reagan years 1980-1989 george h. w. bush 1990-1994 chapter 23 & 24

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Reagan Years1980-1989

George H. W. Bush 1990-1994

Chapter 23

& 24


• “The New Right” • Republicans, who favored a free market• Private business• Wanted small government• Claimed “freedoms” of the 60’s and 70’s

had led to downfall of American society• Strong “anti-communist”• Fought against SALT II treaty of 1970’s


• “The Left”• Mostly Democrats who believed that

government had responsibility to see that each citizen was taken care of

• Valued social programs• Wanted to help the poor, elderly and

women• Favored making international friends for

foreign policy

Republican rebirth

• 1970’s Democrats unravel• Johnson’s “Great Society” and Vietnam war

• Rise of counterculture shocked, angered middle class America

• Young people not respecting authority

• White Christianity spreads in response to Watergate and hostage crisis

• High unemployment + inflation– Stagnant economy

Moral Majority

• 1979, Christian movement – Jerry Falwell– It fought against:

• 1962 Engel v. Vitale (no religious teaching public schools)

• 1973 Roe v. Wade (legalized abortion)• Condemned Equal Rights Amendment• Condemned gay rights• Boosted Republicans political power

– Registered + 2 million voters– Distributed “report cards” on legislators to voters to get

them to vote Republican

1980 Election

• Ronald Reagan (Republican) - Winner

• Jimmy Carter (Democrat): the incumbent– Reagan opposed to big government– Supported strong military– Extreme optimist– Convinced Americans that he would bring a

new era of patriotism and prosperity**• ** help business grow, people succeed

“Great Communicator”

• Reagan wins by +50% of vote– “B” movie actor from 1960’s– Grew into political activist who criticized the

government for “overspending”– Ran for president on “Are you better off now

than 4 years ago?” Most Americans said NO

“Trickle-Down” Economics

• Reagan’s policy “Reaganomics”– Reducing taxes on businesses– Reducing taxes on wealthy– Raising taxes on middle class– Reducing $$ given to poor through welfare programs

• **Poverty rose from 13% to 15% • Reagan ignored homelessness; he felt people became

homeless out of choice

– Ended taxes on oil companies “windfall profits”

Economics,pt. 2

• Reagan felt that if he reduced taxes on wealthy business men, they would hire more workers; and the good effects would “trickle-down” to the lowest level of society.

• Only president not to raise minimum wage (he was so “pro-business” and against workers

• Median income for middle class families rose by $4,000 during his term.

Tax Law changes

• He raised taxes 11 times during presidency (over 8 years)

• Tax Reform Act 1986:– Eliminated deductions claimed by taxpayers– Lowered tax rates for wealthy people– Increased taxes on middle class people– Increased taxes on poor

Military spending… up, up, up

• Reagan raised spending from $267 billion in 1980 to $393 billion in 1988.

• Raised national debt to $2.85 trillion

• US went from being biggest money lender to biggest money borrower…

• Reagan called this new debt load on America as his “greatest disappointment”

“STAR Wars” Initiative

• Billions $$$ dedicated to develop B-1 and B-2 bombers, MX Missile systems

• Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) – Land-based program in which lasers could be

used to destroy any in-bound missiles launched at the US

Reagan’s Domestic Agenda

• Promoted his vice-pres. George H. W. Bush as his successor

• Appointed 3 judges to Supreme Court:• He hoped they would bring conservatism back to

Supreme Court.

– Judge Sandra Day O’Connor– First female Court Justice

– Judge Antonin Scalia– Judge Anthony Kennedy

Iran-Contra Affair

• Nov. 1986– America embargoed Iran (no sale of anything to them)– 6 Americans taken hostage in Lebanon by Hezbollah

(terror group)– Iranian people offered to mediate between US and

terrorists to free hostages– Reagan staffers sell weapons to Iran

• $$$ from sales sent to Nicaragua to fund anti-communist fighters called The Contras

• Lt. Col. Oliver North

Iran, pt. 2

• Reagan supported Contras

• Defense Secretary wrote Reagan aware of potential hostage transfers through Iran– Yes, US was sending weapons to Iran– Reagan claimed to have NO knowledge of the

deal– Investigation slowed down due to documents

being destroyed by White House staff (Reagan’s people)

Iran, pt. 3

• March 4, 1987: Reagan on tv to say he would not take full responsibility for Iran-Contra situation

• Admitted he knew about talks with Iran for hostages

• Created the Tower Commission to investigate full mess– Nobody could prove Reagan knew all details

