quasi-stationary distributions: a...

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Quasi-stationary Distributions: A Bibliography

P.K. Pollett

Last updated 2nd August 2010


Quasi-stationary distributions have been used to model the long-term behaviourof stochastic systems which in some sense terminate, but appear to be stationary overany reasonable time scale. The idea can be traced back to the work of the RussianMathematician A.M. Yaglom, who showed that the limiting conditional distributionof the number in the nth generation of the Galton Watson branching process alwaysexists in the subcritical case (see Yaglom [399]). But, it was not until the early six-ties, and largely stimulated by the remarkable work of Vere-Jones [388], and laterKingman [191], Darroch and Seneta [84], Seneta and Vere-Jones [336], and Darrochand Seneta [85], that a general theory was annunciated. Since then, quasi-stationarydistributions have appeared in a variety of diverse contexts, including chemical reac-tion kinetics, reliability theory, genetics, epidemics, ecology and telecommunications,and this work has stimulated further developments in the theory. Modern key papersin the area are Ferrari, Kesten, Martınez and Picco [101] and Kesten [171].

I present here a bibliography of work on quasi-stationary distributions. This in-cludes work on quasi-stationary distributions per se (stationary conditional distribu-tions), limiting conditional distributions (often called quasi-stationary distributions,and also called Yaglom limits and quasi-limiting distributions), the companion topicsof geometric and exponential ergodicity, R-classification of states and R-invariantmeasures (et cetera), ratio limit theorems, analysis of processes conditioned to staywithin a given region (particularly weak convengence of those processes), and papersdealing with diffusion approximations which specifically describe quasi stationarityof evanescent processes.

Published work is cited under various headings. Several works appear under morethan one heading. The final section lists the same works in chronological order.

Whilst I do not claim that the bibliography is exhaustive, I do hope that itincludes most of the work published on quasi-stationary distributions. I welcomeadditions and corrections. I would particularly like to hear about Ph.D. theses in thearea (they are very difficult to trace). Please e-mail me at pkp@maths.uq.edu.au.This bibliography is maintained at


2 P.K. Pollett

1 Textbooks

As yet there is no textbook specifically devoted to quasi-stationary distributions. However,the following texts contained sections devoted to quasi-stationary distributions or the ideaof a limiting conditional distribution.

Anderson [8]Bartlett [24]Kijima [181]May [234]Seneta [334]

2 Ph.D. theses

Breyer [43]Day [86]Hart [138]Parsons [273]Sirl [346]Walker [393]

3 General theory

This section on the general theory of quasi-stationary distributions also including paperson the related topics of geometric and exponential ergodicity, classifications of states, andratio limit theorems.

3.1 Ratio limit theory

Cheong [65]Cohn [72]Collet, Martınez and San Martın [74]Doney [91]Enderle and Hering [95]Ferrari, Kesten, Martınez and Picco [101]Foguel [111]Foguel and Lin [112]Gerl [115]Gine, Koltchinskii and Wellner [121]Handelman [135]Hou [146]Isaac [151]Isaac [152]Kersting [168]Kesten [169]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 3

Kesten [171]Kingman and Orey [192]Lamb [209]Levitan [215]Levitan [216]Lin [219]Lin [220]Mucci [240]Narimanjan [243]Nummelin [251]Nummelin [252]Oman [255]Oman [256]Oshima [260]Papangelou [272]Pollard [285]Port [316]Pruitt [318]Rootzen [324]Salminen [325]Shur [341]Shur [342]Shur [343]Stone [350]Stone [351]Sur [353]Sur [354]Van Doorn and Schrijner [384]Zhao and Jin [402]Zhao and Ying [403]

3.2 Discrete-time Markov chains

Al-Eideh [2]Al-Eideh [3]Al-Eideh and Al-Towaiq [4]Al-Towaiq and Al-Eideh [5]Al-Towaiq and Al-Eideh [6]Brown [48]Buckley and Pollett [50]Buiculescu [52]Callaert [55]Coolen-Schrijner and Pollett [77]Coolen-Schrijner and van Doorn [78]Darroch and Seneta [84]Isaacson [153]

4 P.K. Pollett

Kesten [171]Kijima [175]Kijima [179]Kijima [180]Lasserre and Pearce [211]Ledoux [213]Ledoux, Rubino and Sericola [214]Mandl [227]Pollak and Siegmund [284]Seneta and Vere-Jones [336]Strunkov [352]Teugels [359]Tweedie [375]Van Doorn and Pollett [380]Van Doorn and Schrijner [386]Van Doorn and Schrijner [385]Vere-Jones [388]Vere-Jones [389]Vere-Jones [390]

