quick summary slides for coursera partners conference posters

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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UVA Case Study of Residential Student Perceptions and Behavior in MOOCs

• Online survey for perception

• Clickstream analysis for behavior

• UVA students like convenience and ease of use.

• UVA students disliked time commitment outside of class and any tech use in classroom.

UVA African Scholarship Cohort Partnered with Mbarara University to offer scholarships to Foundations of Business Strategy Specialization on Coursera. Cohort of ~100 students from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya currently working through MOOCs. UVA students in International Consulting elective visited Mbarara in Spring 2015.

Moving Paradigms: Net Promoter Scores(NPS) versus MOOC Completion Rates

• Who wants to have another conversation about MOOC completion rates and the failure of MOOCs? • This study was looking at learner satisfaction in the UVA MOOC Personal Branding. Initial results suggest reframing

how we look at the success of MOOCs from completion rates to Net Promoter Scores. • Net Promoter Scores (NPS) are when you ask a customer: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely would you be to

recommend [company name/MOOC] to a friend or colleague?” Responders are then split into categories where those with a 9 or 10 response are considered “Promoters”, a 7 or 8 response are called “Passive” and 0-6 scores are “Detractors”. The Net Promoter Score is the percentage of detractors subtracted from the percentage of promoters. A score higher than zero is good but the best companies aim for scores around 50.

• With 356 respondents on our survey, the NPS for Coursera is 55. It is an initial recommendation of this study to start looking at Net Promoter Scores instead of Completion Rates for MOOC courses and providers.

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