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South Church in Andover

Confirmation Sunday

May 15, 2011

Rainbow After the Storm

Kevin E. McGrath

Confirmation Sunday

10:30am May 15, 2011


Opening Psalm


Responsive Call

To Worship


Announcements & Exchange of Peace ~ Michelle Cloutier, Daria Googins & Carolyn Roos

The peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.


South Church in Andover United Church of Christ

Order of Worship

MEDITATION: That gracious thing, made up of tears and light. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

~ Sara Adam & Hannah Currie Dear Lord, your presence and guidance help us each and every day, so we raise our voices to you in praise. Thank you, Lord, for giving us signs that point us in the right direction. Thank you for walking before us on the path. In our turmoil and sadness, in our contentment and joy, we feel you are with us, wiping our tears and sharing our laughter. You know us completely, and we are blessed by your vigilant care. We our inspired to seek your care, to follow your teachings, and trust in your Word. May we always be loving and never judging. Help us to give to others the love and forgiveness you have shown us. Let the Spirit be a light unto your path in life. And help us be that light for others.

~ Graham Cook

THIS is the day that the LORD has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

~ Katherine Geffken


Do Lord

Do Lord, do Lord, Do remember me, (3x)

When I’m in trouble, Do remember me, (3x)

When I’m dyin’, Do remember me, (3x)

When this world’s on fire, Do remember me, (3x)

O Do Lord remember me.

Loving God, fill us with passion through the gift of your Spirit. Open our eyes to your presence which is always near, and calm the stormy seas of our fears. Be in our thoughts, our words and our deeds. Give us faith and courage. May your light shine through all that we say and do through your power and grace, in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray, saying, “Our Father... (debts)”.


A Time with

the Children

~ Rachael Cronin, Dan Jacavanco, Sarah Knowles & Johanna Shaw


Luke 8:22-25 (NT p.51-52) ~ Katherine Geffken


Genesis 9: 8-13 (OT p.6) ~ Sophie Draper

Rite of Confirmation

Children are invited to go to Church School.

Sara Adam Chelsey Arling Michelle Cloutier Sophie Elizabeth Combs

Graham Richard Cook Rachael Cronin Hannah Currie Sophie Lynn Draper

Maxwell Galat Katherine Geffken Daria Googins Daniel Jacavanco

Dana Kirwin Sarah Knowles Kevin Ellis McGrath John Ozirsky

Carolyn Roos Johanna Brittany Shaw Isaac Williams

United Church of Christ Statement of Faith ~ Reverend Jonathan Drury

Congregation: With God's help we will proclaim the good news and live according

to the example of Christ. We will surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service to others. We will pray for them that they may be true disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.

*Unison Invocation

and the

Lord’s Prayer

(Please remain standing) ~ Kevin McGrath & Isaac Williams

(Please remain standing) ~ Kevin McGrath & Isaac Williams

*Unison Invocation

and the

Lord’s Prayer

Offering of our

Gifts in


We thank you, O God of light, for guiding us out of darkness and into life. We praise you for your healing touch as you repair the damaged parts of our lives. We offer these gifts in gratitude and praise. Through these gifts, create light and places of healing for others in need, and help us all to know you are in our lives today. Amen.

INVITATION ~ Sophie Combs

OFFERTORY You’ve Got A Friend in Me [Randy Newman]

~ Confirmation Class OFFERTORY RESPONSE


*UNISON PRAYER of DEDICATION ~ Led by Sophie Combs

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise God, all creatures here below, Praise God above, ye heav’nly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Message Rainbow After the Storm

~ Max Galat, Dana Kirwin & Sarah Knowles

If you have already paid your pledge electronically or in advance, you are invited to

submit into the offering plate the green giving card in the pew rack to symbolize your

prayer that God will bless your giving and that your gift will support the mission and

ministry of the Church in meeting the needs of others and in helping those in need.


#345 Blue

Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (v.1-4)

Intercessory &

Pastoral Prayer ~ Graham Cook & Dan Jacavanco



Who Am I? [Casting Crowns] ~ Rachael Cronin

* All who are able, please stand.


Flowers This morning’s flowers are given in loving memory of Florence MacKenzie by her daughter, Diane Griffiths.

*Benediction ~ John Ozirsky


#525 Red Here I Am, Lord

Welcome to South Church

We are glad you are here. We are a Christ-centered community that celebrates the

love of God. Although we are of varied minds, we are one body, bound together in

Christ. We recognize the uniqueness of every individual as God's beloved child.

We seek to respond faithfully to God's call for justice for all creation. We strive in

word and deed to be faithful to Jesus' model of loving acceptance. We seek to

create a sanctuary where all will know they are welcomed and included. You are

welcomed, no matter your age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race and

ethnicity, physical and mental ability or economic circumstance, into the full life

and ministry of South Church, including worship, sacraments and rites. Join us as

we grow together in God's love.

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