question 6

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to use many different programes whilst constructing this product, For Example:

Microsoft PublisherI learnt how to use the basic tools in publisher to create my front cover and contents page for my school magazine.

Microsoft PowerpointI learnt how to use powerpoint to createSlideshows where I analysed the data I collected from my music magazine questionnaire and evaluated the Front cover, TOC and DPS of other music magazines.

iPhone Editing ToolsI used my iPhone to take and edit thePictures for my school magazine.

AnimotoI used animoto to create smallVideos of music magazine frontCovers, TOCs and DPS’s that I liked.

WeeblyI used Weebly to create my blog where I have displayed all my media work. I learnt how to organise and upload all my work in the efficient way.

Adobe Photo Elements 11This was the programe I learnt how to use In order to edit images and make my Front Cover, Double Page Spread and Table of Contents of my Music Magazine.

PowtoonsI used powtoons to present any research I did in my preliminary task. I’ve also used it to present some of my answers for evaluation. I Learnt how to use tools to produce informative presentations.

SlideShare, Prezi, ISSUUI used these programes to upload all my research leadingUp to making my magazines and to post my evaluations.

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