ray hartmann shabbat service - congregation … 2014... · paul and carol gusdorf walter and ruth...

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2 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


Friday, October 31, 2014

6:00 p.m. Shabbat Worship

(Note earlier start time)Torah Portion: Lech L’Cha

Saturday, November 1, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

Friday, November 7, 2014

6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat

7:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship with Chavurat

Shira Choir

Torah Portion: Lech L’cha

Saturday, November 8, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

Friday, November 14, 2014

6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg

6:30 p.m. Shabbat B’Shir

Guest Speaker: Ray Hartmann

Torah Portion: Vayeira

Saturday, November 15, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

11:00 a.m. Shabbat Worship

Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Melnick

son of Steven and Leslie Melnick

Friday, November 21, 2014

6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg

6:30 p.m. Learners’ Shabbat & Birthday Blessings

Torah Portion: Toldot

Saturday, November 22, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

Friday, November 28, 2014

6:00 p.m. Shabbat Worship

(Note earlier start time)Torah Portion: Vayeitzei

Saturday, November 29, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bible Study

11:00 a.m. Shabbat Worship

Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Goldberg

daughter of Paul and Susan K. Goldberg


SHABBAT SERVICEJoin us for a special Shabbat on Friday, November 14.

Immediately following our 6:30 p.m. Shabbat B’Shir

service in song, distinguished journalist and Temple

Israel member Ray Hartmann, the CEO/owner of

St. Louis Magazine and a weekly combatant on the

Nine Network of Public Media’s Donnybrook show,

will speak on “Ferguson: Where are we Now?”

We hope you will join us for what is sure to be an

informative and thought-provoking program.


Are you celebrating a birthday in November?

If so, be sure to join us for Shabbat worship

on Friday, November 21, at 6:30 p.m.

All adults and children with November birthdays

will be called to the bimah to receive a special birthday

blessing from the rabbis.

We look forward

to celebrating with you!

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 3 page


Leonard and Audrey Adreon

Rabbi Michael Alper and

Rabbi Amy Feder

Thomas and Rachel Andreasson

Lloyd and Harriette Arkin

Randy and Cathy Arst

Joshua Badders and

Pam Becker Weilitz

Fred and Joy Balis

Barry and Susan Barber

Theodore and Corinne Baumgarten

William Becker

Alex Belotserkovsky

Igor and Raisa Belotserkovsky

Alex Berger III and Cynthia Berger

Robert and Patricia Bernstein

Maxine Blatt

Ruth Block

Jeanne Bloom

Jonathan and Patty Bloom

Harry Bluestein

Ivan and Linda Blumoff

Max Breadman

Max and Betty Bridge

Marcia Broddon

Donna Brodsky

Jeff Brown and Amy Fenster Brown

Ronald Brown

Byron Brownstein

Robert Burg

Gary and Kim Bussard

David and Jody Chassin

Edward and Carol Cohen

Kay Cohen

Stanley and Phyllis Cohen

Harold and Paula Colton

Jerrold Comensky

Richard and Mary Dalton

Michael and Pamela Dern

Eugene and Lee Deutsch

Jack and Ellen Deutsch

Eagle Accounting and Tax Solutions

Rita Eiseman

Charles Elbert and

Karen Berry Elbert

Allan and Susan Epstein

Beverly Faber

Aaron and Sandra Fenster

Marjorie Fenster

Michael and Carla Feuer

Ryan and Laura Fields

Jed Filler and Lisa Frieband Filler

Barron Finer

Mitchell and Jayme Fingerman

Terrence and Pepe Finn

William and Dorothy Firestone

Ed and Susan Fliesher

Sam and Marilyn Fox

Julius and Susan Frager

Rita Freed

Sarijane Freiman

Robert and Maryellen Freund

Sonny Friedman

high holy days2014

HIGH HOLY DAY APPEAL DONORS (Received as of October 14, 2014)

We hope you enjoyed being “back home” for the High Holy Days in our beautiful new Gall Family Sanctuary.

More exciting transformations of our worship and gathering spaces are coming soon! Our High Holy Day services

were a tremendous success thanks to the generosity of our donors and the incredible work of our planning team,

our dedicated ushers, greeters, and volunteers, and our Temple leadership and staff.

John and Annette Fudemberg

Burton Garland, Jr. and Amy Garland

David Geddes and Sheila Stanton

David Gitt

Stanley and Janice Gitt

Edward and Dorette Goldberg

Paul and Susan K. Goldberg

Marvin Goldfarb

Robert and Cathy Goldsticker

Stanley and Bette Goodman

Mitchell Grand

Morton and Joyce Green

Ted and Laura Greenberg

Ralph and Shirley Grosberg

Matthew Gross and

Tracy Goldberg-Gross

Paul and Carol Gusdorf

Walter and Ruth Gusdorf

Chuck Halpern

Harvey and Judy Harris

David and Renee Hartstein

Eric and Sari Hausler

Carolyn Henges

Ralph Herzmark

Kenneth Hirsch and Scott Davis

Douglas and Marilyn Hubert

Linda Hyken

Michael and Michelle Isserman

David Jacobson

Dale and Marcie Kalina

Nancy Kalishman

Joel and Carol Kamil

David and Barbara Kantrovitz

Michael and Jodi Kaplan

Sidney Katz and Joy Lending

Ben and Rosalind Kessler

Earl and Essie Kessler

Larry and Deanna Kiel

Jonathan and Sally King

Richard and Susan Kofkoff

Alene Kopolow

Leslie Koppel Gitel

William and Peggy Kornfein

Alan Koshner

Edward and Judith Koshner

Judi Kramer

Eugene and Joan Kraus

David and Martha Kreipke

Carol Lasker

Suzanne Lasky

Gary and Frances Lazaroff

Jeffrey Leffron

Benjamin and Lois Lefton

Robert and Marlene Lefton

Hans and Valerie Levi

Jeffrey and Louise Levine

Constance Levy

Eleanor Levy

Mont and Karen Levy

Sally S. Levy

Stanley Levy

Joe and Minnette Liberman

Larry and Elizabeth Linkon

Michael and Lynne Lippmann

Rob Litz and Nancy Nix Rice

Louise Losos and Beth Wiggins

Leslye Louis

Kenneth and Loren Ludmerer

Jeff and Andrea Lyell

Debbie Manne

Neil and Ricki Marglous

Sidney Martin and Marjorie Ross Martin

Marti Maurer

Betsy Mehlman

Mark and Debi Mehlman

James and Sheila Mills

Morton Mitchell

Cary and Dee Mogerman

Donald and Sallie Mogerman

Ronald and Stephanie Moidel

Eli Montague and Sheryl Breadman

William and Susan Moriconi

Leslie Nackman

Jan Nykin

Alise O’Brien, Architectural Photography

Drew and Julie Olschansky

Bob and Kathy Ortbals

Robert and Lori Ortbals

Aaron and Frala Osherow

Michael and Diane Packman

Jay and Heather Padratzik

Edwin and Lenore Pepper

Ella Raber

Daniel and Amanda Radman

Merri Raphan

Jake and Leslie Reby

Scott and Stephanie Rhea

Herman and Hildegard Rochman

Ken and Judy Rothman

Betsy Rubenstein

Denny Rubin and Marilyn Berger Rubin

Timothy and Marla Ruff

Gary Sacks

Maya Samoylovich

Barbara Sandmel

Geraldine Schiller

Harold and Dorothy Schneider

Benjamin Schulein Jr. and Lenore Schulein

Debbie Schultz

Arnold and Louise Schwab

4 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE

Daniel and Joanne Schwartz

Julian and Helen Seeherman

Jeremy and Beth Shook

Bernadine Shuman

Joseph Silverman

David and Barbara Smith

Robert and Elizabeth Snidman

Ruth Sobel

Jeffrey Solomon and

Carol Wolf Solomon

Mark Stein

Martin and Karen Stein

Richard and Lecie Steinbaum

Jeffrey and Martina Stern

Marcia Sterneck

Arthur and Susan Stiefel

Cary and Helen Stolar

Robert Stone

Jim Thomeczek and

JoAnne Levy

Steven Turner and Tami Martens

Harold and Deborah Tzinberg

Scott and Rita Waldman

Lynn Wallis

David and Liz Weinstein

Michael and Diane Weiss

Peter Weiss and Barbra Horn

Stuart and Marlita Weiss

Sanford Weissman

Stephen and Linda Wielansky

Kenneth and Eva Wilde

Don Wiley

Deborah Withington

Howard and Joan Wittner

Harvey and Leslie Wolf

Brett and Kimberly Wolff

Stephen and Carolynn Wolff

Richard Wolfheim

John and Lana Yunker

high holy days2014

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 5 page

MUSICIANS & CHOIRRob Aronson, Guitar

Byron Brownstein and Dan Vizer, Piano

Suzanne Harlamert, Cello

Patrice Kaplan, Choir Director

Choir members:

Rob Aronson, Anna Reby Bertman, Lindsay Bess,

Amy Cohen, Ed Goldberg, Harry Knopf, Jerry Kraus,

Marti Maurer, Debbie Schultz, and Michelle Weltman


David Chassin and Ted Greenberg for overseeing our

sanctuary renovation project and ensuring that we were

“ready” for the High Holy Days.

