quarterly research performance progress report (period ... · the eleventh quarterly report was...

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DOE Award No.: DE-FE0028973

Quarterly Research Performance Progress


(Period Ending 9/30/2019)

Advanced Simulation and Experiments of

Strongly Coupled Geomechanics and Flow for

Gas Hydrate Deposits: Validation and Field

Application Project Period (10/01/2016 to 12/31/2019)

Submitted by:

Jihoon Kim

The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering,

College of Engineering

Texas A&M University

501L Richardson Building

3116 College Station TX, 77843-3136

Email: jihoon.kim@tamu.edu

Phone number: (979) 845-2205

Prepared for:

United States Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory


September 30, 2019

Office of Fossil Energy



This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States

Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their

employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or

responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,

product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned

rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,

trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,

recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views

and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United

States Government or any agency thereof.




DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 3

ACCOMPLISHMENTS ................................................................................................... 4

Objectives of the project ............................................................................................ 4

Accomplished ............................................................................................................ 4

Task 1 ....................................................................................................................... 4

Task 2 ....................................................................................................................... 5

Task 3 ....................................................................................................................... 5

Task 4 ..................................................................................................................... 11

Task 5 ..................................................................................................................... 13

Task 6 ..................................................................................................................... 16

PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................. 17

BUDGETARY INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 17



Objectives of the project

The objectives of the proposed research are (1) to investigate geomechanical responses induced

by depressurization experimentally and numerically; (2) to enhance the current numerical

simulation technology in order to simulate complex physically coupled processes by

depressurization and (3) to perform in-depth numerical analyses of two selected potential

production test sites: one based on the deposits observed at the Ulleung basin UBGH2-6 site; and

the other based on well-characterized accumulations from the westend Prudhoe Bay. To these

ends, the recipient will have the following specific objectives:

1). Information obtained from multi-scale experiments previously conducted at the recipient’s

research partner (the Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)) that were

designed to represent the most promising known Ulleung Basin gas hydrate deposit as drilled at

site UBGH2-6 will be evaluated (Task 2). These findings will be further tested by new

experimental studies at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Texas A&M (TAMU)

(Task 3) that are designed capture complex coupled physical processes between flow and

geomechanics, such as sand production, capillarity, and formation of secondary hydrates. The

findings of Tasks 2 and 3 will be used to further improve numerical codes.

2) Develop (in Tasks 4 through 6) an advanced coupled geomechanics and non-isothermal flow

simulator (T+MAM) to account for large deformation and strong capillarity. This new code will be

validated using data from the literature, from previous work by the project team, and with the

results of the proposed experimental studies. The developed simulator will be applied to both

Ulleung Basin and Prudhoe Bay sites, effectively addressing complex geomechanical and

petrophysical changes induced by depressurization (e.g., frost-heave, strong capillarity, cryo-

suction, induced fracturing, and dynamic permeability).


The plan of the project timeline and tasks is shown in Table 1, and the activities and achievements

during this period are listed in Table 2.

Task 1: Project management and planning

The eleventh quarterly report was submitted to NETL on July 29, 2019. LBNL and TAMU continued

to work on Subtasks 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. For Subtask 3.4, a TAMU student visited LBNL for

the experiment on September. Meanwhile, the TAMU-KIGAM team have mainly been working

on Subtasks 4.3 and 5.6 as well as Task 6. The specific status of the milestones is shown in Table

2. We had requested no-cost extension of the project to December 31 2019 and it was approved

August 22 2019. Specific achievements including presentation and publication during this period

are as follows.


Task 2: Review and evaluation of experimental data of gas hydrate at various scales for gas

production of Ulleung Basin

Subtask 2.1 Evaluation of Gas hydrate depressurization experiment of 1-m scale

This task was completed.

Subtask 2.2 Evaluation of Gas hydrate depressurization experiment of 10-m scale

This task was completed.

