questionnaire feedback from product analysis

Post on 05-Apr-2017



Social Media



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Question 3 Evaluation

Questionnaire analysis

Question 1

• The first question asked in our questionnaire was “after watching the first 5 minutes of our documentary, are you interested in watching the whole documentary?”

• From this question we received very good feedback as every person who filled the questionnaire out (14 people) all of them said they would be interested in watching the rest of the documentary. This shows us that in the first 5 minutes we were able to show the topic of the documentary effectively and make the sub-topics appear interesting.


Would you watch the rest of our documentary after watching the first 5 minutes?


Question 2 • The second question in our questionnaire was “What age group would you

say the documentary is aimed at?” • This question gave us a broad range of responses however out of the 14

people who answered the questionnaire 11 of these people believed the target audience was for those aged between 16 and 25. One person thought that even those who were 15 would be considered our target audience. Another respondent from our questionnaire believed that someone up to the age of 35 could be considered as our target audience. Generally though, the main responses included those in their mid-teens up to mid-twenties. This is the correct target audience for the documentary as it is aimed at teenagers who have been looking for a job or even teenagers who have a part time job and are on zero hour contracts. The response to this question shows us that we have successfully been able to portray who our target audience is through the first 5 minutes of the docume

16-25 15+ up to 35 0







Who is our target audience?

Question 3 • The next question was “on a scale of 1-5, rate the following aspects of our documentary

(1 being least, 5 being the most)” The 5 aspects were editing, voiceover, camerawork, mise-en-scene and music.

• For the first aspect (editing) we received a rating of 5 from 5 of the respondents. With the lowest rating given being 3, the majority of respondents gave us a 4. This range means that the editing on our documentary was of a high quality standard and that there must have been few mistakes that made the overall documentary look unprofessional. The second aspect that we asked our respondents to rate was the voiceover. This was another aspect that we scored highly on with 9 people giving us a 5 rating. This tells us that the voiceover was clear and easily understood by the audience. This is good as if the voiceover is clear to understand then the information that the voiceover tells the audience is understood, making the documentary look more professional. The third aspect we asked the audience to score us on was the camerawork in our documentary. The majority of respondents (8) rated us 4 out of 5 with another 5 people saying our camerawork was a 5 out of 5. This shows us that we were able to get across our message about young people in work by using a range of different shot types and camera movements. We were then rated on the mise-en-scene, which was again rated highly with half of respondents saying the mise-en-scene in our documentary was relevant and it portrayed documentaries topic well. Finally the music in our title sequence was also highly rated with 8 people rating it 5 out of 5.

16-25 15+ up to 35 0




Who is our target audience?




Editing 1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 54 out of 5 5 out of 5

1 out of 5

2 out of 5

3 out of 5

4 out of 5

5 out of 5

0 0 14



3 out of 57%

4 out of 5 57%

5 out of 5 36%




Mise-en-scene1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 54 out of 5 5 out of 5

1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 5

4 out of 5 5 out of 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Question 4 • The fourth question asked “does the title sequence

connote the topic of the documentary? How?”• All respondents said yes to this question and many people

gave reasons as to why they said this. Typical responses included that the title sequence linked well with the topic of the documentary, which was said three times. Further responses included that the shot types used had connotations of work and this allowed the audience to instantly see the topic of the documentary. Another response that was repeated by a few people was that the music tied in nicely with the topic.




Does our title sequence link well with the documentary topic?

Title sequence links well with topic Music related well with the topic Shot types used linked well

Question 5

• “Would you say the title links to the documentary? Why?”

• All respondents said they believed the title linked to the documentary with some saying that this was due to the way we linked the title with a shop name and that it has connotations of work. This tells us that the title is effective in promoting the topic of the documentary and that it ties in nicely with the title sequence and sub-topics.

Relates to the topic of work

Ties in nicley with sub-topics

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Does our title relate to the topic of our documentary?

Question 6 • “After listening to the radio trailer, does this make you want to watch the

documentary? Why?”• All but one of the people who answered our questionnaire said yes to

this question. The reasons given were mainly saying that the radio trailer was informative as it gave a good amount of information on what the documentary was on however, it didn’t give too much away. Another reason people said they would watch the documentary after hearing the radio advert is due to the background music chosen and the voiceover being clear and easily understood. The one person who said they would not watch the documentary after listening to the radio advert said they wouldn’t due to the background music used. This may tell us that the music could be too loud and distract the audience from the voiceover. However, it might just be that the one person who said no was not a fan of the song choice.

