
Post on 30-Sep-2015






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Question :Question 1: The difference between the revelation of the prophets and revelation to othersThe name of God the MercifulPraise be to God, prayer and peace on the best of God's creation Muhammad and his household divine infallible ....But after ..My question is, Is that the archangel Gabriel was staying on the Infallible Imams peace be upon them or not ........


Question :Question 1: The difference between the revelation of the prophets and revelation to othersThe name of God the Merciful

Praise be to God, prayer and peace on the best of God's creation Muhammad and his household divine infallible ....But after ..My question is, Is that the archangel Gabriel was staying on the Infallible Imams peace be upon them or not ........ and how .. What is the difference between the revelation to the prophets and other people that there was descended upon the revelation of the Koran, and we read that God inspired to Mary, mother of Moses and the bees ..I hope the full answerMay Allah reward us all the best .. Pray and ask

The answer:Brother scene EsquirePeace, mercy and blessings of GodTransfer Majlisi mark (RA) for an explanation Nomani was narrated from Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him): that the faithful Graduate (peace be upon him) was asked about the utter revelation in the Qur'an replied: (it inspired prophecy, and it inspired inspiration, and it inspired the signal, and it inspired ordered and inspired him to lie, and it inspired the least, and it inspired the news, and it inspired the message.As for the interpretation of Revelation prophecy and the message it says: ((We revealed to you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, Jesus, and Ayub and Yunus and Aaron and Solomon and gave David Sbora)) (women: 163).

The revelation inspiration Vcolh Almighty ((The Lord inspired the bee that Atakve of homes in the mountains and the trees, and thereby erect)) (Nahl: 68) and others like it: ((And We inspired the mother of Moses, saying Ordaih if it eased Volekaya in the sea)), (stories: 7) The revelation signal Vcolh Almighty: ((went out to his people from the mihrab, signaling them to Praise the morning and evening)), which referred them to the verse: ((people only spoke three days, but a symbol)).The revelation estimate quoted above says: ((and inspired each heaven its adorned the lower heaven with lamps and preserved so dear estimate Alim)), (separated: 12), and the revelation it Vcolh Almighty: ((Taking revealed to the apostles that believed in me and Brcoli)), ( Table: 111) The revelation lying Vcolh Almighty: ((demons of mankind and the jinn, inspiring one another)) (cattle: 112).The news inspired Vcolh Almighty: ((and made them imams BIRTH Camry for patience and were certain of Our revelations)). (Bihar al Anwar 14: 180.18: 255.90: 16).These are the sections of the revelation contained in the Koran and the obvious difference between inspiration and revelation, Vouha message and prophecy included the transfer of the laws and provisions of the Almighty God to the people by the prophets is the other in the neighborhood of inspiration that instructs to do what and directing what guidance to the mother of Moses (peace be upon him) to throw her son in the sea, or the revelation of bees to build houses.As for the revelation to the Imams (peace be upon them) or landing Gabriel (peace be upon him) they say: stated in the correct news that imams Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him): (scientists honest Mvhmun Mahdthon) (sufficient 1: 271 door of the Imams (peace be upon them) Prophet and the Prophet and also came in the correct conditions, said: I asked Abu Jafar (peace be upon him), the Prophet and the Prophet and updated, said: Apostle who come to him as Gabriel once people see and speak to him, this Prophet, and the Prophet is the one who believes in his dreams about the vision of Abraham, was somehow saw the Messenger of Allah (God bless him and his family) of the causes of the prophecy before the revelation even Attah Gabriel (peace be upon him) from God to the letter and was Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family) while collecting his prophecy and came to him the message of God coming it by Gabriel and spoke to him out earlier, andAnd since you are in God's care


2 meaning of revelationThe meaning of revelationRevelation is to inform God of Chosen what he wanted all of his letter informed him of his command and he will come to his knowledge to inform him of the willing, God of creation.Revelation is common to all the messengers of God, as stated in the verse: ((Lo! We revealed to you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, Jesus, and Ayub and Yunus and Aaron and Solomon and gave David Sbora and messengers may Qssnahm you by the messengers did not Nqssm You and God spoke to Moses Tcleme))

The possibility of revelationRevelation is a reality that can not be denied at all of the safe existence of God and Kamal ability, Valkhalq mastermind takes care of his creation as he wishes types of management and care, and the link between the Creator and his creation but be through his apostles, and the apostles of God do not know Murad God only by revelation, whether by or Without mode. Sound mind is not exclude the possibility of revelation, because the Creator is capable not difficult for him to anything.