Subtask 2.3 Evaluation of Gas hydrate depressurization experiment of 1.5-m scale system in 3D

This task was completed.

Subtask 2.4 Evaluation of gas hydrate production experiment of the centimeter-scale system

This task was completed.

Task 3: Laboratory Experiments for Numerical Model Verification

Subtask 3.1: Geomechanical changes from effective stress changes during dissociation

This task was completed.

Subtask 3.2 Geomechanical changes from effective stress changes during dissociation – sand

This task was completed.

Subtask 3.3 Geomechanical changes resulting from secondary hydrate and capillary pressure


During this quarter, methane gas hydrate was formed using the excess gas method in a sample

consisting of F110 sand packed in an elastomer sleeve located inside of a LBNL custom hydrate

core holder. The apparatus was equipped with multiple ports to accommodate fluid flow,

pressure and temperature monitoring, and three capillary pressure sensors. The capillary

pressure sensors were constructed from porous ceramic with length 0.5 in, diameter 0.25 in, and

had a nominal 5 bar (72.5 psi) air entry pressure (Soil moisture, Santa Barbara, CA). A 1/16 in

hole was drilled into one end and a nylon tube was epoxied into the hole. Before installing in the


vessel, the sensors and tubing were saturated with water. The sensors were packed with the

sand and were located near the sample inlet, mid sample, and near the outlet. Thermocouples

were located in the confining fluid, with the exception of one located in the inlet line, and one

located in the outlet line both in close proximity to the sample. The sample is 5.7 in (14.5 cm)

long and 2 in (5 cm) in diameter. A 3/16 in aluminum tube coil connected to a circulating

temperature controller was placed around the sample at the outlet end to enable establishing a

temperature gradient in (See Fig. 3.3.1). Note that two of the capillary sensors were located in

the region with the warming coil and the third sensor was located outside the coil near the inlet.

Fig 3.3.1 Top – entire system showing sample, aluminum coil, and inlet and outlet plumbing. Red

dots indicate locations of thermocouples. Bottom – cut out of sample only, showing location of

capillary pressure sensors.

After the moist sand was packed in the sleeve, confining and pore pressure were set to 800 psi

and 700 psi, respectively, and the temperature was chilled to the hydrate stability region, 4 °C,

to allow hydrate to form. After hydrate formation the sample was saturated with water and a

temperature gradient was imposed on the sample such that one end of the sample was outside

of hydrate equilibrium, while the other end is still in equilibrium. Because the majority of

thermocouples were located in the confining fluid, not the sample, these are an approximation

of the sample temperature (Fig. 3.3.2). During the temperature modifications, effects of the

secondary hydrate formation resulting from the thermal dissociation was monitored, and the

capillary pressures generated in the process. The first temperature gradient was applied on day


Aluminum Coil



6, when the temperature of the fluid in the aluminum coil was raised to a region in the sample

that was outside the hydrate stability zone for approximately 1 day, then lowered again so the

entire system was in the stable hydrate zone. This was repeated 3 more times, for a total of 4

cycles over a period of 30 days (Fig. 3.3.3). Before final dissociation, the system was set at a ‘mid’

point temperature.

Fig. 3.3.2 Temperature profiles along sample. Position of the thermocouples are measured

relative to the endcap next to the sample.


Fig. 3.3.3 Temperature profiles in sample. Positions of the thermocouples are measured from

the inlet endcap of the large vessel. Dashed line indicates temperature where hydrate becomes

unstable (pore pressure 700 psi)

The capillary pressure sensors were connected to differential pressure transducers (DPT), and

the sample inlet. Fig. 3.3.4 shows capillary pressures at the sensors as measured by differential

pressure transducers. Without hydrate and during warming, the DPTs showed low values

indicating that water was freed from the hydrate. When the sample was cold and hydrate was

present, the DPTs showed high capillary pressure indicating the sample was “dry” (cryosuction)

due to water forming hydrate. During the mid-temperature setting, a different pattern was

observed in the sensors, which was likely due to a pressure drop in the inlet, and may have been

unrelated to hydrate formation. The three sensors behaved similarly. The sensor DelP mid was

connected to a sensor with a maximum 10 psi differential which resulted in lower apparent

readings for that position. The magnitudes of the capillary pressures were not expected to exceed

10 psi, however they greatly exceeded that value.

