rainmaker solutions sample donor profile

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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Donor profiling is the craft of interpreting the public wealth and values information available for a particular prospect, so the fundraiser can ask for the right amount at the right time.


Wealth Analysis & Solicitation Profile

Confidential Report Prepared for Ms. Dorothy SandersCumberland University – Charleston, SC

This is a fictional sample, based on an actual profile.

Giving Capacities Minimum Maximum

Maximum Gift (3-5 Years) $200,000 $250,000

Annual Fund $20,000 $40,000

Planned Gift $1,500,000 $2,500,000

Identified Assets Estimate

Compensation $1,350,403

Real Estate $935,152

Investments $1,887,000

Stocks Options $58,302

Source Level

Identified Net Worth $4,230,857 Rainmaker Minimum

Estimated Net Worth $1,000,000 Larkspur Minimum

(c) 2012 Rainmaker Solutions Ltd. Co. 2

Mr. Daniel MillerFormer CEO, Defense Engineers, Inc.Board Member,  Charleston Trade Association

Confirmed Primary Residence

104 Mallard Drive StreetJames Island, SC 29412Cell Phone: (843) 300‐4373 – Currently in Hilton Head, SCBorn: FrenchBirthdate:  March 6, 1946Age: 66, Retired 8/12Married wife: Helen, 60

(c) 2012 Rainmaier Solutions Ltd. Co. 3


Occupation:DefenseManufacturingExecutive Education:BAinEconomics,LesGrands Ecoles,Paris,France Certification:CertifiedPracticingAccountant,France.


CEO,Chairman,DefenseEngineers,Inc.,2008— retired8/12 President,DefenseEngineers,Inc.,2007— InterimCEO,DefenseEngineers,Inc.,2008 COO,French‐AmericanTradeAssociation SeniorVicePresidentofCorporateDevelopment,DefenseEngineersAssociation BoardDirectors,FifthRepublicEnterprises Associate,FrenchSocietyofAccountants

(c) 2012 Rainmaier Solutions Ltd. Co. 4

Daniel Miller was appointed President of Defense Engineers, Inc. in September 2007. He was appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer on February 1, 2008 and Chief Executive Officer on February 29, 2008. Miller has more than 30 years of senior management experience in operational management, reorganizations, acquisitions and business transformations.

From 2005 to 2007, Miller provided business and financial advisory services to privately-held businesses. Miller was the Chief Operating Officer at the French-American Trade Association and Senior Vice President of Corporate Development for Fifth Republic Enterprises – a mutual insurance company.

Miller received the designation of Certified Practicing Accountant (France) and became an Associate with the French Society of Accountants. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Les Grandes Ecoles in Paris, France. He retired from Defense Engineers in August, 2012. In retirement, he serves of the Board of the Charleston Trade Association, promoting economic development.

(c) 2012 Rainmaker Solutions Ltd. Co. 5




OtherobstaclestoanevaluationofMiller’swealthwerehisretirementin8/12,andthesimultaneousacquisitionofDefenseEngineersbyGeneralDefense.Hispreviousemployernolongerexists– andheisnolongerrequiredtodisclosehisrelatedstocktransactionstothepublic.

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Known Charitable Contributions

Recipient Gift Range Date

Charleston Technical College $2,500 - $5,000 2010 -2011

Montague Private Academy $1,000 - $2,000 2011 – 2012

Chief Interests Higher EducationMilitary Families

This slide provides a snapshot of confirmed, domestic charitable contributions, resulting from a rigorous search of two major, research databases of charitable contributions for Michael and/or Barbara Moody. Please see the next slide for a detailed philanthropic profile.

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WhilethearticlelaudsMr.MillerasageneroussupporterofmanyCharleston‐basedcommunityorganizations,Rainmaker’srigoroussearchoftwomajorcharitablegivingdatabasesyieldsonlytwocontributions– listedonthepreviousslide.



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