rac manual

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G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering , Nagpur.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Refrigeration and Air conditioning Lab Manual

Semester- VIII


Aim : Study of various tools and equipments used in Air Conditioning


1. Controllers

i) Temperature Controller

ii) Humidity Controller

2. Cooling Coils and Heating Coils

3. Air Filter

4. Electric Filter

5. Air Duct

6. Grills and Diffusers as air outlet

7. Air Washers

8. Adiabatic Dehumidifier



Aim: Study of various types of compressor


Classification of Compressor

1. Hermetic Compressor

• Introduction

• Working Principle with neat sketch

• Application

2. Rotary Compressor

• Introduction

• Working Principle with neat sketch

• Application

3. Reciprocating Compressor

• Introduction

• Working Principle with neat sketch

• Application



Aim: Study of various condensers, evaporator and expansion devices used in

Vapour Compression Refrigeration System.



Classification of condensers

1. Air cooler condenser

Explain with working principle and neat sketch

2. Water cooled condenser

Explain with working principle and neat sketch

3. Evaporative Condenser

Explain with working principle and neat sketch


Classification of Evaporator

1. According to types of construction

• Base tube coil evaporator

• Plate evaporator

• Fixed tube

• Shell and tube

• Shell and coil

• Tube in tube

2. According to manner in which liquid refrigerant is fed

• flooded evaporator

• Dry expansion evaporator

3. According to mode of heat transfer

• Actual natural convection

• Forced convection

4. According to operating condition

• Frosting evaporator

• Non – frosting evaporator

• Departing evaporator


Types of Expansion device

1. Capillary tube

2. Hand operated expansion valve

3. Thermocoustic expansion valve

4. Low side float valve

5. High side float valve

6. Automatic or constant pressure expansion valve

Conclusion :

Aim : Study and demonstration of various controls used in Refrigeration and air


Introduction :

1. Water level Indicator

2. High pressure control

3. Bulb and bellow element

4. Solenoid or electromagnetic element

5. Humidity sensitive element

6. Single phase induction motor

7. High and low pressure cutouts

8. Control room conditions at Partial load

9. On-Off Control

10. Volume Control

Conclusion :

Aim : Study of window air conditioning, packaged air conditioning and automotive

air conditioning

Introduction :

1. Window Air conditioning

• Classification

• Working Principle

• Application

2. Packaged Air conditioning

• Working Principle

• Application

3. Automotive Air conditioning

• Working Principle

• Application

Conclusion :

Aim : Study of domestic Refrigerator

Introduction :

Working Principle with neat sketch

Various Components used

• Compressor

• Condenser

• Expansion device

• Evaporator

Conclusion :

Aim : Study of Testing and Charging of VCR system.

Introduction :

1. Methods for Testing and Charging

• Evaculation

• Dehydration

• Charging of refrigerant

• Testing for leaks

- Soap bubble method

- Sulphur candle method

- Wet litmus paper

- Halide torch method

- Electric defector

- Use of cold trap

Conclusion :



Evaporative coolers (also called air coolers or desert coolers) are cooling devices

which uses simple evaporation of water in air. They differ from refrigeration or absorption air

conditioning, which use the vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles. small-scale

evaporative coolers are called swamp coolers by some users due to the humid air conditions

produced. Air washers and wet cooling towers utilize the same principles as evaporative

coolers, but are optimized for purposes other than air cooling.

Evaporative cooling is especially well suited for climates where the air is hot and

humidity is low. , if sufficient potable water is available. In dry climates, the installation and

operating cost of an evaporative cooler can be much lower than air conditioning, often by

80% or so. But evaporative cooling and vapor-compression air conditioning are sometimes

used is combination to yield the optimal performance. Some evaporative coolers may also

serve as humidifiers in the heating season.

In moderate humidity locations there are many cost-effective uses for evaporative

cooling, in addition to their widespread use in dry climates. For example, industrial plants,

commercial kitchens, laundries, dry cleaners, greenhouses, spot cooling (loading docks,

warehouses, factories, construction sites, athletic events, workshops, garages, and kennels)

and confinement farming (poultry ranches, hog, and dairy) all often employ evaporative

cooling. In highly humid climates, evaporative cooling may have little thermal comfort

benefit beyond the increased ventilation and air movement it provides.


Experinmental Desert cooler unit consists of water spray arrangement over the

cooling pads at the centre and duct made of M.S. sheet on both sides . Inlet duct consistes of

inlet orifice with inclind manometer , for air flow ( Q ) measurement .

Inlet section having orifice at air entry and Air heater ( fin type, for simulation of

summer condition ) after that and , DBT / WBT sensor at the centre . Water sprey with

cooling pades after inlet section . Water sump is provided at the bottom . Pump sucks the

water and discharges through nozzle on top of the cooling pades through water flow meter (

rotameter ) . After water sprey section outlet section follows .

Outlet section contains DBT / WBT sensor for outlet air condition measurement .

wheel type anemometer is placed at the centre of the duct for air velocity measurement . At

the end of the outlet section axial fan is fitted to suck the air .

All ducts ( inlet / outlet ) are having superlon insulation to reduce the heat losses .

Front side of the duct is covered by acrylic sheet .

Necessary controls and computer interface converters and switches are fitted over the

main stand in panels .


1. Axial fan : 250 watts .

2. Duct inlet : 250 mm x 250 mm

3. Outlet duct : 250 mm x 250 mm

4. Inlet orifice : 125 mm

5. Inlet / oulet air condition : DBT / WBT sensor

6. Air Heater : 250 watts x 2 nos with fins .

7. Water sprey chamber : 300 mm width .

8. Cooling pades : 3 Nos.

9. Sprey pipes : 3 nos with 10 no. each holes of 1.2 mm

10. Water sump tank : 8 ltrs

11. Water pump : ½ HP

12. Rotameter : 60-600 LPH

13. Ball valve : 1 No.

14. Anemometer : wheel type ( 30 m/sec max )

15. Temperature indicator : 6 channel , serial interface.

16. Heater voltage / current converter .

Direct Evaporative Cooling ( open circuit ) :

DEC is used to lower the temperature of air by using latent heat of evaporation,

changing water to vapor. In this process, the energy in the air does not change. Warm dry air

is changed to cool moist air. Heat in the air, and the water too, is used to evaporate water.

