question 7 media evaluation pp

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Here is my preliminary task front cover in comparison to my final

front cover.

College Magazine:• This preliminary task was done and created before I had learnt how to use photoshop effectively and before I researched thoroughly into magazine conventions etc.

• As you can see, I didn't layer any of my images/texts and only used the basic shapes and colours that were easy to find and use on Photoshop.

• The masthead is simple and quite boring, not attracting my target audience.

• The main image, although the background is blurred it is distracting from the important features on the magazine such as the feature headlines. Also my model isn't directly addressing the audience, a convention of magazine covers.

• The colour scheme is fairly dull, which doesn't attract my target audience as it doesn't look appealing.

• It contains 2 plugs with contents which would attract my target audience however, they are in dull, simple bold writing which doesn't look visually effective. It is also un-necessarily large and I believe would look more effective if I positioned it in a different place.

• For the text, I used a simple, serif typeface and sans serif therefore a bit of variation however the colour and text size I used was not very effective as it doesn't stand out.

• The layout is rather boring as all of the text is mainly position on the left hand side of the front cover therefore most of my audiences attention and focus will go onto this side of the page whereas is more effective if I spread and distributed the feature headlines across both sides of the page.

• I did not use a skyline for this magazine as I was unaware of this convention.

• I used a secondary image however it is very similar to my main image therefore isn't very effective.

• I positioned the barcode in the most conventional place on the magazine, however the price is too large in comparison to the barcode.

• I included the website of the magazine under the masthead as college students would use social media and the internet.

• I positioned my model centre frame, so it would allow em space to place the feature headlines and masthead around.

• I didn't plan the costume thoroughly for this front cover as college students wear their own, everyday clothes therefore my model just came dressed as she would any other day.

• I didn't focus on the makeup as I didn't take any photos that directly addressed my audience that I was going to use as a main image. Therefore the makeup was just natural.

My Front Cover:• I created this magazine cover after much research and planning into the conventions of an R&B music magazine and

effective layouts. By then I had already used Photoshop to complete the preliminary task.

• I layered my images and texts to make it look more effective. I also used more vibrant colours as my college magazine looked too dull therefore I did not want to use the same colours as this would not look effective.

• The masthead much more unique than my college magazine and uses two different typeface in the one word. I have also added a rectangle and used the position of the layers effectively so the ‘R’ and ‘B’ appear infant of the black rectangle so they stand out. The unique masthead captures my target audiences attention.

• For the main image, I directed my model to directly address the audience as after my planning task I found this was conventionally effective. The casual but effective pose also is striking and looks visually appealing to my audience. I airbrushed my models skin so she appears more flawless and attractive. I further used a plain and light background to contrast with the dark colour scheme, and so it doesn't distract my audiences attention away from my main image and the feature headlines, like my college magazine does.

• The colour scheme is much more vibrant than my college magazine however I used colours which were associated with my music genre I had chosen, and I was certain of this from he ‘Survey Monkey’ questionnaire and results I got from that, that my target audience would associate the colours I used with R&B.

• I included a plug with contents which would attract my target audience however, and the text is large and stands out so my audience will notice it, attracting them to my magazine.

• For the text, I used a simple, serif typeface and sans serif therefore a bit of variation. I also used different effects such as ‘outer glow’ etc. to make it stand out even more.

• The layout much more effective than my college magazine as I positioned my feature headlines on both sides of the page and the plugs at the bottom of my front cover rather than one just one side.

• I used a skyline for my front cover as it is conventional and looks effective. The small font doesn't distract my audiences attention away from the more important aspects of my magazine.

• I used a secondary image however it is quite difficult to see as it is a dark colour, against a black circle but I kept it on as I believe it makes the plug look more effective.

• I positioned the barcode in the top right hand corner as I thought this was the most effective place to put it.

• I included the website of the magazine under the masthead as my target audience would use social media and the internet. I also added the social media logos and username for my magazine as this fits in with the interest of my target audience.

• I positioned my model centre frame so I could position the feature headlines around her to look effective.

• The costume makes my front cover appear more interesting. The costume fits with the colour scheme.

• As my model directly addresses my audience I had to ensure the makeup was good. Therefore I asked my model to do their makeup nice and edited it in Photoshop to make it stand out more and look more flawless.

What I Had Learnt: • During the stage from completing the preliminary task and creating my magazine designs I learnt many

things which is evident in the comparison between my college magazine and music magazine. • I learnt how to layer images to create a more visually effective design. • I learnt how to edit text to make it stand out more, such as an ‘outer glow’. • I learnt from my research the conventions of a magazine such as skylines, plugs, directly addressing the

audience. • I learnt how important the costume/mise-en-scene was for the main image. I learnt what my target

audience associated with R&B.• I learnt what colours were associated with R&B and how to use these effectively.• I learnt how to transform the shapes on Photoshop that I used in my college magazine into more unique

ones by rotating/distorting them which I applied to my music magazine.. • I learnt how to airbrush my model by following a YouTube tutorial to achieve a more appealing image.• I learnt that the layout of the elements on my magazine is important as I believed my college magazine

didn't look effective due to the feature headlines all being positioned on one side, therefore I learnt from this so when designing my music magazine I positioned them on both sides of the magazine.

• I learnt that the lighting must be bright when using dark colours for the colour theme as my college magazine looked too dark and dull overall.

• I learnt that having a plain background is more effective as my college magazine main image was too distracting due to the vibrant, multiple, blurred colours in the background therefore I made sure I had a plain background when creating my music magazine.

• I learnt from my research that most of my target audience sue social media so it would be effective to use this however include more than I did in yay college magazine, and include social media sites such as twitter etc.

• Overall, I believe I have learnt how to produce a successful music magazine which reflects a specific genre through conventions and associations.

Improvements: If I had more time to edit my magazine I would:

Make the ‘Win’ smaller and the Beats

logo larger so it stands out more.

Move the social media information to the

bottom of the magazine as this is

where I have positioned other

media resources.

Make the main feature

headline bigger to stand out


Change the layout of the polaroids so it doesn't look as clustered on one


Change the text font so it is slightly easier for my

audience to read due to the small size.

Edit my model (airbrush) more effectively.

Change the main image so the Lamborghini doesn't go through

where the crease would be in the magazine.

Make the pull out quote

bigger to stand out and break the article up more.

Change the text here so it stands out more.

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