3.3 Continuous-time Markov chains

Abate and Whitt [1]Anisimov and Pushkin [9]Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero [13]Breyer and Roberts [46]Buiculescu [51]Buiculescu [54]Callaert [55]Chen and Strook [63]Coolen-Schrijner, Hart and Pollett [76]Darlington and Pollett [83]Darroch and Seneta [85]Elmes, Pollett and Walker [93]Elmes, Pollett and Walker [94]Ferrari, Martınez and Picco [106]Ferrari, Kesten, Martınez and Picco [101]Flaspohler [109]Gray, Pollett and Zhang [130]Hart and Pollett [141]Hart and Pollett [140]Hart and Pollett [142]Hart, Martınez and San Martın [139]Jacka and Roberts [155]Kijima [179]Kijima [178]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 5

Kijima [180]Kingman [191]Kingman [190]Ledoux [213]Ledoux, Rubino and Sericola [214]Li and Xiao [217]Lin, Zhang and Hou [222]Mei and Lin [236]Moler, Plo and San Miguel [237]Nair and Pollett [242]Nair and Pollett [241]Pakes [265]Pakes [269]Pollett [288]Pollett [291]Pollett [292]Pollett [295]Pollett [299]Pollett [300]Pollett [305]Pollett [307]Pollett and Roberts [311]Pollett and Vere-Jones [314]Pollett and Zhang [315]Seneta and Tweedie [335]Sirl [346]Steinsaltz Evans [348]Tweedie [368]Tweedie [369]Vere-Jones [391]Walker [392]Waugh [395]Wu [396]Wu [397]Wu [398]Yong [401]

3.4 Semi-Markov and Markov-renewal processes

Arjas and Nummelin [10]Arjas, Nummelin and Tweedie [11]Cheong [64]Cheong [65]Cheong [67]Cheong [66]Flaspohler and Holmes [110]

6 P.K. Pollett

Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [133]Nummelin [249]Nummelin [250]Silvestrov [344]Teugels [358]

3.5 Markov processes on a general state space

Arjas, Nummelin and Tweedie [11]Bebbington, Pollett and Zheng [29]Bertoin [34]Breyer and Roberts [46]Enderle and Hering [95]Folkman and Port [113]Glover [122]Isaac [152]Lin [221]Klebaner, Lazar and Zeitouni [195]Nummelin and Arjas [253]Nummelin and Tweedie [254]Orey [259]Pollard and Tweedie [286]Pollard and Tweedie [287]Roberts [321]Tuominen and Tweedie [362]Tuominen and Tweedie [364]Tweedie [372]Tweedie [370]Tweedie [371]Tweedie [374]

3.6 Dynamical systems

Khasminskii, Yin and Zhang [172]Li, Yin, Yin and Zhang [218]Klebaner and Lazar [194]

3.7 Miscellaneous

Asselah and Castell [14]Asselah and Dai Pra [15]Asselah and Ferrari [16]Bobrowski [38]Breyer, Roberts and Rosenthal [42]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 7

Collet, Martınez and Schmitt [75]

Dickman and Vidigal [88]

Ferrari and Martınez [104]

Fierro, Martınez and San Martın [108]

Glynn and Thorisson [123]

Glynn and Thorisson [124]

Green [131]

Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [134]

Hognas, Goran [144]

Huisinga, Meyn and Schutte [148]

Kang and Klotz [158]

Knoth [197]

Martınez [230]

Moricz [238]

Moricz [239]

O’Neill [257]

Petersen and Schmidt [279]

Ramanan and Zeitouni [319]

Serfling [338]

Turkman [365]

Wang and Wang [394]

Zuparov and Mamadaliev [405]

4 Diffusion approximations

Barbour [18]

Barbour [19]

Barbour [20]

Barbour [21]

Barbour [22]

Kurtz [199]

Kurtz [200]

Kurtz [202]

Kurtz [203]

5 Special processes

5.1 Cellular automata

Atman and Dickman [17]

Ferrari, Kesten and Martınez [100]

Martınez [229]