Fig. 3.3.4 Capillary pressures at the sensors as measured by differential pressure transducers.

During the warming and cooling processes, X-ray CT was used to monitor methane hydration

formation in the sample (Fig. 3.3.5). The darker purple is lower density and brighter yellow is high







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


ta P



time (days)

Capillary sensors

DelP inlet DelP mid Del P outlet




density. As hydrate forms, the density of the sample increases. Comparing panels Figs. 3.3.5 (b)

and (c), hydrate dissociation during warming is shown by the lower density region to the right.

Fig. 3.3.6 shows average z-axis profiles during warm and cold states, or the average density of

each slice along the sample during the experiment, which also shows the density changes

occurring along the sample.

Despite differences in hydrate conditions in the sample, the capillary sensors did not show

differences in the values depending on position within the sample. One exception is during the

mid-temperature cycle during the end of the experiment, there seemed to be some variation in

the values of the three sensors. This was probably due to some pressure loss in the inlet pump,

which caused some pressure differences across the sample at around day 32.

Operationally this test was complicated to set up taking more than a week, therefore once built

having the opportunity to perform multiple measurements on one build is advantageous. Future

tests could include potentials at more temperature gradients, different initial water saturations,

or layers of samples with different grain sizes. In addition, it would be helpful to have more

temperature measurements within the sample to more accurately define the temperature profile

to be able to control and understand the proximity to the equilibrium point. In addition, water

potentials in the sample were higher than expected. New tests with this system should include

differential pressure transducers that can measure ranges up to 80 psi.

A number of future analyses should be performed both on these data, and using this new

capability. The declining capillary pressure over time is curious. Does this occur with hydrate

ripening; is it an experimental artifact; are there other reasons? Closer investigations of the data,

particularly during transitions will provide a better description of transient system behavior

showing the effect of temperature gradient and simultaneously conditions across the equilibrium


(a) Hydrate formed in sample, before water saturation


(b) Sample during cold cycle

(c) Sample during warming cycle

(d) Sample at mid-temperature

Fig. 3.3.5 X-ray cross sections of sample under different conditions (a) hydrate formation (b)

water saturated, cold (c) water saturated, warm (d) mid-temperature.


Fig. 3.3.6. Z-axis profiles of CT intensity of the sample during warm and cool periods. For clarity,

z-axis profiles were averaged from the repeated cycles. The warm average corresponds to

condition in Fig. 3.3.4 warming cycles and Fig. 3.3.5c. Similarly, cold average corresponds to

cooling cycles in Fig. 3.3.4 and to the CT scan in Fig. 3.3.5b. The mid-point temperature is from a

single sample, corresponding to Fig. 3.3.5d. Intensity is in Hounsfield Units.

Subtask 3.4 Construction of the Relative Permeability Data in Presence of Hydrate

While we are working on this task, we have not obtained visible outcomes, yet.

Subtask 3.5 Identification of Hysteresis in Hydrate Stability

This subtask was competed.

Task 4: Incorporation of Laboratory Data into Numerical Simulation Model

Subtask 4.1 Inputs and Preliminary Scoping Calculations

This task is completed. We have finished revisiting and reviewing the experimental data of

Subtasks 2.1 and 2.3 as well as the input data for Subtasks 5.5 and 5.6 and Task 6. In particular,

we have reflected the input data of the Ulleung Basin model updated by KIGAM in 2017. Thus,

we have the two models developed in 2014 and 2017, respectively, which are being used for



Subtask 4.2 Determination of New Constitutive Relationships

No further progress has been made during the quarter. New constitutive relationships can be

obtained after Subtask 3.4.

