questionnaire analysis

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Questionnaire Analysis

I asked 20 people to fill out my survey; 11 of which were female, and 9 that were male. I asked a range of people from 15-26+ to give myself a range of feedback referring to the designing of my magazine.To begin with, I asked what words initially came to mind with the word ‘Reggae’? Immediately, I saw a pattern emerge of the stereotypes of Reggae. This included:

• Rastafarian• Bob/Bob Marley• Drugs (pot, weed, cannabis)• Jamaica/ beaches/summer• Relaxing/chilling• Colourful/Bright colours• ‘Jammin’• Dreadlocks

I then stated some quotes such as: “Reggae is associated with bright colours (initially yellows, reds, greens)” followed by a range of from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ to see the publics views on the stereotypes of Reggae. My results came back quite varied as I got a number of different results of positive and negative towards the statement which I found interesting as there were a number of different viewpoints about the genre of Reggae. Here are my results:

Titles for my Magazine

Reggae Jam


Rasta Jam

One Love


"How much would you pay for a Reggae Music Magazine?"

None - I wouldn't buy one

99p - £1.50



£2.99 +

"How much would you pay for a Reggae Music Magazine?"

None - I wouldn't buy one

99p - £1.50



£2.99 +

"How much would you pay for a Reggae Music Magazine?"

None - I wouldn't buy one

99p - £1.50



£2.99 +

I then asked one of my most important questions; “what title would interest you most for a Reggae music magazine?”

Here were my results:

Therefore, these results tell me most people preferred the title “One Love” and so I have decided to make this the title for my Reggae Music Magazine.

After this, I asked how much people would pay for a Reggae Music Magazine.” My results told me that not many people were interested in buying this genre of music magazine but also that the majority would pay an average of £1.99. This motivates me to create a magazine that will encourage and invite more people to be lured into buying my magazine at a reasonable price. I want to bring a new edge that will appeal further to my target audience.

Names NumberReggaeJam 2Zion 3Rasta Jam 5One Love 7Jammin' 3

I then asked the question “Which of these magazine covers do you prefer?” to help me with the layout design for my music magazine.

3 6 11 0

I also asked for reasons why they liked the one they chose. The feedback I got included:

• The celebrity in the picture / recognisable• Eye-catching• Bold outline/words• Nice colour palette• Simplistic, not loads of words/ uncluttered• Engaging/intensity• Clear points• Nice layout

I then asked the same question, but for these Reggae music magazine to see what style my target audience preferred. Here are my results:

4 11 0

4 0

For these results, there was a clear win for ‘Billboard’ Magazine. Again, I asked the reasons why they liked it and here are my results:

• Large focused face• Central image• Clear precise writing• Typical Reggae colours yet still sophisticated for older audience• Direct view of character• Good use of Rule of thirds – more appealing• simplistic

• lack of unnecessary writing over writing• Down to earth like image• Colour contrasts • Font style

This has shown me that although NME is a very popular brand, the style they use (lots of writing, less image) and colour scheme etc, is not the style that my target audience are interested in. Over these two questions, I have learned that I need to keep it quite simple, but stating the best points. A good focused image, and a bold title with good use of colours to get the Genre across.

Final question I asked, to see what style of Reggae bands I would use for my Double Page Spread, I asked “Which of these Reggae artists would you like to see in my Reggae Music Magazine?” Here are my results:

15 10 5

5 7

These results came back quite varied but it has given me an idea of what sort of bands I can use to appeal for my Reggae Music Magazine.

Some benefits I have had from doing this Market research is that it helped me decide on certain aspects of my magazine such as title and layout design. It was used to find the majority vote of people’s opinions which really helped.However, there are negatives of market research as it cannot always be accurate. For example, my target audience is Reggae fans between age of 16 – 24, and some of the people i asked to fill out my survey were not fans of Reggae, therefore not accurate results. Also, some results could go against your original ideas for your magazine therefore making you doubt your ideas which is not good.

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