radiological survey and dose assessment report for the western … · 2016-10-25 · e a '?.-+...

Post on 28-Dec-2019






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------------------- ---

App E­

Sub-Area 3.2 - COC Forms

Salnplel!) . •Fort·-tJirum:fitr,'f~M Jmlif!1.itt!· . .;1ana11d :rf<ifl Jiite/time:.




, ·~r»r~·~~~llci..1~"11





Commcnis Nrifi:: .e:(tra sample is. tequiredfor sa1npfo

·specific. Q~

No. •,CirclcDclivcrabfo: C of A l :.QCSuml11llrv I LcvcU 1 ;tcvcl 2 I 'tcvcD I 'Level 4 · · Sainiile Colfoc1iorr'!'ime Zone

Elisiefn · Pacific · · C61tr~r Other ·

, : ,Mou~rain

. GE.t;'PM;



: Alrbillt1: t.) .. Ctii>ln o{Cl!;;.tOOy,Nu1rib~-'":':l<litfti--DCiirnliti~d· -

- - -- . . · · . . . - -,. . . . . . · , . . frlr L~ap,.Ri2i.:eivjq1{_.~.-:srO~!~· : l;F ()f..C'fd<•:·N:. ~ !>fomla!S>J!ipl~,."'.!J;-5J:rin1Jl~~~,:Fll."' f;<ld.lffl1li<ii10,KB "'. l'.4.•ip"'9it lll'?1•: ·~JS, M;.1(i.<Spik~S~m)llc).;'llSJ?"'M•lrx S~il<.~'Ot'!lli<iil• Si\rn11lc, <t~ ffi;"b~.I:" s:~"'ll!>'"" ),) F[~id Eil1orod:'. For ~quid mH[flc~•; in~i.,.,1c wi* !1 ·Y-Jor y<> lk]d·lll1cml·.or-· N -Jo( Mll)plc wo.•·qo1·fi~Jd 'fiiiorc~: , Ci1stildir$~al fnft1''1i0

·~ti M"~r~x CndCs:·DW~i,OJinkio_g·-w~11.;;:G~\':.:Qr~1~~w-a1.,;r .. :.~\.\~,..:.SiJ1f~ti~w11t~r~ ."'W~W~~t<! 'W~1\:r:;~\\'.~W.a~~~ ... ~i_t:yJf\1i~ li~lui.~, -~~'-~Sitff~'S.0~.~~.~-iri!~ut,.·st.~~~ lu~g~~'.~-.tSd.Ji.d_·W~1c,:.<'"''Oli~~lt~~iifcr.:P""'-Wi~ u~1}rir.i.:r P"'t:~~af~_N""~,_ ___ }!_E_S_: • ___ .,...f'W_·o_· ·-----<

5.)·~iflp. !~i\n•iy,\3~~qu<...i<J: !\n~fyJicpl mclho.d rciju<A<il (i.<. Jfz.6~lh~~1~!1i1~7u~j ~~a. noiilb•~o.f<(•nt~ir!"!•.P!O,'lil~~ m~.~~h <i~;N~~ .. o.B,~j;}o1paizp~:,,- i1.: .· . ' '· . . · · · .. · '· · · '· Ciwlitr.;Temp: <•;), i>l•mvoff,:.;:rYJ;.;1i,~ ,, Hwr~c.blurio;A£lil,·l'.il ,, Ni1ri~· A<!d, SH >eS~ili~m.liydroilW..C-sA ·~ Sulfun~A<td: A;' .• i\mnbic A~~;:ux ·'~J~"1iic. ·s-r~-.saji~11t'l'b!<li.•lf•lc, t(n~Jl!<S<f'l3li•·o;. i•:•ddc<1,. .1iav< 1lc1d. blank · .. · ·c

wHp:E= J~A:~OJ{~Vl'ORY, v~j;c.qw"" 11'1.t:'E · m~1~.c=~1;~m'rr: ./


~age: ____ . _____ qf~ _______ _..,1


QELQuote ti; --~--~~---~--­CCC.Number <1>:._


GEL ChuinofCustody and Analytical,Request ~*'s ·sample Acc~ptance SOP"'*

QEC L;iboratories, LLC 1 ()

· 2040.Savago Road

Chaf!e:;ton; sc:29407

P!t'qnu!-(843) 556~.s rn fax: 18431766~1178

Glient-Namc: '.Phone#:' Sam11le-An11lysls ·Req11este<fJ5I, (:f'ill itl-ilie number of contalners·Jor.eacl< iest)

Projl'.cl/Site N~mc: Fax#: Should·;

1w>" 1--------------~----~-----------------------1_$_~111pl~b~·


ScndJlcsulis To:

Sample ·m ·• Fo,. comnosile,r .. itrdico/t' start om/ s/Of) Ja1eJiime

'*Time. C:oll«!'J

.{i.UU1~ry) ,lh~lllDI)


<-- Prcscrva_livc Type (6)


Note: extrasamplds i-eqi1fred for sample.

speci!ic' QC

'TAT.Rcqucslcd: Normal: Rush: Succifv: (Su1li«t '" Suwharg<J''l l'a:1. Rrn1l1s; Yes .Circle Odivcrabic;: Cof 1\ l OC Summarv I Level l /' Level 2 I L<:v<:f.3. I Level 4·

