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Post on 17-May-2018






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1. INTRODUCE THE STORYRead the title and describe the cover.

Have a “cover conversation.” Point to theparts that repeat from book to book. Notethings that are different about this book.What is happening?

SAY: “This is a comic book narratedby Chester the Crab. It is aboutEngland!s first permanent settlement in

North America: Jamestown. How did theEnglish get to Jamestown?”

Take a picture walk through the firststory, “A House for Burgesses,” to see whatChester is learning. Point out the parts of acomic: title, timeline, panels, word balloons,and characters.


SKILLSPrepositions Main IdeaPredicting Outcomes Noting Details

Story Vocabulary

Write the story vocabulary and content phrases (presented below) on a classroomboard. (These words and their definitions can also be written on separate cards andplaced face down on a table for students to play a matching or memory game.)

Tell students on which page to find each word. Have students read the sentencethat has a given vocabulary word and use context and picture clues to form a definition.VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS (in order of appearance)economic venture (p. 2) – an attempt to find valuable goods or establish valuable tradeVirginia Company of London (p. 2) – group of wealthy English businessmen who paidfor the men and supplies to establish the English settlement at JamestownLost Colony of Roanoke (p. 2) – failing attempt to start an English colony in Americaking (p. 2) – head of a monarchy government; usually inherits the title from family


(VOCABULARY, continued from previous page )rights (p. 5) – powers, liberties, or privileges a person owns by law or naturerepresentative (p. 5) – person elected by others to make choices or votes for themHouse of Burgesses (p. 5) – first elected legislative body in America giving settlers theopportunity to control their own governmentroyal governor (p. 6) – person appointed by the king to rule a colony for him

3. WORD STUDYRead a page in the story. Point out

the words that are prepositions in thestory. SAY: “A preposition is a word thatconnects a noun to another word andusually shows a relationship of place ortime. Can you find some prepositionsamong the words of this story?!”

Point to examples in the story: (p. 2)of the new company, in Virginia, of London,into, in North America, for attacking

Spanish ships, with Spain (p. 3) of London,to North America, of the money, in charge,in the settlement, to a seven-man council,on it (p. 4) in Jamestown, to England, inthe winter, of 1609-10, of London, of the500 people, up the James River (p. 6) to,in, of, from, for, on, toward. ASK: “Howdoes each preposition link the noun withthe rest of the sentence?”

4. READ THE STORY FORWRITING PROMPTSGive students a copy of The Details

Umbrella from p. 23 of this teacher!s guide.They may fill it out for each page of thestory or the entire story.

SAY: “As we read the story, we willlook for the main, or most important,idea and supporting details. Supportingdetails are small pieces of informationthat tell more about a main idea andanswer: Who? What? Why? When?Where? We will write these on anumbrella chart.”

Read a page. ASK: “What is themost important idea on this page? Whatdetails support this main idea? Let!swrite them on the umbrella.”

Give students a copy of thepredictions sheet from p. 24 of thisteacher!s guide. At the beginning or end ofeach page in the story, ask students topredict what will happen next and/or writethe prediction on their sheet.

SAY: “A prediction is a guess aboutwhat happens next, based on what youhave already learned from picture cluesand the text.” Point to the phrase in thelower right corner by the word “Next.” ASK:“How does this clue help yourprediction?”

Based on students! abilities, continuewith guided or shared reading, or let higherreaders finish the story themselves and fillin their chart.

5. RESPOND/ASSESSAfter reading the story, have students retell the information, either orally or with a writingprompt. They can refer to their umbrella chart if necessary. For further assessment orsupport, have students answer the questions on p. 7 of this guide.


As Chester!s story shows, there were manyfactors that led to the demise of the LondonCompany, the group sponsoring the firstsettlement at Jamestown.Here!s a selection of events and issues thatthe colonists faced. Place the number of eachphrase under the most appropriate category:1. Lack of cooperation among settlers2. Martial law declared3. Mismanagement of resources4. Not enough food5. Little profit in selling poor quality tobacco6. Disease7. Unfriendly Indians, Indian Massacre of 16228. Lottery doesn!t attract many settlers9. Unpopular leaders in control


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.