Our many congregants whose participation in our

services enriched our worship.

Our High Holy Days planning team of Linda Horwitz,

Neil Marglous, and Dee A. Mogerman.

Emma and Andrew Rehfeld, for their help in leading

our children’s services.

Eric Biernacki and Ben Packman, for blowing the

shofar so beautifully.

Gary and Kim Bussard and College Hunks Hauling Junk

and Moving for providing us with additional manpower

to assist with furniture moving and set-up of the Gall

Family Sanctuary.

Ann Epstein for coordinating our bimah flowers.

Nancy Solomon, Chairperson, and our volunteers and

members of our TIFTY youth group who assisted with

our Personal Care Item Drive.

Ron and Lylas Chatmon, for coordinating our ushers

and greeters. A special shout-out also goes to Ron for

his help with our new sound system.

Donna Wilkerson-Light and Nancy (Wilkerson) Kreinberg

of Art-bi-2 Creative Visuals, for designing all of our High

Holy Day publications and materials.

Frank Robbins, for leading our sukkah building team

and to our volunteer builders Jed Filler, Jeremy Hodess,

Lois Perryman, Dan Radman, Monte Sandler, and

Adam Wallis.

Derrick Bryant, Debbie Jennings and our entire Temple

maintenance staff for going above and beyond to get

everything ready and in place for the holidays.










USHERS, GREETERS AND VOLUNTEERSRon and Lylas Chatmon, Usher Chairs

Robert Aisenfeld

David Aronson

James Axelbaum

Evie Bernstein

Lindsay Bess

Mark and Joelle Biernacki and Family

Jeff Brown and Amy Fenster Brown and Family

David Chassin

Carol and Ed Cohen

Vera and Fred Cohen

Brent and Karen Comensky

Thelma Davidson

Pamela Dern

Charles Elbert and Karen Berry Elbert

Allan and Susie Epstein

Sarah Falkoff

Jeff Feldman

Marge Fenster

Carla Feuer

Mitchell and Jayme Fingerman

Pepe Finn

David Geddes

Dorette Goldberg

Elise and Jamie Goldberg

Paul and Susan K. Goldberg and Family

Marvin Goldfarb

Bob and Cathy Goldsticker

Harvey Harris

Arnold and Myrna Hershman

Linda Horwitz

Joel Kamil

Louise Levine

Jerry and Judy Levy

The Levy-Thomeczek Family

Larry and Liz Linkon

Rob Litz

Loren Ludmerer

Neil Marglous

Hannah and Marti Maurer

Dee A. Mogerman

Jan Nykin

Charlie and Sheri O’Gorman

Lois Perryman

Dana, Hope and Ross Pohlman

Ella Raber

Ken and Judy Rosenthal and Family

Marilyn Berger Rubin

Jeremy Shook

Jeffrey and Martina Stern and Family

Art and Susan Stiefel

Adam and Emily Wallis

Lynn Wallis

David Weinstein

Michael Weiss

Peter Weiss and Barbra Horn

6 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


Thank you to following donors for sponsoring our

High Holy Days bimah flowers:

Berger Memorial Chapel

Rindskopf-Roth Chapel

Norman and Michele Roth and Family

Robert Burg

In memory of his wife, Lorraine Burg,

and daughter, Deborah Burg

Marge Fenster, Jeff Brown, Amy Fenster Brown,

Davis and Leo Brown, and Susan, Mike,

Nathan, and Freddie Mayer

In memory of Ronald Fenster

Lois and Buddy Goldberg

and Louise and Barry Mandel

In memory of Sylvia and Sam Levin

Carol Lasker and Family

In memory of Thomas Lasker

Geri and Mel Rich

In memory of their daughter,

Michelle Sheryl Rich

Jan Nykin and Family

Honoring the memory of their father and grandfather,

Harry M. Offenbach

Bernadine Shuman

In memory of her husband, Jack Shuman

Sunny and Jarrett Silverman

In memory of their son, Dr. R. Scott Berger,

and father, Gabe L. Gould

Fran & Steve Zamler

In memory of Martha Gelber and Scott Zamler

On Rosh Hashanah we distributed a wonderful new

CD of Shabbat music performed by our rabbis,

Rob Aronson, and other talented musicians.

This is our gift to you for a sweet and melodious year.

If you missed receiving yours, please feel free to

stop by the Temple to pick one up or contact us

at 314-432-8050.

high holy days2014

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 7 page

Our Gift to You!

8 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE

Welcome Home! Isn’t it wonderful to be sitting together

under our own roof this year? Our NEW roof? What a

difference a year makes.

Whether you are a guest visiting Temple Israel for

the first time, or you have been a member of this

congregation for many years, I would like to welcome

you to Rosh Hashanah services on behalf of the entire

Temple Israel Board of Trustees. Thank you for being

here. May each of you enjoy a happy, healthy and

sweet new year.

I would like to tell you a couple of stories this evening.

One is a Temple Israel story. Our story. The other is a

personal story. My story.

Let’s go back in time. Let’s imagine it’s 1958. We are

standing in the middle of an open field at the corner of

Ladue and Spoede Roads, on what is practically still a

rural part of St. Louis County. We are standing here with

our Rabbi, Ferdinand Isserman, and a group of visionary

and dedicated temple leaders. We are standing here on

a sunny, breezy, late September day, with stars in our

collective eyes, dreaming of a new building, for a new

age, for Congregation Temple Israel.

We are imagining a structure for our congregation in

which our children will raise their children to be Jews; a

place for worship, a place for community, a place for us

to freely practice our own Judaism.

By 1962, we had built that home — one that would be

permanent, durable and lasting. Seriously, our present

day architect has likened it to Fort Knox. He was

impressed by the sturdiness of its construction — an

indestructible, first-class institutional home; incidentally,

a home that also qualified as a Civil Defense Fallout

Shelter. Remember, it is 1962! I think we still have the

sign downstairs somewhere.

ome Home! Isn’t it wonderfu


Editor’s Note: Temple Israel President Dee Mogerman delivered the following remarks on Erev Rosh Hashanah.

We had built a place for us. It was expensive. Sacrifice

was involved. And this ambitious building has served

us well for over fifty remarkable years. But the building

which housed our spiritual home — yours and mine —

suffered the ravages of time and the elements.

While it has continued to serve us, in the last ten years

it became more than apparent that substantial repairs

and upgrades were necessary to maintain our home.

Now, let’s imagine it is 2008. Remember the Livnot

campaign? “To Build?” This critical capital campaign was

carefully planned by a group of visionary and dedicated

leaders of a new time. Substantial gifts were made in the

beginning phase of the campaign, and all systems were

“GO!” But shortly after we started this Livnot Campaign

the world economy collapsed. It tanked. The campaign

was suspended while the economy recovered. It has

taken a long time.

But our roof wouldn’t wait. Our beautiful, innovative and

symbolic wonder from 1962 had become a 2010 liability.

The roof made us do it. The roof pushed us forward.

What had started many years ago as a trickle of a

nuisance of a leak that could be patched and re-patched

each year, got worse and ultimately required placement

of numerous garbage pails throughout the building to

try to catch the many torrents of water. You remember.