8 P.K. Pollett

5.2 Birth-death processes

Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero [13]Callaert and Keilson [57]Callaert and Keilson [58]Callaert [56]Cavender [60]Chan [61]Clancy and Pollett [70]Coolen-Schrijner and van Doorn [79]Ferrari, Martınez and Picco [105]Good [125]Keilson and Ramaswamy [161]Keilson and Ramaswamy [162]Kesten [170]Kijima [176]Kijima [174]Kijima, Nair, Pollett and van Doorn [186]Kijima and Seneta [187]Mandl [228]Martınez [229]Martınez and Vares [233]Parthasarathy, Lenin, Schoutens and van Assche [275]Roberts and Jacka [322]Roberts, Jacka and Pollett [323]Schoutens [328]Schrijner and van Doorn [329]Van Doorn [377]Van Doorn [379]Van Doorn and Schrijner [384]Van Doorn and Schrijner [383]

5.3 Branching processes

Buiculescu [53]Cheong [68]Evans [96]Ezhov and Reshetnyak [99]Geiger [114]Kimmel [189]Kurtz and Wainger [204]Lambert [210]Pakes [263]Pakes [265]Pakes [266]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 9

Seneta and Vere-Jones [337]Vatutin and Dyakonova [387]Yaglom [399]

5.4 Brownian motion

Collet, Martınez and San Martın [74]Ferrari, Martınez and San Martın [107]Housworth [147]Klass and Pitman [193]Martınez and San Martın [232]Martınez Picco and San Martın [231]Salminen [325]Serlet [339]

5.5 Catastrophe processes

Pakes [264]Pakes and Pollett [270]

5.6 Diffusions and related processes

Cattiaux, Collet, Lambert, Martınez, Meleard and San Martın [59]Collet, Martınez and San Martın [73]Kennedy [167]Kao [159]Pinsky [282]Pinsky [283]Jacka and Roberts [154]Jacka and Roberts [156]Kyprianou and Palmowski [205]Lladser and San Martın [224]Steinsaltz and Evans [349]Ye [400]

5.7 Quasi-birth-death processes

Bean, Bright, Latouche, Pearce, Pollett and Taylor [25]Bean, Pollett and Taylor [26]Bean, Pollett and Taylor [27]Bean, Pollett and Taylor [28]Pearce [277]

10 P.K. Pollett

5.8 Queues and related models

Boucherie [40]

Ferrari and Lopes Garcia [102]

Kennedy [167]

Kibkalo [173]

Kijima [177]

Kijima and Makimoto [183]

Kijima and Makimoto [184]

Kijima and Makimoto [185]

Kijima and Makimoto [182]

Kyprianou [206]

Kyprianou [207]

Kyprianou [208]

Makimoto [225]

Topolski [360]

Tuominen and Tweedie [363]

Van Doorn and Regterschot [381]

5.9 Random walks

Bertoin and Doney [35]

Bertoin and Doney [36]

Bertoin and Doney [37]

Bolthausen [39]

Daley [80]

Doney [89]

Doney [90]

Doney [91]

Iglehart [150]

Iglehart [149]

Kao [159]

Keener [160]

Pakes [262]

Ritter [320]

Seneta [330]

Shimura [340]

Stadje [347]

Szubarga and Szynal [356]

Szubarga and Szynal [355]

Szubarga and Szynal [357]

Zhao and Ying [403]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 11

6 Computational methods

Bebbington [30]Bebbington [31]Bebbington and Stewart [32]Boucherie and van Doorn [41]Pollett [297]Pollett and Roberts [311]Pollett and Stewart [312]

7 Truncation methods

Most of the papers listed in this section concern the evaluation of stationary distributions ,but I have included here work which might easily be adapted to handle quasi-stationarydistributions .

Breyer and Hart [44]Breyer and Hart [45]Gibson and Seneta [118]Gibson and Seneta [117]Hart and Tweedie [143]Pearce and Shin [276]Seneta [332]Seneta [333]Tweedie [367]Tweedie [368]Tweedie [373]Tweedie [375]

8 Applications

8.1 Biology and ecology

Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero [13]Bartlett [23]Becker [33]Buckley and Pollett [49]Buckley and Pollett [50]Day and Possingham [87]Ferrari and Maric [103]Gilpin and Hanski [119]Gilpin and Taylor [120]Goran [126]Gosselin [127]Gosselin [128]

12 P.K. Pollett

Grasman [129]Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [132]Hanson and Tuckwell [136]Hanson and Tuckwell [137]Holling [145]Klein [196]Kukhtin, Kuzmenko and Shramko [198]Mech [235]Pakes, Trajstman and Brockwell [271]Pollett [289]Pollett [298]Pollett [301]Pollett [302]Pollett [304]Pollett [303]Pollett [308]Pollett [306]Scheffer [327]Trajstman [361]

