random tech quiz

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Tech quiz that I made for the Azad Quiz Club


Random Tech Quiz

X ~ N( μ , σ )


GaussGaussGauss: Unit of magnetic field Gaussian Curve

Gauss Gun

Gauss Map

Fill in the Blanks

Various trees are claimed to be "the" __X__ tree which __Y__ describes. The King's School, Grantham, claims that the tree was purchased by the school, uprooted and transported to the headmaster's garden some years later. The staff of the [now] National Trust-owned Woolsthorpe Manor dispute this, and claim that a tree present in their gardens is the one described by __Y__. A descendant of the original tree can be seen growing outside the main gate of Trinity College, Cambridge, below the room __Y__ lived in when he studied there. The National Fruit Collection at Brogdale can supply grafts from their tree, which appears identical to Flower of Kent, a coarse-fleshed cooking variety.

X – Apple Tree

Y – Newton

While we're on the topic, Who's X?

__X__'s mother argued strenuously that the ingestion was accidental, caused by her son's careless storage of laboratory chemicals. Biographer Andrew Hodges suggests that __X__ may have killed himself in an ambiguous way quite deliberately, to give his mother some plausible deniability. Others suggest that __X__ was re-enacting a scene from the 1938 film Snow White, his favourite fairy tale, pointing out that he took "an especially keen pleasure in the scene where the Wicked Witch <does something>."

Incidentally he was born in Orissa to a Civil Services officer and a chief engineer of the Madras Railways

Alan Turing

Identify this thingamajig

Steve Wozniack's “Blue” Box

An early phreaking tool, the blue box is an electronic device that simulates a telephone operator's dialing console. It functions by replicating the tones used to switch long-distance calls and using them to route the user's own call, bypassing the normal switching mechanism

More FIB

The name was inspired by the Firefly television series in which a _____ is an electronic communication (often consisting of a video call or video message). During the developer preview, a number of references were made to the series such as Lars Rasmussen replying to a message with "shiny", a word commonly used in the series to mean cool or good, and the crash message of _____ being a popular quotation from the series: "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!".

Google Wave

Whats Happening ?The video received widespread criticism as a marketing effort, and consideration was given as to whether it was intentionally bad, in order to generate content mo;cking it, or whether it was just poorly put together.

Barbara Lippert, ad critic for Adweek magazine stated "This is so beyond-belief bad that I just cannot believe it’s for real ... the script is so fake, with all the sales messages in there… if this is what they think is hip, it’s just so sad.

CNET described the video as looking "like the Food Network threw a cooking party only to have it geek out and go completely sideways"

Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist James Lileks said of the video: "If _____ had been put in charge of marketing sex, the human race would have ended long ago, because no one would be caught dead doing something that uncool

What is being described here?

________ is world famous. A roving random distributed denial of service attack before which web, network and systems administrators alike quake and have terrible nightmares about.

The _______ is a website whose URL was chosen to confuse those who tried to pronounce the URL.

The Slashdot Effect



Hints Available. Guy on the left is involved in some breaking news.

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

Ken Thompson is one of the architects for Google's GO Programming Language

Long Exposure Shot of what?

Roomba Vaccum Cleaner


Bad Passowrds

ncc1701 – The Ship Number of Starship Enterprise

thx1138 – First Movie directed by George Lucas

ou812 – Van Halen Album


The Freedom Toaster

Booth to burn you an Ubuntu CD

Live Long and Prosper

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