rabbit class learning tasks week beginning 29th june 2020...rabbit class learning tasks week...

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Rabbit Class Learning Tasks

Week beginning 29th June 2020

Hello Rabbit Class,

I hope you all enjoyed the hot sunny weather last week and managed to spend lots of time

outside having fun.

This week, in addition to Mathematics, English, and Computing from Mrs Bowen, I have also

included some Art, Design and Technology, and some Geography research for you too. As

usual, there is also a selection of ideas for P.E.

Well done to all of you who have been busy keeping up with your reading. Please remember, a

variety of books to read can also be found at Oxford Owls if you have exhausted your supply

at home. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk

Have a wonderful week, and I look forward to seeing all your work on seesaw.

Mrs Lontay


Subject Tasks


To start the week, I have some ‘Safe and Scared’ words from Mrs Wordsmith

for you.

Can you put these into some exciting sentences for me? Please complete at least 5

fantastic sentences showing your understanding of the word meanings.

jittery squeal disguise snuggle

huddle secure harmless

You can find an online dictionary for children at the following site if you need to check the meaning of

any of these words.



As it is a few weeks since we practised our individual times tables, I would like you

to work on these today. If you are confident with your 2x, 5x and 10x tables as I

know many of you are, please focus on learning your 3x and 4x tables and beyond.

Fun activities which are tablet friendly too can be found at:





http://www.mental-arithmetic.co.uk/ has online times table activities as well as

worksheets you can download. You can set the criteria as to which times tables

you want to focus on.


Today, I thought it might be fun, if you have the equipment at home, to have a go

at ‘Bubble painting’

You will need: Paint, straws, washing-up liquid and paper.

First decide which paint colours you are going to use

and put about a tablespoon of each colour in a

different cup. Then add a squirt of washing up liquid

to each cup and fill the cup 3/4 full with water and

stir well.

Next use your straws to blow into your mixture to create the bubbles.

Once they are ready to overflow from your cup, place a piece of paper on top

and watch how it prints the bubble pattern onto it.

I am really looking forward to seeing the pictures you make on seesaw.


Remember that you need to

complete 30 minutes of

physical activity every day to

help keep your body fit and



Don’t forget to keep

up with your reading

for 20-30 minutes



Subject Tasks



This morning I have a BBC Bitesize activity for you. Using the

book Spike: The Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles you will learn

how to summarise a character and to write a prediction.

This lesson includes:

• Two videos of TV presenter Naomi Wilkinson reading

extracts from the book

• Three activities


For those of you who finding reading more of a challenge, easier activities based on

the same story can be found at:



Problem solving – Two Dice

Today, I have another problem for you from NRICH.

Opposite there is a picture of 2 dice. Look carefully - If you

add up the dots on the top, you will get 7.

Can you now find two dice to roll yourself?

Add the numbers that are on the top.

What other totals could you get if you roll the dice again?



This week Rabbits we are going to remind ourselves of Internet safety.

Watch the video and have a chat with a grown up about how you keep safe online.

What would you do if you saw something online which made you feel uncomfortable?

Can you create a poster using some of the information in the video?

I will look for them on Seesaw!



Remember that you need

to complete 30 minutes of

physical activity every day

to help keep your body fit

and healthy.


Don’t forget to keep up with

your reading for 20-30 minutes



Subject Tasks


Homophones revision- Can you identify the correct spelling?

Please read the sentences below and identify the correct spelling. You can either

record just the word, or the write out the whole sentence in your book. I don’t


1. The son/sun was shinning brightly.

2. Daisy came first and won/one the race.

3. You must sieve the flower/flour when you bake a cake.

4. James had a hole/whole in the bottom of his sock.

5. Blew/blue is my favourite colour.

6. Did you here/hear the news?

7. In the poem, the old lady’s cupboard was bare/bear.

8. The night/knight was very brave.

9. The girl had beautiful curly hare/hair.

10. The see/sea was very rough.

For those of you with access to a printer, I have also included instructions for a Homophones Fortune

Teller that you might like to make. (Please scroll down)


Problem solving – Summer Holiday Code Breaker

Can you solve the calculations and use the code breaker to spell

out the summer-themed words?

