question 4 of evaluation

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Question 4 of Evaluation


Question 4 – Who would be the audience for your media?

This would be the typed of audience for my Thriller Opening.

• The target audience of my Thriller Film is 16-25 year olds. The reason why my audience is within that range is because, the films similar to mines are watched by audiences within that age range.

The audience demographic for The Third Man

My audience is within that range because audiences within that age range, enjoy different alternative texts and not so much of mainstream, such as Animal Kingdom or Winter’s Bone

User ratings for Winter’s Bone

Similar films that audiences bought

• My film is targeted for both genders but I think that the film is mainly targeted for females because the opening consists of mostly female characters.



• The film is targeted for British Audiences, it could be possible for the film to be targeted to a mixed audience but it wouldn’t be well received to other ethnicities such as Asian audiences because it shows a negative aspect of them.

Dress Code

• My target audience is mostly interested in high street clothing and buy them in high street clothing shops such as Primark and Forever 21.

Choice of television

• My potential target audience would be interested in a mixed of mainstream television and local television, with American Imports such as The Big Bang Theory or local production of soap operas such as Hollyoaks or Eastenders.

Choice of Films

• My potential audience would also watch a mixed of mainstream and arthouse films; the films above are a mixed example of mainstream and arthouse films.

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