questionnaire results

Post on 18-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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Questionnaire Results

The first question I asked in my survey was what gender are they. This is important for me to know the demographic because if I find that the majority of people enjoy horror movies and the majority of people who answer are female then I will know who the target audience is. From this we can see that 12 out of the 17 people who answered are female.

I also asked what their age was; this is important and will help me when I come to making my horror trailer because I will be able to identify the target audience. Being able to identify the target audience is important because I can ensure that I include aspects in my trailer that the audience can relate to. From looking at my results I can see that the majority of people who answered are within the 16-20 age group.

Asking whether people enjoy horror movie’s at the beginning of my survey is important because I need to understand what to include for the people who do enjoy horror. There was mixed reviews on my survey but the majority of people said that they do enjoy horror; this is useful because I will be able to get honest opinions on what they enjoy and what they don’t. It is also important that I know why people don’t enjoy horror so I could maybe not include that in my trailer so then it will appeal to a wider audience.

I asked the audience if they did enjoy horror, what did they enjoy and if they didn’t what didn’t they enjoy. I thought this question was significant because looking at the replies I am able to see in detail what they do and don’t enjoy. This way when I am making my trailer I am able to find a balance between what people do and don’t enjoy to make it appeal to a wide audience. For example, some people said they don’t enjoy being scared whereas that is the part that some do enjoy; therefore I would have to try and find a balance or chose whether the trailer would include parts that make the audience jump.

I asked in my survey what people enjoy doing in their spare time; I did this to try and find the psychographic of the audience. Knowing their psychographic Is important because it allows me to understand the target audience even more. Therefore I will be able to make the trailer relatable to them. From my results, I can see that the most popular activities people enjoy doing in their spare time is watching films and hanging out with friends; this is useful to know because when I make my trailer I will know that they will interested in watching the film afterwards.

I thought that it was important to try and understand the audience and see if they saw a trailer they would be likely to go and watch the film. From looking at my results the majority of people would watch the film with 16 out of the 17 saying yes.

To make a successful trailer I have to have a balance of what is conventional for a horror film trailer. Therefore I asked people to rate what they would enjoy most in a horror trailer. From looking and analysing my results I can see that most people enjoy having tense music, low key lighting and an isolated setting. This is important for me to know because I will be able to incorporate these aspects into my trailer to ensure that the target audience would enjoy the trailer and it was conventional for the horror genre. I can also see what aspects they don’t enjoy as much, this way I can try and avoid having them in my trailer.

I asked in my survey what was people’s favourite horror movie if they had one. I thought this question was significant because if there was one answer that stood out the most then I would be able to research into that film, watch the trailer, see the plot and then see what inspiration I could take from that movie to make my trailer as successful as theirs. I also included the option that if they don’t enjoy horror movies they don’t have to put down an answer. For example, the film Sinister came up more than once but looking at all the answers there is a wide variety of options showing that there has been many successful horror movies and also it comes down to personal choice what sort of horror people enjoy.

I thought it was important to ask the audience what they find most effective in a film trailer out of the technical areas; this way when I am making my trailer I can focus more on certain technical areas rather than others. From looking at my results, the audience were able to pick more than one, but sound was the most popular. This relates to question were they enjoyed tense music the most. Therefore when I am making my trailer it is important for me to pay particular attention to this area.

I asked the audience how often they watched horror film trailers; this was important because I now know that the most popular choice was monthly. Knowing how often the audience watch horror movie trailers is significant because if the most popular choice would have been never I would of known that my trailer wouldn’t be very successful but because people watch them monthly it is highly likely that my trailer might be watched because it would pop up when they are searching for horror movie trailers.

Being able to see what every person put individually is important for my research because if somebody said that they did enjoy horror between the age of 16-20 and female; what they think is most enjoyable I can take on board more than if somebody said that they didn’t enjoy horror. It also allows me to clearly see what everyone put individually and see who is my target audience and what I should include to make it successful.

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