rapid rush of clients checklist - amazon s3 · facebook ads, lead magnets etc. takes too much time....

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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© Jump Start Coaching Academy - All Rights Reserved – 2017


Jump Start Checklist


How to Get a…

Rapid Rush of Clients …within the Next 48 Hours

Using these Email Scripts!

Jump Start Coaching Academy

© Jump Start Coaching Academy - All Rights Reserved – 2017


Intro: Hey Coach! Welcome to the Rapid Rush of Clients Checklist. Use the following scripts and templates to bring in an immediate influx of clients to your business within the next 48 hours. If you missed it, be sure to check out the quick video training that accompanies this checklist. It will tell you why the scripts work and the psychology behind it. When you know this information you’ll be better prepared to tailor each of these action steps below to your own unique scenario. This will lead to better results NOW and in the future when you use them again and again! Here is the video to watch now: https://youtu.be/vOc-zWVHl2E IMPORTANT: Please remember, what you’re about to implement is great to get a few quick wins & clients in your coaching business. However, please don’t be confused. What you are implementing are TACTICS. Tactics provide short-term solutions. If you want a consistent flow of clients for years to come, what you’re looking for is a STRATEGY you can implement that works… OVER and OVER again. Tactics will not provide this for you. A predictable, certain and secure marketing strategy will. So once you’ve gone through the below checklist to bring in a rapid rush of clients, make sure you show up for our webinar on…

The 48-Hour Client

How We Simple Automation to Find, Attract & Sign $1,000 to $10,000 Clients in 48 Hours

This will give you the strategy you need to get clients over and over again for years to come. Enjoy! -Luke & Jim

© Jump Start Coaching Academy - All Rights Reserved – 2017


1. The 15 Minute Filter Call We first learnt this tactic from world-renowned coach Taki Moore on Luke’s podcast – The Coach Marketing Podcast. If you listen to episode #28 the way Taki uses this short, 15-minute call is to get people on the phone from cold traffic after they’ve opted in to a lead magnet (he calls it a ‘Triage Call’ as an FYI). Basically it goes Facebook Ad à Lead Magnet (i.e. Free Report) à Pitch for 15 Min. Filter Call. And because it’s only a 15-minute call there’s a much higher sign up rate as there’s less fear in the prospects mind of being ‘sold’ to and pressured. After all – can you really sell someone in 15 minutes who’s never met you? No! And that’s the point! BUT… you can quickly find out whether they’re a good candidate or not – and that’s ALSO the point! It’s a great strategy HOWEVER, we’re NOT going to use Taki’s approach. Setting up Facebook Ads, Lead magnets etc. takes too much time. What we’ve found is that this approach works brilliant for your own list/network. Even if that list is small. With a simple email you can get people signed up to your 15-Min. Filter Call… …you can find out whether they’re a good candidate or not, and if they are… …you can invite them to your longer sales call. The end goal here is to get someone in your longer sales call so you can sign them up to your program. And on that note: ALL these strategies require you to speak with someone on the phone. Why? Because it’s the FASTEST way for you to sign a client. You COULD create a webinar or sales presentation – but you want clients within the next 48 hours right? Right! So here’s the process… Email Promo for 10 Min. Triage Call à 10 Min. Triage Call à Longer Sales Call

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1. Email Promo for 15 Min. Filter Call

Send the following script to your email list OR send it to prospects you know would love this (i.e. those you’ve met at a networking event, FB/LinkedIn Group, Online Forum etc.) Script 1: Email Subject Line: [NOTICE] Limited offer… Email Body: Hey #NAME#, Are you still looking to [ACHIEVE/GET XYZ OUTCOME]? If so I’ve got a special and limited offer for you… Right now for a limited time you can register for a 15 minute [INSERT SEXY NAME i.e. Business Breakthrough Session, Get Hired Now Session, Relationship Reconnection Session etc.] with me to see if I can help you move forward. Nothing for sale. Just seeing if I can help - but a heads up… These will fill up fast! This opportunity is extremely rare and limited due to the intense 1-on-1 time needed. So if that interests you, you’ll want to get booked in with me now. All you have to do click this link to schedule an appointment>>> (Insert link to your calendar booking system i.e. Vcita.com) [Your Name] P.S. If you skipped to the bottom, here's the deal... I'm offering a 15 Minute Session to a limited number of people who want to [ACHIEVE/GET XYZ OUTCOME]. Nothing for sale. Just seeing if I can help. Spots will fill up fast so if that interests you… click the link to get scheduled>>> (Insert link to your calendar booking system i.e. Acuity Scheduling)