Re111a1-ks: A r<1: there.apy ~rJown.hazardr appli¢ahfe to these samples?)[ so; plea.1·e /if;t the. hazard~ · Smnr)le Ci:>llpgion Time Zom Easiem ·Pacific C~u;ral Other Mountain'

·sa1µple Shipping aml Delivei:y mitalls

. GEL.PM: .Dote ·Dino Relil1•11iishcil.1ly (Signed)

'l Mctbod of SliinmCJll: 1 Date'Shioncd:

,2 Airbtll#:

3 . Airbill#: : I,)' tlramoCCu•tody N_un1b~--~ CliC11I Oot<'nnii:~ ·

· . . . . . .FQr J,.d_lfReco_'ivi11g Use 0111)'_· 2:);Q<'.Codc<: N "No<n••lSaniplc1;Tn •Trip Blank; FD-.g !ilolifD"!'!koto; Ell= f.q•ir11•01Wlll.,ik; · :\tli- Moi<i• Spi~_1iSamplo,MSD ~.M.u1~ ~pi1<c:n11plioatc Samplo,.Cl ~ Gii>b, C ... :con1;io~iio .. }} l'iolil: F_llm<d: for liquid rif~1fi~·indko1c '~'" • -·V •'for;y~· thc,•01llpk iVllll field m1mil or».!"• f~r '"'"Pk was no\ f~W fl!t<.-od, .Custody Sea/1ntae1? 4,l·Mu~;x'cod~: D\V~D1iJiking_ 11i,jc;;:GW=Giuuu<lwo!<f,SW=Suif~co;\Varor, ~VW=W~_~'.\Y:i1ir;W=~o1q,.ML~Mi»: Ll~nid, SO~Soil, Sll·'S•'<!im<ol,SLmSludsc; SS"S.<•)id'Wli>lc; o~pil; )'•filtcr,'P«\Yip<,_U~u,;rn:; F~!'"PI, ~7! .. ~ --~rE~'S,_,_ _____ l'l_'0 __ --1

.• 5.)•Samplt t\naly1is Rcqne>!td; /\n>lylicol.m••b•~· r•QUCSl<d(i,o. s:~oli,~lll0Jl/747oAi:.,Jd nunlb<r.of C<•Ol•inc" pr~.;id<J .r'o~ ...;h (i.<ili2~0B --3, 60W!Jfl471JA-- I). • . . - " C1•oler Temp: -• oG.) .rre~<tv~liv_c_ Type: UA ~ llydwoblori< /\Cid, NI ~·Nilric-A<ill;Sll -Sodi•in Hydroxidt, SA.= Sulfuric A<id.'M • A«:o<bkAcld. HX = He.,n<:. S'l'·•Sodinm Thio•ull<>1t, Jr ~o_pY<,.1v,Mivc i• added~ lc;wo lltklbl•nk · . (;' j . , . .. . WllllE •LABORATORY . YEI.J&!W ·•FIL• •PINK• CW!l'°'

r '

-Coy~~ ·.:-"· . . . A . ,.... .. ~ .. --·------------~-----------------~-------.------------------·-

;Pa~c:_._ir: __ ._ .-... vf·_· -· fL' ·'~'"--{ · GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request l'!OJCCt#. NI A,, ·. i . . . ' . ,

G~L_ ... 'Q~otetl: -.. ~-·Pt, _. . . •. ·t'· . · .. " for-GEL's·SamplcAcccptancc.SOP"·'"

OllL Laboratories. LL{'.

2{)<1Q S~yagc Roud

COC.N\11nbcr 1'': !";~ P~T 'GRL-Wor.k Order .Number·: PO Number: 1\1 t A · . ..


: cimr1es1on, sc:29407 Phone: (84'.l) 556-8171 Fali:J843l 76.6-l l7li

Client ~ame: Phone#: Sample Analysis Requested !Sl (Fiirin the .number of containers ibr ench test)

Shouhl 1· Projec1/Si1c Name: 11111 1--------------------------'---"'--~----------------I ~am11l~ be'.;

·. Address: i'!11)ld<~<<l· ·

Collected by: Send ·Results ·To:

.Sample ID ~:ftm: comn"sitr.r.,. imlu:atr ,J/1Jr/,mul ~ffm <lut~llimr:

11Tnne _C'"lki;;tcrl (Millt.,y)



.'JS(> Rodi A

·,o..idl R"'g~ ,

f!".hl ;S:·•·r.p)ll·.' F1i?~red MJlriJ.,.

iJ;' , (It

· •~ l•tr<I JC.i'O

5. 2_, 7; fl.. .. 1 10.~1r~t~ 16:.rI'N· NIA NllA vVJ' N 1 z. z, 1+. e.. z. tv1cr-rr to:ro · ~(j. NIA. }~/i',,, 'N 'l\J .1

~ l ; 4· . f2 - s b· i 9-"'1~' 1'1~ 10 ' ri>- i;J/ A: N /AN 1\J r

<--. .l'rcscrvatiw Type (<1)


Note: cxtr;i sample is -required for sample

spec.ific QC'

3,1_7 R, l N~~~~ ~-:~~6+1-~~---*-~+JA~-+~N~.1~-~+··~N+··-~~~i~--~~i~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. \ . 7 ' (2. 2- 110'/S;~{ ')" IS: DD \1<,) '(\if/A \'\if fl· M rJ .... )( :S:'t ./, 0 rz.

