rapha house requests

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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A Christian organization is moving out of Haiti. They have invested over a million dollars in their property that they’re offering to us for $750,000. Their compound is tailor-made to be a Rapha safe house. Situated in a resort area, this turnkey, three-acre property includes tall, concrete security walls, and:

• elevencottagesforthechildren• school/churchbuildingwithsixclassrooms,

two offices and a protected play area for the children

• sixlargemetalgates• satellitetransmitterandreceiverforinternet• 20,000gallonwatertank• severalstoragebuildings• about200fruitandfloweringtrees• 40panelsolarelecticsystemwithinverters• threedieselgenerators• tenpassengerToyotavan,fourwheeldrive

4RunnerandaNissanfivepassengertruck.All of these components make for a beautiful and safe place for child victims to heal. Together, we can begin to change the landscape of the cultural slavery epidemic in Haiti. However, we can’t do this without your help.

ExploitedchildreninHaitiandThailanddeserveprotection and justice. We have plenty of experiencewithsecuringinvestmentsinthedeveloping world. We have a proven track record and understand due diligence. We also recognize a good deal when we see one. Securing these properties is a good deal. It’s an incredible opportunityforRaphaHousetoexpanditsoutreach in these regions. These facilities would make it possible for us to do just that. The girls that we serve are worth it.

Rapha House will be able to serve 50 child victims

in each of these compounds. We are asking our partners to make this possible for Rapha girls—notjustforthegirlswhowillfindsafetytoday,butfor all the girls needing help tomorrow!

With your heart and God’s help, this is totally doable. If 100 churches, businesses, or individuals gave$14,000,thesegirlsandotherslikethemwouldfindfreedom.Fourteenhundredpeoplecould save these children for just $1,000. About 25,000peoplesawourFacebookpostsrecently.Ifeachgavejust$56,thesegirlswouldbesaved.Nogift is too small when given with a heart of love. Let’s make this happen together!

So we ask, “Is she worth it?” We both know the answer.

Please give generously to help us purchase these safe houses in Thailand and Haiti. Stand with us in saying, “She’s worth it!”

Dear Friend of Rapha House,

Haveyoueverbeenscaredandexcitedatthesametime?Believe me, I know the feeling. That’s what I’m feeling right now as I think about how God is leading us at the present.

Let me tell you why I’m excited. Recently, two incredible opportunities have opened up for us —one in Thailand and the other in Haiti.

As you know, we already have an established work in Thailand; but the challenge that we’re facing there is with our rented facility. It’s always costing us more and more money for what seems to be a never-ending list of maintenance issues and repairs. Besides, the security of that compound is not up to our standards for the work that we’re doing with girls who have been rescued from criminals.

NowawordaboutHaiti.WehavetheexecutiveleadershiponthegroundinHaititobegindevelopingour work there. We’ve been given the green light from the government to start working in a country whereupto500,000childrenarelivinginslavery,manyservingthesexindustrythere.


Recently, within the span of a few weeks, two separate ministries—one in Thailand and the other in Haiti—have contacted me to see if we are interested in their facilities. These compounds and locations areabsolutelyperfectforourwork!WhenIthinkofthesefacilitiesfilledwithrescuedgirlswhohavethechancetobekidsagain,Igetexcited.

Want more updates about Rapha House? Sign up for email updates at www.raphahouse.org.

Letter from Stephanie

Our new documentary, “Finding Home,” is a compelling story featuring three Rapha girls and a great way to share with others the hope that Rapha House is bringing to trafficked girls. Watch the trailer, and order your DVD at http://findinghomefilm.com. Support our “She’s Worth It!” safe house campaign.

www.raphahouse.org www.raphahouse.org

RH Special Message Final.indd 1 3/5/14 10:19 PM

Whatfurtherexcitesmeisthefactthatbothoftheseministriesbelievein our work so greatly that they are offering their facilities to us at an incredibly discounted price—hundreds of thousands of dollars below fair-marketvalue.Andthatexcitesme.

Both of these facilities will go a long way to further establishing Rapha House—a ministry that you’ve made possible—as an international leader in combating human trafficking. With God’s grace, you and our churches have built an incredible ministry. Glory to God!

Now here’s where I get afraid. (I know that I shouldn’t be, but I can’thelpmyself.)WhenIlookatthe1.4milliondollarpricetag,Ifeeloverwhelmed. I know that He’s a big God and with His favor, we can raise this funding! Jehovah Rapha loves these girls more than we do. AndHeworksintheheartsofindividualsjustlikeyoutoexpressthatlove. We need your help to continue to save these children. That has alwaysbeenthecase.RaphaHouseexistsbecauseofyou.That’struenow more than ever.