8.2 Chemical kinetics

Dambrine and Moreau [81]Dambrine and Moreau [82]Dykman, Horita and Ross [92]Kurtz [201]Malek-Mansour and Nicolis [226]Oppenheim, Schuler and Weiss [258]Parsons and Pollett [274]Pollett [290]Pollett and Vassallo [313]Turner and Malek-Mansour [366]

8.3 Epidemics

Artalejo, Economou and Lopez-Herrero [12]Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero [13]Clancy, O’Neill and Pollett [69]Clancy and Pollett [70]Nasell [244]Nasell [245]Nasell [246]Nasell [247]Nasell [248]Ovaskainen [261]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 13

Sani, Kroese and Pollett [326]

8.4 Genetics

Ewens [97]Ewens [98]Kendall [166]Seneta [331]

8.5 Reliability

Cocozza-Thivent and Roussignol [71]Kalpakam and Shahul Hameed [157]Pijnenburg and Ravichandran [280]Pijnenburg, Ravichandran and Regterschot [281]

8.6 Telecommunications

Gibbens, Hunt and Kelly [116]Kelly [164]Kelly [165]Pollett [294]Pollett [293]Pollett [296]Ziedins [404]

8.7 Medicine

Chan, Pollett and Weinstein [62]

9 Significant related material

Brockwell, Gani and Resnick [47]Kelly [163]Kijima and van Doorn [188]Ledermann and Reuter [212]Liu, Zhang and Zhao [223]Pakes [267]Pakes [268]Peng [278]Pollett [309]Pollett [310]

14 P.K. Pollett

Pruitt [317]Sirl, Zhang and Pollett [345]Van Doorn and Schrijner [382]Van Doorn [376]Van Doorn [378]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 15

10 Chronological order


Yaglom [399]


Scheffer [327]


Ledermann and Reuter [212]


Bartlett [23]


Waugh [395]


Bartlett [24]Mandl [227]


Vere-Jones [388]


Albert [7]Ewens [97]Kingman [191]Kingman [190]


Ewens [98]Kingman and Orey [192]Mandl [228]Pruitt [317]


Darroch and Seneta [84]Port [316]Pruitt [318]


Folkman and Port [113]Kendall [166]Mech [235]Seneta [330]Seneta [331]Seneta and Vere-Jones [336]Stone [350]

16 P.K. Pollett


Vere-Jones [389]Darroch and Seneta [85]Cheong [64]Isaac [151]Orey [259]Papangelou [272]Seneta [332]Stone [351]


Cheong [65]Good [125]Klein [196]Seneta and Vere-Jones [337]Seneta [333]Teugels [359]Teugels [358]Vere-Jones [390]


Daley [80]Foguel [111]Vere-Jones [391]


Becker [33]Cheong [67]Cheong [66]Kesten [170]Kesten [169]Kurtz [199]Lin [219]Levitan [215]


Kurtz [200]Kyprianou [206]Levitan [216]Tweedie [367]


Buiculescu [51]Cheong [68]Flaspohler and Holmes [110]Foguel and Lin [112]Isaac [151]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 17

Kesten [169]Kingman and Orey [192]Levitan [215]Levitan [216]Lin [219]Lin [220]Papangelou [272]Port [316]Pruitt [318]Stone [350]Stone [351]


Buiculescu [52]Callaert and Keilson [57]Callaert and Keilson [58]Holling [145]Kurtz and Wainger [204]Lamb [209]Pakes [262]Tweedie [368]


Barbour [18]Callaert [55]Callaert [56]Cohn [72]Flaspohler [109]Gerl [115]Iglehart [150]Iglehart [149]Kennedy [167]Kennedy [167]Kersting [168]May [234]Tweedie [372]Tweedie [370]Tweedie [371]Tweedie [369]


Buiculescu [53]Malek-Mansour and Nicolis [226]Narimanjan [243]Pakes [263]Pollard and Tweedie [286]Tweedie [373]

18 P.K. Pollett

Yong [401]


Barbour [19]Bolthausen [39]Kurtz [202]Lin [221]Mucci [240]Nummelin [249]Nummelin and Arjas [253]Pollard and Tweedie [287]


Arjas and Nummelin [10]Green [131]Moricz [238]Nummelin [250]Oman [255]Oppenheim, Schuler and Weiss [258]