The fact that divine revelationRevelation is not suffering a self addressed by the Prophet in the same sense that it is not a form of disclosure and inspiration, which acquired rights to exercise some spiritual retreats and even violent revelation loft dialogue between Matin: speaking with a peremptory giving, and the same address commanded recipients. Prophet Muhammad did not confuse God's peace be upon him-and the prophets, they pray and Salam between humanitarian themselves commanded recipient and among revelation jus transcendent, man conscious that man weak in the hands of God, fear the torment of the Lord to his stick, and hopes his mercy, and adding to the aid, and cracked including ordering him him, and sometimes have a strong admonition, admits inability absolute for switching a character from the book of Allah, the Almighty said: ((If recited them Our Signs evidence said those who do not expect to meet us fetch Koran is this or suit Say what have I replaced him on my own to follow only What I fear is revealed to The Lord torment disobey a great day Say if, God willing, what you read, you do not have to do Adrakm aired in you lived by him not understand?))All this and the other carries on persuasion by the difference between who does not let go of the Creator and of the creature, and the recipe creator recipe creature, and the method and style of the creature creator.

Disperse the Prophet between his words and the words of GodHence the Prophet, peace be upon him keen to differentiate between the speeches, which is shaped by its own style which is known as the Hadith-even though the origin of the revelation by inspiration-and the revelation of the Qur'an, but also prevent the first to write them something with the Qur'an, even the rest of the Quran stature special in being rude and the meaning of God Almighty, do not mix with anything from the words of the people.And Kan- God's peace be upon him differentiate between what it says about the discretion of himself and what he attributes to God, and he said this: (I am only a man like yourselves, though probably a mistake and hit, but what I said to you: God said, you will not lie to God).

Apostle does not have is something of a revelationRevelation beyond the power of all of the prophet does not have a disposition as he wishes, and that it confirms that it was down the prophet, or one of those around him sometimes cataclysms require a quick solution, but it does not find the Koran reads on people, Faltzm silence, waiting, and perhaps a long wait, a an urgent need to answer the vulva, the wisdom of God the Almighty knows. For example: the incident fabrication, which lie on A'isha Prophet, peace be upon him by some of the hypocrites as are innocent of it, and people took Alokon display pure Prophet, until it reached the hearts throats, which does not have to end this problem, but extremely what he said: (O Aisha, either on sale! blah, blah, "If you are innocent Vcyprak God, though you protracted guilt Fastghafri God) and went an entire month, until the revelation came innocently Aisha, and the purity of the prophecy House bottom line: that the revelation case is optional, and opposed the unusual strength Foreign Affairs, a power scientist, because they suggest note, a force for good, Masuma, because it does not only come to the right, but not order Balrushd

How inspired by God to His angelsThe Koran states that provides for Tclem God's angels, as in the verse: ((Taking your Lord said to the angels: I will create in the ground Khalifa said the Atjal of mischief therein)), and as in the verse: ((Remember thy Lord inspired the angels, I am with you has proven Those who believe)) Vouha God spoke to His angels of God, and hear the angels

Ways media messengers of GodGod inspired to be his apostles and by without mode: -By revelation: a King Gabriel peace be upon him, and this is one of two cases:Allhalh first: to come to him as King voice such as Jingle Bells and are the most on the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him strong noise of striking factors, Vtaathao self with all their forces to accept the impact, if the revelation came this way the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him descended upon a watershed cognitive powers for receiving and save and understanding.Second case: that the King is a man who comes to him in the form of human beings, and this case is lighter than its predecessor, where the proportionality between the speaker and the listener, and Yanes Messenger prophecy when he heard the Messenger of Revelation, and reassures him contentment of man by man.Both cases mentioned in the question-Harith bin Hisham may Allah be pleased with him the Prophet, peace be upon him said, O Messenger of Allah, how come to you revelation Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (sometimes comes to me like Jingle Bells, a tighter, Vinvsam Me have grasped him what said, sometimes a man is Lee King Fakelmena Voaa what he says)Revelation without mode: it:1. Good vision in a dream: It was narrated that 'Aa'ishah said: (the first is the start of good vision in sleep, could not see the dream but it came like splitting the morning) in any power and accuracy achieved and ratification.It was the creation of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him even descend upon revelation vigilant but not in the Koran anything of this kind because it came down Association vigilance.And suggesting that the good vision of the prophets in a dream inspired to be followed as stated in the story of Abraham, peace be upon him from the vision of slaughter his son, God has told his story to say: ((Vbashrnah Bghulam Halim when he reached him seek told my son, I see in a dream that I slaughter see what you see, said Daddy do what ordered to find me, God willing, from the patient when he Osalma and hill brow and Nadenah that O Abraham vision has ratified Verily, as well as We recompense the good that this is a scourge described and Vdenah great slaughter, and we left it in other peace for Abraham as well as We recompense benefactors It our believing Servants)) even if this were not the vision alive and must be followed to the oldest Ibrahim peace be upon him to slaughter his son to not be of God upon redemption.And good vision is not particularly Messengers are staying for the believers were not even alive, and, as stated in the hadeeth: (no more than a prophet but the missionaries said: What the missionaries? Said: Revelation)2. divine speech from behind a screen without vigilance mode:This is fixed for God's prophet Moses says ((And when Moses came to Miqatna and word Rabbo)) and said ((and God spoke to Moses Tcleme)) also proved Altclem of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him the night of Flowers while he ascended to heaven, and word of his Lord, and the types of revelation Advanced God mentioned in like saying: ((what was preached that God spoke to him only alive or from behind a screen or send a messenger with his permission Faouha He knows what he wants sage))