Please record the words in your maths book.

(You will find an enlarged copy of the worksheet if you scroll


Good luck, code breakers!


Earlier in the year, we learnt that there are 7 continents and 5 main oceans in the

world, and you constructed some super maps to show where each was. Today, I

thought it might be fun to explore the oceans a bit further. I would like you to do

some research so that you can design me, either a super poster or a fact file full of

ocean facts tomorrow.

For example: Can you discover:

• How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans?

• Which is the biggest/smallest ocean?

• What the lowest point on Earth is called?

• Where is the world’s largest coral reef?

• What is the ‘funny name’ of the jelly fish which live in Arctic?

• Where is the main breeding ground for humpback whales?

These are just some ideas for your research. However, you might choose to

discover other interesting facts about our oceans. It is up to you!

These are some useful websites you could use:





Remember that you need

to complete 30 minutes

of physical activity every

Reading Don’t forget to keep up with

your reading for 20-30

minutes daily!

day to help keep your

body fit and healthy.


Subject Tasks ENGLISH

Today I would like you to help me with my writing. I have managed to write the

beginning of several sentences, but I need your expert help to finish them.

Can you choose a suitable conjunction and then finish my sentences for me?

Conjunctions that you might wish to use: and then but because when if so

1. The sad queen sat down…

2. The tiger roared…

3. The tiny dog howled…

4. The Captain shouted loudly..

5. The evil witch stirred the cauldron…

6. The little mouse nibbled on the cheese…

7. The naughty burglar slid the window open slowly…

8. The noisy car skidded to a halt…

Thank you for your help. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.


Problem Solving

Today, it is time for some more general problem solving. Enlarged copies of the

questions can be found if you scroll down.


Yesterday, I am hoping that you managed to research

and find out lots of super facts about our oceans.

Today, I would like you to design either a colourful,

poster or create an informative fact file.

I wonder what amazing facts you discovered. I can’t

wait to see!


Remember that you need

to complete 30 minutes of

physical activity every day

to help keep your body fit

and healthy.


Don’t forget to keep up with

your reading for 20-30

minutes daily!


Subject Tasks


Today, I am going to leave the topic of your writing up to you. You can write

about whatever inspires you. It could be a story, a piece of information writing

about your favourite sport, animal, TV programme. I don’t mind!

However, I will be looking for:

• Accurate punctuation such as capital letters, full stops, commas,

question marks and exclamation marks, where appropriate

• Conjunctions to join sentences, phrases, and clauses

• The correct use of tense

• Exciting vocabulary

I can’t wait to read your work!


We started the week with times tables so I thought we would end the week

with these too. Today, I have some speed tests for you. You have one minute to

complete as many questions as you can in each test. Good Luck!

Enlarged copies of the tests can be found if you scroll down.

Design &


For your last task this week, with everyone spending a lot

of time outdoors, I would like you to plan me a tasty

barbecue menu.

I wonder what you are going to recommend.


Remember that you need

to complete 30 minutes

of physical activity every

day to help keep your

body fit and healthy.


Don’t forget to keep up

with your reading for

20-30 minutes daily!


Why not make up a new dance

for your family to join in


Why not build a den in

your garden?

Make it really comfy and

it would be a great place

to do some reading.

Simple activities like

gardening are a great

source of exercise too.

Maybe you could help

with some weeding, or

planting or watering.

Play follow the leader:

Take turns to be the leader and make sure

to include exercises like jumping jacks,

kicks, running, star jumps, bunny hops etc.

Cycling is a healthy sport.

Why not go for a bike ride with your family?

Why not try some skipping.

Lots of challenges can be

found on this website with

film clips on how to achieve.






English - Wednesday

Wednesday – Maths – Breaking the Code

Thursday- Maths – Problem solving

Friday – Maths

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