I remember the drip, drip, dripping on my husband’s

prayer book during Rosh Hashanah services two

years ago.

The famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright once casually

mused that, while some can cover over their mistakes,

“architects can only advise their clients to plant more

vines.” Vines were not going to work for us to fix our

roof. Believe me, we tried everything. It would not be

a quick fix and it would be expensive.


www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 9 page

Challenges present opportunities, and we took the

time after suspending the campaign to re-envision and

re-prioritize our needs in the new economic climate.

With great effort, planning, a little luck, and with the

permission of many who had already made their Livnot

gifts, we have been able to execute a plan to replace our

roof and renew many of the areas under it.

We have not borrowed any money to do it; we relied

upon existing resources, and we stayed within budget.

In a few weeks, the transformation of the Gall Family

Sanctuary into a warm and beautiful, flexible, intimate

space will be complete. You must come back and see

it. You will love the new look and feeling. And you will

continue to be proud of it.

So here we are in 2014, Rosh Hashanah 5775. There

is still much work to do as we reinvigorate the Livnot

Campaign to restore critical systems, fund future

improvements to the rest of our campus and fortify

our endowment. We should all be excited about the


So now, the personal story.

I take you back to 1966, and little Cary Mogerman is

just beginning first grade in Mrs. Susman’s religious

school class. He remembers, even today, the brand-new

sidewalks, parking lots, and classrooms on our campus.

He remembers the big eye [in the bimah sculpture]

with the needles in it, and he painfully remembers that

he is the only child in his first grade class who showed

up wearing a tie. He remembers his teachers over the

years — Dr. Rosenkranz, Mrs. Rosenthal, Dr. Young, and

others. And he remembers the gleaming beauty of our

congregational home, and that he had a place here.

Fast forward to 1985, and Cary and I were married

here, even though I was not yet Jewish. That proved

not to matter. Rabbi [Alvan] Rubin warmly welcomed

me, and all of Temple Israel warmly welcomed me.

We took advantage of the complimentary membership

that comes with being married at Temple Israel. In time,

we enrolled our sons in the Deutsch Early Childhood

Center, where I learned about Judaism along with them,

and where we connected with many other parents who

remain good friends today. It is a bond that lasts. On

my 31st birthday I chose to become a Jew — here. Our

children became b’nai mitzvah and were Confirmed here.

I became a bat mitzvah here. I found MY place here,

and Temple Israel became and remains our family’s

spiritual home.

We all have a Temple Israel story, each one of us.

This is your place, too. In the coming year, we will

re-dedicate our beautiful sanctuary, and re-dedicate

ourselves to our congregational community.

In anticipation of our November “Illuminate the Night”

gala, we will all be invited to share our stories, and in

so doing, renew our bonds with the congregation that

is such a central part of all of our lives. I hope you will

participate, and I can’t wait.

Thank you for listening to my story. I can’t wait to

hear yours.

May each of us each of us find and keep our place

here at Temple Israel, and may we each be inscribed in

the book of life for a most remarkable 5775.

Ken y’hi ratzon — May this be God’s will.

10 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE

A congregant recently asked me a very important and

challenging question. He said, “We know that in the last

few months, the need for social action in St. Louis is

greater than ever before. As Jews, and as members of

Temple Israel, what are we going to do about it?”

I wish the question were not as difficult to answer as

it is. In truth, there are some quick and easy answers.

We can take opportunities to share thoughts on social

unrest by speaking from the pulpit, which Rabbi Alper

and I do at Shabbat services nearly every week.

We can bring in speakers who have a unique perspective

on the subject, as we are doing with Ray Hartmann

on November 14. We can help people in financial need

through projects like the Thanksgiving Dinner, our

community garden, from which we harvest produce

to donate to the Jewish Food Pantry, and through

our Personal Care Items Drive. We can privately and

discretely help those in our own community who may

need an extra boost to get them back on their feet

after difficult times, whatever they may be.

But it’s not enough. It’s not enough to help the very

real problems that our city is facing right now. It’s not

enough to heal the wounds opened after the events

in Ferguson; it’s not enough to face the poverty and

inequality that is almost a given in parts of St. Louis;

it’s not enough to make us feel that we’re actually

making a difference. Yet the overwhelming, overriding

question is, of course, what is?

My response to the congregant was to turn the

question back to him, and to all of you. What do you

want to do about it? I have learned again and again

that for any program, any project, any campaign to be

successful, it can’t be top down. It can’t be the rabbis

picking our chosen cause, or the staff, or even the

Board of Trustees. It is you, the congregants, not us,

who have made our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner such

a success. It is you who bring in toiletries by the carful,

who attend events like our Fall Back to School Bash

which supported Annie’s Hope, who stay after services

to pick vegetables from the garden. It is also you, our

congregants, who created every single one of those

projects and programs. You dreamed it; we simply

helped to make it happen.

As the leaders of a congregation, our job is to be

connectors. Tell us your passions, give us your ideas

for how to make this world, and this city, a better place,

and we will use the amazing resources that come from

being a community of 900 families to get you what

you need to make it happen. We can (and will continue

to!) share you our dreams and hopes and plans from

the bimah and in the classroom, but in the end, you are

the one who will make the difference. It takes only one

spark, and only one person, to begin the work of fixing

the world.

Maybe that spark is you.


IF NOT NOW, WHEN? Rabbi Amy Feder


www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 11 page

Last year, when the Isserman Auditorium and Gall

Family Sanctuary were under construction, you may

remember that we had to take a hiatus from the

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for People in Need, which

is a favorite both for our volunteers and for our guests.

Guests to the Thanksgiving Dinner come from all over

the city, from organizations like the Urban League to

facilities such as the Gladys and Henry Crown Center for

Senior Living. It truly is an honor to be able to provide

them with a delicious meal served with class and dignity.

Those of you who have volunteered in the past know

what a moving and meaningful experience the event

is every year.

We were disappointed, but not deterred by last year’s

construction, and knew that if we couldn’t host a big

dinner, at the very least we could still help people have

a happy holiday. So Pies with a Purpose was born.

Groups of congregants of all ages baked more than

500 homemade pumpkin pies that were delivered to the

Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry and given out for

Thanksgiving. We heard from staff at the food pantry

that people were overwhelmed and even moved to

tears by the prospect of having a homemade pie to

help celebrate the holidays.

This year, with a beautifully renovated building and a

leak-free roof, we were faced with another dilemma.

We knew we wanted to host the Thanksgiving Dinner

again and continue this tradition that began in 1986.

But the experience of baking pies was so fantastic

and seemed to reach so many people! So what to do?

Why not do both! This year, I am proud to say that

we will be both hosting a dinner that will serve more

than 400 guests who would otherwise not have a

Thanksgiving celebration, AND hold multiple baking

sessions where congregants will bake hundreds of

pumpkin pies. If you’re interested in volunteering either

for pie-baking or helping with the dinner, sign up quickly!

Every year we have to turn away volunteers for lack of

space, which is a wonderful problem to have.

To me, the Thanksgiving Dinner and Pies with a

Purpose are a beautiful examples of the teaching

mitzvah goreret mitzvah, one mitzvah leads to another.

The Thanksgiving Dinner itself has inspired so many

mitzvot. One year, the parents of our current education

center secretary, Becky Wientge, came to the dinner

and brought hundreds of pairs of socks and gloves to

give to guests, which is now its own tradition. Another

year, our Boy Scout Troop began helping out by

directing bus traffic, walking guests in, and assisting

with clean-up. We now rely on them each year to

help things run smoothly. Each act of kindness

and generosity has prompted another.

May it continue to be this way for years to come!


CHUTZPAH Rabbi Michael Alper

12 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


Author of the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook and Miracles & Meals

and cooking show host on Jewish Living Television (JLTV).

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 (The anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass)


ADMISSION: $18 PER PERSON(Proceeds will be donated to the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center.)

The afternoon will be even more special as we honor Holocaust survivors Sara and Leo Wolf.

Dessert reception to follow featuring recipes from Joanne’s cookbooks. Bring guests

and let them be part of this special experience featuring recipes your family will enjoy

and stories they will never forget.