Typically, residential and industrial evaporative coolers use direct evaporation and

can be described as an enclosed metal or plastic box with vented sides containing a

centrifugal fan or 'blower', electric motor with pulleys (known as 'sheaves' in HVAC), and a

water pump to wet the evaporative cooling pads. The units can be mounted on the roof (down

draft, or downflow), or exterior walls or windows (side draft, or horizontal flow) of buildings.

To cool, the fan draws ambient air through vents on the unit's sides and through the damp

pads. Heat in the air evaporates water from the pads which are constantly re-dampened to

continue the cooling process. Thus cooled, moist air is then delivered to the building via a

vent in the roof or wall.

Because the cooling air originates outside the building, one or more large vents must

exist to allow air to move from inside to outside. Air should only be allowed to pass once

through the system, or the cooling effect will decrease. This is due to the air reaching the

saturation point. Often 15 or so air changes per hour (ACHs) occur in spaces served by

evaporative coolers.

Cooler pads

Traditionally, evaporative cooler pads consist of excelsior (wood wool) (aspen wood

fiber) inside a containment net, but more modern materials, such as some plastics and

melamine paper, are entering use as cooler-pad media. Wood absorbs some of the water,

which allows the wood fibers to cool passing air to a lower temperature than some synthetic

materials. The thickness of the padding media plays a large part in cooling efficiency,

allowing longer air contact. For example, an eight-inch-thick pad with its increased interface

will be more efficient than a one-inch pad.


SR.No. Manometer

reading (

h) mm





















1) Amount of water added :-

mw = mair x (∆ω)

mw = mair x (ω1 – ω2)


ω2 = water content in air at inlet

ω1 = water content in air at outlet

mair = Cd x (π/ 4) d2 x √2 x g x (ρw / ρg )x h

2) Desert Cooler Efficiency (η)

η = T1 - T3

T1 - T2

Where, T1 = Dry bulb temperature at inlet

T2 = Wet bulb temperature at inlet

T3 = Dry bulb temperature at outlet


Understanding evaporative cooling performance requires an understanding of

psychrometrics. Evaporative cooling performance is dynamic due to changes in external

temperature and humidity level. Under typical operating conditions, an evaporative cooler

will nearly always deliver air cooler than 27°Celsius (80°Fahrenheit). A typical residential

'swamp cooler' in good working order should cool air to within 3°C - 4°C (6°F - 8°F) of the

wet-bulb temperature.


Less expensive to install

1 Estimated cost for installation is 1/8 to 1/2 that of refrigerated air conditioning

Less expensive to operate

1 Estimated cost of operation is 1/4 that of refrigerated air.

2 Power consumption is limited to the fan and water pump vs. compressors, pumps, and


Ventilation air

1 The constant and high volumetric flow rate of air through the building reduces the

age-of-air in the building drammatically.



1 High temperature, high humidity outside conditions decrease the cooling capability of

the evaporative cooler.

2 No dehumidification. Traditional air conditioners remove moisture from the air,

which is usually a design requirement except in very dry locations. Evaporative

cooling adds moisture, which, in dry climates, may improve thermal comfort.


1 The air supplied by the evaporative cooler is typically 80-90% relative humidity.

2 Very humid air reduces the evaporation rate of moisture from the skin, nose, lungs,

and eyes.

3 High humidity in air accelerates corrosion. This can considerably shorten the life of

electronic and other equipment.

4 High humidity in air may cause condensation. This can be a problem for some

situations (e.g., electrical equipment, paper/books, old wood).


1 Evaporative coolers require a constant supply of water to wet the pads.

2 Water high in mineral content will leave mineral deposits on the pads and interior of

the cooler. Water softeners, bleed-off, and refill systems may reduce this problem,


3 The water supply line needs protection against freeze bursting during off-season,

winter temperatures. The cooler itself needs to be drained too, as well as cleaned

periodically and the pads replaced.


In 1822 seebeck observed that, “ if a closed circuit were made of two dissimilar

metals, an electrical current flows in the circuit when the two junctions were maintained at

different temperatures “ . His investigations covered a wide range of elements and

compounds. This resulted in publication of a series in which the investigated materials were

arranged in the order of magnitude of their effect. However, he failed to realize the

significance of his discovery. In 1834.

Peltier observed the inverse effect, if an electrical current flows across the junction

between two dissimilar material, heat was either absorbed or evolved. Peltier did not realize

the significance of his discovery either, and moreover, failed to recognize the connection

between his discovery and that of Seebeck.

It is alleged that Lenz ended all conjecture surrounding these discoveries by freezing a

small quantity of water placed in the vicinity of the junction between a bismuth and antimony

rod through which a direct current was passed. These were two of the materials in which

Seebeck had observed the most pronounced effect.

A third effect was pointed out by Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in 1851. It related heat

absorbed or evolved in a single conductor to the temperature gradient along it and the current

flowing through it. This effect takes place in addition to the Joule (FR) heating. However, in

thermoelectric cooling materials, Kelvin’s is a second order effect when compared with

Peltier’s and Seebeck’s, and will not be further considered.

For many years. Practical application of these thermoelectric effects was almost

exclusively restricted to thermocouples for temperature measurement, because metals exhibit

a comparatively small Seebeck effect. However, the Seebeck effect in semiconductors can be

considerably greater. The advent of the transistor and other semiconductor devices have

stimulated research pertaining to properties of semiconductors in general, from this, materials

have been developed in which thermoelectric effects are of sufficient magnitude so that

fabrication of useful devices has become a reality.

Specifications :

1. Module assembly : KRYOTHERM , Russia make .

Frost – 74 HT

1.05 ohm resistance at 295 K

∆ Tmax > 740 C

Height : 3.85 mm

Parallel difference : 0.025 mm

2. Control panel : 1. Separate controls to module and heater

3. Multi pole switch .

4. Two variable power supplies DC .

5. Two Ammeter

6. Two Voltmeter

7. Temperature indicator ( digital ) with serial interface


8. Voltage and current module for computer

interface .


