document to children and young people prior to each conference; this is designed to elicit their views, opinions and ascertainable wishes and feelings.

Child Protection Safeguarding Chair

Core Groups Held monthly in relation to every child subject to a child protection plan.

Core Group is multi agency, this group exists to develop, implement, monitor and review the Child Protection plan. Children and young people are able to attend as appropriate and contribute their views and opinions.

Social Worker

Advocacy Services Advocacy service is available to any child subject to a Child Protection or Child In Need plan.

Advocacy services are provided by CORAM Voice which is a national children’s charity. Advocacy aimed at ensuring the child is supported to make themselves heard and understood is offered to children and young people in relation to particular matters or for support at a child protection conference etc.

CORAM VOICE *IRO/Social Worker has a role in ensuring children and young people are aware of the service.

Child in Need Initial and Review meetings

6 weekly Children and young people’s view, wishes and feelings are ascertained in advance of CiN meetings.

Social Worker

‘Viewpoint’ system is used to gather feedback from young people on Youth Justice supervision

At the end of each intervention

To obtain feedback from Service Users on their views of the service given by YJ staff

Feedback is gathered independently through the use of an ipad in each office.


3. Family Group Conferencing/Family Network Meetings

What When Purpose Who

Family Group Conferencing or Family Network Meetings

In advance and during the Family Group Conference/Family Network Meeting

The child or young person’s views, opinions and ascertainable wishes and feelings are sought and reflected in the Family Group Conference or Family Network Meeting.

Family Group Conference Co-ordinator, Family Support Worker or Social Worker in relation to Family Network Meetings.

4. Assessment

What When Purpose Who

All Assessments During any assessment process

The child or young person’s views, opinions and ascertainable wishes and feelings are sought and reflected in the assessment.

All staff involved in undertaking assessments.

5. Audit

What When Purpose Who

All audit activity All audits The voice of children and young people will be a core focus of all audits undertaken. Auditors are expected to analyse how effectively the voice of children is being captured and then how this is being taken into account and used to inform practice, plans and arrangement for them.

All staff involved in audit.


6. Recruitment, Induction and Training

What When Purpose Who

Recruitment, Induction and training

Children and young people are offered the opportunity to contribute to the recruitment, induction and training of children’s services staff, foster carers and corporate parenting panel.

Children and young people influence recruitment and selection and induction processes the focus being to strengthen practice and services by ensuring from the outset that there is a strong commitment to promoting the rights of children and young people and a clear understanding of issues that matter to children and young people.

All Officers involved in recruitment, selection and induction and training of staff and foster carers.

7. Strategies, Policies and Publications

What When Purpose Who

Children and young people are consulted about strategies and polices that effect them.

Development and review of strategies, policies children and young people are consulted.

The child or young person’s views and opinions are routinely sought and used to influence policies and strategies that affect them.

All managers/ leaders.

Reports clearly outline in the purpose of the report why it will make a difference to children and young people. And in so far as it reasonably possible the voice of children and young people is captured.

Initially in relation to reports produced by children’s service for MSCB and the Corporate Parenting Panel.

Ensuring children and young people remain front and centre to everything we do.

All managers/ leaders.

Leaflets, publications and the website - children and young people are routinely consulted on the development of them.

At both the scoping, development and publication stages.

To ensure leaflets, publications and the website is child and young person friendly.

All managers/ leaders and Corporate Comms team


8. Complaints and Compliments

What When Purpose Who

Reports on complaints and compliments received from children and young people.

Quarterly Themes from complaints/ compliments are used to inform learning and development plans, advance practice and service development.

Corporate Complaints team



3.1 Children’s Social Care including Fostering and Adoption

Role and Lead Frequency Purpose Reporting


Director of Children’s Services. Audit.

Average one case quarterly (min) completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Children’s Social Care including Residential Services.

4 case file audits (Minimum) per annum.

Deputy Director of Children’s Service. Audit.

Average one case quarterly (min) completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Children’s Social Care including Residential Services.

4 case file audits (Minimum) per annum.

Strategic Lead for Social Work

Minimum of one cases selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas and completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards, quality of practice across Children’s Social Care and outcomes for children and young people.

12 case file audits (Minimum) per annum./12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Service Managers/ Heads of Service

Minimum of two case audits selected at random per month on a rotational basis across their own teams and service areas and completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To moderate audits completed within their service area and to seek assurance about the application of practice standards, quality of practice and outcomes for children and young people.

24 case file audits (Minimum) per annum) .

