reaching out to abortion minded students

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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from doug leppard


Reaching Out to Abortion Minded Students

Doug Leppard

Goal: Reach out to women and men on the university campus who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. Offer them positive solutions for their dilemma and show them the love of God. Do this with a combination of virtual presence in Facebook and hopefully connect them to information and people who can help them in their time of need.

Background: My wife is involved as a volunteer with crisis pregnancy center. They do good things but are limited to using a physical building to connect and meet with women and men who have a crisis pregnancy. College age women are the largest group to have an abortion. Also when they find themselves pregnant they are more open to help.

Possible support structure: Campaign would be a local campus centric. Partnerships would be formed to have a united thrust to reach out to this needy segment of university students. Partnership would consist of the local crisis pregnancy center, campus groups and local churches.

Virtual outreach: Facebook and possibly Google ads would be purchased and point to a Facebook page with information and helps. From this page those who may be interested in getting help can be virtually connected to those who are available for help and counseling.

Try to make this “virtual” crisis pregnancy center the place to go when students find themselves in need. When a college woman finds she is pregnant and not sure where to turn, have a place where she can turn to and find love and help. She or he no longer has to go to a building to get help but from their own private place find help using their computer or phone.

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