Cavender [60]Evans [96]Hanson and Tuckwell [136]Kao [159]Kao [159]Kurtz [203]Nummelin [251]Nummelin and Tweedie [254]Oman [256]Turner and Malek-Mansour [366]


Barbour [20]Isaacson [153]Nummelin [252]Pakes, Trajstman and Brockwell [271]Tuominen and Tweedie [362]Tuominen and Tweedie [363]


Arjas, Nummelin and Tweedie [11]Arjas, Nummelin and Tweedie [11]Barbour [21]Barbour [22]Moricz [239]Serfling [338]Sur [353]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 19

Van Doorn [376]


Dambrine and Moreau [81]Dambrine and Moreau [82]Hanson and Tuckwell [137]Ritter [320]Seneta [334]Trajstman [361]Tweedie [374]


Brockwell, Gani and Resnick [47]Enderle and Hering [95]Zuparov and Mamadaliev [405]


Chen and Strook [63]Doney [89]Ezhov and Reshetnyak [99]Isaac [152]Kalpakam and Shahul Hameed [157]Kelly [163]Sur [354]Turkman [365]


Keilson and Ramaswamy [161]


Anisimov and Pushkin [9]Doney [90]Kelly [164]Kibkalo [173]Parsons [273]Pinsky [282]Seneta and Tweedie [335]Szubarga and Szynal [356]Szubarga and Szynal [355]Szubarga and Szynal [357]Van Doorn [377]


Glover [122]Keilson and Ramaswamy [162]Pollak and Siegmund [284]Pollett [288]


20 P.K. Pollett

Gibson and Seneta [118]Gibson and Seneta [117]Kelly [165]Pakes [264]Parsons and Pollett [274]Pollett [289]Rootzen [324]Shur [341]Van Doorn [378]Ziedins [404]


Jacka and Roberts [154]Pollett [291]Pollett [290]Topolski [360]Van Doorn and Regterschot [381]


Abate and Whitt [1]Buiculescu [54]Pakes and Pollett [270]Pollett [292]


Al-Eideh and Al-Towaiq [4]Gibbens, Hunt and Kelly [116]Pijnenburg and Ravichandran [280]Pijnenburg, Ravichandran and Regterschot [281]Pollett and Roberts [311]


Al-Towaiq and Al-Eideh [5]Anderson [8]Brown [48]Ferrari, Martınez and Picco [105]Gilpin and Hanski [119]Kijima and Seneta [187]Nasell [244]Pollett [295]Pollett [294]Pollett [293]Roberts [321]Shimura [340]Van Doorn [379]


Ferrari, Martınez and Picco [106]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 21

Keener [160]Kijima [176]Kijima [175]Kijima and Makimoto [183]Pollett [296]Pollett and Vassallo [313]Pollett and Vere-Jones [314]Salminen [325]


Hou [146]Kijima [179]Kijima [178]Kijima [177]Kijima [174]Klass and Pitman [193]Nair and Pollett [242]Nair and Pollett [241]Makimoto [225]Martınez [229]Pakes [265]Pakes [266]Pinsky [283]Pollett [299]Pollett [297]Pollett [298]Van Doorn and Schrijner [382]


Al-Eideh [2]Al-Towaiq and Al-Eideh [6]Bertoin and Doney [35]Bertoin and Doney [36]Bertoin and Doney [37]Ferrari and Martınez [104]Gilpin and Taylor [120]Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [132]Housworth [147]Kijima and Makimoto [184]Kimmel [189]Ledoux, Rubino and Sericola [214]Ledoux, Rubino and Sericola [214]Martınez and San Martın [232]Pollett and Stewart [312]Roberts and Jacka [322]Tuominen and Tweedie [364]


22 P.K. Pollett

Al-Eideh [3]Bebbington [30]Bebbington, Pollett and Zheng [29]Collet, Martınez and San Martın [73]Day [86]Day and Possingham [87]Dykman, Horita and Ross [92]Ferrari, Kesten, Martınez and Picco [101]Jacka and Roberts [155]Kesten [171]Kijima [180]Kijima and Makimoto [185]Kijima and van Doorn [188]Ledoux [213]Martınez and Vares [233]Pakes [267]Pakes [269]Pollard [285]Pollett [300]Van Doorn and Schrijner [384]Van Doorn and Schrijner [383]Wang and Wang [394]