Seebeck Effect :

For a small temperature difference between the two junction of materials A and B, the

open circuit voltage developed is proportional to the temperature difference and is given by:

TE AB ∆=∆ α


∆ E = open circuit voltage developed

αAB = relative Seebeck coefficient (the difference between absolute Seebeck

Coefficients for materials A and B).

∆ T = temperature difference between junctions of materials A and B.

In practice, the absolute Seebeck coefficient, α , of a material is determined with

respect to a material such as lead, in which the Seebeck coefficient is negligible.

In metals, α does not exceed 0.00005 volt/deg C in semiconductors available for

thermoelectric applications in 1966, α is typically 0.0002 to 0.00025 volt/deg C.

Peltier Effect :

The same circuit can be considered to be made up of materials A and B, into which a

battery is introduced to provide a direct current, (I). At the junction between the two

dissimilar materials, the heat evolved or absorbed in unit time is proportional to the current

flowing and is given by :



Q = heat evolved or absorbed in unit time, watts.

πAB = relative Peltier coefficient for materials A and B.

I = direct current flowing, amperes.

Lord Kelvin, by performing a thermodynamic analysis of such a

Thermoelectric circuit, showed a relationship exists between α and π

Tαπ =


T = the absolute temperature, Kelvin.

Hence, heat absorbed or evolved per unit at the junction between two dissimilar

materials is given by:


Although thermodynamics do not accept Kelvin’s derivation of his well-known

relations because he considered the effects reversible, a more rigorous treatment, by

application of irreversible thermodynamic, leads to the same results.

Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles :

The relative hot and cold surfaces are the result of the basic heat transport

phenomenon called the Peltier effect, and are not necessary to make it occur.

Investigations in solid-state physics have shown that thermoelectric refrigeration is

means of heat pumping which utilizes the energy level changes in electrons for transporting

thermal energy. Electrons flowing across a junction of two dissimilar thermoelectric

materials, i.e., materials with different available electron energy levels, must undergo an

energy change which results in either the evolutions or absorption of heat. The direction of

current flow determines which will occur . The bibliography lists several sources of detailed

information on solid – state theory.


A couple circuit consisting of two dissimilar thermoelectric materials is referred to as

a couple. The two thermoelectric materials are represented by n and p. The n-type has a

negative Seebeck coefficient and an excess of electrons. The p-type has a positive Seebeck

coefficient and a deficiency of electrons actually flow in the opposite direction. While there

are a total of four connections between the thermoelectric junctions; the upper or cold one, at

which heat is a absorbed; and the lower or hot one, at which heat is evolved. If the direction

of current were reversed, the upper junction would evolve heat, the lower would absorb it.

The temperature gradient between hot and cold junctions is not linear because of production

of Joule heat within each leg.

The conducted heat arriving at the cold junction is given by:

)(5.0 2 RITC +∆

Where C = thermal conductance of couple legs, watts per degree Celsius.


Thermoelectric cooling is different from conventional compression Refrigeration in

that there are no moving parts in the process of producing cold. However, as energy is being

transferred as heat in the cooling process, heat must be removed from the hot side of the

couples in order that cold can be produced. For improved efficiency on the cold side, heat

transfer surfaces are frequency used. These heat transfer surfaces take the forms of fins and

fans in gas systems, or with heat transfer to fluid systems using pumps for circulation.

Two different systems for cooling :

1) by using vapour compression system , 2) Thermoelectric module




System can be interchanged by reversing the polarity of the director current applied to

it. Since there are no moving parts, there is nothing to generate noise. There is no refrigerant

to contain, so the problem of handling a two-phase changeover is simplified. The pressure

tight tubing is replaced by electrical wiring.

Since the cooing capacity of a single thermoelectric couple is small, it is practical to

make systems of low refrigerating capacity. In the cooling of infrared detectors, small

thermoelectric assemblies can cool to temperatures as low as 145 K, using cascading.

Thermoelectric systems have been built in capacities up to ten tons of air conditioning by

using many couples.

Capacity control in a thermoelectric system can be achieved by varying the voltage

applied to the couples either by a variable voltage control or by switching series and parallel

circuits. As the voltage drops, the temperature difference between hot and cold side reduces.

Another advantage is that a thermoelectric system will operate under zero gravity, or

many times the force of earth gravity, and will operate in any orientation. This has been an

important consideration in selecting thermoelectric cooling application in the U.S. space

program. A thermoelectric system is capable of operating satisfactorily at temperatures levels

of C.

For many applications, the advantage of thermoelectric cooling outweigh its chief

disadvantage of low coefficient of performance. The lack of moving parts and eliminations of

cooling liquids are appealing features.

For military applications, thermoelectric prove advantageous because of

noiselessness, ruggedness, and lack of

Thermodynamic Analysis of Thermoelectric Refrigeration System

Fig shows an enlarged view of thermoelectric elements with control volume. In order

to analyze the system to obtain refrigeration effect COP, etc., the following assumptions have

been made:

(i) Heat transfer takes place through semi – conductors at the ends only.

(ii) No energy exchange between the elements through space separating

them, and

(iii) Properties such as conductivity, etc., are invariant with temperature.

Now cooling and heating due to the thermoelectric effect is given by (Peltier effect):

qc = abITl

qh = abITh


It possesses several advantages as listed below:

(i) Absence of moving parts eliminates vibration problem as well as regular

attendance. Therefore, it can be best suited for system where vibration is

undesirable. In addition there is no were due to rubbing as such the life is

expected to be almost infinite compared with other systems.

(ii) It is easy to overload if desired, just by increasing the current to a certain


(iii) The load can be easily controlled by means of adjusting the current to

meet the situation.

(iv) Very compact in size since even the system boundary may be used as the

cooling surface as exhibited in fig. Here one of the walls of the room forms

the evaporator surface. Therefore, the cost of manufacture of that wall is

taken care by the evaporator surface.