' \

~~·''- g, e' z rO-t'f~l~ Gt:;;; )\i N/A NIN µ :f)). L 3' .-1 . 15. K , 0 1 o- iq- is. 14~, 1s· ~e ; N./p.. }\)h\ .10 rJ l


-TAJ Requested: Norina!: ·Rush: ·S!lccify: (~cbiccnvSwd»ti:•; lrax'Rcsults:. ·Yes . No.· Cirde-Dcl!vcrublc: :c~ofi\ I QC.S~mmaf\' Level I i Level''.! l l.c\'cl 3 I Level 4

Remm·ks: Are /here.· (J11y.k1io.w1i-hawrd,v applfr.;c1bf :11ie.wsa111pi es? f/.1'(J, plet1s<1 /i~·f'fhe.hazarrfs .S.i•lllplo Collccligu Tirr:c Zon~ · !!astem Pacific :Ccnu al· Other l\founn1ii1.

:Clmi11 :pf_(:J!stody.Signnt~rt:~ '.Sl\mpkSblppjng,a!1d Deliv~ry Dctnils· lklii~111i~h•tl !lY (Sig11cJ}. · 'Dale· (~1_gncd)°

·r;k1hudcf-Sliinmont: Date Shinu~d:



,,.t.~<1r L:a/J,,Rt!,''1iving. llse.Q1i!r i .. ;-· QC Coc!~'~:·x· ... ·xo:iu:d ~amr!C •. TH ... Tri1>.0lan1t:. ffl;,,;,, "J~!d Ot1pJk;..1c,·En·"" RquipT)1cnL.Bbl1k. ;\J$ t::' Maui:t: Spf~C.Sa:;"11ple,·:\1S~)- Mr:11ix 5pi~o. S\'1~r1e, G .~ {i~.3b/-C •.C\'mpu,illl!

i) ::yi~td;Pi! fpt liquid .r.1airice~~ inditntc w1t_l101- "/.a.for y~Jhlr~~in;:~. ~~l!--.,·.fi~ldi;it~r~d o~ ... ':'; .. 'r1;r J.<liUp!~ ·\~~£.not,Jkld r~~cted C11:umly Seal ln!iJct'I· :.1~1· Matfi"(<("ciJcs: ·D'V"'Dsi11kinu W:i.t:i,; G\\'•1, 5\V:.~suifat,_; \\'afc1, '''W.-·Wlli.ti;;i\V.1!<-r; \\'~.-w~1':r. ML~·~fo."·Li•ru~I • .59·~S1.1I, 50 ·\~~tlfoi:.:~:t;·SV."Sltl!i;-.:, f):-; .• ,s,,Jut \\' ..... ti;'.-~·>'}.Ot!A V=·flhc1; r..-WfJh:. tJ,..,l:t1n~,·f ~:rc~a1. ~'"!1:----=l-='l!.;:;''S=-:,..--:--'-N"'O ___ -j

.$;)~~;1mp!t'J\1iA1y:fi.s"R~qm:~ti;"d" · Antl~l!1:al '~tlhotl'rcqutHt1.l,(: .. e~ 82~0D, 60Ji>l117471JA1 nnJ:,wnb('f\•f\·o:l~n~ncn.JHO"~t·fort:<i.i;h (1:~·. :1:2.'.0JJ ··3;60flJBiN10A ';,,.}). 'C,11c1/c:r Te!np; (i.J· l!i~t~1v~ir~c Tyric;.~JA·~ fi>:dr-13.Cf~!oii~ A~i~. NJ.-Nih_IC AcJ~.'Sll"' SatlJ~uu I !>'dn1~id~; .8;f~ .Sulftriji;. Aca1I, ~~,~ ~ A~c<:iibJi ~.:id,. HX ·;;.:1 {1?\~;10~ ~:r ~·~foJ~,m~ Tllio1i~?fo:!?, :ff 110 PfC~JY11f!Ve: i:\ ai!rl~d .. l~:i\"<: f:cJ:~ b~omi-; C

. . wmrrk:;,.l,t\BO!l.i\T()R\'. . YRLLOW,,. mu: . P.JNK'c,CJ;II<;i\'T· .

App E-

Sub-Area 3.2 - Instrument Field Sheets

Rev 110/18/15


I i

l. Instrument tnformation1

Ratemeter: Make/Model: Detector l: Make/Model: Bicron MicroRem Meter:

Instrument Field Response Check Log


Serial No. rl()6~'lf Serial No. /?,etJ;1£}1.2. . Serial No.-----

Cal. Due Date: -

Cal. Due Date: __ _

2.. Check Source Information: -Source 1 Isotope: 76-232. Serial No.: I [ { Activity:<:O. I units:,vl'.:: Response Acceptance Range {+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr -20% f'L-

Assay Date:IQ/'§/l'o net cpm + 20 " S:i ~9' net cpm -20% 3r¥6.t:

Source 2 Isotope: LJ",/57 Serial No.; l(Cf£;3 ..-( 2- Activitv: 0-02 units;.vu· Assay Date: _&&_ Response Acceptance Range {+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr -20% __ net cpm + 20% /$.:Z7s net cpm -20% B f't'1'

3. Checks: Title: - fZC{ Date: !O/l-;--/15 Time: /Do.)"

' i

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: Ar~,.,. .'J. ?- Location Description:--' ___ £-',,,'"""":....""°' __ -_____ _

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: rJ A V-Coord:~_--<.;1/_.___,A-__ ~-

! Instrument Field Response 2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

Meter Bl<g Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments

Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Ca lib. Check Of Temp. (add'! Info: inst. Condition, etc.) Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/Nl check (oF)

or uRem/hr {Y/N)


Ratemeter I Mil\. ql{3 / t"l:W I Juin l/'{i.~.1 C/JIV'. y v v !Olfs 5"~7 fh-~32 J}y i Ratemeter t All;v... /O'l1L ,;,,.,. YI v ...:/ //)~ 5"-'-~ cs-/!.7 VtJC

Rate meter I I I I (/-

Ratemeter Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA I NA


i Bicron NA NA 1, Instrument designated check source Is Usted on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm} prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. 2. Source· and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat.counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges

significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stabllitY




! i I i


Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatlon1

Ratemeter: Make/Model: ~ICRMJ ~YHC12D 0;7A Serial No. /t)) l/ Ll. Detector 1: Make/Model: '"It1('71:{£iVA L. Serial No. ...v/ri

Cal. Due Date: ~ lo

Detector 2: Make/Model: Serial No. ____ _

2. Check Source Information: source 1lsotope:/hl-1 l.. Serial No.: 11 le Activity:~ units:MkL_ Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm · bkg +/·20%):

:Assay Date: --t:Z/-; .)1 v net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% __ _

Source 2 Isotope: Serial No.: Activity; -~-units: __ Assay Date: __ _ Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% __ _ net cprn -20% __ _

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks: Date:~ Time: 01.S"J. Name: S~v'e" KtN~t11Ar--.i Title: _____ _

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:_"'"3-'--,-'--=---------- Location Descript ion:__,6'-'-,q'-',e~&'\"-'-----------' I U o I •I GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: N Li. ·z..t ?Y.1 " /j Y·Coord:V)C>·1¥ '::{p' ;n.z.

I_ ... _ ···- -- ___ .._ _ _.,_,,_~·-~-------·-·-... --·-----'----···~ -·--~- ----·--------

Instrument Field Response2 ;I Use Acceptance Criteria ~ Remarks

I Det. BKg Bkg Source Source +I- 20% of

.. Inst. Battery I Time I Ambient ti Initials and Comments .,

j No. Cnt (~) Cnt Response source Net Ca fib. Check , Of I [add' I Info: temperature, Inst. Condition, j T~~P· ~j

. (1/2) Time {.cPfAt Time [q.ta -bk~) cpm current (Y/N) check etc.)

. .IA ill#!l Net efJm {Y/N) (Y/N) ·-· -· -<· .. -·-·-··- .. ··-· ······- -- --·- --.--- ···-· --··· ·-· ··- ···- - ·····-·

LlJ..R/ 't? y v n75:1 !../%. z_ .Sit: --. '

I~ f I

m :


' 1. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration st1c:ker. Record check source response (net cprn) prior to field deployment for all check sources bein{l' used.

2. source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of tliree static counts at the same locatio11. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges slgnlflcantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability

l i l ! i I

Instrument Field Response Check log

1. Instrument lnformatlon1

Ratemeter: Make/Model; L uOLli;A. J-;lf {.) Detector 1: Make/Model: lvAv/'A 'I L/~t o Detector 2: Make/Model:

2. Check Source Information:

Serlal No. 21./l,, I 31 Serial No. /Jt..U! I~) Serial No. ____ _

Source 1 Isotope: 'fh Z 12- Serial No.: // lp Activity: ~ units: ,.,v- c.i

Cal. Due Date: 3}-2} / lo

Assay Date: Ii{ 1° /1 ° Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% __ _

Source 2!sotope: Cs lJ7 Serial No.: f'7£1?·-<li' Activity: •. 02 units:~- Assay Date: Mo Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20%. __ _ net cpm -20% __ _

3. Technic:lan/Worker Performing Checks: Name: 5'17fV'l£ t:1cJVAW Title:_______ Date:12.}_,~/rS" Time: /DOD

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:_"3=-'-=Z...=---------- Location Descrlptlon: _ _._6q..!...!..~:...=_;;,_ ________ _ GPS Coordinates {when required): X-Coord: _________ Y-Coord : ________ _

· (! +/· 20% of ' Inst. BatWy 1 Time Of

cha ck

Ambient Temp.


Initials and Comments j !1 source Net Calib. Check j ii cpm , current (V/N) I

j (add'l lnfo: temperature, inst. CondJtion, J

etc.) j l :i (Y/N) (Y/N)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~-~*~~-==-· _·L~-=-·_2



l----+---·-.. ·-1--------+----+-------i:,J----"""·-"------- --~-~1----+---~ .. -- :- - .. --------------i

1. Instrument de!>ignated check source 1s listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. 2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the averafie of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count

rate diverges stgnificantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability .

Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatJon1 0

Ratemeter: Make/Mode!: \l)\c..fatJ /Y\lC£b e f!}A. Detector 1: Make/Model: feA/-tCWlf l Detector 2: Make/Model:

2. Check Source Information:

Serial No. A '?.-?.-l( lA

Serial No. _____M.A=----Serial No. ____ _

Source 1 Isotope: ·Tf, ()J. "2- Serial No.: I I (p Activity: ~ units:~

Cal. Due Date: r/lf/1~

Assay Date: 12 /s "i>/r o Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%}: net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% __ _

Source 2lsotope: Serial No.: Activity: ___ units: __ Assay Date: __ _ Instrument Response Acceptance Range {source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% __ _ net cprn -20% __ _

3. Technician/Worker Performlng Checks: Name: r-reve K<rVJf'.yl,tV Title:------

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: __ J_, _'--_________ _ Date: f"il}rc,./1<Time:/L/_Db Location o·escrip1ion:-'h'"'"~:....<..;.;~"'-i,___ ________ _

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: Y-Coord: ________ _

Source 1 +/- 20% of Response ('"~

Ncl-epm 1\ . . .. -~

source Net cpm (V/Nl

Inst. Ca lib.

;1 current t lY/N)

Battery j Time Check Of (Y/N) l check

--· ·~··-. .. " --~ -..:1 y Jl(OO ·~-+---+---v;<------1----+---.1'-"9_.._,...,.,,,,~.R~IN,..:~---+---'----1---'---+--<--'­, ·'

Remarks -·

Ambient l'j Initials and Comments Temp.

11,dd'liofoo temperntm•,>o'1. C°"dittoo.

(F) j etc.)

j ,, . - - + ··- ~=

5"1. f.p ' ·~

i I I ! i


1. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cprnj prlor to field deployment for all check sources being usecl. 2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. Jf count

rate diverges significantly, perform add ltlonal counts to evaluate iostru ment stability


Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatlon1

Ratemeter: Make/Model; f.:_llQLu,Vi_ 21!-(f, 2-Detector 1: Make/Model: lv!JL UtVL 1-(1./-t v Detector 2: Make/Model:

2. Check Source Information:

serial No.a k& 131 Serial No. f!llll t 7-. 1 Serial No. ____ _

Source 1 Isotope: TbJ? 2 Serial No.:~-- Activity:~ units:~

Cal. Due Date:~ L.-

Assay Date:~/ o

Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% net cprn -20% __ _

Source 2 lsotope: G:._/1..l_seria! No.:f 1 [ { J- '(.f Activity: - o i. units~i;;t· Assay Date: J}Q}i._c, Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% __ _ net cpm -20% __ _

3. Tedmlcian/Worker Performing Checks; Name: S1J?.!if l<1#Jrr-.1r,,_/ ·

4. Site or location: Slte/Job:_'3_·_. 7-_________ _ Title:------- Date: t<Jh~f1s"' Time:"'""/_,_Y_ro __

' I Location Description:. ____________ ~

GPS Coordinates {when required): X-Coord: _______ _ Y-Coord: ___ _

. <rule~ Instrument Field Response < vP?-S· --!1 __ .. ·-- ---- --·----·------··-·---· --·-------- -·-- ---,i--

C-r-; Use Acceptance Criteria ~ Remarks

~- BKg Bkg Source Source ; +/- 20% of ~ Inst. Battery l Time / Ambient 1[1 Initials and Comments (avg of 3)


(udd'l Info: temperature, inst. Condition, No. Cnt Cnt Response source Net


Ca lib. Check Of Temp, · {1/2) Tl me (cpm) Time (~.I cpm current (Y/N} check l (F) etc.)

~Jet er:it'l'r . (Y/N) (Y/N) ....... ·- M--~-1 ......... ._ ..... -- ... - --~-

·(/.,JTt lf'llttV /lv"l I I mq,.; i19J.) y' y I '?Io ~1~ '-" 5t I I~ /~1 / ,,, /Jo/ ·1~ 2.1 I nitfo,/ ii/(,,/ v y I l( l{ C?.0 ' 5~ .

·, '-•

! '


1. Instrument designated check source is l1stad on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. 2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same locatton. Repeat counts should be wlthln 20%. If count

rate diverges slgntflcantly, perform addltlona! counts to evaluate instrument stability


Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatlon 1

Ratemeter: Make/Model: j_ uf) l U.N'-- 'J-? '-ff-· Z.. Detector 1: Make/Model: l uh VA/\.. lfll-1 o Detector 2: Make/Model:

2. Check Source Information:

Serial No. 2<,,, LJ 3 J Serial No.{£. 111/'l 'I Serial No. ____ _

Caf.DueDate: q{z./14'-

Source 1 Isotope: fl, 2['2. Serial No.: )! lo Activity: Lo. I units:~ Instrument Response Acceptance Range [source cpm - bkg +/-20%):

Assay Date: 1 ?,. f 'Si;/, L:>

net cpm + 2~ net cpm -20% __ _

Source 2 Isotope:{. 5 ll7 Serial No.: Kl If/ l ~'If Activity: • 0 2- units~ Assay Date: ~c::. tnstrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%}: net cpm + 20% __ _ net cpm -20% ~--

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks: Name: S'il~Va' K./,.-./f ~:r.-/ Title:-----~- Date: 10/110/1{r1me: /r;/')' . .