Books may be pre-ordered or purchased at the event. RSVP by Monday, November 3,

to Amanda Radman aradman@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050.

WOMEN’S connecTIon


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 – Fortune Telling Event

THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 – Women’s Passover Seder




LUNCH WITH AUTHOR GERALYN LUCASTemple Israel is proud to partner

with Sharsheret Support, Nishmah

and the St. Louis Jewish Book

Festival in hosting a lunch with

author Geralyn Lucas.

Wednesday, November 5

Noon-1:00 p.m.

At Temple Israel

Box lunches available for $10, or bring your own.

Book signing following the presentation; books

available for purchase at the event.

RSVP to Ann Fingerhood, Sharsheret Coordinator,


At age 27, Gearlyn Lucas was diagnosed with

breast cancer and endured a mastectomy. She also

discovered a courage and fearlessness inside herself

she never knew before. She now tours the world

educating women about early detection. She is the

author of Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy

and Then Came Lfe: Living with Courage, Spirit and

Gratitude After Breast Cancer.

Lucas will also be taking part in a panel discussion

at the Jewish Book Festival’s Women’s event on

Tuesday evening, November 4. For details, visit


Sharsheret Support, a project of Nishmah, is a

resource for women of Jewish backgrounds facing

breast cancer and strives to increase awareness in

the community about the Jewish genetic risk around

breast cancer.

worth NOTING

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 13 page

worth NOTING

TIME TO SHINE Congregation Temple Israel’s

Fundraising Gala,

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 20145:30 P.M.




Along with your invitation to our

“Illuminate the Night” gala, you received a postcard

asking you to share your favorite TI story or memory.

We hope you will share your favorite TI moment —

whether or not you are able to attend the gala!

We plan to use these stories throughout the year

as we strengthen our connections with

one another and

rededicate ourselves

to our Temple Israel


through song, movement, and verbalization. I strive to

create a fun and playful environment for the children

to learn and explore these various musical concepts.

Most importantly, I hope to instill a genuine love and

appreciation for music of all kinds that will last a lifetime.


Our Pre-K afternoon theater class is designed to

provide an introduction to the world of theater, opera,

and musical theater performance for preschoolers. It is

my goal to help nurture the creative spirit in all children.

Theater class is a process based learning experience

where children can explore movement, drama, music,

and art as we rehearse for our very own musical and

theater production. Each week we act out a different

story as the children learn how literature and drama

are connected. We play movement and vocal warm-

up games to develop our acting skills. We also discuss

theater terms like character, prop, and scenery. The

children get to make their own props and scenery for

our final production. We conclude the session with a

performance of many of our projects from the semester

to show off all of our hard work!


Music is just one of our special programs at DECC.

We also have art, movement, and Spanish during our

morning preschool program. Afternoon programs, in

addition to theater, include yoga, gymnastics, baseball,

and Charlie Foxman’s anti-bullying program that teaches

kids about “stranger danger” and about how to help

their friends. DECC is a happening happy place!


Megan Higgins is our wonderful DECC music teacher.

In addition to teaching music and Pre-K theater classes,

she is also our Before Care teacher, nap room nurturer,

and organizer of our Friday evening Tot Shabbat song

sessions. All of our students love Miss Megan

and she is an integral part of our program. Megan is an

example of the outstanding staff who make up our

DECC family! I have asked her to write about her music

and theater programs at the preschool.


I am so proud and thankful to be able to make music

with the children and families at DECC.

My two overall goals of music class are to nurture a love

and understanding of music and to help children achieve

basic music competency. Music competency consists of

both tonal competency (the ability to match pitch and

sing any song in any key) and rhythm competency (the

ability to keep a steady beat in both the upper and lower

part of the body). By singing simple songs, participating

in echo and call/response music games, using rhythm

instruments, and exploring both beat movement and

expressive movement, these two basic music goals

can be met.

I also target several of the National Association for

Music Education standards for early childhood music

education. Children should be able to us their voices

expressively when speaking, singing and chanting.

Tonal and non-tonal instruments should be used to

accompany song and play. Children should explore and

respond to music of various tempos, meters, dynamics,

genres and styles. Finally, children should be able

to demonstrate awareness of the elements of music

14 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


RELIGIOUS SCHOOL HAPPENINGSJed Filler, RJE, Director of Youth Education

school NEWS

Shalom Chaverim! Hello friends — We celebrated

Sukkot all throughout the school and congregation –

building a brand new sukkah (with GREAT help from

school families). Sukkot helps us to connect to our

ancestors and our past by living a little bit in their

“sandals” — connecting to our agricultural roots and

what it was like to live in Israel.

We had dinner in the sukkah, family services in our

indoor sukkah, and all of our Sunday students learned

all about our holiday symbols, the lulav and etrog,

and used them in the sukkah with Rabbi Amy.


www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 15 page


Our Simchat Torah celebration included the

Consecration of our new Religious School students,

the installation of Jed Filler as our new Youth

Education Director, and the beginning of the

new cycle of Torah reading.

Sunday, November 9, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.There’s no religious school this Sunday, so round up the

entire family and join us for a morning of baking.

Friday, November 14, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.We’ll bake pies from 4:00 - 6:00, have a nosh at the

pre-oneg, and attend the 6:30 Shabbat service together.

Tuesday, November 18, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.Baking is great way to unwind after a long day.

Friday, November 21, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.We’ll bake pies from 4:00 - 6:00, have a nosh at the

pre-oneg, and attend the 6:30 Shabbat service together.

Sunday, November 23, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Spend the morning baking pies with us while the kids are

in Religious School.

For questions, RSVPs, or to arrange to donate supplies,

contact Sydney Masin at smasin@ti-stl.org or



We had to take last year off due to our building renovation project.

Our Thanksgiving dinner will take place this year on

Wednesday, November 26, at 6:00 p.m.

Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up, check-in, and preparing

and serving food. Plan to arrive at the Temple by 5:30 p.m.

We expect to serve more than 500 guests this year. Your help is

greatly appreciated! Adults and children in grades 6 and above

are encouraged to volunteer. Can’t volunteer? Donations are also welcome!

Please RSVP to Sydney Masin, smasin@ti-stl.org, or 314-432-8050.

Last year’s Pies with a Purpose effort produced more than 500 delicious,

homemade pumpkin pies for clients of the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food

Pantry and was such a success, we’re doing it again this year! In addition

to resuming our annual Thanksgiving dinner for those in need, we’ll be

back in the TI kitchen baking pies for our dinner guests and for the Jewish

Food Pantry. We welcome your participation as we strive to brighten the lives

and create the holiday spirit for as many people in need as possible.

We hope you can join us in the Temple kitchen at one or more of the following baking

sessions. Space at each baking session is limited, so register early to Sydney Masin, smasin@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050!

16 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


youthNEWSENGAGING OUR YOUTHStephanie Rhea, Youth Groups Advisor

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 17 page


Huge news! All 8th-12th graders

in the St. Louis Jewish community

are invited to attend a special

pre-screening of MockingJay –

Part I (PG-13), the third movie in

the Hunger Games series, TWO DAYS

BEORE ITS RELEASE. This event to promote hunger

awareness and advocacy will take place Saturday,

November 8, at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:00 p.m.)

at the AMC Creve Coeur 12 Theatre. Admission is just

$10 per person plus two cans of food. Bring more than

five cans of food to donate to the Harvey Kornblum

Jewish Food Pantry and receive a special treat from

Temple Israel.

Purchase tickets online at https://bbyo.org/hunger/


To celebrate this special event, Temple Israel’s TIFTY

high school youth group will host a lounge night on

Tuesday, November 4, at 7:00 p.m. to watch the first

two Hunger Games movies. This event is free to all

Temple Israel 8th - 12th graders, whether or not they

plan to attend the screening of Mockingjay – Part I.

Snacks are included. Bring cans of food!


TIFTY is hosting a Family Movie Night on Saturday,

November 1, at 5:00 p.m. Families with young children

are invited to bring a blanket or pillows and cozy up in

the Muscle Room at Temple Israel for a free screening

of Tangled (PG). Dinner and movie concessions will be

sold. Hair chalking and craft activities will be offered for

a small donation.


