rainbow canyons amateur radio clubwill resume in new congress largely as the result of a grassroots...

Post on 24-Jul-2020






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Club Officers:

President: KR7KR

Ken Richter

Vice-President: K7ZI

Richard Parker

Treasurer: AL7BX

George Gallis

Secretary: K6QOG

Bill Stenger

Local Repeats: 146.980 Mhz

146.940 Mhz Tone 100 hz

146.760 Mhz Tone 123.0 hz

Remote Base 449.500 Mhz Tone 100 hz

Remote Base 449.925 Mhz Tone 100 hz

IRLP/Echolink 449.900 Mhz Tone 100 hz

Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Sheriffs Search & Rescue Bldg.

RCARC NETS:Breakfast Net: 7:00am 146.98Mhz, no PL tone required, every weekday.

Friendship Net: 9:00pm 146.98Mhz, every evening.

Rainbow Canyons Amateur Radio

ClubCedar City, Utah

Next club meeting is Tuesday, January 13, 7:30 pm

From ARRL Newsletter

“Amateur Radio Parity Act” Campaign Will Resume in New Congress

Largely as the result of a grassroots cam-paign, “The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014” (H.R. 4969) attracted the sup-port of 69 members of the US House of

Local News

From John Higley

The latest edition of the CERT Participant Manual is the September 2012 edition which is identical to the January 2011 edi-tion (as far as I can tell). If your manual is older than January 2011, it is outdated, and I would like to offer you an updated copy. Here are the costs:

1 Updated copy of the CERT Participant Manual and 3 ring vinyl binder: $0.0 provide your name, address, home and cell phone and confirm your preferred email address.

1 Updated copy of the CERT Participant Manual without the binder: $0.0 provide your name, address, home and cell phone and confirm your preferred email address.Updated copies will be made available at

the next CERT meeting being held January 15 (still the third Thursday).

We are planning a basic training program for the Spring. If you are interested in becoming an instructor, please contact me as quickly as possible so that I can arrange an instructor course.O - 435-586-5332C - 435-592-9516jhigley@ironcounty.net

Have a safe and happy new year!!

TOPIC: A visit from

John S. HigleyEmergency Management Coordinator Iron County, Utah

Representatives in addition to that of its sponsor, Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-IL). While the just-adjourned 113th Congress did not enact the bill, the effort to gain passage of the legislation will begin anew when the 114th Congress convenes in January. Introduced with bipartisan support last June, H.R. 4969 called on the FCC to apply the “reasonable accommoda-tion” three-part test of the PRB-1 federal pre-emption policy to private land-use restrictions regarding anten-nas. The limited PRB-1 pre-emption currently applies only to state and municipal land-use ordinances. The FCC has indicated its reluctance to provide the same legal protections from private land-use agreements -- often called covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) -- without direction from Congress. ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, stressed this week that the fight is not over.

“While we are disappointed that the bill did not make it through the process during the session, the effort was extremely energized by the efforts of thousands of ARRL members who participated in our grassroots lobbying effort,” Henderson said. “In just 6 short months we gained tremendous traction for the Ama-teur Radio Parity Act.”

Henderson explained that sometime after the new Congress is called into session in January, a new “Amateur Radio Parity Act” bill with a new number will be introduced into the US House. “Once this hap-pens, the ARRL will gear up for a fresh effort to push this legislation forward,” he added.

The ARRL H.R. 4969 web page provides additional information. http://www.arrl.org/hr-4969

===== ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Net -- Accessible via both IRLP and Echolink! =====

In an effort to provide more options for hams across the Division to participate in the monthly Rocky Mountain Division net, since not everyone has an IRLP node nearby, an experimental/trial Echolink path into the net will once again be made available for Wednesday’s net. Its performance and level of use will be monitored to determine potential feasibility as a long term solution.

===== ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Net =====

Please join us -- Wednesday evening! -- for our next monthly ARRL Rocky Mountain Division amateur radio net.ARRL members and hams are invited to participate in this monthly interactive and roundtable-like net, ac-cessible through both IRLP and Echolink (experimen-tal link) to interact with Division and Section

leadership, meet League members, and receive perti-nent League-related information while at home or out and about.

Here are the details:

DATE: Second Wednesday evening of each month (next: January 14)TIME: 7:30 PM mountain timeIRLP NODE: 9871ECHOLINK NODE (experimental): 415699 (K0JSC-R)

To find an IRLP-capable repeater in your area, visit the “Node Info” page at http://www.irlp.net. General-ly all you need to do to link an IRLP-capable repeater into the net’s reflector is enter “9871” withyour DTMF keypad and wait for the voice prompt indicating that the link is open. To unlink, enter “73”.

To find an Echolink-capable system in your area, visit http://www.echolink.org/ and http://www.echolink.org/links.jsp

If you’ve never used IRLP or Echolink before, please experiment with linking/unlinking before the net.

We hope you’ll join us for the next net.

What Happened at the last Meeting?

President Cameron Abbaticchio KF7YWY called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Cameron welcomed everyone to the Christmas meet-ing.

George Gallis AL7BX, Treasurer reported last month balance was $1008.43. Received $90.00 and no expenses so new balance is $1098.43. Denice Shef-fied KF7WIY, motioned to accept the report, Don Blanchard WA7GTU seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Bill Stenger K6QOG, Secretary called for correc-tions to the minutes. None were made. Don Blanchard WA7GTU motioned to accept the minutes, Brad Bie-derman WA7HHE seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Cameron announced that Linda Shokrian KG7PBX took and pasted her General Class license, again with a 100% grade. Also, Jon Rice NR7T son, Ted Rice past his Technician Class license. Congratulations to both.

Cameron called for an oral vote for club officers since those nominated had no challengers. Those elected were:

Secretary: Bill Stenger K6QOG

Treasurer: George Gallis AL7BX

Vice-President: Richard Parker K7ZI

President: Ken Richter KR7KR

Don Blanchard WA7GTU reported the Ken Oliver W7KBM is improving and Don and George pro-gramed his HT to used the remote base repeater to check into the Beehive net.

George Gallis mentioned club dues can be accepted anytime. Don Blanchard mention Utah VHF Society is also accepting dues.

Don also mentioned a new remote base has been in-stalled on Rowberry mountain. Frequency is 449.925 Mhz with a PL tone of 100 hz.

Bill mentioned the Ken Munford N7KM emailed his wished for a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting and begin the Christmas party at 6:41pm. Respectfully submitted

Bill Stenger K6QOGSecretary

Pictures indicate all who attended the meeting & Party.

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