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:--~--------...,...-- Location Description: ____________ _

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: _________ Y-Coord: ________ _

6 . .es-r-s-----·-. ----(TS ,

·----.. ---·~----·---------·-, Remarks Use Acceptance Criteria Ii


d}et: BKg Bkg Source

No. Cnt (avg of 3) Cnt (1/2) Time {cprn) Time

Source , +/- 20% of

Response source Net (~g) cpm

Inst. Battery ! Time I Ambient Ca lib. Check Of I Temp.

current {Y/N) check (F) '

Initials and Comments I (add'! Info: temperature, inst. Condition, !

etc.) j N.~ ,J [Y/N) (Y/N)

.... 't%7S;rta'<· ·-··- ... -- .. ·· ..... ; . .. y y !~;) SJ-(,,.

i • m • - ..... •••• .J

"/ y r rz. a Sl- to I


1. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response {net cpm) prior to field deployment for llll check sources being used. 2. Source and Backgroun()' coL1nt rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at tha same locatfon. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count

rate diverges significantly, perform addltfonal counts to evaluate Instrument stabllltv


Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatloni Raterneter: Make/Model:GJ£,.1f2t>fJ /I'd Clo /(81\ Detector 1: Make/Mode/: .J.rV"ffW.fil..-Detector 2: Make/Model:

2. Check Source Information:

SerJal No. 'A-Z-Z..l/ (,{_ Serial No.--~-­Serlal No.----...,...-

Source l lsotope:·17l 2?2..- Serial No.: // b9 Activity: ..cro .. 1. units:~

Cal. Due Date: f4/µ ~

Assay Date; I z/1b /t 0

Instrument Response Acceptance Range {source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% ___ ~

Source 2 Isotope: Serial No.: Activity: ___ units: __ Assay Date: __ _ Instrument Response Acceptance Range (source cpm - bkg +/-20%): net cpm + 20% __ _ net cpm -20% __ _

3. ·Technician/Worker Performing Checks; Name: ST¢v{' /<11-')f".\A/\/ Title: _____ _

4. Siteorlocatlon: Site/Job: '3 ... 7---~----------

Date: I o/, b hs Time: /...5.:./ )' Location Deicription: .......... f&rt.__,_·-"--'f1'--'-----------

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: ________ ~ Y-Coord:_-'--------

lnstrument Field Response2 ---.-~----.. ····· Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

BKg Bkg Source Source i1 +/- 20% of Inst.

I~ source Net Ca/ib. Battery ) Check (Y/N)

Time Of


j Ambient Temp.


Initials and Comments i {add'I Info; temperature, inst. Condition, I, Cnt {~ Cnt Response

Time (c~ Time Vi {~kg) n)e/t!.- _ #i.~lr- Net c_pm

-r 17


I 1 cpm current

~--="""'(Y~/~N)"""""'··~-~(Y~/~N)~~"""""=*==·=-=-~""-=~·-=·~jF: ~"="«==='"""""'"""""'====~-=··~ Y V 15"/i{ S&,3 L

I ~~--r----r--------r------r--~-~-11-----+----~t----1------+--------lltf-----------~----1 1j

1. Instrument deslenated check source is listed on <:alibratlo n sticker. Record check source. response {net cpm} prior to fie!d deployment for al I check sources being used. 2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the s.ame location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If c:ount

rate diverges s!gnlficantly, perform additlona I counts to evaluate Instrument sta billty

Rev 110/18/15


1. Instrument lnformation1

R.atemeter: Make/Model: J...v0LVM. n Lf /. '"l--Detector 1: Make/Model: Lu I) l Utvl. o/Y· I o Bicron MlcroRem Meter:

Instrument Field Response Check Log

serial No. 2 G>:rn I Serial No./JlJ ! 11 z. 1 Serial No. fl t.1-'1 u

Cal.DueDate: CJ/z./rr...

Cal. Due Date: f,/tf V /., · 2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 Isotope: -fJ1 Z) Z-- Serial No.: // 0 Activity:~ units:~ Assay Date:£LDdl'"' Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% __ uRem/hr -20% __ net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% __ _

Source21sotope:(sU] SerialNo.: <({lEtJ-lff Activity: .07- units~ AssayDate:Mo · Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% __ uRem/hr ·20% __ net cpm + 20% __ _ net cprn -20% __ _

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks: Name: ;;p::vt!' K--ct11S/11AtV Title:-~----

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:_J_.-'-2-_________ _

GPS Coordinates {when required): X-Coord: 7ff • &.> 7 1.../ 1 7"

I Instrument Field Response2

Location Desr.ri;__,·-'-'-;?,,_,10'-----------­

Y-Coord: tf 2 ; J.-f 8Vl O~

-Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks ~

Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. . Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments

I Cnt ( or Cnt {gross cpm or source Ca fib. Check Of Temp. {add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.)

lime uRem/hr) Trme uRerh/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check (aF) or uRem/hr (Y/N}