Club 56, our youth group for 5th and 6th graders

will have another fun lounge night on Tuesday,

November 12, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The cost is $8,

which includes dinner.


All post-B’nai Mitzvah students are invited to

participate in the Temple Israel Learners’ Shabbat on

Friday, November 21, at 6:30 p.m. After the service, join

us for dinner at Granite City Food and Brewery. Pick-up

for non-drivers is 9:15 p.m. Please let Stephanie know

if you are interested in reading or writing a kavanah

(in English), leading a prayer, singing, or playing a

musical instrument for this service.


The 8th grade youth groups of all St. Louis area

Reform congregations will join together for an night

of fun at Sports Fusion in Chesterfield on Saturday,

November 8, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Admission is $20 for

Temple Israel members, $25 for friends, and includes

unlimited play and snacks. Bring extra money for

arcade games.

For more information on any of these programs or

about our youth group programs for grades 5-12, contact

Stephanie Rhea, srhea@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050.







PleaseJoinUsPleaseJoinUsJUDAISM FOR BEGINNERS (and we’re all beginners)

Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. (no class 11/3)

Join Rabbi Feder for a casual introduction to Judaism

class. We discuss everything from life cycle to theology to

holidays, and everything in between! This class is perfect

for Jews, those considering conversion, and those in

interfaith families. All are welcome to come and learn;

no question is too basic or too tough.

Babysitting will be available.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (formerly Rabbi’s Roundtable)

Thursday, November 6, 12:30 p.m.

Seniors, empty nesters, and all with mid-day time to spare

are invited to join our rabbis for lunch and conversation

on the first Thursday of each month. We provide the

lunch; you get to pick the discussion topics!

Cost for lunch: $10. RSVP needed to Evie Bernstein,



Sundays, November 16 and 23, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.

in the Gathering Place at the Temple. Join Jody Chassin

in learning fun and easy crafts to make and donate to

organizations that serve people in need.

For details, contact Jody at 314-566-1274.


Tuesdays, 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. (no class 11/4)

Bring your lunch and a Bible and join our discussion of the

week’s Torah portion.


Saturdays, 9:45 - 11:00 a.m.

All are welcome to attend Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook’s

popular Shabbat morning Bible Study class.

18 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE


Sundays, 9:45 - 11:45 a.m.

Join the rabbis on Sunday mornings as we explore the questions and issues YOU want to learn about to increase your

Jewish knowledge and strengthen your own Jewish identity. Think of it as Sunday School for grownups! Babysitting is

available and must be requested by the Tuesday before each session. RSVP to Sydney Masin, smasin@ti-stl.org.


Thursday, November 13, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Join Rabbi Michael Alper to talk Torah while eating delicious takeout from some of the best restaurants in St. Louis, right

here at Temple Israel! Gather your friends for a night of learning, laughs, food, and fun. Torah and Takeout will be held

monthly. Dinner this month will be from Crushed Red. Babysitting is available; advance reservations needed to Sydney Masin.

by Monday, November 10, at 314-432-8050 or smasin@ti-stl.org. Dinner RSVPs are appreciated but not required.


For more information on adult education programs, contact Rabbi Alper, malper@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050.


For the most up-to-date news on TI programs and events, subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, connecTIons. E-mail mthiede@ti-stl.org or visit www.ti-stl.org.

19:45 am - Bible Study

5 pm - TIFTY Movie Night

11Veterans’ Day

12:15 pm - Torah Tuesday

3:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm - Hebrew Lab

7:30 pm - Boy Scout Troop 11 Meeting

159:45 am - Bible Study

11 am - Shabbat WorshipBar Mitzvah of Ryan Melnick

1010 am - Judaism for Beginners

7:30 pm - Boy Scout Troop 11 Committee Meeting

123:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm - Hebrew Lab

6:5 pm - Club 56Lounge Night

135:30 pm -Torah and Takeout

144 pm - Pies with a Purpose

6 pm - Pre-Oneg

6:30 pm - Shabbat B’ShirGuest SpeakerRay Hartmann

9No Religious School

9 am - Pies with a Purpose

9:30 am - Crafting for Community

9:30 am - TIFTY Torah Study with Rabbi Alper

1 pm - Women’s ConnecTIon Joanne Caras Book Event

512:00 pm -Lunch with authorGeralyn Lucas

3:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm - Hebrew Lab

612:30 pm -Food for Thought

6:30 pm - Executive CommitteeMeeting

4Election Day

3:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm - Hebrew Lab

7 pm - TIFTY Lounge Night

7:30 pm - Boy Scout Troop 11 Meeting

29:30 am -Religious School

9:45 am - TI University

11:45 am -Confirmation

1 pm - TIFTY Board Meeting

3 76 pm - Tot Shabbat

7:30 pm -Shabbat Worshipand Oneg

89:45 am - Bible Study


2410 am - Judaism for Beginners

239:30 am -Religious School

9:30 am - Crafting for Community

9:45 am - TI University

10 am - Pies with a Purpose

11:45 am -Confirmation Class

2512:15 pm - Torah Tuesday

26DECC Thanksgiving Break Begins

6 pm - Thanksgiving DinnerFor Those In Need

27Happy Thanksgiving!

28Temple Offices & DECC Closed

6 pm - Shabbat Worship

(Note early start time)

299:45 am - Bible Study

11 am -Shabbat WorshipBat Mitzvah ofLauren Goldberg

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 19 page

30No Religious School

2:30 pm -Chavurat Shira Rehearsal

229:45 am - Bible Study

1710 am - Judaism for Beginners

169:30 am -Religious School

9:30 am - Crafting for Community

9:45 am - TI University

11:45 am -Confirmation Class

1 pm - TIFTY Board Meeting

5:30 pm - Illuminate the Night Gala

214 pm - Pies with a Purpose

6 pm - Pre-Oneg

6:30 pm -Learners’ Shabbat &Birthday Blessings

193:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm -Hebrew Lab

207 pm - Board of TrusteesMeeting

1812:15 pm - Torah Tuesday

3:30 pm - Homework Club

4:30 pm - Hebrew Lab

6 pm - Pies with a Purpose

7:30 pm - Boy Scout Troop 11 Meeting




A generous annual gift from an anonymous donor

covers most, but not, all costs for our Thanksgiving

Dinner for People in Need. At this event, we provide a

complete Thanksgiving feast, with entertainment, for

more than 500 guests who come to us from senior adult

centers and social service agencies from throughout the

St. Louis area. Granting any of the following Wish List

items will enable us to continue to provide this valuable

resource to the community in need.

$500 Sponsors entertainment

$200 Sponsors a table of 10

$20 Sponsors one guest

$300 Transports one bus of guests

$80 Furnishes one food warming cabinet

$200 Provides table linens and napkins

To fulfill a wish list item, mail a check payable to

Temple Israel:


Donate online by credit card:


Please specify the item you are funding. Contributions

will be recognized in future issues of the Dateline, so

please let us know if you prefer to donate anonymously.

For more information, contact Carol Wolf Solomon,

Director of Development and Communications,

csolomon@ti-stl.org or 314-432-8050.


Mazal Tov to

Harry and Gale Hilburg on the engagements

of their daughter, Mimi, to Wesley Darnell; and of

their son, David, to Elizabeth Huber.

Mazal Tov to

Emily Becker and Ted and Esther Berger

on the marriage of their son and grandson,

David Becker to Calli Bosse.

Mazal Tov to

David Geddes and Sheila Stanton Geddes

on the birth of their granddaughter Lucia Ida,

to children Michael and Zuzana Stanton-Geddes

of Brussels, Belgium.

Todah Rabah to

our Board of Trustees members who served as

Shabbat Greeters for September and October.