Iran, pt. 4

• 14 Reagan’s people indicted

• 11 convicted

• 3 pardoned by George H. W. Bush– Some worked in his adminstration

Mikhail Gorbachev

• Russian General Secretary (leader) 1985-1991

• Began summit meetings with Reagan– Led to changing attitudes towards America– Ultimately, led to end of Cold War– Worked with Reagan to reduce world

tensions– Won Nobel Peace Prize in 1990

Policies of Gorbachev

• 1. Glasnost (openness)– Allowed Russian citizens the ability to speak against

their government– Allowed new freedoms within Russia

• 2. Perestroika– Restructuring of Russian policies about the citizens of

Russia and how they were treated

• 3. Law on Cooperatives– Allowed private ownership of business– Allowed Russian citizens to obtain foreign investors

“Tear down this wall…”

• June 12, 1987 – Brandenburg Gate of Berlin Wall

• Reagan calls for Russia to cooperate• Berlin Wall symbolized the division between

communism and democracy

• Nov. 1989, East German authorities opened the wall’s gates

• +1,000 climbed wall, took sledgehammers to wall• Within 1 year, East & West Berlin – Germany


George H. W. Bush

• Won president in 1988– “thousand points of light” campaign slogan

• Volunteerism would provide help and assistance to poor

– Promised government would be smaller

• Michael Dukakis and Geraldine Ferraro– “kindler and gentler nation”

Human Rights???

• Spring 1989 China– Student led uprising in China for human rights

violations– Tianamen Square (Beijing)– June 4, China sends tanks to roll over

protesters; killed hundreds– Bush administration condemns Chinese

government; cut arms sales• BUT CONTINUED TO MAINTAIN RELATIONS


South Africa and George

• South African government controlled by whites practiced Apartheid (rigid segregation of the races – white superior)

• Nelson Mandela (black leader against apartheid) imprisoned since 1962– US people sought to stop apartheid by refusing to sell

to them– Pres. Bush, helped to free Mandela from prison and

met with him in 1990– Bush began program to help spread democracy into

South Africa– 1994 Mandela elected pres. Of South Africa (1st free

elections held there ever)

Soviet Union Falls

• Aug. 1991 – “old thinkers” Russians stage failed coup

against Gorbachev– Boris Yeltsin, led against coup, millions of

Russians supported Gorbachev – defeat coup attempt

– Communist party lost power– Russian federation created from old Soviet

Union; 15 new nations created

Persian Gulf War 1

• 1990-1991 – Operation Desert Storm– First Gulf War– First Iraq War– Gulf War I– Iraq, under Saddam Hussein

• Believed Kuwait was his territory• Told them to stop over-producing oil (to raise price of it for

world markets-make him $$$)• Kuwait refused Hussein’s request; oil went from $18 barrel to

$10.00 per• Hussein invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990• Kuwait asked US for help; we went

Gulf war, pt. 2

• UN Security Council sanctioned Iraq; told them to get out of Kuwait– UN formed the coalition of nations to fight

• Majority came from US– Saudi Arabia

– United Kingdom

– Egypt

• Pres. Bush sent troops to wait in Saudi Arabia– Leader of American troops:

• “Stormin” Norman Schwarzkopf

Gulf war, pt. 3

• Jan. 17, 1991 Assault begins on Iraq with 5 weeks of devastating aerial bombing– Iraq sent “Scud” missiles back at coalition

• Ground troops moved in Feb. 1991– Solid victory for Coalition troops (US forces) and

Iraq’s army ran out of Kuwait – back into Iraqi territory– Cease-fire issued within 100 hours of ground assault– Fighting stopped in Kuwait

End of War

– Fighting continued in Iraq, until Iraqi’s gave up• Iraqi’s surrendered• Saudi’s paid $36 billion of total $60 billion cost of


• Iraq had lost +25,000 troops, Americans lost 128• Bush said “we’ve kicked the Vietnam syndrome,

once and for all”• We failed to remove Saddam Hussein from

power in Iraq (which would lead to George W. Bush to continue his father’s fight later on)

Chapter 24: 1992-Today

• New Century, new technology

• 1946, first computer created (filled basement)

• 1954, IBM developed first commercial computer

• 1960’s: development of silicon chip (able to build small personal computers)– Capsule for microprocessor

William Clinton-1992

• Held position as moderate, practical Democrat (first in 12 years for president)

• Governor of Arkansas; called himself a “new Democrat”– Believed in strong national government, tough

on crime, free trade, welfare reform– Clinton had family history of difficult financial

times, so middle America could relate – +100 million voters: Clinton got 43% total



• Temporary Assistance to Needy Families– “Personal Responsibility and Work Act” 1991– INCOME Based; requirements for any

recipient:– Work/school/internship for 30 hours week– Take kids to daycare

» Kids have Sooner Care (OK) to 18– Report all income– Only for 60 months of a person’s LIFE– BE SINGLE PARENTS

» Maximum $$ $492.00 (3 kids or 12)

Clinton “Laws”