I (Y/N} I -- -·· ··-· -y v I Ratemeter IAttJ ·115q ·~ /,z,t,J \ q(.1 l/ Cf""- ocp< ·~z. Lf '71. i:rz... i Ratemeter I i'Jr1 c(I) ... q,,qi IMl•J 11 7- 1--fflf./.I\ '{ y f',Q./ 1'l J ~ Cf I' ' ( 51 ! Ratemeter / rfi ltJ ·1 )\ l_.. l 1A1rV J1>sl UJA 'f '{ 11 ·ic; s''i. s "//. 1. s·z., I Ratemeter I Mt.V 1 )(7,,, l ,,.,,,,,,1 [O ltJ ~'l UM y y I '3 it) 'i'f. -~ ({I? '"J I Bicron NA (;"'#f(ffifl NA J '7 .l..V fl. IN,- I v y Dq~o '3"7. c-{

! Bicron NA f,,, i/uz NA 11 , I/Ht"- -{ y )~'2r7 . i;- '(. 'S i Bicron NA 1 .... •'w ;} /1./(i' NA I { '"· 12./ //,,,. v y (!{.(9

I Bicron NA ...... I NA


. . 1. Instrument designated check source 1s fisted on calibration stu::ker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used . z. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts-should be within 20%. If count rate diverges

significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate Instrument stability

;:::;:==- t-=i


I ! I

I ; ' t i I I ! i i I I


Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformation1

Ratemeter: Make/Model: Serial No. ____ _ Cal. Due Date: __ _ Detector 1: Make/Model: Serial No. ____ _

Bicron MfcroRetn Meter: Serial No.----- Cal. Due Date: __ _

2.. Check Source Information: Source l Isotope: serial No.: Activity: ___ units: __ Assay Date: __ _

Response Acceptance Range ( +/-20%): u Rem/hr +20% ___ uRem/hr-20% __ _ net cpm + 20%. ___ _ net cpm ·20% __ _

Source 2 Isotope: Serial No.: Activity: units: __ Assay Date: __ _ Response Acceptance Range {+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ u Rem/hr -20% __ net cpm + 20%.~-- net cpm -20% __ _

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name:.~-'--------ntle: ______ _ Date: fo/t r/t(nrne: ___ _

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:. ____________ _ Location Description: ____________ _

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord:. ________ _ Y-Coord: ________ _

l 1 Instrument Field Response2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks

I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/- 20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments l

! Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Ca lib. Check Of Temp. (add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.) I Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (V/N) check (cF) I or uRem/hr (Y/N) l i (Y/N)

Rate meter jM(;) .ffS"f lPM -·

I~,,"' I 1 51 l cf,Vt y y J{Lfo 5t.c~ j Ratemeter I rrt1iJ If(<;<{ c,fM } Mltv 17 L/l L {ff\A...

i Ratemeter 'Y y f <-'fl{' c:-ir_ {_ Cxl3"1

Ratemeter I Bicron NA NA

Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA

l. Instrument designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used. 2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts sho.uld be within 20%. If count rate diverges

significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stabillty

I I i i 1 I

l i




App E-

Sub-Area 3.2 - Sample Data Sheets

·-···-f. ·~-- f


-Date: iO~JtJ-() Project: Af\f .~6 @-OA


Name: ~ Bfil..J V'\

Weather: c.Loocl~ ~_c_\ ___ _

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 3. Z. Description: f=Zr\'VJ.CY"-d ~-~~~~~-------

SA Origin Location: Coord. System: -~· ~--SA Land Mark Description:~~- Coord: JJlf-: A.J/fr

I .P'f-1 '-0._--

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: :3. 'l ~ \ "' Matrix: -5'0-1 \ -------- ----Location Coard: N Y '2, l/ ~ 0'1 ~

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)~} f\ Y Di~;t. from Origin: µf If\.

., .:...--+.---'------

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~) k~ &v~\ef ~ Sampte Location Description: f'c.v ~6~ ct'o() d-•i ""-~'O ~ &<''

Land Use:~r-M- · Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc):--d,,._~""·f1---Canopy Type: o:p-e (\

3 L t" R d' t" R d' oca ion a la U)Il ea mgs: 2x2 Nal B:cron Notes

(cpm) I! (uRem/hr) '

Count time l cm lm 1 cm

L~ (min) ' ..• ~ . r;_,....rr,.<;: -w -I rrP -·

;/7;,{q lkd'i {.Q__ 6 ---ff39 7 17-z.O - _. ____ ±=


4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ~ _ Z..., 1.- R- r=-1, 5IU iu/,~ J, 2, 5

Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Calor (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

'S() ·,' ~"1v•"n 3.z..1.i2-I 1------'---'---<---'-----<-----+-----+-------;--;:_efusal, stone or rock, to o a h , erosion features

. r i't ::.o', \ 'n\O'-Y"' ;_ 'L- '· {2.- l.

o- '~ ' \.:h-i---.....>.I\ s.·z.1.1Z.S

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC fonn and Conta'

Project: tJ ~Sf;--g. PA

Weather: {)ydCc.S~ l au \ I

. 1. Sample Area (SA):