(V) It can be operated in any position in contrast with vapour – absorption,

vapour-compression or steam - jet refrigeration systems. As for example, if

a vertical compressor is used in a refrigeration system, it cannot be

operated in any other position.

(vi) It is lighter in weight for the same capacity of refrigeration.

(vii) Since electric current passes through conductors, there is no problem of

leakage which is most undesirable in other refrigeration systems. Further,

the leakage of refrigeration from the system causes the drastic decrease

in the capacity in addition to extra cost for the refrigeration and charging

operations. Thus a thermoelectric refrigeration system operates at the

same capacity for long and eliminates the cost of charging and extra


(viii) It is most easy to operate as a heat pump, just by reversing the terminals.

Hence, a thermoelectric refrigeration system can be considered as an

year round air conditioner*.

(ix) Since no refrigerant is used, there is no question of toxication etc. and can

be used directly for air conditioning.

(x) Its design and manufacture are rather simpler than the other refrigeration


(xi) It is most suitable for the production of cooling suit.

Main disadvantage of thermoelectric refrigeration system is the

unavailability of suitable material of high figure of merit. Presently the total

cost of refrigeration system will be a few times higher that the vapour –

compression or other systems for a few ton capacity. In addition, the

running cost is found t obe much higher compared to vapour –

compression system. That is why the vapour – compression or other

systems of refrigeration are most commonly employed. The overall COP

of a thermoelectric refrigeration system is of the order of 01 to 0.2.

Experimentation :

1. Evaluation of the peltier effect :

DC Power is applied to the module at a variety of settings . When settled both

temperatures are noted . Observe that at higher power inputs I2R and heat conduction factors

tend to overwhelm the cooling effect .

Module power

voltage current

Graph : Module Power v/s cold & hot side Temperature and temp. difference

2. Evaluation of Seebeck effect :

By use of heater power create a temperature differential across the module . When settled

note the open circuit voltage across the module voltmeter . Voltage and temperature can be

seen to have a linear relationship .

Heater power

voltage current

Graph : Seebeck open ckt voltage v/s Temperature gradient ∆T

3. Evaluation of Generating effect :

Create a temperature gradient across the module by applying heater power and switch in

electrical load . When settled , note the generator voltage and amperage .

Heater power Module Power

Voltage Current Voltage Current

Graph : module voltage / current / power v/s Temperature Gradient ∆T

4. Coefficient of performance :

Power to the module is set and heater power adjusted to maintain ambient temperature on the

cold side of the module . Repeat over the whole range . The curve shows that the coefficient

is highest when module has to do the minimum work .

Heater power Module Power

Voltage Current Voltage Current

Graph : Module power v/s COP , COP = Wh/Wm

Wh : Heater power

Wm : Module power



The vapor absorption Refrigeration System consists of a vapor absorption unit

mounted on a cabinet fixed on a display frame of the set-up.

The principle works on 3-fluid system. There is no solution circulation pump. Total

pressure is same throughout the system. The third fluid remains mainly in the evaporator thus

reducing partial pressure of refrigerant to enable it to evaporate at low pressure and hence

low temperature.

The schematic diagram of vapor absorption refrigerator working on

NH3-H2O system with H2 as the third fluid is shown in Fig 1. Liquid NH3 evaporates in the

evaporator in the presence of H2. Hydrogen is chosen as it is non-corrosive and insoluble in


A thermo siphon bubble pump is used to lift the weak aqua from generator to the separator.

The discharge tube from the generator is extended down below the liquid level in the

generator. The bubbles rise and carry slugs of weak NH3-H2O solution into the separator.

Two U bends are provided as vapour locks to prevent H2 from getting into the high

side or solution circuit.

Partial pressure of H2 provides the pressure difference of NH3 between the condenser

and the evaporator. Accordingly, we have:

.In condenser , Pure NH3 vapour pressure = Total pressure

In evaporator, NH3 vapour pressure = Total pressure – Partial pressure of H2

For example, consider the condenser temperature as 500C, and evaporator temperature as –

150C. the corresponding vapour pressures of NH3 are

Condenser, Pk = 20.33 bar

Evaporator outlet, Po2 = 2.36 bar

The approximate pressures in various parts of the system, then will be as given in the table


(Example for partial pressure effect)

Section NH3 H2O H2 Total

Condenser 20.33 0 0 20.33

Evaporator Inlet 1.516 0 18.814 20.33

Evaporator Exit 2.36 0 17.97 20.33

Generator Top 15.54 4.79 0 20.33

It has been assumed that vapours leaving generator top are in equilibrium with

entering rich solution at 400C, at which temperature saturation pressure of NH3 is 15.54 bar.

It has also been assumed that the temperature at evaporator inlet is

–250C at which temperature saturation pressure of NH3 is 1.516 bar.


The unit is charged with ammonia solution in water and hydrogen gas. The maximum

pressure it can withstand is 30 bar and the ammonia charge is 0.245Kg NH3 + H2O.

The unit works on electric heater 90 watt capacity.

A voltmeter / ammeter is provided to measure the power. The heater works with

intermittent action of 18 sec on and 3 sec off to control the temperature rise. A temperature

indicator is provided for measurement of temperature at 10 different locations as displayed on

the mimic diagram presented on the board.

A thermostatic control is provided for the sake of safety and it controls the heater..

An acrylic window in front of the system and open portion from behind gives the

actual view of the system .


1] Strong ammonia solution flows from the absorber vessel to the boiler thro’ the

inner tube.

2] When the ammonia solution is heated in the boiler bubbles of ammonia gas rise

from the pump.

3] The ammonia vapour passes in to the condenser.

4] Weak ammonia solution flows in to the annular tube.

5] Air circulating over the fins of the condenser cools down the ammonia

vapour, {after 2} condensing it to liquid ammonia.

6] Liquid ammonia flows through the pipe to the evaporator after sub cooling &


7] A } The hydrogen in the evaporator lowers the ammonia vapour pressure and

makes it to evaporate.

