questionnaire analysis

Post on 21-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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12-16 years 17-20 years 21-29 years 30-39 years 40+ years012345678

How old are you?

How old are you?

From this question it is clearly evident that over half of the ten people asked about their age seven out of ten said twelve to sixteen. This would imply that for our psychological horror to appeal to this specific target audience we need to certificate our film around a twelve or fifteen. By doing this we are engaging the majority of the people who took the questionnaire. We have concluded to choose the certification of a 15 as during the film we have implemented a suicide scene, although the girl is not seen killing herself the scene is not suitable for those under the age of 15 as of the context that we have implemented.

Questionnaire Analysis

Male Female0








What gender are you?

Commencing this question it is apparent that the majority of people asked were female. As this has been portrayed to make our film appealing to the audience, we need to stereotype the film more to females, for instance, possible making the typography of the title more feminine rather than harsh and sharp which you would stereotype with males. However, the typography still needs to portray aspects of a psychological horror. By doing this we are appealing to the audience, plus we are making it apparent what our genre is as of the conventional features. To help stereotype our film to women we have implemented most women actors.

Yes No0










Do you watch psychological horrors?

As the majority of the people who answered the questionnaire watched psychological horrors and only two people didn’t we are still able to target our audience at twelve to sixteen year olds who are female. This helps support the information that we are able to do this as eight out of ten people who answered said that they watch psychological horrors. We are targeting the audience to the most popular genre that they have chosen which the psychological horror was.

Entertainment Escapism0








If yes what purpose do you watch them for?

Most of the people asked said that there main purpose in watching psychological horrors is for entertainment and two out of the ten said for escapism, this is a part of the uses and gratification theory. From this information that has been obtained we are able to know that for our film to appeal to its target audience we need to make it as divert as possible for the audience to stay interested. We could also try and add aspects of the paranormal for those who watch them to escape from reality. This would therefore, help to appeal to everyone who answered the questionnaire, regardless of gender or age.

Mysterious Characters Death Scenes that make you jump







What are the stereotypical conventions (expectations) you expect to find in a psychological horror?

From this question, we are able to obtain the information that the stereotypical conventions mainly expected to see are mysterious characters and scenes that make you jump. From this information it is evident that to appeal to our target audience we should add mysterious characters within the film and opening sequence also adding scenes that make you jump. This would therefore make people want to watch the film as through the opening sequence we are creating a sense of enigma (suspense) of what is to come next, thus making the film from the point of the opening sequence entertain (see above question).

Dark lighting & Shadows Music Set & Props Characters0









Which of the following conventions do you think is the most important aspects of a horror movie?

The mainstream of people asked said that they believe that the most important convention in a horror movie is music. Music within a film helps the audience understand what to feel during certain aspects such as if there were loud stepping sounds with no one in sight the audience will automatically feel on edge and it will create a sense of enigma. This is done just through the use of audio which represents how much of an immense part it should play within our opening sequence of the film. As the audience also agree with this, we are able to note that from the use of music they will be able to identify (uses and gratification theory) with that genre. The stereotypical soundtrack of a psychological horror is diegetic-sound; this is used for things such as watching someone run up the stairs as it gives an unsettling sense of enigma (mystery). We will also use non-diegetic sound to create an eerie atmosphere; the sounds will be dull and deep.

Close up





ing shot

Jump cut

Extreme clo

se up

Matte painting

Over the sh

oulder shot










What types of camera do you expect to find in an opening sequence of the film?

Most of the people who had answered the questionnaire had stated that they expect to find an establishing shot within the opening sequence, this will be used at the start of the film to set the location and the theme, the long shot will also be added into to this to help create more of an atmosphere. Every box has been ticked with what the audience would expect to see within the opening sequence, so as the producers we will try and fit all of these camera shots in to please the audience. By doing this it will help to appeal to the audience who done the questionnaires. Every shot is vital within the opening sequence as it sets the scene for the rest of the film. By using shots such as over the shoulder the audience will be seeing things from the characters perspective, engaging them into the film more, this should give them a sense of unease. Close ups will also help the character connect with the character. Long-shots will also help the character establish where they are.

Panning Tilts Tracking Zoom Crossing the line Crab0








What types of camera movement do you expect to see?

The majority of those asked said that they would expect to see everything but the crab movement; therefore, if possible we will try not to add this within our film/opening sequence as it would not appeal to our target audience. Tacking will be used a lot within our film as it a stereotypical camera movement for a psychological horror in the sense the audience will feel that they are a part of the film and in the same position of the character, making them more intrigued within it. This would also entertain them and potentially help them escape (uses and gratification theory-see question four).

Regan mc neil (The Exorcist)

Normal bates (Psycho) Chucky (Child's Play) Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Masscre)






Out of the following horror characters, which one do you find most fearsome?

As all of the audience had stated that they find each one of these characters fearsome, we will try and add stereotypical characteristics of these characters within our film to make the film appeal to our target audience. It will also create a sense of enigma as the audience won’t fully know what the character is like as they have a split personality so, therefore, would not know to is to happen next.



What characters do you expect to see in a psychological horror?