Subtask 4.3 Development of Geological Model

Continuing to the previous research, along with Subtask 4.1, we have updated the geological

model of UBGH2-6 for simulation the flow and geomechanics problems (Fig. 4.3.1). During this

quarter, we have focused on constructing the new input and mesh files for T+H simulation to

simulate the UBGH2-6 2017 model.

We took the UBGH2-6 2014 model for Subtask 5.6 in order to analyze productivity of gas and

subsidence by using TOUGH+ROCMECH, fast and efficient, when considering various production


At the same time, we are taking the UBGH2-6 2017 model for Subtask 5.6 in order to investigate

shear slip and stress concentration near the casing and bottom of the well, respectively, by using

TOUGH+FLAC3D, which allows more complex gridding in 3D.

Currently, we are making the geological model of PBU-L-106C (Kim et al. 2012, Journal of

Petroleum Science and Engineering, 92-93: 143-157) for the same analyses as we did for the

UBGH2-6 case by using both TOUGH+ROCMECH and TOUGH+FLAC3D.


Fig. 4.3.1. A new UBGH2-6 model updated in 2017. There are thin hydrate layers that have low

gas hydrate saturation, which yields high effective permeability due to low solid phase saturation.

Task 5: Modeling of coupled flow and geomechanics in gas hydrate deposits

Subtask 5.1 Development of a coupled flow and geomechanics simulator for large deformation

This task was completed.

Subtask 5.2 Validation with experimental tests of depressurization

In the previous progress reports, we showed good agreement between the lad data and

simulation results, which validates TOUGH+ROCMECH. We hence mark this subtask completed.

We plan to further calibrate the simulation models by tuning initial condition and other flow and

geomechanics properties.

Subtask 5.3 Modeling of sand production and plastic behavior

We have been implementing to TOUGH+ROCMECH sand production models that are based on

elastoplastic geomechanics. We will complete this subtask next quarter.

Subtask 5.4 Modeling of induced changes by formation of secondary hydrates: Frost-heave,

strong capillarity, and induced fracturing

We have been implementing to TOUGH+ROCMECH a new model for hysteretic capillary pressure

and relative permeability. This modeling approach is on the basis of strong mathematical analysis

used in the return mapping algorithms of elastoplasticity, being thermodynamically consistent.

The details are described in the paper recently accepted in Journal of Computational Physics

during this quarter, shown in the PRODUCT section. We are currently implementing the van

Genuchten model as follows.

Van Genuchten model:

𝑆�̅� = [1 + (𝛼𝑃𝑐)𝑛]−𝑚 ⇔ 𝑃𝑐 =1



𝑚 − 1]1

𝑛, 𝑘𝑟𝑔 = 𝑆�̅�1/2

[1 − (1 − 𝑆�̅�




where 𝑆�̅� =𝑆𝐽−𝑆𝑟𝐽

1−𝑆𝑟𝐽 is the effective saturation of J phase and 𝛼, m, n, 𝜆 are the model

parameters, where m=1-1/n.


Fig. 5.4.1. Hysteresis modeling for the van Genuchten model. Left: Capillary pressure. Right:

Relative permeability of gas phase. n=2.0, and Srw=0. α=0.0001 for the reversible (elastic) process,

while α=0.0002 for the irreversible (plastic) process.

We will complete this subtask next quarter after additionally modifying hydraulic fracturing

modeling modules to TOUGH+ROCMECH.

Subtasks 5.5 and 5.6 Field-scale simulation of PBU L106 and Ulleung Basin

We studied productivity of gas as well as geomechanical responses subsidence for 4 cases shown

in Table 5.5.1 by using TOUGH+ROCMECH when considering 30 day production. The simulation

is based on the geological model developed in 2014. Here, the brief summary of the simulation

results is as follows.

Figs. 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 show production of gas and water for the four cases. Overall, for all cases,

gas production is much higher than water production. When BHP (bottom hole pressure) is low

(i.e., Case 1), we can get higher production of gas and water while larger subsidence is obtained.