B} This mixture of hydrogen and ammonia passes from the evaporator , to the


C} This process extracts heat from the evaporator, which in turn extracts heat

from the storage space , thereby, the temperature inside the refrigerator is


8] As the weak solution is fed from the boiler system as it runs to the absorber

vessel , it absorbs the ammonia from the ammonia – hydrogen mixture and gets

ready for another round of cycle in the boiler.

Principal Operating Line

1 The actual ammonia – water system requires the separation of water vapour as much

as practicable in order to avoid the high operating temperature of evaporator & the

large amount of purging of water into the absorber.

2 To meet the above requirement an analyser & a rectifier are incorporated with the

generator . deflegmator is not used ..

3 Thus the actual absorption system comprises an analyser, rectifier, a pre heater and a

pre cooler in addition to the basic components.

4 The strong solution of ammonia is pumped from the absorber into generator thro’ A

pre heater , a counter flow heat exchange .Thus the hot and weak solution returning

from the generator heats the aqua solution before it entered generator, causing

reduction in heat input to generator.

5 The heat transfer to the generator brings about the separating of ammonia vapour

accompanied by a small fraction of water vapour.

6 This mixture of ammonia and water vapour passes thro’ the analyser where a part of

Water vapour is separated from the vapour mixture.

7 The mixture then enters the rectifier in a simple form and not in the form of

deflegmeter .water particles are drained back to analyzer due to presence of

contraction and bend.

8 The ammonia vapour then condenses in the condenser , which , in turn ,is sub cooled

by the vapour leaving the evaporator in a pre cooler ,a counter flow heat exchanger.

9 Thus the refrigeration effect is increased. The sub cooled condensate is allowed to

expand through the throttle valve down to the evaporator pressure. The energy

transfer to evaporation causes vaporization of ammonia . The ammonia vapor are then


10 The analyzer column is an open type counter flow heat – exchanger having baffle

plate effect provided with the dents to the analyzer column , increasing the area of

contact between the vapour leaving the generator and strong aqua ammonia entering

the analyzer at appropriate location.

11 The warm fluid from the pre heater enters the analyzer column where it comes in

direct contact with the hot vapour. The aqua solution gets heated at the same time a

part of water vapour is condensed since the ammonia vapour leaving the generator

Contains small percentage of water vapour . Thus it acts as a column which purifies

the ammonia vapour by reducing the amount of water vapour – a kind of rectifying


12 As soon as strong aqua is heated in the generator , there is separation of vapour of

ammonia leaving behind weak solution of ammonia, corresponding to the generator

temperature and pressure.

13 The vapour leaving the generator with refrigerant concentration ξ va in equilibrium

with the boiling poor solution having concentration ξ L

a enters the analyzer at 2 v


it travels upwards , counter flow to the entering rich solution at 1 with concentration

ξ Lr , the vapour encounters heat and mass exchange with the falling rich solution

ultimately leaving the analyzer enriched in the refrigerant with vapour concentration

ξ 5 In equilibrium with the rich solution having concentration ξ Lr.


1. 0.245 Kg NH3 + H2O Refrigerant

2. Heater capacity 90 watt,1 ph .Ac Supply

3. Air cooled evaporator

4. Digital temperature indicator (10 channel, Cr-Al)

5. Digital voltmeter

6. Digital ammeter


1. Start the electric connection-heater.

2. Keep the unit in working for about 4 hours to reach the equilibrium.

3. Take readings when steady state is reached

4. Find out the coefficient of performance COP as per the example illustrated with the

help of Enthalpy-concentration chart and refrigerant properties of ammonia water.

from The standard chart.

5. Keep the unit working for 24 hours.


Temperature Readings

(Thermocouple numbers as shown in diagram)



T10C T2

0C T3

0C T4

0C T5

0C T6

0C T7

0C T8

0C T9

0C T10

0C V





Precautions :-

1] Do not start the switch when there is cover on the unit from behind.

2] Remove the cover and then start the unit.

3] Do not disturb the thermocouples placed at various locations.

4]Do not remove the cover wrapped over generator / boiler.

5] Do not operate the thermostatic switch at the right hand bottom side on the main panel.



Figure 2 shows the schematic arrangement of the actual vapor absorption cycle and

figure 3 represents its thermodynamic cycle on the h - diagram. The system consists of

generator G together with analyzer AN, and condenser C on the high-pressure side, and the

evaporator E and Absorber A on the low-pressure side. Pump P, expansion valve VI, and

pressure reducing valve VII separate the two sides. In addition, liquid-vapor heat exchanger

HEI is also provided.

The vapors at 5 distilled from the generator-analyzer, enter the refrigerant circuit. The

vapors are condensed to 8 in the condenser, precooked to 9 in the liquid-vapor regenerative

heat exchanger and throttled to 10 before entering the evaporator. The state 10 is at the same

point as state 9 in the h - diagram, as both enthalpy and composition remain the same

before and after throttling.

The refrigerant entering the evaporator at 10, leaving the evaporator at 11, and the

liquid vapor heat exchanger at 12, comprise a liquid plus vapor mixture. The refrigerant is

finally absorbed by the poor solution at 2 returning from the generator and after being cooled

in the liquid-liquid heat exchanger to 3 and throttled to 3a whereas the rich solution from the

absorber at 4 is pumped to 4 a and heated to 1a before entering the analyzer.

The state points 1,2,3 & 4 can be located on the h - diagram according to their

temperatures and compositions as the enthalpy of liquid is independent of pressure. Also

point 3a lies at 3 only (isenthalpic process) and point 4a lies approximately at 4 itself as the

pump work s very small. State point 5 of the vapor is along the isothermal tie line drawn from

1. Point 8 is the saturation state at Pike. Point 9 after sub cooling of the liquid can be plotted

according to the temperature and composition and point 10 is at 9 itself (isenthalpic process).

Point 11 is on the tie line corresponding to the evaporator leaving temperature t02 = t2 and

pressure P0.the composition is same at 7,8,9,10,11 and 12. Point 12 can be similarly located

by knowing the temperature from the energy balance of the heat exchanger.

