rasa of ausar’s spiritual teachers, ramaji, found that all enlightened beings vibrate at a level...

Post on 13-Jun-2018






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“Vivamus et metus.”

Divine Descent of Grace


What is Rasa?

The Name ‘Rasa’ in the Vedic

tradition represents the state of

love intoxication with the Divine,

that state of Bliss where You and

the Divine are one the Same.

The Rasa transmission is

designed to teleport you

permanently into that eternal

state where the Self is Realized

to be One with the Ultimate

Reality. It is literally the divine

descent of Grace and Supreme


Light which awakens one to the

Eternal Self. Though the RASA

specifically designed for seekers

of Self Realization and

Enlightenment, everyone can

receive RASA and still benefit.

RASA simply invokes the divine

grace to purify, cleanse and

raise the one’s consciousness

until the one perceives no

difference between one’s

consciousness and the Supreme



How Does RASA Work?

The RASA is programmed to

directly work on the Crown

Chakra and open it to the

experience of enlightenment

or Shivoham, the state

where one experiences the

truth of “I am Shiva, I am

That Causeless Auspicious

Consciousness that Alone



The RASA first begins to work on

expanding the crown chakra and

then the crown Chakra is

connected to the divine grace to

begin the download of Divine

Light, blessings, and the

experience of Enlightenment. The

method whereby this is achieved is

only known by Ausar who is giving

the RASA. When the supreme

consciousness touches the crown

chakra, one’s Kundalini Shakti, or

one’s inherent life force, that lays

dormant at the bottom of the

spine begins to awaken and travel

upward. In traditional Vedic

terminology, when Shiva touches

one’s crown chakra, Devi, or the

divine mother, who is wedded to

Shiva’s is awakened simply by the

touch of her Lord. It is to be noted

that this is a side-effect of the RASA

blessing, and that the


enlightenment given by the RASA is

directly through opening of the

crown chakra by the Cosmic Soul,

which though is al-pervading, can

directly be downloaded into the

crown chakra of soul by an

already awakened consciousness.

When the Crown Chakra is fully

open and connected to the

Divine, the ego or feeling of

separation can remain no more,

and one merges into the Oneness.

One constantly will feel one’s life-

force stabilized at the top of one’s

head, and the divine light

constantly pervading through

one’s body through the top of

ones head and through the third

eye like soft nectarous clouds.

One’s body will loose its solidity

and will feel dissolved into space

as clouds dissolve into the sky



What are some typical experience that one may have

during the RASA blessing?

Though no experience is guaranteed with RASA other

than the complete opening of ones crown chakra

and Realization of the Self, many who receive RASA

report various mystical phenomena. Many experience

a cool feeling entering the top of the head and

pervading the body. As the Kundalini Shakti is

activated as a bi-product of the descent of divine

grace, some report seeing various gold or white lights

and vibration in their third eye. Some may have

visions of various Gods, including Lord Shiva, Lord

Vishnu or the Divine mother. Some individuals have

had visions of their pqst life. Some see Some have no

experience and just feel relaxation and peace.


What is the Level of Consciousness system?

One of Ausar’s spiritual teachers, Ramaji, found that all

enlightened beings vibrate at a level of Consciousness of

1000, which correlates to an completely open crown

chakra. It can be explained easily this way: The cosmic

Soul (which is LOC 1000) reflects on the mirror of the

individual soul (ego, thoughts, patterns, desires) which

enlivens the individual soul making it experience Life.

However the cosmic Soul can only reflect purely and

cleanly though the mirror of the individual soul if the mirror

is without the dirt of the ego (ego I thought, root of the

mind, and delusion of birth and death). Based on the

amount of ‘ego’ or ‘mental tendencies’ and ‘thoughts per

second’, the light of the Cosmic Soul which is always LOC

1000 appears to be dimmed (though in actuality it can

never be dimmed) as it reflects through the mirror of the

individual soul. The average human being on the planet

reflects an LOC of around 218. When spirituality begins in a

individual, the individual reflects the LOC of higher than

500. One’s first ego death and experience of no-real-

individual self happens at LOC 600. However the ego-I-

thought (root of mind and delusion of birth and death)

only happens at LOC 1000. More info can be found on


Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.