This is Trodovos props theory. He implemented that within every film there were these specific eight characters, our target audience has clearly obtained this rule as all the different stereotypical characters have been chosen to be portrayed throughout the film as represented. However, the most significant character that the audience have stated is the villain, who will set the basis of our story, nonetheless, in this case the be an object. We will however, add these characters throughout the course of the film to give it more of a narrative, so that the audience stay entertained (uses and gratification theory).

Yes- Creates tension Sometimes -False sense security No- too early0123456789

Do you expect a sense of enigma (mystery) during the opening sequence, if yes why?

Most of the audience asked had stated that they do expect to see a sense of enigma and this was due to the fact that it creates tension. An enigma is a stereotypically convention of a psychological horror so therefore will be implemented within our opening sequence, it gives the basis of the film as the watchers would want to stay and watch the film as they have unanswered questions which will only be revealed throughout the course of the film.

Yes- Gives it structure Yes- Story develops No0








Do you expect a dis-equilibrum (sometimes to go wrong) within the narrative, if yes why?

Again, the majority implied that they would like an equilibrium within the narrative. This is done so that it sets and helps develop the narrative throughout the film. Every film has a basis of an equilibrium as it is a part of what makes the narrative. It gives the narrative a more interesting outlook and helps create the film to flow. Therefore, we will be using an equilibrium within out film.

Ambigous Gothic drama Scary0







7How do you expect the title to be portrayed?

This question was used to help us decide upon our title. Most of the people asked said that we should have an ambiguous title, this is so that the beginning of the film is unclear and therefore making the audience want to continue watching as they would be engaged within the film. By using an ambiguous title it creates a sense of enigma as the audience will be confused as to why that title has a relevance to the film, again making them want to continue to watch to figure out the link.

Scream Wolf howl Whispers Thunder Telephone ring0










What sounds make you feel most frightened in a horror?

From what the audience have answered, it is evident that they feel diagetic sound is a lot more frightening, such as a telephone ring, screams and whispers, however these sounds can also be non-diagetic, this creates a bigger sense of enigma as the question where is it coming from will be asked. During our opening sequence we will most likely use all of these sounds apart from the wolf howl.

Fast Subtle Slow0









What type of sound track would you expect to find in a psychological horror?

For those who answered the questionnaires most had stated that subtle sounds are expected in psychological horrors. This would also create a sense of enigma as the audience would feel on edge as they wouldn’t know what to feel from the sound effects as they would be subtle. This would also be used within our opening sequence as we are trying to reach out to this specific target audience.

The possession Session 9 Jacobs Leader Funny Games The Ordeal0






6What is your favourite psychological horror?

By using this question within our questionnaire we know what type of aspects the audience like to see within psychological horrors. For instance, the possession is a film that is very subtle and creates a lot of enigma, which should therefore be implemented within our film as the audience have stated that they like these types of conventions of the film.

Slasher' films & gore Dolls/Clowns/Children Supernatural Zombies/Vampires0






6Which theme do you enjoy watching the most?

From this question we know that the audience enjoy watching the supernatural in psychological horrors, so therefore should apply this into our film, to again appeal to that target audience. They also enjoy the aspects of clowns/dolls and children, which is what we should add into our film, so that we can appeal to a mass audience.

Conclusion:Overall, as the graphs represent that most people who answered were 12-16, we will attempt to aim our film at this type of audience, as they are the ones who mainly answered the questionnaires, so would therefore, be most interested. By doing this we are engaging the majority of the people who answered the questionnaires. This would mean that we should certificate our film at a 15 with it being between the age groups, as some aspects of the film are for an older audience, which would not be suitable for younger views (see graph 1). Furthermore, most of the people who answered were also female due to the research gathered which represented 80% being female. However the general narrative of the film would entice both males and females. However, to stereotype the film more to females we will be implementing female actresses.Those who answered the questionnaires stated that they watch psychological horrors because they are entertained by them, this portrays the uses and gratification theory, and 20% however, also said that they watch psychological horrors to escape. Due to this information we will try and base the film so that it entertains and gives a sense of escapism, this could be done through the supernatural of someone being possessed. The majority of the people had stated that they expect to find mysterious characters and scenes that make you jump, by adding these conventions we are appealing to our target audience, so therefore, enticing them to watch the film. The audience also stated that the most important aspect they expect to find within a psychological horror is music, by creating an eerie soundtrack (see graph 6) the audience are able to know how to feel throughout the film as they music will guide them to feel that specific thing, whether its suspense or sadness. Within the film we will also add an enigma to the film to create suspense, equilibrium so that the film is appealing and enticing and we will also be using Trodovs 8 props theory for the characters. These are some stereotypical characteristics to horror films that the audience should be able to identify (uses and gratification theory) with. As the audience stated that their favourite psychological horror would be ‘The Possession’, we will attempt to have some aspects that are similar within our film, for instance during their opening sequence there is no dialogue, so we could implement this within our to portray similarities between the films. By applying what the questionnaires have stated we will be enticing the audience into the film as this is what they expect to see as they have answered the questions. Throughout the film we will be referring back to what the audience have said and we will be trying to add everything in that they have mentioned so that they are in a sense able to identify (uses and gratification theory) with the film.

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