The absorber pressure in the absorber system is equal to the evaporator pressure Po &

the generator pressure is similarly equal to condenser pressure Pk . Hence at a given

generator pressure , the poor solution concentration is determined by the heating temperature

t h and at a given absorber pressure , the rich solution concentration is determined by the

cooling temp. t A the absorber temperature.



I) 1) Generator Temperature

2) Temperature after Generator outlet.

3) Temperature before condensation

4) Temperature after condensation

5) Temperature after sub cooling

6) Evaporator Inlet Temperature

7) Evaporator outlet Temperature

8) Absorber Inlet Temperature

9) Temperature of Inlet to absorber vessel

10) Temperature of Outlet of Absorber

II) Refer to the Properties of Ammonia - Table (Pk & Po)

1) Note Temperature after condensation th = tc. With this as saturation

temperature refer to the Properties of Ammonia & find out the condenser

pressure = Pk = (Psat)th = tc

2) Note temperature at the inlet of Evaporator = t6 = t0, with this as saturation

temperature refer to the properties of Ammonia & find out the Evaporator

pressure p0 = (Psat) t6 = t0

III) 1) Refer to the Enthalpy – Concentration chart of Ammonia

Note the temperature of generator = t1=th at condenser pressure Pk & call this

point as 2. The poor solution concentration .a is obtained at this point on x axis.

2) Evaporator pressure and absorber temperature, t8 = tA call this point as 4,

The rich solution concentrations �r is obtained at this point .Points 1 & 3 are

obtained as illustrated on the Evlhalpy chart by drawing �r & �a Lines & where they

intersect the pressure pk & P0 are the points resp , 1 &3.

3) Note temperature after condensation & condenser pressure Pk on the chart

and this is the point 8. The concentrations of vapour leaving the analyzer, in

equilibrium with the entering rich solution is �r = vr

This point can also be traced as given below Draw vertical line from

point 4-1 , where it meets the auxiliary line, from that point draw a horizontal

line and where it meets the condenser pressure line that point is 5v & r =

vr= 5v. Is the same as described above.




−= 5

4) Now specific rich solution rate

Specific poor solution rate = (f-1)

5) Temperature after sub cooling = t9

Note this point on the line 5v

6) The vapour state 10v at v

10 = 1 and then join the point 10v to 9 and extend

the line to in tersect the saturated liquid line for evaporator pressure p0 at

10 L which gives the temperature after expansion and the temperature at the

in let to Evaporator as

t01 = t10 & t02 = t11

7) Draw the isothermal tie line for t02 = t11 & p0

The intersection of this line with the 11 is the point 11

8) Refrigerating Effect = q0 = h11- h10

9) Heat transfer in the liquid Heat Exchanger HE II

q = (f-1) (h2 – h3) = f(h1a – h4)

From this h1a is known as h2, h3, h4 are known from the Enthalpy

Concentration chart.

10) Heat added in the generator

qh = h5 +h2 (f-1) – fh1a


qoCOP =

11) Coefficient of Performance

12) h12 = h11 + (h8 – h9)

13) qA = Heat rejected in Absorber

qA = h12 – h3 +f (h3 – h4)

qA + qc = Heat rejected (Total)

14) Heat rejected in the condenser

qo + qh = total heat given

15) Energy balance

qA + qc = qo +qh

Heat rejected in the condenser + Heat rejected in the Absorber = Heat

added in generator +Refrigerating Effect.

Sea that both the LHS & RHS match well showing that balance is achieved well.

Vapour Absorption Refrigeration system

SET No. 1

I = Observations

1) Generator temperature = 154.3 0


2) Top of Generator temperature = 145.4 0


3) Condenser in let temperature = 46.6 0


4) Condenser out let temperature = 35.6 0


5) Subcooled temperature = 3.6 0


6) .In let of E vapur =..17.6 0


7) Out let of E vapur =.. 2.7 0


8) In let of absorber = 29.7 0c

9) out let of absorber = 30.7 0c

10) out let of absorber vessel = 30.4 0c

I I = Observations

Referring NH 3 properties from Table

1) PK = Condenser pressure = (p sat) at 35.6 0c

pk = 13.75 kg / cm2

2) PO = Evaporation pressure = (P sat) = 17 0c

po = 2.15 kg /cm2

I I I = Observations

Points on enthalpy conc. diagram

POINT NO 2 – Generator temperature 154.5 0c

Generator pressure 13.75 kg / cm2


POINT NO 4 – Evaporator pressure po = 2.15 kg / gm2

4.0=rξ Absorber Temp = 29.7


POINT NO 8 – 8

= 0.96 h8 = 460

POINT NO 5 – 5 = 0.96 h5

= 1850

POINT NO 1- r = 0.4 h1 = 300

POINT NO 3- a = 0.14 h3 = 280

POINT NO 9- 9 = 0.96 h9 = 280

POINT NO 10-10 = 0.96 h10 = 280

POINT NO 11 - 11 = 0.96 h11 = 1400

qo = h11 – h10 = 1400 –280 = 1120






f = 3.15 , (f-1) = 2.15

q = (f-1) (h2 – h3) = 2.15 x (600 –280)

= 2.15 x 320 = 688 = f(h1a – h4)

= 688 = 3.15 (h1a –20)

h1a = 238

qh = h5 +h2(f-1)-fh1a = 1850 +600 x 2.15

= 1850 +1290 – 750 = 3140 – 750

qh = 2390

qo + qh = 3110 = Heat given

= 3510

h12 = h11 + h8 – h9

= 1400 +460 – 260

= 1860 – 280

h12 = 1580

qA = h12 – h3 + f(h3 – h4)

= 1580 – 280 +3.15 (280 –20)

= 1580 – 280 +3.15 x 260

= 1300 + 3.15 x 260

= 1300 +819 = 2119

qA = 2119 KJ/Kg

qc = h5 – h8

= 1850 –460

qc = 1390

qA +qc = Heat Rejected

= 2119 +1390

= 3509

qA + qc = 3509 qo +qh = 3510

Heat Balance is checked Well.