Question 7

• “Is the voiceover for our radio trailer clear and understandable?”

• One person said no to this question and explained by saying that the music was too loud and this made the voiceover become less easily understood. However, 13 of the respondents said that the voiceover was clear and easy to understand. This tells us that the voiceover itself was very clear however maybe the music bed may have been too loud.

Question 8

• “What aspects of the radio trailer work well? Why?”• In this question we gave the respondents a choice of

three things. These three things were split evenly with 9 people saying the soundbed worked well, 9 people saying the voiceover was good and 9 people saying that the clips from the interviews fit well with the radio advert. This shows us that some people must have circled more than one feature, telling us that overall the radio trailer accurately advertises the documentary.




What aspects of our radio trailer worked well?

Soundbed Clips from interviews Voiceover

Question 9 • “On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the radio trailer on the following

aspects?”• The soundbed was the first thing we asked to be rated on and the majority

liked the soundbed as they rated it a 5. This tells us that the music used in the background of the radio advert was relevant to the topic of the documentary. Next was the editing in the radio trailer and this was highly rated as 8 out of 14 people gave us a 5 for the editing and the other 6 a 4. We were then rated on the voice over which received another 8 5’s. This tells us that the voiceover was clear and easily understood, giving the radio trailer a professional vibe. Finally the respondents rated the use of clips from the interview. This was highly rated as the typical response was a 5. This shows us that the use of soundbites from the documentary was effective as people were able to link the topic of the documentary with radio advert, meaning it advertises the documentary well.




Soundbed1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 5 4 out of 5 5 out of 5


1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 54 out of 5 5 out of 5

1 out of 5

2 out of 5

3 out of 5

4 out of 5

5 out of 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 out of 5 2 out of 5 3 out of 5 4 out of 5 5 out of 5 0123456789

Use of clips




What aspects of our radio trailer worked well?

Soundbed Clips from interviews Voiceover

Question 10

• “What could be improved in the print advert?”• This question allowed a variety of responses, however

half of the people who answered our questionnaire believed that nothing could of been improved in the print advert. However, some people said that the positioning and the font of our title could be improved. Others said that the colours included on the print advert could be brighter. This suggests that although we did edit the image in Photoshop to make it brighter and more appealing to the viewer, it could have done better.

Question 11 • “What are the strengths and weaknesses of our print ad? Explain your

answer”• For strengths the majority of people said that the image was the strong

point of the print advert as it stood out from the text and filled the majority of the print advert. Other strengths includes the text that was used on the print ad. This refers to the codes and conventions as we were able to include the channel (logo) and the date of when the documentary would be aired. Furthermore, other audience feedback told us that the print advert was directly related to the topic of the documentary and this acted as a strength. Weaknesses included the title and the font used for the title. One person also stated that the logo did not stand out enough from the background and that it was “lost”. This suggests that we would perhaps need to work on our colour scheme of the print advert.

Question 12

• “Does the print advert make you want to watch our documentary?”

• All of the respondents said that from looking at the print advert they are intrigued by the documentary and would consider watching it. Many people stated that it made the topic look interesting and therefore they would watch the documentary.

Question 13

• “Does the image on the print advert connote the narrative of the documentary?”

• All of the people who answered our questionnaire said that they believed the main image of the print advert expressed the narrative of the documentary. The explanation for this was due to the front of a shop having connotations of work and this was the central theme of the documentary.

Question 14

• “Overall, how well would you say our 3 products work together? Do they link? Why?”

• Everyone said that they thought the 3 products linked well together. It was evident that people thought this from the good feedback throughout. Many people said that the three products all showed the same narrative.

Question 15

• “Did you learn anything from the documentary?”• All 14 people said they had learnt something from

the documentary. The majority of people said they had learnt about the number of people of zero hour contracts and this had shocked them. Others said that they had learnt the facts and figures about working when young. Furthermore, people stated that the sub-topic of child labour was very intriguing and that they were able to learn about what it was like for children in the past.

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