20 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE



October 10 - 11

Sponsored by Lauri Cearly

In honor of her daughter, Ellie,

becoming a Bat Mitzvah

October 17 - 18

Sponsored by Barbi and Howard Smotkin

In honor of their daughter, Julia,

becoming a Bat Mitzvah


October 17

Sponsored by Barbi and Howard Smotkin

In honor of their daughter, Julia,

becoming a Bat Mitzvah

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 21 page


BROADCAST FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Bernadine ShumanBernadine Shuman

In memory of Rebecca RubinIn memory of Rebecca Rubin June BiermanJune Bierman

In honor of the 75th wedding anniversary of In honor of the 75th wedding anniversary of Myrtle and Arnold MullinsMyrtle and Arnold Mullins Bernadine ShumanBernadine Shuman

BUILDING FUNDIn memory of Albert Melman In memory of Albert Melman The Levy-Thomeczek Family The Levy-Thomeczek Family

DEUTSCH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Kim, Gary, Haley, MacKenzie and Bryce BussardKim, Gary, Haley, MacKenzie and Bryce Bussard Ellen and Jack Deutsch Ellen and Jack Deutsch Ricki and Neil Marglous Ricki and Neil Marglous Sherri and Jim Rosen Sherri and Jim Rosen

In memory of Mahlon RubinIn memory of Mahlon Rubin Carol MargolisCarol Margolis

In honor of a Happy New Year for our children and grandchildrenIn honor of a Happy New Year for our children and grandchildren Fran and Steve ZamlerFran and Steve Zamler

In memory of Merle SilversteinIn memory of Merle Silverstein Linda, Ivan and Jan BlumoffLinda, Ivan and Jan Blumoff

TEMPLE ISRAEL ENDOWMENT FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Joyce and Gary FollmanJoyce and Gary Follman

ESTHER & SIMON WERNER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Terry and Rick BernsteinTerry and Rick Bernstein Julie and Scott Elledge Julie and Scott Elledge Dorothy and Bill Firestone Dorothy and Bill Firestone Lois and Bob Friedman Lois and Bob Friedman Gatesworth Residents Association Gatesworth Residents Association Janice and Stanley Gitt Janice and Stanley Gitt Ralph Goldsticker Ralph Goldsticker Anita and Ken Kraus Anita and Ken Kraus Carole and Lou Loebner Carole and Lou Loebner Jerre and Jack Minner Jerre and Jack Minner Karla and Steve Rosenblum Karla and Steve Rosenblum

Marcia and Bob Shapiro Marcia and Bob Shapiro Merrill and Arthur Strauss Merrill and Arthur Strauss

FRIEDA AND LESTER HANDELMAN EARLY CHILDHOOD ART FUNDIn memory of Frieda HandelmanIn memory of Frieda Handelman Ron and Leslie Becker Ron and Leslie Becker Terry and Rick Bernstein Terry and Rick Bernstein Kim, Gary, Haley, MacKenzie and Bryce Bussard Kim, Gary, Haley, MacKenzie and Bryce Bussard Beth and David Deutsch Beth and David Deutsch Carla and Michael Feuer and Family Carla and Michael Feuer and Family Bunny Gerstenfeld Bunny Gerstenfeld Margaret Gillerman and Family Margaret Gillerman and Family Laura and Ted Greenberg Laura and Ted Greenberg Judy and David Grand Judy and David Grand Friends of the Handelmans Friends of the Handelmans Judy and Harvey Harris Judy and Harvey Harris Linda, Philip, Taylor, Ali and Spencer Horwitz Linda, Philip, Taylor, Ali and Spencer Horwitz Tracy and Don Jasper Tracy and Don Jasper Shirley and Harold Mosinger Shirley and Harold Mosinger Jan Nykin Jan Nykin Merle and Marty Oberman Merle and Marty Oberman Nancy and Jerry Raskas Nancy and Jerry Raskas Eunice and John Reichman Eunice and John Reichman Nancy and Al Rose Nancy and Al Rose Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenthal Irene and Richard Trenz Irene and Richard Trenz Barbara and David Victor Barbara and David Victor Joanne and Dan Schwartz Joanne and Dan Schwartz Marcee and Merle Marcee and Merle (z”l)(z”l) Silverstein Silverstein David Smith David Smith Marlita and Stuart Weiss Marlita and Stuart Weiss

In memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Natalie and Neil HandelmanNatalie and Neil Handelman

In honor of 60 years of Spirtas WreckingIn honor of 60 years of Spirtas Wrecking Natalie and Neil HandelmanNatalie and Neil Handelman

HARVEY M. GILLERMAN BOOK AND MUSIC FUNDIn memory of Leon CoriIn memory of Leon Cori Jacqueline, Jessica and Curt BillhymerJacqueline, Jessica and Curt Billhymer Margaret Gillerman and Family Margaret Gillerman and Family

In memory of Michael FreimanIn memory of Michael Freiman Margaret Gillerman Margaret Gillerman

We gratefully acknowledge these tributes received as of October 10.

TEMPLE ISRAEL GENERAL FUNDIn honor of the birth of Ezra MillerIn honor of the birth of Ezra Miller Diana and Jim RothbarthDiana and Jim Rothbarth

In honor of Temple IsraelIn honor of Temple Israel Michele and Carl NeblockMichele and Carl Neblock

In memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman June BiermanJune Bierman Jessica and Curt Billhymer Jessica and Curt Billhymer Nancy Bornstein Nancy Bornstein Amy, Jeff, Davis and Leo Brown Amy, Jeff, Davis and Leo Brown Barbara and David Boxer Barbara and David Boxer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen Charles Elbert and Karen Berry Elbert Charles Elbert and Karen Berry Elbert Susie and Allan Epstein Susie and Allan Epstein Marilyn and Fred Firestone Marilyn and Fred Firestone Arthur Gale Arthur Gale Dorette and Ed Goldberg Dorette and Ed Goldberg Howard Hearsh Howard Hearsh Carolyn and Jay Henges Carolyn and Jay Henges Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh and Robert Klein Lehrer Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh and Robert Klein Lehrer Barbara and David Kantrovitz Barbara and David Kantrovitz Jodi and Michael Kaplan Jodi and Michael Kaplan Lynne Kipnis and Steve Rothman Lynne Kipnis and Steve Rothman Carol Lasker Carol Lasker Louise and Jeff Levine Louise and Jeff Levine Liz and Larry Linkon Liz and Larry Linkon Carolyn and Joseph Losos Carolyn and Joseph Losos Louise Losos and Beth Wiggins Louise Losos and Beth Wiggins Joyce and Art Margulis Joyce and Art Margulis Betsy Mehlman Betsy Mehlman Moneta Group Moneta Group Shirley and Harold Mosinger Shirley and Harold Mosinger Ina, Allan, Yvonne, Jay, Heather, Brad and Teresa Padratzik Ina, Allan, Yvonne, Jay, Heather, Brad and Teresa Padratzik Jan and Jim Paskal Jan and Jim Paskal Carolyn Rayner Carolyn Rayner Helen and Ray Robinson Helen and Ray Robinson Jane and Jim Rohrbaugh Jane and Jim Rohrbaugh The Rosen Family The Rosen Family Caryn and Bruce Sandweiss Caryn and Bruce Sandweiss Carol Rubin and Howard Schlansky Carol Rubin and Howard Schlansky Leanne and Harvey Schneider Leanne and Harvey Schneider Debbie Schultz Debbie Schultz D.J. Serkes and Family D.J. Serkes and Family Debbie and Harold Tzinberg Debbie and Harold Tzinberg

Michelle, Esther and Joel Weltman Michelle, Esther and Joel Weltman Marlita and Stuart Weiss Marlita and Stuart Weiss Marilyn Werner Marilyn Werner Susan Werner Susan Werner Vivian Zwick Vivian Zwick

In memory of Frieda HandelmanIn memory of Frieda Handelman Susie and Allan EpsteinSusie and Allan Epstein Diana and Jim Rothbarth Diana and Jim Rothbarth

In memory of Mahlon RubinIn memory of Mahlon Rubin Darien and Stephen ArnsteinDarien and Stephen Arnstein Susie and Allan Epstein Susie and Allan Epstein Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh and Robert Klein Lehrer Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh and Robert Klein Lehrer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Raskin Mr. and Mrs. Larry Raskin Gorge J. Rosenberg Gorge J. Rosenberg Judy and Ken Rosenthal Judy and Ken Rosenthal

In memory of Ralph LowenbaumIn memory of Ralph Lowenbaum Diana and Jim RothbarthDiana and Jim Rothbarth