..-.-- - R Name: ! an ~•-'D'-'-'V\. •

SA Designation: 3 4 Z . L Description: fu~GY"b-SA Origin Location: ~-~ . ..B. '1¥/6M T13fi/11,._C_,_o..;_o_rd-_~S.:..:y=-st_e_m_:_/;ftf-_: -u.-,-,.,,_-.G-.. --=77f......-ta._ri.,...r<.,

SA land Mark Description: :{i;a '" Jv11d- &.fllr:__ Coard: N/& ~N"'-"l~~~---"0>1uh(

2. Sample Locati<Jn Data:

Sample Area ID; 9:,. ·2" L

Location Coord: \...\71;. U> 71Z8"7

Matrix: 'S:i\ L_

~ ~2/-f fr/(lU/

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) - {y fl ~..... -Rhc.c... o..{,0~ X Dist. from Origin (0,0)--tJj!A Y Dim. from Origin: JJ/ A- NI;.) I 1YL4.

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location Description: ~FC~G.~f"_,__M~l~O't~~d,----------------·----·--Canopy Type:~ n Land Use: hrrv. Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc):_12=---6f-+----

3. 0 L Rd' . R d' ocatmn a lation ea mirs: 2x2 NaI · B·cron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

Count time l cm Im 1 cm lm (min) -· I 'WOW /{fi/7 -, . ___ $ J ~ 1,Lf 5 7 '1 g'/s,

4. Sample Information: Sample Area W: 2,. 2, Z.., tz. .. / -"L

D • f b D th escnp· ion >Y ep . Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description

Interval {Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc) refusal, stone or rock, topography, erosion features)

0 -1'5 <;;oi\ "R~A"\ 3/l z..£., f Al/ fl:. 1-::.-~n ~')\\ Q~'"""'rs,'Z.., 1.., tz. • ~ "'[rt¥



Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ~ (N)

-, i


Date: [0-Jfo-1) Name:~. ~-Weather; 'S'.omy 1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: ___ _3, 2..,~1clib . Description: Ftif1'V\. l Of\J SA Origin Location: ~'l\0.l.

SA Land Mark Description: rJ/t Coord. System: ____ _

Coord: ~~--- _J/~A: __ _

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: 3,- 2, '3 · Matrix: _$.?~~L Location Coord: W ] 8'", l.17i../JO1 N '-/ 2. 1f <4 0 f6{ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) <;l.l'O .(4:. ~"' dt\'lrC~ X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_,J)_il_ Y Di~t. from Origin: ~!"+Q_,_fr"""---

Site Sketch Attache.d (Yes) § Sample Location Description: . &.fl"l'\. I [()1,,J"C'.'.rrd loy wd. -pi k

Canopy Type: 0 pen Land Use: ~}1d ___ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc): TJ01 .... _ 3 Lo f R d" ti R d" . ca ion a 1a on ca mgs:

2x2 Nal B'.cron Notes. {cpm) (uRern/hr)

Count time \cm lm lc~l lm 1:

(min) ....

I ///-:,\ 10/pf lo r 11 ... I llo'i .:I_Q_.:i I -


~ ___ E_ 4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: S. '2..: ·3, \Z · \-'Z..

D . ti b D th cscnp on 1y ep1 : Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description

Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc) :efusal, stone or rock. topoITTaphy, erosion features)

c _.. 15 ::O,\ ~¥[ ......... 3.l.3.\'Z.., I -So,~ \ri ¥11,t~~ ~ l'l '§i,C<.~

I? '4!0 . -So: { lS.i;.vV"I 3 :z. ;~ . IZ .'L w IPr -

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and·Container Labeled: (Y) (N)


Project: ;Jy St.fl.'DA ..---:- . "77 Name: fnn ·Dfui..,..)Yl


SA Designation: 3, L-. Description: ~r~l<Yl-cl ~--"--'~~.-......---~----

SA Origin location: Coord. System:

SA Land MarkDescriplion: -r1101Y.:S6"''\ (.,OJ'yu..r- ~---- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: --'3=·'-· 2..~, _t.-J_,___ Matrix: ~ o ~ \

Location Coord: v.J 7'6•U1'1 I q <6

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA cirigin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Di:;t. from Origin: ---~

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @)

Sample Location Description: __,_h-=c:r~m_,___l~~---"b'--;;;'--""v_=C_._·_P--1=<~-----------

Canopy Type: 0 P & /\J Land Use:~\. __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc):__l~

3. Location Ra .. diatmn Rea d' mgs: 2x2NaI ~ B'cron Notes · (cpm) (uRem/hr)

Count time 1 cm lm I~ ;1 ~m r {min) ~-~

I 7777 ll-f 43 J /7Ci'1 1112'_1__ =t=~ ..



ff 1-..

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 3. 2, 'i, f2- / J-5

Depth Soil Type Soil Sample WI Sampling Description · Interval (Org; c1ay; Color I (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, .---1_s_an_d....;.,_et_c-'-}-+-~--~-------+; ... ~efusal,_ stone or rock, to oo-ra hv, erosion features)

1--D_-_1_c;;-_...+.-~~i•"----'-+---~4=-'-""'-'-'-.=L.~~--+-So\~~:Q~ C -

µ1~'5--3"-'0""--+.:;....:-'-'-~--t=----t.=..:...;"'-'---~-"::---~jJ ~----------------; 30-U.o

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:

top related