For Case 2, where BHP drops linearly rather than instantaneously, the numerical results of

production are still almost same as those of the reference case, where BHP is 9MPa. For Case 3,

where periodic BHP’s of 9MPa and 14MPa are applied, we can have almost same results as those

of reference case. On the other hand, from Fig. 5.5.3, the subsidence of Case 3 is the lowest

among the four cases, which shows that this case is one of the promising scenarios for UBGH2-6

field test production.

Table 5.5.1. Four production scenarios for 30 day production by depressurization with a vertical



Fig. 5.5.1. Left: methane gas flow rate. Right: cumulative production of gas phase methane.

Table 5.5.2 Total gas production for the four cases.

Fig. 5.5.2. Left: water flow rate. Right: cumulative production of water.

Table 5.5.3 Total water production for the four cases.


Fig. 5.5.3. Vertical displacements near and away from the well for all four cases. Overall,

subsidence is not significant during 30 day production.

Task 6: Simulation-Based Analysis of System Behavior at the Ignik-Sikumi and Ulleung Hydrate


We are performing numerical simulation on the wellbore slip and stress concentration near the

well for UBGH2-6. The simulation is based on the geological model developed in 2017. Unlike the

2014 model, we identify that there is fast gas hydrate dissociation at the layers that have low gas

hydrate saturation due to high permeability. Also, we find stress concentration at the bottom of

the well. We are currently analyzing these behavior more, considering different production





Journal paper

Yoon H.C., Zhou P. , Kim J., 2019, Robust modeling of hysteretic capillary pressure and relative

permeability for two phase flow in porous media, Journal of Computational Physics, Accepted

The fund was acknowledged in this paper.


Table 3 shows the information of the budget for this project and the expenditure up to

9/30/2019. The expenditure by TAMU and cost-share from KIGAM are accurate while the

expenditure by LBNL might not be accurate. For detailed information of the budget and

expenditure, refer to the financial status report separately submitted to NETL by each institution.

Table 1 – Initial project timeline and milestones (Gantt Chart)

FY17 FY18 FY19

Quarter Q1












Task 1.0. Project Management/Planning A

Task 2.0. Experimental study of gas hydrate in

various scales for gas production of Ulleung


Subtask 2.1. Depressurization of 1 m scale in 1D B Subtask 2.2 Depressurization of 10-m scale in 1D C Subtask 2.3. Depressurization of 1.5-m scale in 3D D Subtask 2.4. Revisit to the centimeter-scale system

Task 3.0. Laboratory Experiments for

Numerical Model Verification

Subtask 3.1. Effective stress changes during dissociation E Subtask 3.2. Sand production F Subtask 33. Secondary hydrate and capillary pressure changes


Subtask 3.4. Relative Permeability Data Subtask 3.5. Hysteresis in Hydrate Stability

Task 4.0. Incorporation of Laboratory Data

into Numerical Simulation Model

Subtask 4.1. Inputs and Preliminary Scoping Calculations H Subtask 4.2. Determination of New Constitutive Relationships


Subtask 4.3. Development of Geological Model

Task 5.0. Modeling of coupled flow and

geomechanics in gas hydrate deposits

Subtask 5.1 Development of a coupled flow and geomechanics

simulator for large deformation I

Subtask 5.2 Validation with experimental tests of depressurization


Subtask 5.3 Modeling of sand production and plastic behavior K Subtask 5.4 Frost-heave, strong capillarity, and induced

fracturing L

Subtask 5.5 Field-scale simulation of PBU L106 Subtask 5.6 Field-wide simulation of Ulleung Basin

Task 6.0. Simulation-Based Analysis of System

Behavior at the Ignik-Sikumi and Ulleung

Hydrate Deposits


Table 2. Milestones Status

Milestone Description Planned




Status / Comments

Task 1 Milestones

Milestone A Complete the kick-off meeting

and revise the PMP

12/31/17 1/14/2017 Kickoff meeting held

11/22/17, revised PMP

finalized 1/17/17

Task 2 Milestones

Milestone B Complete analysis of 1 m-

scale experiment in 1D and

validation of the cm-scale

system (FY17, Q4)

9/30/2017 Completed.