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LEARN MORECheck out these books from your school or publiclibrary: (Ages 9 to 12)“Our Strange New Land: Elizabeth!s Diary,Jamestown, Virginia, 1609,” by Patricia Hermes.

“James Towne: Struggle for Survival,” by MarciaSewall.

“Surviving Jamestown: The Adventures of YoungSam Collier,” by Gail Langer Karwoski.Economic:5,8




The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

COMMAND AND CONQUERWhat happens next? Write your own words for the struggle of Jamestown!

A HOUSE FOR BURGESSES QUESTIONS1. Which of the following best describes why English settlers were allowed to form theHouse of Burgesses in Virginia?A It was a reward for building a successful colony.B London leaders could not control the settlers and hoped self-rule wouldencourage them to work harder.

C George Yeardley wanted to experiment with a new form of government.D John Smith finally convinced the London gentlemen to allow it.

2. Which one of these is not a common preposition?F toG fromH onJ like

3. Because Jamestown was settled by English gentlemen, there was ––A a decrease in the king’s interest in the colonyB an increase in the number of Native American attacksC a decrease in the amount of food they produced in VirginiaD an increase in demand for Virginia’s silver and iron products

4. A royal governor takes orders from the ––F Virginia CouncilG Virginia Company of LondonH House of BurgessesJ king

5. “These 24 men are the first representative legislative assembly in North America.”Which word below has the same meaning as the word“legislative?”A law-makingB law-abidingC judgmentD official

6. What would be another good title for this story?F Why John Smith Was A LeaderG When Jamestown Failed Like the Roanoke ColonyH How Democracy Came to AmericaJ Where Was Jamestown

The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

Captain Christopher Newport. He hadonly one arm. Do you know anyone witha disability? Can they still do somethings you do?”

Take a picture walk through thesecond story, “Captain ChristopherNewport,” to see what Chester is learning.Point out the parts of a comic: title, time-line, panels, word balloons, and characters.

1. INTRODUCE THE STORYRead the title and describe the cover.

Have a “cover conversation.” Point to theparts that repeat from book to book. Notethings that are different about this book.What is happening?

SAY: “This is a comic booknarrated by Chester the Crab. It is aboutthe English settlers! struggle to buildJamestown. One of their leaders was


Compound Words Main IdeaPredicting Outcomes Noting Details

Story Vocabulary

Write the story vocabulary and content phrases (presented below) on a classroomboard. (These words and their definitions can also be written on separate cards and placedface down on a table for students to play a matching or memory game.)

Tell students on which page to find each word. Have students read the sentence thathas a given vocabulary word and use context and picture clues to form a definition.VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS (in order of appearance)Lost Colony of Roanoke (p. 8) – failed attempt to put an English colony in North AmericaQueen Elizabeth (p. 8) – long-serving English monarch who warred with Spaininvestment (p. 9) – money put into a business or venture to get a profit back latercolony (p. 9) – settlement of a distant land, controlled by another countryChesapeake Bay (p. 10) – large estuary connected to the Atlantic OceanJames River (p. 10) – Virginia river flowing from the Blue Ridge Mountains to ChesapeakeNorthwest Passage (p. 11) – mythical water route from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific OceanPowhatan (p. 11) – leader of about 14,000 Native Americans in Virginia at the time of theJamestown settlement; his people were Algonquian language speakers in eastern Virginia


3. WORD STUDYRead a page in the story. Point out

the compound words in the story. SAY:“A compound word is a word made byputting together two smaller words. Canyou find some in the story?”

For example, on p. 8 ASK: “What twowords form someone and Newport?How do you think his family got that

name? What does that name tell usabout where he came from?” Or on p. 9ASK: “What words form everyone?” Onp. 10 ask the same about troublemaker,sunset, inland, businessmen. On p. 11 askabout waterfall, Northwest, underground,shortcut, westward. On p. 12 ask abouteverybody.

4. READ THE STORY FORWRITING PROMPTSGive students a copy of The Details

Umbrella from p. 23 of this teacher!s guide.They may fill it out for each page of thestory or the entire story.

SAY: “As we read the story, we willlook for the main, or most important,idea and supporting details. Supportingdetails are small pieces of informationthat tell more about a main idea andanswer: Who? What? Why? When?Where? We will write these on anumbrella chart.”

