question 2 - evaluation

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Question 2

By Lauren Stocks

How does your media product represent particular social groups? -

Social Class

My pop music magazine targets a middle class female audience and you can see this because of the way I have presented my models and the clothing that they're wearing. The way that they're presented also gives off friendly vibes, as the models are smiling which creates a happy theme towards the genre pop. The way they're dressed and presented is clean and tidy which is a common stereotype for the middle class, as they're able to afford more things than the lower class so they take more care of the way they look and the representation they give off seems to be positive. The pop stars have their own individual looks and fans tend to be able to relate to them more because they're more down to earth and similar. In my magazines I have allowed my models to wear what they'd like which sticks to their fashion sense as they already have a pop look to them. Pop magazines stereotypically target the middle class audience as the magazines target young females and is usually purchased by their parents.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? -


My music magazine clearly represents the female gender as the target audience because of the colour scheme; pink is traditionally seen as a girly colour and is more feminine than masculine, so I have used this colour throughout to attract my female audience. My product also represents gender because of the text that I use. During the double page spread I have written '18 year old heart breaker' about the male used on my front cover and my double page spread which is showing that it's aimed at females because stereotypically females will be attracted and want to read about the young male in a music career. This is also because they will want someone to talk about to their other female friends and create a strong fan base because he can sing and they would be attracted to him. The females tend to wear bright, pretty and classy makeup which can give the stereotyped ideology of their personality to be a fun and friendly. The females that I have presented on my contents page are smiling which goes with the stereotypical conventions on Pop magazines as they all look pretty and joyful which gives the girls someone to look up to and desire to be.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? -


My media product is representing a particular social group as the race I am representing in my magazine is White/British on my front cover, contents and double page spread due to stereotypes and audience research that I collected. I created my magazine to fit within the niche market audience of White/ British Females with the cover image as the male is White/ British and this is stereotypical for male Pop singers as they tend to be more musical in the Pop genre and are able to connect with their audience in a better way because they sing about emotions and their achievements/goals in life. I haven't just used white males and females within my magazine, I have presented different ethnicities in my magazine on my contents page which goes against the common conventions in a Pop magazine. Pop magazines generally represent white as the genre Hip Hop stereotypically represents black males, so if I used a black male instead of a white male on my front cover, this will stereotypically draw the audience into thinking that the magazine is in the genre of Hip Hop and not Pop.

How does your media product represent particular social

groups? - Age & Disability

The target audience's age my magazine is aimed at is 16-18. Pop magazines usually target the younger generation so the magazines like 'Top of the pops' doesn't interest 16-18 year old's because the cover and topics inside the magazine come across as childish and they don't find it interesting. The models that I have used inside my magazine are aged 16-17 which is within my target audience so they will be able to relate to them more because they are in their age range. The coverlines and images that I have presented inside my magazine will attract my target audience because they're talking about recent topics that would interest them. For my media product I decided not to represent a disability inside my magazine because I thought that this wouldn't follow conventions as I was unable to find a music magazine that represented this, so therefore I was unable to relate and apply this to my magazine. I could have gone against common conventions and subverted the stereotypes that are presented, but it wouldn't have connected with my audience profile as the Pop genre hasn't presented a disability before.

Conclusion Overall for my final media product, it portrays the social groups of white males and females of the middle class. They have the stereotypical contentions of the 'friendly' persona as they also have the money to keep up with fashion trends and tend to do a lot of work for charities and their fans. Targets the age range of 16 - 18 year olds and the magazine had portrayed some of the conventions traditionally used for a music magazine product which shows the Pop genre. I have made sure that my magazine appeals to all ethnicities and cultures so that I will have a wider audience which will make my product more successful.

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