question 4 how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...

Post on 21-Jul-2015



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Q4: How did you use media technologies in

the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

By Trenay Jay Watkins

Research: Note Taking/DraftsThis section will include all the technologies I used in the note taking process which included researching, posting and note taking.

This is PowerPoint and I used this software program to make basic notes. This was effective because it allowed me to organise the slides on my research page and also used as a backup for my blog.

This is Microsoft Word. I used this software program to also store backups for my blog and also used word as a spell check and for experiments with fonts, font texts and colours.

I used the Ipad 2 issued by my Sixth Form also to take notes, which was also another form of a backup for my blog, in case my blog was to delete at a circumstance..

Research: Note Taking/DraftsThis section will include all the technologies I used in the note taking process which included researching, posting and note taking.

This is Wix. I used this to create my blog on and posted all my saved notes from PowerPoint and word on to. This is what the examiner would be seeing so it was important I used this.

This is Gmail. Me and my group used this to store and send each other all of the work we needed. Each of us took care of something specifically and would post it on to the Gmail.

Research: PostThis is the post section. Here I will be listing all of the technologies I used to post my work.

I used Wix to post all of my work onto. This was via the use of text, pictures, videos and html embedded codes helping me to create my blog. Wix especially has a lot of features which keeps it in close comparison to a normal website, helping my blog to look visual appealing.

This is YouTube. I used YouTube for the music video research, uploading vodcasts and screenshots from other music videos for evidence purposes. The efficiency of this is that YouTube is a free online service which supported the uploads of videos.

I used Google for its primary function which was as a search engine. This was used for all my research which included for music videos. This was effective as Google is one of the leading search engines meaning that I would have received trusted information.

Research: PostThis is the post section. Here I will be listing all of the technologies I used to post my work.

This is Soundcloud. I used Soundcloud to find our track that my group were using for our music video to post on my blog. This was effective as it will be helpful for the examiner to see the original song without any visuals and then see how we applied it to our video.

This is the search provider Google Chrome. I chose to use chrome as it is one of the easiest providers to use. The effectiveness of this was that Chrome itself is quite a reliable provider and is really fast, meaning there was lack of delays included.

This is Slideshare. I used this online software application to convert my Microsoft PowerPoint files into a file which I could embed onto my blog. The effectiveness of this was that I was able to show variation between different technological platforms, allowing my blog to look as versatile as possible.

Research: ResearchThis is the Research section. Here I will be listing all the technologies I used for all of my research.

This is Chrome. I used Chrome is its purpose as a search engine to simply search for all the information I needed. The advantage of this, was that I received but trusted information, at fast speeds, enhancing download and upload speeds.

Wikipedia is another research tool I used. Wikipedia being an online search engine meant that I was able to gain in depth information about a specific subject. The advantage of this was that I received a lot of information but the disadvantage is that any can alter the information, which could make the information unreliable.

YouTube is another research tool I used to research information. This was useful as it allowed me to research via the use of videos which is a change from researching with text.

Planning: Notes/Story BoardingIn this planning section, I will be outlining all the technologies that I used during the planning process.

Word was one of the main tools I used for the planning process. Again, this was effective as I used Word as more of a proof reading tool to check on any errors on any of my paragraphs.

This is a Nikon DLSR camera. This is the camera my group used to film our music video. This was useful as we were able to film in HD 1080p quality enhancing the visuals of our footage.

I used Gmail to send all the planning process to the rest of the group members. Gmail having a storage of 15GB meant that there were no restrictions in the memory meaning me could post any file of any size without any worries.

Planning: PostIn this planning section, I will be outlining all the technologies that I used during the planning process.

I used YouTube to do my music video research and also the source for uploading all of our planning vodcasts which included Casting, Costume and the pitch for our initial ideas.

Google Drive was used for me to retrieve all the files needed for the planning process. This was effective because this meant that all my resources were in one place which helped with my organisation.

Wix was used in the planning process again to post all of my notes and answers. The was useful as it meant that everything is posted on to one place, making it easier for me to post.

The icon is of Sony Vegas. This is the editing software program our group used to edit our music video. The advantage of using this editing software is that it comes with many features, allowing our music video to be as accurate to a House/Dance music video as possible.

Planning: EquipmentIn this planning section, I will be outlining all the technologies that I used during the planning process.

This is a Go Pro Hero 4 and we used this piece of equipment to film our time lapses used in our video. This was effective as it meant that we were able to record in HD quality which also 4K capabilities allowing for the best quality.

This is an Apple Mac and I used this technology for all the computer uses such as creating the blog, website and so forth. The effectiveness was that it gave a variation of hardware and software.

This is a DLSR camera and in the planning process we used this to take pictures for evidence that we were filming. The advantage of using this camera is the pictures that came out were of high quality.