Read a page. ASK: “What is themost important idea on this page? Whatdetails support this main idea? Let!swrite them on the umbrella.”

Give students a copy of thepredictions sheet from p. 24 of thisteacher!s guide. At the beginning or end ofeach page in the story, ask students topredict what will happen next.

SAY: “A prediction is a guess aboutwhat happens next, based on what youhave already learned from picture cluesand the text.” Point to the phrase in thelower right corner by the word “Next.”ASK: “How does this clue help yourprediction?”

Based on students! abilities, continuewith guided or shared reading, or let higherreaders finish the story themselves and fillin their chart

5. RESPOND/ASSESSAfter reading the story, have students retell the information, either orally or with a writingprompt. They can refer to their umbrella chart if necessary. For further assessment orsupport, have students answer the questions on p. 12 of this guide.

(VOCABULARY, continued from previous page )Fall Line (p. 11) – natural border between the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) and Piedmontregions, where waterfalls prevent further travel on riversCoastal Plains (p. 11) – flat land east of the Fall Line, near Atlantic Ocean andChesapeake Bay (includes Eastern Shore)Piedmont (p. 11) – rolling hills at the foot of mountains; located west of the Fall Line


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

WATERS SHEDDING INTO THE BAYChristopher Newport sailed into theChesapeake Bay and thenexplored the James River.Several rivers flow into the bay.Can you find them?

On this map, locate:James RiverYork RiverRappahannock RiverPotomac RiverChesapeake Bay

Patuxent RiverChoptank River

Can you locate these other waterways?Hampton RoadsLynnhaven Bay




ANSWERS:TEACHERS!Cover this corner whenyou copy this page foryour students!


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to copy this page for classroom use.


Look at the dates of Christopher Newport's voyages to thecolony at Jamestown.

First Voyage December 19, 1606, to July 29, 1607Second Voyage October 8, 1607, to May 20, 1608Third Voyage July 1608, to January 1609Fourth Voyage June 2, 1609, to September 1610Fifth Voyage March 17, 1611, to December 1611Figure out about how many months each voyage took, thenanswer these questions.1. Which voyage was the longest?2. Which was the fastest?3. How many months total did Newport spend traveling

back and forth between England and Jamestown?4. How many years does that make?


Jamestown Settlement is home to re-creations ofChristopher Newport!s three ships, the Godspeed, pictured,the Susan Constant, and the Discovery.

TEACHERS!Cover this corner whenyou copy this page foryour students!

CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT QUESTIONS1. During the 1590s the English queen gave sailors permission to raidships from ––A VirginiaB GermanyC FranceD Spain

2. Captain Christopher Newport charged this Jamestown settler with mutiny ––F John RolfeG John SmithH George YeardleyJ Lord de la Warr

3. Which one of the following is not a compound word?A pocketbookB ownerC graveyardD westward

4. “Peace ends my profitable privateering. What do I do now?” Which word belowhas the same meaning as the word “profitable?”F payingG expensiveH wastedJ wonderful

5. “Store those treasured spices quickly.” Which word has the same vowel sound as“store?”A stareB floorC frownD flood

6. What is this story mainly about?F The kinds of supplies Christopher Newport brought to Jamestown.G The London merchants that Christopher Newport worked forH The possible sequel to Pirates of the CaribbeanJ The ways Christopher Newport helped Jamestown survive.

The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

1. INTRODUCE THE STORYRead the title and describe the cover.

Have a “cover conversation.” Point to theparts that repeat from book to book. Notethings that are different about this book.What is happening?

SAY: “This is a comic book narratedby Chester the Crab. It is about afamous Jamestown settler, John Smith.

He was controversial because differentpeople saw him very differently. Who isa famous controversial person today?”

Take a picture walk through the thirdstory, “John Smith!s Sides,” to see whatChester is learning. Point out the parts of acomic: title, timeline, panels, word balloons,and characters.


SKILLSFact and Opinion Main IdeaPredicting Outcomes Noting Details

Story Vocabulary

Write the story vocabulary and content phrases (presented below) on a classroomboard. (These words and their definitions can also be written on separate cards and placedface down on a table for students to play a matching or memory game.)

Tell students on which page to find each word. Have students read the sentence thathas a vocabulary word and use context and picture clues to form a definition.

VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS (in order of appearance)economic venture (p. 14) – an attempt to find valuable goods or establish valuable tradegallows (p. 14) – frame with a rope on a crossbeam to hang condemned personPowhatan (p. 15) – leader of about 14,000 Native Americans in Virginia at the time of theJamestown settlement; his people were Algonquian language speakers in eastern VirginiaJohn Rolfe (p. 16) – established tobacco as the main export from Jamestown to EuropeVirginia Company of London (p. 16) – group of wealthy English businessmen who paidfor the men and supplies to establish the English settlement at JamestownPocahontas (p. 16) – daughter of Powhatan who married John Rolfe and died in Englandpoint-of-view (p. 17) – an opinion formed by a person!s relationship towards the subject


(VOCABULARY, continued from previous page )autobiography (p. 17) – the story of a person!s life, written by that person using “I” pronounbiography (p. 17) – the story of a person!s life, written by another person using “he” or “she”

3. WORD STUDYRead a page in the story. Point out

the statements of fact and statements ofopinion in the story. SAY: “A fact issomething we can prove is true. Anopinion is a belief that cannot beproved. Can you find facts and opinionsamong the words of this story?!”

Point to examples in the story: (p. 14)“Smith saved our colony from starving!”versus “While gentlemen sat around, he

got food from the Indians to help ussurvive.”; (p. 15) “Smith the terrorist?!!”versus “I have seen Smith chain Indiansand force them to work.” (p. 16) ”It soundslike that movie of Pocahontas saving JohnSmith!s life may not be true.” versus “Smithand West fought for control of Virginia.”(p. 17) “The words Smith uses to talkabout himself are in first person.” versus“I guess I should just use his version.”

4. READ THE STORY FORWRITING PROMPTSGive students a copy of The Details

Umbrella from p. 23 of this teacher!s guide.They may fill it out for each page of thestory or the entire story.

SAY: “As we read the story, we willlook for the main, or most important,idea and supporting details. Supportingdetails are small pieces of informationthat tell more about a main idea andanswer: Who? What? Why? When?Where? We will write these on anumbrella chart.”

Read a page. ASK: “What is themost important idea on this page? Whatdetails support this main idea? Let!swrite them on the umbrella.”

Give students a copy of thepredictions sheet from p. 24 of thisteacher!s guide. At the beginning or end ofeach page in the story, ask students topredict what will happen next.

SAY: “A prediction is a guess aboutwhat happens next, based on what youhave already learned from picture cluesand the text.” Point to the phrase in thelower right corner by the word “Next.”ASK: “How does this clue help yourprediction?”

Based on students! abilities, continuewith guided or shared reading, or let higherreaders finish the story themselves and fillin their chart.

5. RESPOND/ASSESSAfter reading the story, have students retell the information, either orally or with a writingprompt. They can refer to their umbrella chart if necessary. For further assessment orsupport, have students answer the questions on p. 17 of this guide.


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

TEACHERS!Cover this cornerwhen you copythis page for yourstudents!



Create a travel brochure for the voyage to Jamestown.What would you list as reasons to go? What kind ofjourney can travelers expect, and what will they findwhen they get there?

English gentlemen were surprised that they didn!t findgold - and had to work for their own food. They werenot used to farming or manual labor. John Smith toldthem they each needed to do some chores if thewhole settlement was going to survive.

Do you work for your food? Make a list of all thechores around the house. Who does them? Makea chart, and assign tasks based on John Smith!srule to emphasize that everyone must help out.

IN THE CLASSROOM:John Smith threatened to hang anyone who tried to steal a boat and sail forEngland. That was the consequence of breaking the rule. Can you list somerules of your home or classroom? What will happen if you break them?

POP QUESTIONS:1. What was John Smith!s rule that saved the colony?

A No fishing on Sunday.B He that will not work shall not eat.C Love one another.D Ye shall be friends with everyone.

2. What official office did John Smith hold in the colony in 1608?F PresidentG GovernorH CaptainJ Mayor

3. True or False? John Smith was loved and admired by all men.



The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

THE MANY SIDES OF SMITHPeople often see the sameevents differently becausethey have had differentexperiences. This is calledpoint of view, or a person!sviewpoint.Make a point of view cubeusing the model shownhere. From this week!sChester episodes,summarize and write adifferent point of viewabout John Smith oneach face of the papercube. On the sixthside, write your ownconclusionsabout JohnSmith.Cut, fold andglue thepaper cubeto show themany facesof thisfamousexplorer.