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Script 2: Here’s another script you can use/make your own. It’s great for special occasions like the turn of the year/season, special holiday etc. Email Subject Line: [NOTICE] Limited offer… Email Body: Do you want to turn your [Insert Your Topic] business around in 2017? I don't know your story [FIRST NAME], but I do know there are A LOT of people still struggling to [Insert Their Major Problem] bring in a consistent flow of clients. And if that's you, I want to help. I don't want you to go through the same crap in 2017 as you did this year. In fact, I don't want you to go another minute wasting time on [Insert Major Frustrations] marketing that brings in barely any clients, steals you away from your family, and keeps you on that up and down anxiety rollercoaster. So that's why for the next few days I'm offering a limited amount of people a 15 minute 1-on-1 session with me. There is nothing to sell here. Just seeing how I can help you turn things around and make 2017 your best year yet for your [Insert Your Topic]. This is a first come first served offer, and is strictly limited to the first [X NUMBER] 50 people. If you want one of those spots, go here now and book a time on my calendar>>> I look forward to seeing you on our call. [Your Name]

2. 15-Min. Filter Call When you first get on the phone with your prospect make sure to you take the lead from the outset. Start by reminding them this is simply a 15-minute call to see IF you can help them by asking a few questions (you are NOT give them advice. You’re just asking a few question to see IF they’re a good fit). If you CAN’T, you’ll let them know and do your best to point them in the right direction.

© Jump Start Coaching Academy - All Rights Reserved – 2017


If you CAN, you’ll let them know you will book another time to talk. Here are the 6 questions as taught by Taki to figure out whether the prospect is a good fit: 1. Why now? What’s going on in their world to make this a “now” conversation? 2. Why me? Why do they think you’re the person to call? 3. The gap: What’s the gap between their reality and the results they want? 4. What’s broken: What specifically is broken, missing, or not working? 5. What they need: What they want to you to help them with. 6. Priority: is this a later thing or a sooner thing? After you’ve probed with the above questions simply repeat back to them what you believe are their top 3 problems i.e… - You want result but obstacle. - You have problem and it’s costing impact - You don’t have desired thing and it’s hurting you because cause From there you’ll know whether they’re a prospect you want to go deeper with in your longer sales conversation. Now is the time to politely reject and guide them as best you can or… …politely invite them to that next step 45min+ Discovery or Strategy Session (longer sales call) to sign them!

3. Discovery/Strategy Session This is your regular enrolment/sales call.

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2. The Reactivation Reach-Out When it comes to making easy sales (or getting the ‘low hanging fruit’) there’s no better place to go than those that have ALREADY bought from you before. Why? Because they already TRUST you, AND they already understand the immense value your products/services provide – because they’ve experienced them. Therefore, they’re much more likely to by from you again and again. The goal with this strategy is to again, get a past client onto a longer sales call. However, we first need to find out whether they need or want our help. Here’s how we do it…

1. Make a List of ALL Past Clients

2. Reach Out to Past Clients Individually Using the Below Script Email Subject Line: Chat? Hey [First Name], Long time no speak! (Optional line if you haven’t spoken in a while) I just saw XYZ on your ‘social media’ profile and it reminded me I wanted to ask you something! (This gives you a reason to reach out – important) I’m in the midst of creating a new coaching program to help past clients. The reason why is because what I find is (INSERT A COMMON PROBLEM PAST CLIENT’S FACE AFTER THEY’VE WORKED WITH YOU i.e. Maybe you helped them reconnect their marriage but now some couples want to be out of debt or crappy career, or maybe they’re looking to take their relationship to a new level etc.). So here’s my challenge… The program is brand new and I haven’t showed it to anybody. So I’d really appreciate your insights/feedback because you fit my ‘ideal client’ client I like to work with :)

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I’d love for you to be able to tell me if there’s anything missing in my new program you think would be helpful for future clients. Or if there’s anything you wouldn’t put in there. Secondly, there’s no sales pitch here. If after looking over the program it does appeal to you, we can talk about the accompanying case study/beta test program on another call. So if you’re up for it, the next steps are simple… All we’d do is jump on a quick 10 minute call and I’ll run you through the program and you give me your feedback. That’s it. Let me know and I look forward to hearing from you [First Name]. -Your Name P.S. I’m available tomorrow from 00:00 to 00:00, and the day after from 00:00 to 00:00 If either of those times work let me know :)