Vapour Absorption Refrigeration system

SET No. 2

I = Observations

1)Generator temperature = 151.7 0


2)Top of Generator temperature = 138.8 0


3)Condenser in let temperature = 42.6 0


4)Condenser out let temperature = 33.2 0


5) subcooled temperature = -7.5 0


6) In let of E vapur =..-19.3 0


7) Out let of E vapur =.. -5.2 0


8) In let of absorber = 29.8 0c

9) out let of absorber = 30.8 0c

10) out let of absorber vessel = 31.4 0c

I I = Observations

Referring NH 3 properties from Table

1) pk = (Psat) at 32.20cCondenser outlet

pk = 12.83 kg / cm2

2) PO = (P sat)at – 19.30c Evaporation Inlet Temperature

po = 1.19 kg / cm2

I I I = Observations

POINT NO 2 – Generator temperature 151.7 0c

Condenser pressure = pk = 12.83 kg / cm2

h2 = 600 KJ/kg

POINT NO 3 – a = 0.14 & po = 1.96 Kg/cm2

h3 = 280

POINT NO 4 – po = Ev. Pressure & abs. Temperature

Po = 1.96 Kg/cm2

tA = 29.80c

r = 0.4 h4 = 30






POINT NO 1 – r = 0.4 pk = 12.83 kg/cm


H1 = 300 f-1 = 2.15

POINT NO 5 – h5 = 1850 5

= 0.96

POINT NO 8 –pk = 12.83 kg/cm2 T

Temperature after condenser = 33.2

8 = 0.96 h8 = 470

POINT NO 9 – h9 = 260

9 = 0.96 t subcooled = 7.5

POINT NO 10 – h10 = 260

POINT NO 11 – h11 = 1380

Draw 10v to po= 1.96 kg/cm

2 & temperature at Ev. Outlet = -5.2


This line intersects 5 at 11

h12 = h11 + h8 – h9

= 1380 +470 – 260

= 1850 – 260

h12 = 1590 Kj/Kg

q = (f-1) (h2 –h3) = 2.15 (600 – 280)

q = 2.15 (320)

q = 688

q = 688 = f (h1a – h4)

= 3.15 (h1a – 30)

h1a = 248

qo = Ref. Effect = h11 – h10

= 1380 – 260

qo = 1120

qh = Heat added in gen.

= h5 + h2 (f-1) – fh1a

= 1850 +600 x 2.15 – 3.15 x 248

= 1850 +1290 – 781

= 3140 – 781

qh = 2359






qa +qh = Heat given = qo + qh

= 3479

qc = heat rejected in condenser

= h5 – h8

= 1850 – 470

qc = 1380

qA = Heat rejected in Absorber

= h12 – h3 + f(h3 – h4)

= 1590 – 280 +3.15 (280 –30)

= 1310 +3.15 x 250

= 1310 + 787.5

qA = 2097.5

qA + qc = Total heat rejected

= 2097.5 + 1380

qA + qc = 3477.5

qo + qh = Total Heat given

= 1120 + 2359

qo +qh = 3479 KJ/Kg

This qA +qc qo +qh

Heat Balance matches well.



Figure 2 shows the schematic arrangement of the actual vapour absorption cycle and

figure 3 represents its thermodynamic cycle on the h - diagram. The system consists of

generator G together with analyzer AN, and condenser C on the high pressure side, and the

evaporator E and Absorber A on the low pressure side. Pump P, extension valve VI, and

pressure reducing valve VII separate the two sides. In addition, liquid-vapour heat exchanger

HEI is also provided.

The vapour ‘s at 5 distilled from the generator analyzer, enter the refrigerant circuit.

The vapour ’s are condensed to 8 in the condenser, pre cooled to 9 in the liquid – vapour

regenerative heat exchanger and throttled to 10 before entering the evaporator. The state 10 is

at the same point as state 9 in the h- diagram as both enthalpy and composition remain the

same before and after throttling.

The refrigerant entering the evaporator at 10, leaving the evaporator at 11, and the

liquid vapour heat exchanger at 12, comprise a liquid plus vapour mixture. The refrigerant as

finally absorbed by the poor solution at 2 returning from the generator and after being cooled

in the liquid – liquid heat exchanger to 3 and throttled to 3a whereas the rich solution from

the absorber at 4 is pumped to 4 a and heated to 1a before entering the analyzer.


The state points 1,2,3&4 can be located on the h- diagram according to their

temperatures and compositions as the enthalpy of liquid is independent of pressure. Also

point 3a lies at 3 only (isenthalpic process) and point 4a lies approximately at 4 itself as the

pump works very small. State point 5 of the vapour is along the isothermal tie line drawn

from 1. point 8 is the saturation state at Pk. Point 9 after sub cooling of the liquid can be

plotted according to the temperature and composition and point 10 is at 9 itself (isenthalpic

process). Point 11 is on the tie line corresponding to the evaporator leaving temperature t02 =

t2 and pressure P0.the composition is same at 7,8,9,10,11 and 12. Point 12 can be similarly

located by knowing the temperature from the energy balance of heat exchanger.

The absorber pressure in the absorber system is equal to the evaporator pressure Po &

the generator pressure is similarly equal to condenser pressure Pk.