CHARACTER TRAITSHere are some character traits: courageous, brave, goodleader, risk-taker, self-sacrificing, ingenious, good decision-makerSelect one character trait that John Smith displayed. You don!tneed to pick from this list. Describe it, and tell how it helped himin his life.Select someone you know or have heard of who is like JohnSmith. List what these two people have in common.

JOHN SMITH’S SIDES QUESTIONS1. __________ is a story that a person writes about his or her own life.A DeclarationB BiographyC Point-of-viewD Autobiography

2. John Smith records that he told the Jamestown settlers, “He that will not workshall not –– ”F be richG voteH sleepJ eat

3. Which of the following is not a person who spoke about John Smithin this story?A Powhatan IndianB John RolfeC King James ID Richard Pots

4. Here are some words from the John Smith story.version described president gallows

If you put these words in alphabetical order, which one comes second?F gallowsG versionH describedJ president

5. Which is the best summary of John Rolfe’s view of John Smith?A Smith was the only reason the Jamestown colony survived.B Smith was an untrustworthy bully.C Smith and Rolfe did not know each other well.D Smith and Rolfe fought over who would marry Pocahontas.

6. What would be another good source of information about John Smith?F thesaurusG petitionH encyclopediaJ yesterday’s newspaper

The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

1. INTRODUCE THE STORYRead the title and describe the cover.

Have a “cover conversation.” Point to theparts that repeat from book to book. Notethings that are different about this book.What is happening?

SAY: “This is a comic book narratedby Chester the Crab. It is about the earlydays of Jamestown. Can you namesome of the things the settlers tried to

make before they made tobacco? Didyou know they used tobacco formoney? What objects could you use inplace of money today?”

Take a picture walk through the fourthstory, “Tobacco!s Tale,” to see whatChester is learning about. Point out theparts of a comic: title, timeline, panels,word balloons, and characters.


SKILLSPronouns Main IdeaPredicting Outcomes Noting Details

Story Vocabulary

Write the story vocabulary and content phrases (presented below) on a classroomboard. (These words and their definitions can also be written on separate cards andplaced face down on a table for students to play a matching or memory game.)

Tell students on which page to find the words. Have them read the sentence with agiven vocabulary word and use context and picture clues to form a definition.

VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS (in order of appearance)John Rolfe (p. 19) – established tobacco as the main export from Jamestown to Europeeconomic specialization (p. 19) – focusing on one product or service in the marketVirginia Company of London (p. 19) – group of wealthy English businessmen who paidfor the men and supplies to establish the English settlement at Jamestownindentured servant (p. 20) – person who gets a free ocean passage or money by prom-ising to work for another person for seven yearsslave (p. 20) – person owned as a piece of property for life, usually with no rightsbarter (p. 21) – direct trade of goods, services, or resources without using any money


3. WORD STUDYRead a page in the story. Point out

the pronouns in the story. SAY: “Apronoun is a word used in place ofanother noun, often the proper name ofsomething or someone. Can you findsome in the story?”

Point to examples in the story: (p. 19)I, you, its, we. ASK: “To whom are thesewords referring?” (p. 20) we, they, their,my (p. 21) they, them, I, you, my, everyone(p. 22) her, we, my, your, they (p. 23) their,it, they, I, our, them, we, you (p. 24) they,we, your, you, I, it

4. READ THE STORY FORWRITING PROMPTSGive students a copy of The Details

Umbrella from p. 23 of this teacher!s guide.They may fill it out for each page of thestory or the entire story.

SAY: “As we read the story, we willlook for the main, or most important,idea and supporting details. Supportingdetails are small pieces of informationthat tell more about a main idea andanswer: Who? What? Why? When?Where? We will write these on anumbrella chart.”

Read a page. ASK: “Whatimportant idea is on this page? Whatdetails support this main idea? Let!swrite them on the umbrella.”

Give students a copy of thepredictions sheet from p. 24 of thisteacher!s guide. At the beginning or end ofeach page in the story, ask students topredict what will happen next.