Bean, Pollett and Taylor [26]Bebbington and Stewart [32]Breyer and Hart [44]Cocozza-Thivent and Roussignol [71]Collet, Martınez and Schmitt [75]Elmes, Pollett and Walker [93]Ferrari, Kesten and Martınez [100]Grasman [129]Hart and Pollett [141]Hart and Pollett [140]Jacka and Roberts [156]Khasminskii, Yin and Zhang [172]Klebaner and Lazar [194]Nasell [245]Peng [278]Pollett [301]Serlet [339]Van Doorn and Schrijner [386]Van Doorn and Schrijner [385]


Bean, Bright, Latouche, Pearce, Pollett and Taylor [25]Bebbington [31]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 23

Bertoin [34]Boucherie [40]Breyer [43]Ferrari, Martınez and San Martın [107]Hart [138]Hognas, Goran [144]Kijima [181]Kijima, Nair, Pollett and van Doorn [186]Kukhtin, Kuzmenko and Shramko [198]Pakes [268]Petersen and Schmidt [279]Pollett [302]Roberts, Jacka and Pollett [323]Schrijner and van Doorn [329]Stadje [347]Goran [126]


Bean, Pollett and Taylor [27]Boucherie and van Doorn [41]Chan [61]Doney [91]Ferrari and Lopes Garcia [102]Kang and Klotz [158]Klebaner, Lazar and Zeitouni [195]Knoth [197]Martınez Picco and San Martın [231]Nasell [246]Parthasarathy, Lenin, Schoutens and van Assche [275]Pearce [277]Pearce and Shin [276]Tweedie [375]Walker [393]Walker [392]


Breyer and Roberts [46]Collet, Martınez and San Martın [74]Coolen-Schrijner and Pollett [77]Fierro, Martınez and San Martın [108]Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [133]Handelman [135]Kijima and Makimoto [182]Li, Yin, Yin and Zhang [218]Nasell [247]Nasell [248]Pollett [305]

24 P.K. Pollett

Pollett [304]Pollett [303]Ramanan and Zeitouni [319]Strunkov [352]


Bean, Pollett and Taylor [28]Coolen-Schrijner, Hart and Pollett [76]Darlington and Pollett [83]Elmes, Pollett and Walker [94]Geiger [114]Gyllenberg and Silvestrov [134]Hart and Pollett [142]Lladser and San Martın [224]Moler, Plo and San Miguel [237]Oshima [260]Schoutens [328]


Asselah and Dai Pra [15]Breyer, Roberts and Rosenthal [42]Clancy, O’Neill and Pollett [69]Glynn and Thorisson [123]Gosselin [128]Lasserre and Pearce [211]Li and Xiao [217]Mei and Lin [236]Ovaskainen [261]Pollett [308]Pollett [306]Wu [396]


Asselah and Ferrari [16]Atman and Dickman [17]Glynn and Thorisson [124]Lin, Zhang and Hou [222]Pollett [307]Shur [342]Zhao and Jin [402]Dickman and Vidigal [88]


Asselah and Castell [14]Clancy and Pollett [70]Gine, Koltchinskii and Wellner [121]Hart, Martınez and San Martın [139]Wu [397]

Quasi-stationary Distributions - A Bibliography 25


Huisinga, Meyn and Schutte [148]Pollett and Zhang [315]Shur [343]Steinsaltz Evans [348]Vatutin and Dyakonova [387]Wu [398]


Gray, Pollett and Zhang [130]Zhao and Ying [403]Hart and Tweedie [143]


Coolen-Schrijner and van Doorn [78]Coolen-Schrijner and van Doorn [79]Kyprianou and Palmowski [205]


Ferrari and Maric [103]Lambert [210]O’Neill [257]Pollett [309]Sani, Kroese and Pollett [326]Silvestrov [344]Sirl, Zhang and Pollett [345]Steinsaltz and Evans [349]


Liu, Zhang and Zhao [223]Martınez [230]Pollett [310]Ye [400]


Buckley and Pollett [49]Cattiaux, Collet, Lambert, Martınez, Meleard and San Martın [59]Chan, Pollett and Weinstein [62]Van Doorn and Pollett [380]


Artalejo, Economou and Lopez-Herrero [12]Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero [13]Buckley and Pollett [50]

26 P.K. Pollett


[1] J. Abate and W. Whitt. Spectral theory for skip-free Markov chains. Probab. Eng.Inf. Sci., 3:77–88, 1989.

[2] B.M. Al-Eideh. A central limit theorem for absorbing Markov chains with r absorbingstates. J. Inform. Optim. Sci., 15:387–392, 1994.

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