Construction: FilmingThis is the construction section and in this, I will be going through all the media technologies used for example in the Digipak and Website creation

This is a tripod. We used this in the filming process to ensure we captured stationary shots. The effectiveness of this was that it gave us the best shots we needed.

This is the GO PRO Hero 4. We used this again capture the time lapses of the different locations. This helped with the filming process as it enhanced the quality of the time lapses, with its HD capabilities.

This is a Sony Camcorder. We used this technology for the filming footage. This was helpful as it gave us the HD quality we were looking to use in our music video.

Construction: Video EditingThis is the construction section and in this, I will be going through all the media technologies used for example in the Digipak and Website creation

We used YouTube to upload all of the vodcasts we did. The was useful as YouTube has a very simple and easy system which helps you upload and share HD videos.

This is the Mac I used to store all of our videos. The effectiveness of this was that all of them are in one place and it allowed me to use the Apple features especially for video editing such as Final Cut Pro.

This is Sony Vegas and is the editing software application we used to edit our music video. This was a good choice of program to use as Sony Vegas offers a large variation of features allowing us to create a good music video.

Construction: Digipak CreationThis is the construction section and in this, I will be going through all the media technologies used for example in the Digipak and Website creation

This is Photoshop. We used Photoshop to create the Digipak. This program was useful as it gave us a professional standard of editing giving us the perfect Digipak.

This is an iPhone 5s. I used this technology to take pictures. The effectiveness of using this phone was that we were able to take the pictures in high quality for evidence of our Digipak ideas.

This is Google Drive. We used this to store all of the Digipak photos. This was helpful as Drive give you 15GB free of memory, which is more than enough storage.

Construction: Website CreationThis is the construction section and in this, I will be going through all the media technologies used for example in the Digipak and Website creation

This is Wix and is the online software tool I used to create our band website. The advantage of using this was that Wix offer a number of website templates which means its just a case of choosing which one is right for you.

This is an Apple Mac. I used this computer for the main part for the creation of the website. This was effective as it has a wide screen with high resolution, enhancing the way I could edit the website and focus into detail.

This is Google Drive. I used this as the primary source for retrieving all of the material needed for the website. This included pictures and videos. The advantage of this again was that Drive give you 15GB of storage for free, allowing me to store as much as I wanted.

Evaluation: Question 1This is the evaluation section and shows all of the media technologies I used in the creation of my evaluation questions 1-4.

This is the Apple Mac. I used this to answer my question 1. The effectiveness of this was that I was able to answer the first question with no problems in terms of speed of the computer.

This is Prezi. This is an online presentation software where you can create interface presentations. The effectiveness of this was that I could use a different platform to answer the question.

I used Google Drive to get all of my images for reference to answer the question. This was effective to me as it meant that everything was in one place making it easier for me to answer the question.

Evaluation: Question 2This is the evaluation section and shows all of the media technologies I used in the creation of my evaluation questions 1-4.

This is Wix. For my question 2, I answered the question as video with the rest of my group. We posted the video on to our wix blog to form our 2nd question.

We used YouTube as the source to post our question to on to. From there, we linked the video onto our blog. This was effective as YouTube have a very simple upload system which made the upload of the video so much easier.

This is a Go Pro Camera. We used this camera to record the video for our question. The effectiveness of this was that we could record in 1080p quality allowing the quality of the video to be very high.

Evaluation: Question 3This is the evaluation section and shows all of the media technologies I used in the creation of my evaluation questions 1-4.

This is Wix. For my question 3, I answered the question as a normal blog post. The effectiveness of this was that I was used to doing blog posts in all the other sections, making me more familiar with how the layout the question.

This is Microsoft Word. I used this to originally type up my question. From this, I copied the text into my blog and this formed my question 3 answer. The effectiveness of this was that I had a back up of my answer say for example my question was to delete from my blog.

This Window’s Snipping Tool. This is an accessory tool I used to screenshot pictures to add in as part of my question 3 answer. This was effective as the tool allowed me to ‘snip’ all the necessary information and include other useful information which could support my answer.

Evaluation: Question 4This is the evaluation section and shows all of the media technologies I used in the creation of my evaluation questions 1-4.

This is PowerPoint. I used this software tool to initially create the presentation which included the answer to question 4. This was effective as it again formed a backup for my blog.

This is Slideshare. I used this online presentation software to upload my PowerPoint on it so I could embed the Slideshare onto my blog. The effectiveness of this was that I could show another technological platform on my blog, allowing each of my questions to use different format.

I used Google Drive in this question to get all of my evidence to support my answer. This included photos, screenshots and word documents. This was an advantage to me as because of me saving everything to the Drive, it meant that everything was in one place.

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