In memory of Bev ToberIn memory of Bev Tober Diana and Jim RothbarthDiana and Jim Rothbarth

HELEN AND MYRON SCHWARTZ ARK AND PRAYER BOOK FUNDA new Mishkan T’filah prayer book has been dedicated:A new Mishkan T’filah prayer book has been dedicated:In memory of Merle SilversteinIn memory of Merle Silverstein byby Hildegard and Herman RochmanHildegard and Herman Rochman

JOHN AND ANNA LEE BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Joanne and Dan SchwartzJoanne and Dan Schwartz

JOHN E. SIMON MUSIC AND ORGAN FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Laurie and Steve NaturmanLaurie and Steve Naturman

In memory of Elaine RochmanIn memory of Elaine Rochman Hildegard and Herman RochmanHildegard and Herman Rochman

In memory of Bob JacquesIn memory of Bob Jacques Hildegard and Herman RochmanHildegard and Herman Rochman

KIRK NACKMAN GARDEN FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Linda, Philip Taylor, Ali and Spencer HorwitzLinda, Philip Taylor, Ali and Spencer Horwitz

22 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE

LIVNOT FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Leslie and Jake Reby Leslie and Jake Reby

MILLARD S. COHEN CARING COMMUNITY FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Gladys BarkerGladys Barker

In memory of Myra CohenIn memory of Myra Cohen Mary Grant AvinaMary Grant Avina Gladys Barker Gladys Barker Judy and Jack Cater Judy and Jack Cater Susan Gutfreund Waterman and Robert Waterman Susan Gutfreund Waterman and Robert Waterman Martha Innes Martha Innes The Schulte Family The Schulte Family Debbie Schultz Debbie Schultz Milly Silverstein Milly Silverstein

NATHAN KAHN - ERNESTINE KAHN -CHARLES KAHN FOUNDATION FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Thelma Davidson Thelma Davidson Linda and Jerry Kraus Linda and Jerry Kraus

OFFENBACH FUND FOR INTERFAITH EDUCATION OF TEMPLE ISRAELIn appreciation of Temple Israel and Rabbis Feder and AlperIn appreciation of Temple Israel and Rabbis Feder and Alper Barry KatzBarry Katz

RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Audrey and Leonard AdreonAudrey and Leonard Adreon Marge Fenster Marge Fenster Carla and Michael Feuer Carla and Michael Feuer Laura and Ted Greenberg Laura and Ted Greenberg Carol and Paul Gusdorf Carol and Paul Gusdorf Nancy Kalishman Nancy Kalishman Sally and Jonathan King Sally and Jonathan King Adele and Arthur Litz Adele and Arthur Litz Jan O. Nykin Jan O. Nykin Barbara and David Victor Barbara and David Victor Carol and Peter Winston Carol and Peter Winston

In appreciation of Rabbi Amy Feder and Rabbi Michael AlperIn appreciation of Rabbi Amy Feder and Rabbi Michael Alper Joy Melman Joy Melman

In appreciation of the High Holy DaysIn appreciation of the High Holy Days Ellen DeutschEllen Deutsch

In honor of the marriage of Rebecca and Seth WilliamsIn honor of the marriage of Rebecca and Seth Williams Jerry and Judy Levy Jerry and Judy Levy

SILVERSTEIN EDUCATION FUNDIn memory of Merle “Ruffy” SilversteinIn memory of Merle “Ruffy” Silverstein Betty AbramsBetty Abrams Edie and Harvey Brown Edie and Harvey Brown Joan Carson Joan Carson Gail and Charles Eisenkramer Gail and Charles Eisenkramer Julie and Lenny Frankel Julie and Lenny Frankel Lois and Bob Friedman Lois and Bob Friedman Cathy and Jerry Gidlow Cathy and Jerry Gidlow Phyllis and Sanford Goffstein Phyllis and Sanford Goffstein Rochelle and Lester Goldberg Rochelle and Lester Goldberg Rhoda and Buddy Hochman Rhoda and Buddy Hochman Mary and Bruce Horwitz Mary and Bruce Horwitz Judy Kirtian Judy Kirtian Marcine and Ted Komen Marcine and Ted Komen Linda and Jerry Kraus Linda and Jerry Kraus Carol Lasker Carol Lasker Barb and Scott Liberman Barb and Scott Liberman Marti R. Maurer Marti R. Maurer The Markenson Family The Markenson Family Barbara and Michael Newmark Barbara and Michael Newmark Jan O. Nykin Jan O. Nykin Ronna Pohlman Ronna Pohlman Rochelle Pophin Rochelle Pophin D. J. Serkes and Family D. J. Serkes and Family Ruth Sobel Ruth Sobel Nan and Mike Suffian Nan and Mike Suffian Viscuso Family Viscuso Family Adele Zerman Adele Zerman Fay and Bernard Zimerman Fay and Bernard Zimerman

In memory of Albert MelmanIn memory of Albert Melman Marcee and Merle Marcee and Merle (z”l)(z”l) Silverstein Silverstein

In memory of Mahlon RubinIn memory of Mahlon Rubin Marcee and Merle Marcee and Merle (z”l)(z”l) Silverstein Silverstein

In memory of Robert CohenIn memory of Robert Cohen Marcee and Merle Marcee and Merle (z”l)(z”l) Silverstein Silverstein

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 23 page


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:

Carol Lisette Littmann

aunt of Susie (Bob) Schulte

great-aunt of Amy Cohen and

Michele (Michael) Steinberg

cousin of Gladys Barker

Genevieve Ortbals

mother of Bob (Lori) Ortbals, Sr.

grandmother of Bob (Kathy) Ortbals, Jr.,

Lisa (Jim) Hare, Dan Ortbals, Laura Ortbals

and Leanne Ortbals

Merle “Ruffy” Silverstein

husband of Marcee Silverstein

father of Jill (Jonathan Mills) Silverstein

brother of Sanford (Hazel) Silverstein

Kelsey Nicole Toebben

cousin of Lori (Bob Ortbals), Sr.

Esther Watel

mother of Lucie Gates Watel

Carl Weber

husband of Geraldine Weber


24 page / November 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE

WHAT’S NEW AT NEW MT. SINAI?An important part of New Mt. Sinai’s past was recently

discovered. Will Levy was a well-connected Jewish

architect in St. Louis in the early 20th century. Levy

designed the cemetery’s chapel in 1905. That building

still stands today, although it is no longer in use. Until

now, that was believed to be Will Levy’s only connection

to the cemetery.

The family of Will Levy recently donated a treasure trove

of Levy’s architectural drawings to the Jewish archive

collection of the Saul Brodsky Jewish Community

Library, which is housed in the Jewish Federation

Kopolow Building in Creve Coeur. These drawings

show that Levy designed the House of Comfort (our

administrative office building), the Caretaker’s Cottage

(Superintendent’s House) and the Maintenance Shop, as

well as many of the family monuments and mausoleums

in the cemetery and a number of homes and buildings

around the St. Louis area. The drawings will be housed

at the archives, and plans are underway to display the

drawings here at the cemetery so that the public can see

the original designs for these buildings.

There is one more mystery relating to Will Levy. When

he died in 1962, Levy was cremated and his urn was

placed on a pedestal on the Mahler Family lot here at the

cemetery. Within a couple of weeks, the urn was taken

from the cemetery and has never been returned. Watch

here for more information on Will Levy.

Dan Brodsky

Executive Director

Tributes continued.