• 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act– Guaranteed Americans up to 12 weeks of

unpaid time off from work for medical or family situation

• Newborn child (or adopted)• Long-term illness of family member

Bill Clinton

Laws, pt. 2

• Raised minimum wage • Increased access to college loans• Expanded tax credits for higher education• “Brady Bill” which was a gun-control law aimed

at lowering violence– James Brady (Reagan aide) shot when Reagan shot

by “Squeaky” Fromme in 1981

• $30 billion anticrime bill to add police officers– Banned several assault weapons


• Free trade important (to make $$$)• Clinton supported free trade blocs…• Signed 270 trade agreements for US

– 1993, European Union (several European nations working together on monetary issues)

– 1994, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) trade deal between US, Canada, and Mexico (removing trade barriers between partners)

• Within 10 years, all US-Mexico taxes eliminated; except agricultural products that must pass inspections

Foreign Policy


1991- US led multinational force of “humanitarians” to bring peace and deliver food to masses starving from civil war in Haiti.


1990-1991: civil war; US sent American troops to Somalia to assist them with restoring order to their country

Clinton authorized both actions…

Foreign policy, pt. 2

• Yugoslavia– American joined with UN peace-keeping force

and NATO to fight ethnic-cleansing (genocide) inside old Yugoslavia (now 4 new nations)

• Bosnia – Serbians (attacking and killing)• 1995, NATO begins bombing Serbian positions• December 1995; Serbia beaten by use of NATO

force: ready to give up• Dayton Accords (multinational UN peace meeting)

– Settled Bosnia

Foreign policy, pt. 3

• Middle East (Muslim World)• 1993, Palestine and Israel meeting to solve

differences (religious)– Declaration of Principles – Gaza Strip region

• Israel controlled it, but Palestine wanted it

– 2000, Clinton holds Camp David peace meeting• Yasar Arafat (Palestine)• Ehud Barak (Israel)

– Parties did not sign agreement, but publicly moved toward settlement

Oklahoma City Bombing - 1995

• April 19, 1995

• Murrah Federal Building

• Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols & Michael Fortier

• 168 killed (**19 kids) +800 injured– **America’s Kids Daycare Center

• Destroyed/damaged 86 cars; $652 million damage• Bomb blast felt up to 55 miles away


• Guilty parties

Timothy McVeighTerry Nichols Michael Fortier

OKC, pt. 2

• FBI investigation codename: OKBOMB

• 28,000 interviews conducted– McVeigh upset about 2 events involving

federal government:• 1. Waco

» David Koresh – Branch Davidian Cult-fire

• 2. Ruby Ridge» Randy Weaver –family-weapons

OKC, pt. 3

• April 14, 1995: McVeigh stayed Junction City, KS (used real name)

• April 15, 1995: McVeigh rents Ryder truck (Robert D. Kling)

• April 16, 1995: McVeigh & Nichols drove to OKC; left getaway car parked 2 blocks away from Murrah; left note “not abandoned…please don’t tow. Will move by April 23rd. This car needs a battery and a cable.”

OKC, pt. 4

• April 19: 9:00 a.m. McVeigh drove Ryder truck to Murrah, parked in front

• 9:02 a.m. Bombs detonates: 1/3 entire building blown away– 30 foot wide, 8 foot deep crater left– McVeigh and Fortier escape on foot, get to


Bomb Site

• 9:01 a.m. 9:03 a.m.

McVeigh’s arrest…

• McVeigh headed north on I-35; stopped by Trooper Charlie Hanger for having no license plate

• Hanger finds loaded gun in car• Detained McVeigh on weapons & tag charges• April 21, 1995: FBI agents question McVeigh;

refuses to answer• April 21, 1995: Nichols turns himself in to

agents; search his home; find bomb-making books + map of OKC with Murrah marked X

Lasting effects of “terror”

• Bailey Almon

Arrest, pt, 2

• Nichols id’s Fortier; he’s arrested• Over 12,000 people helped in search and rescue

– Stopped May 5th

– May 23th, Murrah building demolished; found 3 bodies

– McVeigh tried on 168 counts; death penalty cases; found guilty June 22, 1997

– June 11th, 1999 McVeigh executed in Terra Haute, IN with lethal injection

– 1st federal execution in 38 years


• April 19, 2000 Oklahoma City National Memorial dedicated by Pres. Clinton

• Includes reflecting pool between 2 walled gates, each with time carved on

• It includes 168 empty glass chairs, 19 of those child sized

Clinton on trial

• 2 scandals disrupt Clinton’s presidency:– 1. Whitewater

• Real estate investments involving shady characters (who were sent to jail; Clinton’s found innocent)

