quick quiz 1. of the following breakfast items, which is most healthy? a doughnut bacon and eggs ...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Quick Quiz1. Of the following breakfast items, which is most healthy?

A. A doughnutB. Bacon and eggsC. A bagel with cream cheeseD. A bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk

2. Of the following snack items, which the least healthy?A. French friesB. Air popped popcornC. An appleD. Raisins

3. The serving label tells you which of the following?A. The cost of the itemB. The nutritional amountsC. The temperature to cook it D. How it tastes

ANSWERS1. D- A bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk

2. A- French Fries

3. B- The nutritional amounts


8th Grade Health

Essential QuestionsRecall the number of servings recommended

from each food group and the need for balanced nutrition

State the number of servings for fruits, vegetables, meat & beans, grains, and dairy based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Evaluate your daily eating patterns. Do they match up with the recommendations? What is one thing you can do to make sure you are getting a well balanced diet?

What are Calories?A calorie is a way to 1)measure how much

energy a food provides to your 2)body

The body needs energy (calories) to do 3)anything

The 4)average adult male needs between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a 5)day.

If he eats this amount of 6)energy a day he would neither gain nor 7)lose weight.

6 Essential Nutrients8)Water







Makes up about 11)60% of your body weight

Carries nutrients to 12)tissues

Carries away 13)waste

14)Cools the body

Supply most of the 15)energy that enables the body to do 16)work

1 gram = 4 calories

Foods 17)high in carbohydratesanything made with 18)flour or sugargrainsfoods with 19)added sugar20)starchy vegetables (potatoes and corn)

ProteinSupply energy and 21)building material for muscle,

hair, and skin

1 gram = 4 calories

Foods high in protein 22)Milk Eggs 23)Cheese Peanut butter 24)Lean meats Fish 25)Beans Nuts & seeds

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FatsEssential for the 26)proper functioning of the


Very concentrated energy made of 27)glycerol and fatty acids

Healthy 28)skin and hair are maintained by 29)fat

Helps the body 30)absorb and move the vitamins A, D, E, and K through the 31)bloodstream

Fat provides 9 calories per 32)gram

MineralsMaintain body 33)structures and fluids

necessary for 34)growth

Helps form bones and 35)teeth

Helps your body make 36)hormones and regulate your 37)heartbeat

Examples:38)Calcium (milk)Potassium (bananas)39)Iron (red meat & seafood)

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VitaminsControl 40)chemical processes that turn food

into energy and body 41)tissue

Vitamin A (sweet potatoes)Promotes healthy skin & 42)bone development

Vitamin D (salmon & tuna fish)Helps the body 43)use calcium

Vitamin C (citrus fruits)Protects against 44)infection

Grains: 6oz.Veggies: 2 ½

cupsFruit: 1 ½ cupsDairy: 3 cups

Meat & Beans: 5oz.


My PlateBalancing Calories

Enjoy your food, but eat 46)less. Avoid 47)oversized portions.

Foods to Increase Make 48)half your plate fruits and vegetables. Make at least half your grains 49)whole grains. Switch to 50)fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.

Foods to Reduce Compare 51)sodium in foods like soup, bread, and

frozen meals -    and choose the foods with 52)lower numbers.

Drink 53)water instead of sugary drinks.

Serving Sizes: GRAINS1 slice of 54)bread

1 ounce of cereal (½ to 1 cup, depending on the cereal)

½ cup of 55)rice

½ cup of spaghetti

½ hamburger bun

½ 56)bagel

1 tortilla

1 ounce of 57)pretzels

Serving Sizes: FRUIT

1 medium apple, 58)banana or orange

½ cup of 59)grapes

½ cup of cooked, chopped or canned 60)fruit such as watermelon or fruit cocktail

¾ cup of fruit juice, such as orange juice or 61)apple juice

Serving Sizes: VEGGIES1 cup of raw 62)leafy vegetables such as

lettuce or 63)spinach

½ cup of other vegetables such as: 64)BroccoliGreen beans65)cornTomatoesMashed potatoes¾ cup of vegetable 66)juice

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Serving Sizes: DAIRY1 cup of milk or 67)yogurt

½ cup of ice cream

½ cup of 68)pudding

2 ounces of 69)cheese

Serving Sizes: Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Beans

2 to 3 ounces of cooked meat, 70)chicken or fish

1 71)egg

2 tablespoons of 72)peanut butter

½ cup of cooked 73)beans

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