Team Managers. Audit/Direct Observation.

Minimum of one case selected at random per month on a rotational basis from their own locality and completed with the respective worker. Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within

Team managers will ensure compliance with service standards, practice guidance and outcomes for children and young people.

12 case file audits (Minimum) per annum. 12 Direct observations.


their own team.

Consultant Social Workers.

Minimum of two case audits selected at random per month on a rotational basis across their own teams and service areas and completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To moderate audits completed within their service area and to seek assurance about the application of practice standards, quality of practice and outcomes for children and young people.

24 case file audits. (Minimum) per annum.

3.2 Safeguarding and Improvement Unit

Activity and Lead Frequency Purpose Reporting


Director of Children’s Services. Audit.

Average one case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in SIU with a focus on IRO/Child Protection Safeguarding Chair.

2 case file audits (Minimum) per annum.

Deputy Director of Children’s Services. Audit.

Average one case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in SIU with a focus on IRO/Child Protection Safeguarding Chair.

2 case file audits (Minimum) per annum.

Head of Quality Assurance for Safeguarding. Audit.

Minimum of two cases selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the respective IRO/Child Protection Conference Chair. or their line manager.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards, quality of practice and outcomes for LAC, Care Leavers and Children Subject to Child Protection Plans.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Service Lead - Children’s Safeguarding.

Minimum of one case selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the IRO/Child Protection Conference Chair. respective worker or

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards, quality of practice and outcomes for LAC, Care Leavers and Children Subject to Child Protection Plans.

24 case file audits/ Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum. .


their line manager.

Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Managers.

Minimum of one case selected at random per month on a rotational basis across a team other than their own team. Completed with the IRO/Child Protection Conference Chair. .

Team managers will at random across practitioners select four cases each month to be audited ensuring compliance with service standards, practice guidance and to reflect on in supervision.

48 case file audits/ Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Independent Reviewing Officers monitoring.

IRO monitoring form will be completed following each Initial and subsequent LAC review. If there are any concerns about plans or arrangements for a LAC then this will be addressed via the agreed Dispute Resolution protocol.

To quality assure and report on the quality of case management and practice across the service.

PRI will run reports based on data collected within the IRO and Child Protection Safeguarding Chair monitoring forms. .

Child Protection Safeguarding Chairs monitoring.

A monitoring form will be completed following each Initial Child Protection Conference, 3 month and 6 month reviews.

Thematic audit programme will be carried out by the Safeguarding and Improvement Unit that will be supported by Consultant Social Workers.

Bi monthly Thematic audits will be defined by CMT as detailed in the annual audit schedule will be undertaken on a bi monthly basis.

Annual thematic audit plan.

3.3 Early Help

Activity and


Frequency Purpose Reporting


Director of Children’s Services.

Average one intervention case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

2 case file audits (Minimum) per annum.

Deputy Director of Average one To seek assurance about 2 case file audits


Children’s Services.

intervention case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

(minimum) per annum.

Strategic Head of Early Help.

Minimum of one intervention/triage case selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the respective worker. Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum. Across all areas of responsibility, Early Help, MASH etc.

Lead for Early Help.

Minimum of one intervention/triage case selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the respective worker In addition a minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Locality Managers.

Minimum of one triage case (per manager) selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the respective worker. Minimum of one Direct Observation

Locality managers will ensure compliance with service standards, practice guidance and outcomes for children and young people.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.


will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

Early Help Co-ordinators, Triage Team Managers and the Hub Social Worker.

Minimum of one triage case (per manager) selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams and service areas. Completed with the respective worker. Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

Early Help Co-ordinators will focus on cases stepped down from the MASH or contact centre. The aim is to determine the outcome for families.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Early Help Advisor and Early Help Champions

Quarterly audit of Early Help Assessments

To seek assurance that all Early Help Assessments meet expected standards of quality and practice.

Separate Audit schedule to be devised.

Interventions Managers.

Minimum of one intervention case (per manager) selected at random per month on a rotational basis from a team other than their own and completed with the respective worker. Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

Using the family partnership model the manager undertakes a case discussion with the staff member prior to the closure of the case. Pertinent questions are used to ensure quality for example whether families have been empowered to make their own changes.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.


3.4 Youth Justice Service

Activity and


Frequency Purpose Reporting


Director of Children’s Services.

Average one intervention case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

2 case file audits (minimum) per annum, incorporated into monthly Early Help audit reporting schedule.

Deputy Director of Children’s Services.

Average one intervention case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Early Help.