YAHRZEIT FUNDIn memory of Arthur BlattIn memory of Arthur Blatt Maxine BlattMaxine Blatt

In memory of Donald CornbleetIn memory of Donald Cornbleet Suzy and Jim CornbleetSuzy and Jim Cornbleet

In memory of Bernice Hamburg NewmanIn memory of Bernice Hamburg Newman Leslie RebyLeslie Reby

In memory of Rebecca RubinIn memory of Rebecca Rubin June BiermanJune Bierman

In memory of Ben ShanfeldIn memory of Ben Shanfeld Audrey ShanfeldAudrey Shanfeld

In memory of Erwin TaryleIn memory of Erwin Taryle Terry, Debbie and Rachel TaryleTerry, Debbie and Rachel Taryle

In memory of Dustin Phillip TerwilligerIn memory of Dustin Phillip Terwilliger Maxine BlattMaxine Blatt

In memory of Dr. Daniel WeinstockIn memory of Dr. Daniel Weinstock Martha and Leonard WeinstockMartha and Leonard Weinstock


November 23 - 29

Harry J. KolburnBess KronickZalie LevinDr. Oscar LipschultzLouise MagesFlorence G. MayArthur MichelsonAnna Z. MillerSophie NeumannMatanya NykinRuth W. Portnoy

Lester P. AckermanElizabeth R. AuerClara S. BarackLulu CohenAlvin CohnDr. Lester DrubinDr. Fred FabricAaron Joseph FademJulius FrensdorfHarvey A. FriedmanDr. Alfred Goldman

Sarah GoldsteinMorris GolmanArthur D. HirschGerta HirschHenrietta Blustein HorwitzFanny JungmannDavid KalishmanSylvia Rose KatzRose Bothman KlingCharles KodnerVallye W. Kohner

Lillian Blum ReichesDorothy RosenblattCharles RubinNettie Cohn SamuelsMaurice J. ScalletWilliam H. SchieldClaude N. SchlesingerKarla Issebacher SchlesingerSusie SelcerRose ShapiroRose B. Shapiro

Sydney M. Shoenberg, Sr.Lorraine Klara SternTillie SuffianSarah VictorSelma Susman WaxLeatrice Sanders WeinbergG. Scott WeinsteinBernat Wildman

November 16 - 22

Sarah HillerMorris HoffmanJerome KalishmanBessie KaplanSylvia H. KawinAllen KeyserHarry Fredrick KoenigsbergEdith Fastman KronerBen LandesmanHenrietta B. LangJames Edward LevineMonroe Levy

Harold AachLeona Marguerite AxelMarie Pappenheimer BaerJohanna BassistAlex BergerSamuel L. BiermanWilliam BlumbergSandra Sue “Sandy” BreadmanZola H. CarpSamuel FreedmanStella Mayer FreundIsrael Max Friedman

Samuel FriedmanLeonard P. FuchsRebecca Flieg GillermanMorris GlaserSamuel GlassmanCharles GoldbergRose GoldensonTheresa Harrison GoldmanGerald L. GreenbergAnn GusdorfDr. Theo HaimannLouis W. Heyman

Ellis Carl LittmannRoslyn Epstein LittmannMartha Pollak LowenbaumShirleen MehlmanBenjamin A. MendelsonIrwin MohrDavid PerlmutterRachel Isaacs PitzellRabbi William ReichesCarol Ann RittenbaumAdolph RosenfeldLouis Rubin

August Louis SalingerEsther SclairLouis F. ShanblumHymen ShifrinGladys Wise SilvermanJoseph StromfeldBenjamin SusmanAlvin B. Vittert

November 9 - 15

Estelle Watelsky KalishElliot M. KalmesHerman LeberBernard LevineLucille Davis LipsonJulius L. (Jack) LondonMae MelmanEmanuel MendelsonLillian NymarkJacob Perlmutter

Larry Michael ArnoldEva BalkAlexander BrickJohn E. BrownBeverly CohenAnnette CornickMaurice Boyarski DavisWilliam Samuel DavisJustine Gordon EisemanSidney Faber

Harry L. FrancSadie G. FrancHarvey M. GillermanDavid F. GoldbergBertha HirschSidney HoltzmanJacob HonigEleanor May IsaacsBetti Brodheim IssermanJulius Jossem

Muriel PlummerFrances Novick PrinceHarry E. RitcheyLouis RosenTillie F. SaleJulius A. SchweigFrances Shlenker SchweizerPhilip H. ShermanStella H. ShoenbergAbraham Silverman

Celeste Goldwasser SingerElwin R. SmithSamuel David SouleRabbi Moritz SpitzDr. Jacob StolarSamuel TrepnerDavid WeinbergerSimon M. Werner

November 30 - December 6

Lillian GreenSamuel F. HackerAnna K. HagenDr. Alexander E. Horwitz, Sr.David HuberAlexander IssermanAnna Jossem

Joan AachRose Lander AachClara Horwitz AnfengerJennie Sacks BlumenfeldKate DubinskyLulu C. EnochCarl K. Fireside

Joseph Russell FragerMabel Pitzel FrankDr. Newton M. FreundMax FriedmanMyrtle Scharff FullerMary GarberJeanne Goldenhersh

Mollie KaySofia KodnerMargaret Wolff KohnPauline Ghertner KuttenAnita Lockmyer PrelAnnabelle RittenbaumAdolph H. Rosenberg

Jennie Machol SalingerJacob SchuchatLillie SchwartzBerthold SchweizerOscar WildmanArthur Zeve

November 2 - 8

Lina C. KahnBessie KaisermanAlvin N. LaskyJacob LothLillian Luster ManneMarc MichaelBetty Jane MitchellHarry S. Quicksilver

Benjamin I. BernardKate BrickSamuel S. BrodersonAbraham L. BrownAndrea Kosberg CarlsonHarry H. EfronHarold FinkJack Stanley Fishman

Corinne Fuller GlaserBen GlassmanCharles Sol GlassmanJack GoldringPaul HeilingBruno HollanderJuliette Schutz HymanRennie Joachimsthal

Nathan RosenbergHerman SchermerSolomon H. SegalJacob SheinbeinFae C. SilvermanMignon K. SitemanBessie ‘Babe’ SleinFlorence Sophir

Jerry S. SteinHenrietta S. SteinerMilton S. SusmanAlfred VorhausLily WinnerAlvin A. WolffHerman S. Wolfheim, Sr.Ida Zelson

www.ti-stl.org / November 2014 / 25 page


For the month of November, the

Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking

for these specific items in order to assist the

community in need:

Canned Tuna Fish, Healthy Cereals,

Kosher Foods, Canned Red or Black Beans,

Any Type of Canned Vegetables, Dry Pasta,

Healthy Soup, Canned Fruit, Toothpaste,

Shampoo, Hand Soap and Detergent

Items should be brought to our collection site by

the May Chapel. For further information, please

contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259.

GIFTS OF SECURITIES TO TEMPLE ISRAELAs you plan your year-end charitable giving, please

consider a tax deductible contribution to Temple Israel.

Your generosity helps to sustain our congregation.

If you plan to make a gift of securities to

Temple Israel, please contact JoAnn Stephan

in the offi ce, 314-432-8050 or jstephan@ti-stl.org

for our current routing and account information.




NOTE: Temple Israel Dateline (USPS: 128-700) is published monthly except bi-monthly June-July by Congregation Temple Israel. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Temple Israel Dateline, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-7670


Monday - Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.Wednesday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Phone: 314-432-8050Fax: 314-432-8053 www.ti-stl.org

TEMPLE ISRAEL DATELINE #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin DriveSt. Louis, MO 63141-7670


November 2014 Cheshvan / Kislev 5775Volume XXXIV / Number 2www.ti-stl.org


Amy Feder, RabbiMichael Alper, RabbiMark L. Shook, Rabbi EmeritusEli K. Montague, F.T.A., Executive DirectorLeslie Wolf, Director, Deutsch Early Childhood CenterJed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth EducationCarol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and CommunicationsAmanda Radman, Director of Membership and Special EventsMarisa Reby, Special Events Coordinator


Dee Mogerman, PresidentDavid Chassin, Vice PresidentCarol Cohen, Vice PresidentHarvey Harris, Vice PresidentJeremy Shook, Vice PresidentMichael Weiss, Vice PresidentNeil Marglous, SecretaryPamela Dern, Assistant SecretaryDebbie Schultz, TreasurerJeffrey Stern, Assistant Treasurer


• 5:30 p.m. - Family Chanukah Dinner$12 for adults; $5 for kids ages 4-12; FREE for ages 3 and younger

• 6:30 p.m. - Chanukah/Shabbat Service and Rededication of our Gall Family Sanctuary and Isserman Auditorium with special guest Rick Recht.

Special donut dessert following the service!

Chanukah means “dedication” in Hebrew. We will celebrate with food, prayer, song, and a beautiful ceremony to rededicate our sacred spaces.


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