Milestone C Complete analysis of 10m-

scale experiment in 1D

6/30/2018 Completed.

Milestone D Complete analysis of 1.5m-

scale experiment in 3D


Task 3 Milestones

Milestone E Complete geomechanical

changes from effective stress

changes during dissociation

and construction of the

relative permeability data

9/30/2017 Completed

Milestone F Complete geomechanical

changes from effective stress

changes during dissociation

(sand production) and

hysteresis in hydrate stability

9/30/2018 Completed

Milestone G Complete geomechanical

changes resulting from

secondary hydrate and

capillary pressure changes

9/30/2019 Ongoing

Task 4 Milestones

Milestone H Complete inputs and

preliminary scoping

calculations, determination of

New Constitutive

12/31/2018 Ongoing


Relationships, development of

Geological Model

Task 5 Milestones

Milestone I Complete development of a

coupled flow and

geomechanics simulator for

large deformation, validation

with experimental tests of

Subtasks 2.1 and 2.4.

9/30/17 Completed

Milestone J Validation with experimental

tests of Task 2 and 3

3/31/2019 Completed

Milestone K Complete modeling of sand

production and plastic

behavior, validation with

experimental tests of Subtasks


9/30/2018 Ongoing

Milestone L Complete field-scale

simulation of the Ulleung

Basin and PBU L106

9/30/2019 Ongoing

Task 6 Milestones

Milestone M Complete Task 6 9/30/2019 Ongoing

Table 3 Budget information


Q1 Cumulative Total Q2 Cumulative Total Q3 Cumulative Total Q4 Cumulative Total

Baselinie Cost Plan

Federal (TAMU) $43,543 $43,543 $36,189 $79,733 $47,526 $127,259 $41,209 $168,468

Federal (LBNL) $18,750 $18,750 $18,750 $37,500 $18,750 $56,250 $18,750 $75,000

Non-Federal Cost Share $6,986 $6,986 $6,986 $13,972 $6,986 $20,958 $6,986 $27,944

Total Planned $69,279 $69,279 $61,925 $131,205 $73,262 $204,467 $66,945 $271,412

Actual Incurred Cost

Federal (TAMU) $46,338 $46,338 $47,068 $93,406 $32,930 $126,336 $48,234 $174,570

Federal (LBNL) $6,658 $6,658 $39,707 $46,365 $16,775 $63,140 $67,711 $130,851

Non-Federal Cost Share $6,986 $6,986 $6,986 $13,972 $6,986 $20,958 $6,986 $27,944

Total incuured cost $59,982 $59,982 $93,761 $153,743 $56,691 $210,434 $122,931 $333,365


Federal (TAMU) $2,795 $2,795 $10,878 $13,673 ($14,596) ($923) $7,025 $6,102

Federal (LBNL) ($12,092) ($12,092) $20,957 $8,865 ($1,975) $6,890 $48,961 $55,851

Non-Federal Cost Share $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Total variance ($9,297) ($9,297) $31,835 $22,538 ($16,571) $5,967 $55,986 $61,953

Baselinie Reporting Quarter

Budget Period 3

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

10/01/18-12/31/18 01/01/19-03/31/19 04/01/19-06/30/19 07/01/19-09/30/19

National Energy Technology Laboratory 626 Cochrans Mill Road P.O. Box 10940 Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940 3610 Collins Ferry Road P.O. Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 13131 Dairy Ashford Road, Suite 225 Sugar Land, TX 77478 1450 Queen Avenue SW Albany, OR 97321-2198 Arctic Energy Office 420 L Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99501 Visit the NETL website at: www.netl.doe.gov Customer Service Line: 1-800-553-7681

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