question 3 what have you learned from youraudience feedback

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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By Natasha Thompson

Appropriate Research methodsI used qualitative research methods so I could

get more in-depth comments. If I was to use quantative data then I wouldn’t have had an accurate reading from the audience as I wouldn’t have been able to know exactly what they thought.

Quantative data is difficult to analyse as it is number based and isn't suitable for the feedback that I need. Yet qualitative data is difficult to analyse as you cant always take their comments for face value. It takes time to uncover their thoughts and to place all thoughts into one.

How to gain audience feedbackTo gain feedback from my audience I used

classroom discussions, Facebook and also asked the main model questions about what she thought about the end product. This face to face discussion was useful as I could really probe her with questions and she wasn’t influenced by others so she said what she really thought.

Class feedbackThe class feedback was useful to have as they

were all going through the same things as me so they were able to comment on the actually media rather than just the models. They were able to notice cross-dissolves and how it had been edited.

FacebookThis was easy to use for feedback as

everyone uses Facebook as Media 2.0 is expanding. Yet not everyone was aware of my work so I had to tag them in the images and music video. I also texted people to comment on my work which in most cases wasn’t successful as they didn’t take it seriously or didn’t have time to.

Model feedbackHer feedback was quite useful as it showed

me another view towards my work. She did comment that her performance wasn’t that great and that she could have been more enthusiastic to make it more realistic. I asked if she was influenced in any way by the music video. She suggested that she “felt more secure as a women” and that she thought that the video was “quite liberating for other women too”.

Positive comments“Fast pace editing looks cool.”“Colours are nice that each person has an individual

colour.”“Like the use of the jump cuts- was very effective.”“dancing is on time and twisted movements fit well”“close-ups look like that style of video so has been

worked well in the video.”“twist effects cool.”“Slow motion clips are really effective in the music

video.”“like the stars on the front cover- looks professional.”“Dancing works well.”

Negative comments“model doesn’t look like she wants to be

there.”“lip-syncing is out a lot.”“didn’t get the male part- wasn’t in digi-pak.”“should have kept same colour background

throughout the production work especially in the music video as it was confusing.”

Cultural CapitalAs my production work was mainstream my

audience didn’t use sub-culture. The mainstream culture in our society was used. They would use this to comment on my work. Our mainstream culture is that men do not wear dresses and women wear make-up in order to improve their attractiveness. I used the mainstream culture in our society as it is the norm. Most of the audience would have normal norms and values that our culture expects them to.

What have your learned from this feedback?That the audience make a huge part in the

production work as they are the types of people that would buy this media if it were real. Their opinion is the most important.

I also learned that not everyone thinks the same. And they all have different readings. For example in my music video some people like the different colours for backgrounds yet others wanted a blank background or one colour for the background.

What uses do they appear to be making of the texts?All individuals think differently and so I needed to

respond to each and very person as much as I could. The reception approach indicates that media messages are always open and polysemic . They may have different views from my production work that I never intended for them to have. Men may feel liberated by this video and stand up to their teachers that may pick on them. Even though there was a push scene in the video I wouldn’t expect for the audience to become violent.

The uses that were told from the feedback were that the texts appear to be helping people to feel free from their struggles and that they liked how they feel that as an individual they can own their personal identity and that no one has the rights to undermine them in anything they do.

How have the audience been affected by the text?The Hypodermic Needle Model suggests that the

information from a text goes into the consciouness of the audience and that an audience is manipulated by the creators of media texts. The audience according to this theory may have been influenced to feel liberated from their partners and that they don’t need to be twisted. This is expected as this is what I set out to do.

My audience was affected by the use of closeness of the girls. They sensed a sort of solidarity among women. I strongly believe in feminism and believe that I am a liberal feminist. My view was portrayed in my production work and was meant to influence my audience and affect them in a positive way.

How are the target audience reading the text?The target audience had a preferred reading to my

production work as they felt that my work suited the genre. Yet a few people said that the advert was a bit indie which I agree to as the lighting was didn’t suit the genre.

I used the stereotype that the man is a player and the women are being treated poorly. Vladimir Propp suggests that the narrative is motivated by a variety of character functions. I didn’t want to alter these steorytypes as I didn’t think that the character functions would be right and the audience may have got confused and may not have like it.

What sort of pleasures are being offered by your texts?As I had to make a mainstream promotional

package that had a house style to it I had to make sure that the main percentage of audience could get something out of my work.

The music video offers a sense of strangeness and powerfulness to women and that it allows them to speak up and not be controlled by a man.

The Advert offers a sense of glam as the stars indicate this and so the audience may associate themselves with glamor.

The digi-pak offers pleasure to the audience by using poses that attract the ‘male gaze’ but not in a playboy way. Women can feel that they can attract men whilst still being a lady.

How I would alter my work as a result of the audience feedbackI would have made the lighting better.I would have used more types of shots like

high angled shots and location shots. I would have used a variety of indoor locations like a club but couldn’t as my models are all under 18.

I would have made more of a story so that more people could be pleasured and influenced in a more positive way.

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