3. Create Outline of Your New Program If they say yes, book them in and get to work on creating your new program. NO you don’t have to create the whole program overnight! All you need to know is… 1. The problem you’re helping them overcome (you wrote it in the email) 2. The steps they need to take to overcome it 3. An outline of your coaching/consulting program to help them take those steps (i.e. how many sessions will they need, what training will they need, if any? Etc.) 4. The outcome and benefits your program will provide to your client

4. Tell them about your program Do exactly as you said you would. Don’t try to sell them. Don’t be attached to the outcome of whether they’ll become a client or not. If they resonate with what you’ve told them about the program, simply invite them to your Discovery or Strategy Session to see if it might be a good fit for your ‘beta’ program.

5. Discovery/Strategy Session for Beta Program

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3. The 11 Word Email

This is one of the more brilliant and effective marketing tactics we’ve ever come across. Don’t let its simplicity fool you – it IS powerful and it does work. We first came across it while listening to Dean Jackson and Joe Polish over on the I Love Marketing podcast show. Their brilliant little tactic has been responsible for 100’s of coaches on our list getting clients. (We know because they write in all the time!) Here’s what you gotta do if you want the same…

1. Create A List of All Past Prospects Like the previous 2 approaches, you’ll want to use this one with prospects who’ve already enquired with you, or have shown an interest in something you offer. These are past prospects you’ve had a conversation with about your services, particularly those you’ve communicated to via email or LinkedIn/FB Chat. So make a list of ALL the prospects you’ve had back and forth email or phone conversations with that haven’t signed up, dating back 60 days and over.

You’ll reach out to these people using the template below and “REPLYING” to your last email with them (if you don’t have a past email use the other template below).

P.S. You’ll also send out the template below to your email list for those prospects who have been on there for 60 days and over.

2. Send Email to Past Prospects and Email List Send this email template to past prospects by replying to last email conversation/FB or LinkedIn chat Subject Line: RE: Last Conversation Email Body: #NAME#,

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Are you still looking to/for… INSERT THEIR DESIRED OUTCOME Your Name Examples: Subject Line: RE: Last Conversation Email Body: Sally, Are you still looking for healthy eating plans? Luke Subject Line: RE: Last Conversation Email Body: Sally, Are you still looking to improve your tax returns? Luke Subject Line: John (Use their name when you send to email list) Email Body: John, Are you still looking to get more clients? Luke Subject Line: Bill Email Body: Bill, Are you still looking to change careers?

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Luke This is the one we personally use: Subject Line: #NAME# Email Body: #NAME#, Are you still looking to grow your coaching business? -Luke IMPORTANT: There is a reason WHY they signed up to your email list, or had that conversation with you… …is because they wanted some sort of problem solved to achieve some sort of certain outcome. What is that outcome? That is what goes on the second line. By the way – NO it doesn’t have to be 11 words perfectly. It’s not a hard and fast rule. But YES it does have to be short and succinct. Keep it under 15 words. The power in this email comes from the fact that it looks like it has come from or has been written by a friend. Read that line again. It’s not long, typical type of marketing messages you usually see. That’s why it works so well!

3. 10 Minute Triage Call Notice how like with the other approaches – you’re not asking them to buy. You’re simply finding out if they’re still looking to solve the problem you originally inquired about. If you aren’t – great! At least now you know J If they ARE – even better! Now you can invite them to a triage call just like above.

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Get them on the phone for 10 minutes, tell them there’s nothing for sale, and that you’re simply finding out whether you can help. If you find they’re a good fit after asking those six questions, invite them to your next step…

4. Discovery/Strategy Session


So there you have it! 3 incredibly powerful tactics you can implement within the next 48 hours to bring in a rapid rush of clients!

Please remember again, these tactics are great to get a few quick wins & clients into your coaching/consulting business. However, please don’t be confused. What you are implementing are TACTICS. Tactics provide short-term solutions. If you want a consistent flow of clients for years to come, what you’re looking for is a STRATEGY you can implement that works… OVER and OVER again. Tactics will not provide this for you. A predictable, certain and secure marketing strategy will. So make sure you’re all set for our webinar on…

The 48-Hour Client

How We Simple Automation to Find, Attract & Sign $1,000 to $10,000 Clients in 48 Hours

This will give you the strategy you need to get clients over and over again for years to come. -Luke & Jim

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