3 meanings of revelation in the Qur'an

The word revelation in the Qur'an came in many different meanings:First, the meaning of inspiration instinctive, and that in the verse: {And your Lord inspired the bee that Atakve of homes in the mountains and the trees, and thereby erect} and the word of revelation in this verse stating meaning instinctive configuration self, which in the context of creation and configuration, and this meaning is different from the meaning of (the revelation ) you're talking about, and the word of creation, training and guidance is more accurate than the word of inspiration in this verse, because taking mountains and trees houses for bees Resume recipe and composition instinctively, and inspiration dominated by the formation to prepare for unfamiliar behavior, if the behavior is commonplace through instinctive configuration is not called (inspiration) , it is said in the things instinctive inspiration only by the standby configuration when creation, it is not correct to use the meaning of inspiration in the usual unusual behavior.Second: the meaning of inspiration voluntary, and that in the verse: {And We inspired the mother of Moses, saying Ordaih if it eased Volekaya in the sea and not be afraid nor grieve My bad and you Jaaloh from senders} It is clear from the verse that the word {And We inspired} are not limited to the meaning of inspiration, Valelham cryptic guide does not realize its source, and in this verse directing Rabbani is associated with the orders and instructions, and it is forbidden to fear and preaching of God in his return to his mother, and that it would be the messengers, and must be the mother of Moses realized that the source of this inspiration, and I knew that it was God, and that has carried out ordered by the court is satisfied , but would otherwise have carried out this issue, which can not be a mother to do, and how can a mother to receive her baby in the sea just transient willingly do not know its origin, which is outside the scope of instinct, Valaftrh refuses to mother received her child in the sea, and what did the mother of Moses outside the scope of instinct.Third: the meaning of the phenomenon that gives it meaning, and that in the verse: {went out to his people from the mihrab, signaling them to Praise the morning and evening} The meaning here is clear in stating that the meaning of the word revelation guidance and education, not just the signal.Fourth, the meaning of Meticulousness and that in the verse: {though demons who suggest to their parents for Ejadlokm}. The meaning here syntax, word Meticulousness not accurate, Valxiatin Youssoson our neighborhood and ordering their parents altogether, and decorate them to do evil, and came in the same meaning in the verse: {and also we made every prophet an enemy demons of mankind and the jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion}.Most of what the word revelation came in the Qur'an in the sense of revelations from God, a word verses in the Koran that were repeated in every verse God wanted by way of a statement directing the divine command to his apostles and prophets and their education.The speech came the revelation in more than seventy times in the Koran, different wordings (inspired), (were revealed), (We inspired), (suggesting), (Nouhih), (We have revealed unto), (for who suggest), (revealed), (inspired), (revelation), (and at times), and most of the meanings of Quranic expressing the divine command to the apostles, and the most used word in the Koran (We revealed) he says:{Lo! We revealed to you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, Jesus, and Ayoub Younis and Aaron and Solomon and David gave Sbora}.He also said:- {And We inspired Moses to take a stick. If she grabbed what Aovkon}.- {And We revealed to Moses as Astsagah his people to multiply Basak stone}.- {Even came close to Evtnonk for which we have revealed to you for slander others}.- {I have We revealed to Moses that families Ebadi}.- {Which is revealed to you of the book is the truth, confirming the hands}.- {The news of the unseen Nouhih Here}.- {And recite what has been revealed to you from your Lord} book.- {The only follow what is revealed to}.- {, And he preached that God spoke to him only alive or from behind a veil}.Use Qur'anic word (revelation) made this call a special meaning expresses God commanded the prophets sometimes, and reflects what descends to the prophets of the word of God through the angel Gabriel, and in all cases, does not release the word (revelation) in the Arabic language, but in this context, and if Sometimes used in the linguistic sense, this little use, and often act in a formula which expresses the linguistic meaning signifier hidden signal function on a particular meaning.The multiple meanings (revelation) in the Koran, according to the verses, sometimes stating the meaning of telling meaning: {revealed to them their Lord to Nhlkn oppressors}, sometimes stating it meaning: {And We revealed to Moses to take a stick. If she grabbed what Aovkon}, sometimes stating the meaning of Bailout meaning: {And We revealed to you as well as the Koran, the Arab world to warn or villages and around}.. How the revelation:

Despite the multiplicity of modes of revelation as stated in the Quranic verses, the Qur'an select clear and aware manner how the revelation of the Koran to the Prophet, peace be upon him says: {It is a download Lord of the Worlds (192) down by the spirit of the Secretary (193) on your heart to be omniscient } This is a form of divine revelation, a private Koran.There are other pictures of the tablet, and set by the Koran, saying the Almighty: {, and he preached that God spoke to him only alive or from behind a screen or send a messenger Faouha his permission as he pleases that sage} and verse denies the possibility Tclem God to humans directly, and this is normal, direct Valtkelm is possible, because human nature is limited and it can not receive speech, but the senses, and the word of God to be the highest of its tool of human senses.And Revelation as defined by the Koran are: First, direct revelation, and here highlights the meaning of inspiration or jetting in horror, a throwing meaning inspired in the heart, and the heart in the eyes of the Koran is the source of knowledge and is home to the understanding, so much the use of the Koran the word heart in the home of his talk about understanding , the heart is human privacy, which the offeree thing divine, and differs from the direct inspiration for inspiration instinctive or innate, Valelham may be a matter of self, and human mistaken or injured does not know its origin, it may be the whispers of Satan, unlike direct revelation it external command receive self human, and well-known source, do not confuse them, a special prophets, nor have non-prophets, unlike innate inspiration may be non prophets, may be the inspiration for good or evil inspiration, and different source.Second, speak from behind a screen: This picture appeared in the Qur'an in the verse: {When Moses spent term and walked with his family Anse by phase Nara said to his family tarry I Lancet fire to Ali come to you, including the news or the flame of fire, that ye may Tstalon (29) when he Otaha advocated Beach right spot in the valley of the blessed tree that O Moses, I am Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (30) and take a stick and when he saw her shaking like Jean gone foul play was followed by O Moses accept that you do not be afraid of unsuspecting}.Third: The revelation by the Messenger: What is meant here by the Apostle Gabriel, and explains how this verse: {down by the spirit of the Secretary (193) on your heart to be omniscient}.And interpreted the Sunnah how revelation including Bukhari Ms. Aisha, she said: first initiated by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him from the revelation of good vision in sleep, could not see the vision, but came like splitting the morning, then I loved him the toilet, It was devoid Hira, until he came right in Hira came the king said: {} Read .This is the first picture of the revelation, the vision of good sleep, or perhaps the revelation of introductions, and are not the revelation.Then came the revelation as including how the Prophet, peace be upon him when he asked him what Harith bin Hisham, Aisha narrated that al-Harith bin Hisham asked the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him about how he gets the revelation, he said:- O Messenger of Allah, how revelation comes to you?- The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: sometimes comes to me like Jingle Bells, a peak Ali, Vivsam Me have grasped him what he said, and sometimes is my king man Fakelmena Voaa what he says, Aisha said: and I saw him go down the revelation in a very cold day Vivsam though his forehead to Atfsd sweat. . How revelation when Suyuti:

Suyuti said proficiency in how the revelation, saying:He said scientists revelation modes:One is that he gets the king in such Jingle Bells, as in the right and in the Musnad Ahmad Abdullah bin Omar, asked the Prophet, peace be upon him: Do you feel inspired, he said: I hear Slasal then gag at it, there is no time revealed to me, but I thought that myself arrest , rhetorical said, meant that he voted Preventable hear and shows him the first thing he hears even understand yet, and said: This is the voice of whipping king suites, and the wisdom to offer that knocks heard revelation does not keep a place for others, and at the right that this situation most cases


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