The enlightened avatar with which who’s grace Ausar realized the Self.


IS RASA safe?

RASA is completely 100% Safe. While

most healings, include some transfer

of karma from the one giving the

transmission, RASA involves no transfer

of Karma because the energy that is

transmitted is comes from the soul of

the individual receiving the


Where does RASA come from:

Ausar gained the knowledge to

transmit the RASA from one of his

spiritual teacher’s Ramaji (Ramaji.org)

who authorized him to transmit Rasa

to others. However the full force of all

Ausar’s spiritual master’s are present

in the RASA. Ausar pays full respect

and gratitude to Bhagavan Sri

Ramana Maharshi, Sri Paramahamsa

Nithyananda, and Sri Swami

Vishwananda, with which whose

grace Ausar became established in

the Self, and is able to transmit the

RASA experience.


The Rasas gave me so fare are the proof that Reality is beyond what people always consider as such. During Rasa I keep my eues closed and Ausar stands before me. What happens from that point onwards is hard or impossible to believe unless you are receiving it.(The assumption here is that I'm trying to punto into words sensations that transcended the mind). At the very beginning I'm always pervaded by a feeling of peacefulness that usually takes me a while to achieve during meditation. The sequence of the experiences that follow vary depending on Ausar. In any case, expansiveness is one of them: it's preceded by pleasant wamth radiating from the chest towards the hands and the head. I feel like my body ceased to have physical boundaries and blew up undefinitely. This is also accompanied by temporary deep darkness and silence. Beautiful. At times I feel tingling on top of my head that starts very lightly but spreads steadily first longitudinally then as if it was concentric ripples on water. Eventually it reaches the sides and the back of my head. Then I feel warmth and deep calmness.> After the first Rasa the top of my head was no longer there. There was no lid keeping me in the physical case. The second time I realized that I could see my Self as an isolated entity from the Ego to an extent I never experienced before. The thoughts were foreign objects I could observe unaffected."

Silvo – Bio-chemist professor at City College.

I am completely new to spirituality and honestly I was very skeptical. I wasn’t even so sure I wanted so called enlightenment. However as soon as the Rasa started I noticed something different happened. There was this ‘cool’ feeling entering me from the top of my head, like glistening water. I thought Ausar had touched my head with something, but later he explained he did not physically touch my head at all. I starting seeing a white light, and then a blue point right in the middle. The cold water feeling pervading my body and I felt relaxed and at peace. I saw a vision of some higher beings resembling gods. After wards I felt tingles and electricity all over my body. It was quite startling. Ausar explained that it was my Kundalini Shakti being awakened for the first time. I honestly could not believe I felt what I felt, I never knew such phenomena were possible.

From Chloe – student at ASA college.

How many times do I need to receive RASA to experience Enlightenment?

It is highly possible that if one is spiritually available and carries a deep yearning for the Self, one may need only one RASA to establish oneself in Enlightenment permanently. However RASA is designed to raise your Level of Consciousness by the very nature of its programming. It is highly likely that one will stabilize in enlightened frequencies above LOC 600 after one or two RASA’s even beyond the effort of the individual. It is guaranteed that if one continues to receive RASA on an weekly or monthly basis, with personal meditational effort, one will, beyond any doubt, be established in the

enlightened state of LOC 1000.

Ausar is an Self-Realized and Enlightened Soul who transmits the

experience of the Universal Self to all who desire to realize the

basic questions of "who am I?", "where do I come from?" and

"where am I going to?". When one's true Cosmic

Identity manifests, these questions dissolve and one becomes

steady in one's eternal state of freedom, bliss and peace, beyond

all pain and suffering. Ausar is here to establish everyone in their

original state of enlightenment, as this is the only real goal of the

human life, the only happiness that can never be taken away.

Ausar offers transmission of this state via the RASA transmission and

direct one-to-one guidance for spiritual seekers who seek to

realize the Self in this lifetime.


Contact information:

The Spiritual Heart Center:

Phone: 917-940-5304

Website: Ausar.org

Email: ausar.satsang@gmail.com

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