So here’s what I’m asking you to do.Firstandforemost,praythat God will open the way for us to secure both these properties andthatwewillbefirmlyinHiswill.Second,weareaskingYOUtobe our campaigners. We don’t want to hire a campaign company. We are asking you to stand shoulder to shoulder with us to make this opportunity a reality! We are asking you to go to your church, to your missions committee, to your circle of friends and influence, to your family members, and advocate in a huge way for these children.

Bytheway,ifyousensethatGodisleadingyoutoexploremorewaystogetinvolved,contactouroffice(417-621-0373;freedom@raphahouse.org); and we’ll discuss ways to put you to work in your area.AsinthedaysofNehemiah,thewallwasbuiltbrick-by-brickbecause the people had a mind to work together on a common, worthy goal.Finally,I’maskingforyouandyourchurchtogiveastheLordleads—eventogivesacrificially.Weneedyourcommitmentoverandabove your normal giving to Rapha House. I need to be very clear. We can’t afford to lose a penny of our monthly support. If you are a monthly giving partner, our programs literally depend on your gifts. This must be above and beyond our monthly partnership.

Most of you, this side of eternity, will never meet the girls that you

help. But one day, in eternity, you will see them face-to-face. Then you will know the full value of the investment that you’ve made today.

Yes,I’mscared.ButI’mmoreexcitedthanscared.I’mexcitedtoseewhatGodisgoingtodonextthroughourministry—aministrythatyou have helped build for these girls. Please join with me in bringing freedom, hope, and Christ to a whole new generation of girls longing to be free. We know that they’re worth it!

With deep appreciation and love,

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Letter from Stephanie (cont.)

Did you know that according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that each human trafficking victim in Cambodia and Thailand generates up to $45,000 in gross revenue for the trafficker? That’s what these kids are worth to criminals. Nowondertraffickersworksohardtokeepkids in slavery. It’s money in their pockets.

Did you also know that we have a tremendous opportunity to purchase hope and freedom for girls in Thailand and Haiti? However, we have to act fast. We need to act now. And we need to act together if we’re going to get this done.

Rapha House Thailand Facts—We have rented a safe house facility in Thailand for the past four years. But this rental isn’t working out for us. The building has serious maintenance problems. And security is a big problem. We do all that we can to keep our girls safe. But we’re up against criminal thugs who stand to lose big whenever we free a

girlfromexploitationandwin justice for her. We could do so much more with our ownfacility.Ourgirlsareworth it.

So here’s the opportunity. Another mission agency in Thailand is planning to sell their building and property that’s valued at $900,000.

Because they’re sympathetic to our work, they’reofferingitfirsttousfor$650,000withthe stipulation that it is paid in full by the end of the year. And until the property is paid in full, we will not be able to move our Rapha girls in Thailand to this secure compound.

This is a beautiful facility in the area of NorthernThailandwherewehavealreadydeveloped the important government, legal, and police relationships which are crucial to our work. The property sits just outside a major city with close access to police help. The property is fully developed and comes fully loaded:

• cottagesforthechildrentocallhome• administrativebuildingsforoffices,

school, counseling, and vocational training programs

• commercialgradeelectricity—whichisnot common in Thailand

• water• developedroadstoandthroughthe

property• twofootballfieldsizedpondswhichare

fullystockedwithfish• andnumerousfruittrees,sincethe

property was once an orchard.This property is a secure and beautiful place to heal. It’s an opportunity to not only survive but to thrive. Sitting on eleven acres, there’s plenty of room here for future development as well.

Rapha House Haiti Facts—According to theUSStateDepartment,therecouldbeasmany as 500,000 children living in slavery in Haiti.Manyofthesechildrenwillbesexuallyexploitedandsextrafficked.Forthepastsixmonths,RaphaHousehashadexecutivestaffon the ground in Haiti successfully shoring up our legal standing in the country and gaining permission to do this important work. We arenowintheprocess(phase2)oftrainingour trauma-focused staff. This is an intense time of preparation. By the end of summer, , we will be receiving referrals of children who havebeensexuallyexploitedandenslaved(phase3).

Working in Haiti has many challenges and obstacles. The struggling legal system in Haiti isflawedandcorrupt.Althoughtherearemany good people trying to effect change in the system, the dangers of rescuing children and promoting justice for victims will be a monumental task. This is dangerous work, but our incredible staff is sold out and committed. We need a safe place for our children to live and a safe place for our staff to work.

Is She Worth It?

Our safe houses function as the “epicenter” of our work. Investing in these facilities does more than helping the girls that we currently serve in our safe houses. These compounds open the door for us to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of other exploited and vulnerable children through prevention and social work efforts.


Continued on back.


RH Special Message Final.indd 2 3/5/14 10:19 PM

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