Hence at a given generator pressure, the poor solution concentration is determined by the

heating temperature th and at a given absorber pressure, the rich solution concentration is

determined by the cooling temp. tA the absorber temperate

Sequence of procedure to calculate the performance of

vapour absorption (3 fluid) refrigerator

1) To find the coefficient of performance – c.o. p. = Heat absorbed

Heat supplied

2) To find the enthalpy balance in the process



I) To ascertain these two aspects of performance following data is essential

1) Generator temperature

4) Temperature after condensation

5) Temperature after sub cooling

6) Temperature at evaporator inlet

8) absorber inlet temperature

II) properties of NH3 – ( R 717 – refrigerant )

1) pressure – saturation temperature .table


( h = K - cal / Kg ) (ξ = 0.1 to 1.0)

Procedure to plot the process recurrence on the h ξ chart

And obtain the values of h 1 , h 2 , h 3 , h 4 , h 8 , h5 – h 10 v ,h 11

h 9 ,h 10, h 12 ,h ia

I) obtain the partial pressure of NH3 in condenser and boiler

pressure Pk as the pressure at saturation Temperature = condenser

outlet temperature (T4)

ii) obtain the partial pressure of NH 3 in Evaporator & absorber

Pressure Po as the pressure at saturation Temperature = absorber

inlet Temperature

iii) Mark the point 2 at Pk = NH 3 pressure in condenser and boiler

(generator Temperature T1 ) note ξ ah 2

iv) Mark point 4 at Po = NH3 pressure in evaporator Absorber and

Absorber inlet temp. T8 and note ξ of h4

v) Mark point 3 at Po and ξa & note h3

vi) Mark point 1 at Pk and ξa & note h1

vii) Mark point 8 at Pk and temp. after condensation T4 and

note h8, ξ8

viii) mark point 9 at ξ8 and temp. after sub cooling T5 and

Note h9

iv) Mark point 10 at point 9 and note h10

x) Mark 10 v at ξ = 1 and Pk

xi) join 10 v to 9 and draw a line to meet pressure Po and get the

temp.. at inlet to evaporator and mark 10 L

XII) Join 10v to 11

L at Po and temp at inlet to Evaporator

XIII) Where this line 10v – 10

L interserts the line ξ 8 – 8 is the point 11

and make h11

XIV) Find the specific rich solution rate = f




−= 8

XVI) Find the specific poor solution rate = (f – 1)

XVII) Mark point 5 on Pk at E8 and mark h5

XVIII) Refere the Schematic diagram and find h1a from equation –

afhfhhqh 125 )1( −−+=

( )( ) ( )4132 hhfhhifq a −=−−=

XIX) Heat added in the generator = qh

XX) Heat absorbed in Evaporator = qo

qo = h11 – h10

XX) Total heat supplied = qo + qh

XXI) h12 = h11 + (h8 – h9)

)( 43312 hhfhhqA −+−=XXII)

XXIII) Heat rejected in absorber = qA

XXIV) Heat rejected in condenser = qC

qC = h5 – h8

XII) Total heat rejected = qA + qC

XIII) Compare the total heat supplied

= qo +qh with the total heat rejected = qA +qC and These should be

almost the equality of qo +qh = qA + qC showing the energy +balance



George J. Ranque a French metallurgist discovered in 1928, that the temperature of

central and peripharal layers of air in a cyclone dust separator are different, the core having

low temperature. This led Ranque to develop the vortex tube which is often called the

Ranque tube, vortex means fluid under rotation. Further development work was done by

Hilsch from 1933 onwards. In 1946 he published a remarkable means of refrigeration.

The Vortex Tube consists of

a) Nozzle – cum – chamber

b) Hot –end tube fitted with

c) Diaphragm and Cold end.


Compressed air at about 7 atmospheres of pressure and at room temperature is

admitted into vortex tube. The air attains a higher velocity while passing through the nozzle

and its temperature drops. This air then enters the chamber where vortex is formed. The core

has a higher static temperature than the outer layer and hence heat flows core to periphery.

The outer layer gets heated due to heat transfer as well as due to viscous and wall friction

effects. The length of the tube has a optimum value at which maximum cooling of the core

results. The cold air at the core comes out from the cold end through the diaphragm while hot

air escapes through the valve side. The cold end temperature decreases as the inlet pressure

increases. The temperature drop between hot and cold sides is controlled by the valve

position for a given inlet air pressure.

It has been observed that for favorable cooling effect the diaphragm should be as near

to the nozzle as possible.


The vortex tube test apparatus consists of a vortex tube with air inlet with pressure

gauge and pressure transmitter . Air inlet is provided with pressure regulator . Hot air outlet is

provided with balance valve for cooling effect .

Two separate rotameters are provided to measure air flowrate of cold and hot air

.Differential pressure transmitter are placed in the air steam for air flow measurement .

Temperature scanner with computer interface are provided at diffetent locations of the

system .


1) Vortex Tube : Nominal capacity : 0.25 m3/min

2) Inlet Pressure : 0 –10 Kgf/cm2, Gauge and pressure transmitter.

3) Heat exchanger : Concentric tube , counter flow , heat transfer area

0.03 m2

4) Pressure regulator : controls inlet pressure

5) Flowmeters : To measure cold and hot air mass flow rates .

6) Valves : 1) For isolating and pressure control .

2) For varying the mass ratio.

7) Digital temperature indicator with serial interface .


1. inlet pressure - Kg/Cm2

2. Inlet air temperature, t1 – 0C

Sr. No. Cold air temp 0C


Hot air temp. 0C


Hot air



Cold air







1. Mass balance

mi = m1 + m2


mi = total air flowrate , Kg/Sec.

m1 = Hot air flowrate, Kg/Sec.

m2 = Cold air flowrate, Kg/sec.

2. Energy balance

mihi = m1h1 + m2h2

and HT2 = (1- H) T1

where T1 = t1 – ti and T2 = ti – t2

h1 – hi = CD T1

hi – h2 = CD T2




T 2


1 =∆+∆


The value of H is generally between 0.3 to 0.5. The C.O.P. of vortex tube is low and is of the

order of 0.15 to 0.20


The performance of vortex tube can be studied by plotting air temperature and cooling effect

produced against the cold fraction as shown in fig.

From the observations made we can plot these characteristic as under

Total air = Cold air flow rate( m1 ) + hot air flow rate (m2)




mH =

Cold air and Hot air temperature are to be taken from observations table.

Cooling effect can be calculated as N = m1. CP. ∆t


1) As the mass fraction increases, cold air temperature increases and also the hot end


2) As the cold fraction (H) increases, cooling effect increases initially and reaches an

optimum cooling effect value.


Where compressed air is available vortex tube can be used as a method of producing

refrigerating effect. No moving parts are present which is an additional plus point. The

applications can be in the following areas –

1) Spot Cooling

2) Suits for foundry persons.

3) Biological specimen preservation.

4) Surgical Aids.

top related