SAY: “A prediction is a guess aboutwhat happens next, based on what youhave already learned from picture cluesand the text.” Point to the phrase in thelower right corner by the word “Next.”ASK: “How does this clue help yourprediction?”

Based on students! abilities, continuewith guided or shared reading, or let higherreaders finish the story themselves and fillin their chart.

5. RESPOND/ASSESSAfter reading the story, have students retell the information, either orally or with a writingprompt. They can refer to their umbrella chart if necessary. For further assessment orsupport, have students answer the questions on p. 22 of this guide.

currency (p. 21) – coins or paper money with a certain value, usually given by governmentsinterdependence (p. 22) – nations or people relying on each other to provide needsscarcity (p. 22) – the condition of a community not having the resources it wants or needsNavigation Acts (p. 22) – rules forcing American colonies to ship all goods to England firstcredit (p. 22) – getting goods or services now with a promise to pay for them laterdebt (p. 23) – payment owed for an earlier use of goods or servicestaxation (p. 23) – money paid by people and businesses to government so the governmentcan provide goods and services to the whole communityrepresentation (p. 23) – people electing one person to make votes and decisions for themboycott (p. 23) – refusing to buy a good or service, in order to change producer!s behavior


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

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Most events cause some sort of reaction. If you don!t do yourhomework today, you might get in trouble at school tomorrow. Ifyou decide to spend your allowance on candy, you won!t havemoney to go to the movies. The events and decisions madeabout the Jamestown colony had specific effects, too.


Match each cause with its effect.CAUSES1. England wanted toestablish an Americancolony to increase itswealth and power.

2. Women arrived inJamestown in 1620.

3. The colonists needed agovernment.

4. The successful planting oftobacco depended on areliable and inexpensivesource of labor.

5. The site the settlers choseto live on was marshy andlacked safe drinking water.

EFFECTSA. Many settlers died ofstarvation and disease.

B. The settlers were able toestablish families and amore stable settlement.

C. The king appointed a royalgovernor.

D. Many Africans werebrought to the colonyagainst their will to work asslaves on the plantations.

E. The English foundedJamestown, the firstpermanent Englishsettlement in NorthAmerica.

COLORFUL VARIATIONWrite the above sentences on sentence strips or large indexcards. Use yarn to match each cause with its effect.


The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

YOU’VE BEEN SERVEDMany of those who came to Virginia worked as indentured servants and slaves. Althoughboth worked for masters, they differed in some very important ways. Read each phrasebelow and decide which group it tells about. Then place the number of the phrase under thecorrect heading. (One of these statements applies to both groups.)

1. Came to Virginia willingly2. Gained their freedom after 4-7 years3. Were treated as property by their masters and had no rights4. Worked on tobacco farms5. Left England because they had little chance to own land there6. Could be sold against their will7. Were captured in Africa8. Could work for themselves later in life9. Worked in exchange for passage to Virginia10. Their children would be owned by their mother!s master.



INDENTURED SERVANTSa. ______________________

b. ______________________

c. ______________________

d. ______________________

e. ______________________

f. ______________________

SLAVESa. ______________________

b. ______________________

c. ______________________

d. _______________________

e. ______________________

A slave is led away from her husbandafter they were sold to different mastersduring a re-enactment of a slave auction.

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TOBACCO’S TALE QUESTIONS1. Virginians trying to live like wealthy Englishmen got into financial trouble

because they bought more and more goods using ––A slavesB tobaccoC creditD barter

2. If you put these terms in alphabetical order, which one comes last?F scarcityG barterH interdependenceJ taxation

3. Which of the following was not a condition of Africans living in Jamestown?A slaveB indentured servantC freeD Burgess

4. “England never creates official Colonial currency.” Which word means thesame as “currency?”F coinageG tradeH representativesJ taxation

5. When Virginians protest England’s rules by refusing to buy any more goodsfrom it, that is an example of ––A debtsB taxationC assemblyD boycott

6. What is this story mainly about?F Colonial farming practicesG The importance of tobacco to Virginia’s early economyH John Rolfe, Virginia InventorJ No taxation without representation

The Jamestown Journey, Chester Comix. Teachers have permission to photocopy this page for classroom use only.

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