2 case file audits (minimum) per annum, incorporated into monthly Early Help audit reporting schedule.

Head of Service. Audit

Minimum of one cases selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams. Completed with the respective worker Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Youth Justice.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Performance and Quality Assurance Manager

Minimum of one cases selected at random per month on a rotational basis across teams. Completed with the respective worker Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice across Youth Justice.

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct Observations (Minimum) per annum.

Youth Justice Team Managers

Minimum of one cases selected at

To seek assurance about compliance with service

12 case file audits/ 12 Direct


random per month on a rotational basis across teams. Completed with the respective worker Minimum of one Direct Observation will be completed per month on a rotational basis from within their own team.

standards and quality of practice across Youth Justice.

Observations (minimum) per annum

Youth Justice Managers chair Case Planning Forums

Weekly To quality assure planning and interventions in specific, usually high-risk, cases

Annual performance data on rates of re-offending are shared with Youth Justice Management Board and Youth Justice Board.

Youth Justice Managers and Youth Justice Officers undertake Quality Assurance audits of case-work

Quarterly To quality assure aspects of Youth Justice practice

Information is shared with the Youth Justice Management Board

Lead Youth Justice Safeguarding Manager

Annually Section 11 audit Feeds into wider MSCB report

Quality Assurance and Performance Manager

Annually Youth Justice Board National Standards Audit

Findings and Action Plan reported to Youth Justice Management Board


3.5 Residential Homes

Activity and


Frequency Purpose Reporting


Director of Children’s Services.

Average one case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in residential services.

2 cases file audits (minimum) per annum)

Director of Children’s Services.

Average one case twice yearly (min) completed with the respective worker.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in residential services.

2 case file audits (minimum) per annum)

Strategic Lead for Social Work

Minimum of one case selected at random every two months on a rotational basis across residential services.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards, quality of practice across Children’s Social Care and outcomes for children and young people.

6 case file audits (minimum) per annum, Incorporated into monthly audit reporting schedule.

Strategic Head for LAC.

Minimum of one case selected at random per month on a rotational basis across residential.

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in residential services.

12 case file audits Minimum) per annum, incorporated into monthly.

Service Manager for Residential Services.

Minimum of two cases selected at random per month on a rotational basis across homes completed with the respective worker

To seek assurance about compliance with service standards and quality of practice in residential services.

24 case file audits Minimum) per annum.



Activity and Lead Frequency Purpose Reporting


Social Workers undertaking the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (AYSE) will be offered supervision by their Team Manager

First 6 weeks - a min of 1 ½ hrs a week. 7 weeks - 6 months - a min of 1 ½ hrs fortnightly. 6 - 12 months - a min of 1 ½ hrs monthly

Case supervision and the opportunity for reflection and critical analysis of practice, work load management, well-being, support needs, induction and personal development linked to Professional Capability Framework and CPD.

Monthly supervision report from Children’s Information System will be produced by PRI. Annual Staff Supervision Survey will be completed as detailed in Section 11. of this Framework. Supervision will be a core focus of all audit activity. Six monthly review of supervision records.

Newly appointed staff (not ASYE) during their six month probationary period will be offered supervision by their line manager.

First six months - min 1 ½ hrs fortnightly.

Case supervision and the opportunity for reflection and critical analysis of practice, work load management, well-being, support needs, induction and personal development linked to Professional Capability Framework and CPD for social work professionals.

Permanent full time staff that have completed their 6 month probationary period will be offered supervision by their line manager.

Monthly supervision Case supervision and the opportunity for reflection and critical analysis of practice, work load management, well-being, support needs and personal development linked to Professional Capability Framework and CPD for social work professionals.

Line managers at all levels will monitor and review the quality of individual staff supervision records on a six monthly basis.

Six monthly

Case supervision records are reviewed and the opportunity for reflection and critical analysis of practice, work load management, well-being, support needs and personal development linked to Professional Capability Framework and CPD for social work professionals

Review findings will be reflected in the individual managers own supervision records.

Employees (including temporary employees employed for six months or more) have an annual appraisal review

Annual Constructive discussion with the employees line manager focussing on: - performance objectives - role related performance - aspirations - learning and development

Annual report will be produced that highlights compliance with annual appraisal requirements.


meeting with their line manager.

- support needs

Employees including temporary employees employed for six months or more) review their appraisal development plan at least six monthly and on an ongoing basis within supervision.

Annual To review performance during the six month period since the annual IPA and objectives agreed.

top related