– 2. Monica Lewinsky• 1998, affair with White House intern

– Initially, Clinton lied about affair– House of Rep impeached Clinton for perjury and

obstruction of justice– Senate failed to convict on Feb. 12th 1999

Al Qaeda Emerges

• 1993: terror group blasts World Trade Center in New York (bomb in basement)– Killed 6 people– Hurt +1,000 – Osama bin Laden, claimed responsibility with his new

terror network, Al Qaeda• His goal, end American involvement in areas of Muslim belief• Also, bombed US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania

(killed 225)• Bombed USS Cole (ship stopped in Yemen to refuel)

– (killed 17 sailors)


• 1999, Colombine High School in Colorado– 2 heavily armed kids

• Eric Harris• Dylan Klebold

– Open fire in school• Killed 12 other kids• + 2 teachers

– New anti-bully policies created across America

• “zero tolerance” policies toward school violence

George W. Bush (43rd Pres.)

• 2nd pres. Whose father was pres.

• Served as Lt. in Tx Nat’l Guard

• 9/11/2001:– Attack on World Trade Center– New York City– Bush proclaimed “War on Terror”

• Launched military action against Afghanistan 2001• Launched war on Iraq in 1003

Election Controversy

• Al Gore (Democrats)

• George W. Bush (Republicans)– Gore won popular vote (+500,000 more)– No clear electoral college victor (Florida could

not decide-had 25 electoral votes)• Disputes caused 2 recounts lasted over 1 month

– Supreme Court 2000 - Bush v. Gore: decide to stop re-counting; awards win to Bush 5-4

Patriot Act 2001

• Severely cuts personal freedoms and privacy in the interest of “national security”

• Result of 9/11 attack:– Series of 4 coordinated attacks using

American planes on American soil– Al Qaeda claimed responsibility

• Osama bin Laden• 19 terrorists

World Trade Center

• Photo Memories

American Flight 11

United Airlines Flight 175


• American Airlines – Flight 77– Washington, DC

1 side of building collapsed from impact and resulting fire.

Shanksville, PA

• United Airlines Flight 93• on target to hit White House

Todd Beamer and other passengers decided to

fight back. He called his wife to say “ I love you

and goodbye”.

Famous last words heard by his wife: “ Let’s Roll”

Total Cost: Priceless

• +3,000 died– World Trade Centers– 227 people on planes– 19 hijackers

US declared War on Terror and put America

on “terror watch”.Declaration of war would

include the nations of Iraq, Afghanistan and



• Clean-up of WTC site complete in 2002

• 1,776 feet tall building set to open this year– Will house offices and national museum

• Help Americans remember why we fear religion

Homeland Security

• Cabinet Division– Created by Bush– To oversee security

• Issues here at home

Jeh Johnson,

Secretary of Homeland Security

No Child Left Behind

• 2001: educational law passed by Bush administration– All kids have to pass 4/7 EOI tests to graduate– Without passage, kids will receive a

“certificate of completion” upon leaving school– Will have to pass GED to receive “diploma”

Hurricane Katrina

• August 2005: Katrina hits New Orleans– Controversy surrounds FEMA**

• Federal Emergency Management Agency

• Bush criticized for “mishandling” Katrina– People in south felt he was slow in responding to the

emergency• Would lead to Democrats winning both houses of Congress

in fall elections• Bush approval ratings fell, due to:

– Ongoing wars (when are we gonna “win”???)– Katrina– Terror attacks???– High gas prices (due to Katrina)

Great Recession of 2007

• Bush financial policies:– No rules on banks/lenders

• Led to “predatory lending”– Banks loaned $$$ to people they knew could not pay

back: created up-front $$$ for lenders– Borrowers were (upside down-owed more than house

worth); houses foreclosed on; properties resold» Lenders make $$$$ again…

2008 Presidential Election

• John McCain (Republican)– Sarah Palin (V-Pres. Candidate – governor of Alaska)– Navy pilot in Vietnam

• 6 years as POW• House of Reps and Senate member

• Barack Obama (Democrat)– Joe Biden (V-pres. Candidate – Rep. from PA)– Harvard Law graduate

• white mother/father from Kenya• Illinois senator

Obama wins…

• January 20, 2009– First black president of US sworn into office– First action:

• Healthcare reform– “Affordable Care Act” passed by Democratic House and

Senate– Law of nation, went into effect Jan. 2014– Forced medical insurance (either from employer or

personal purchase)» If not covered, you will be taxed on federal income


Combat in Iraq over…

• August 2010:– +4,000 killed– +31,000 wounded during War in Iraq– Iraq now more stable (take care of

themselves)– Added military to Pakistan (where bin Laden

was hiding)• Taliban and Al Qaeda both located there• May 2011, bin Laden killed by navy seals

Seal Team Six

• Elite group of soldiers– Killed bin Laden

• Pakistan (hiding)

– May 2011

2012 Presidential Election

• Barack Obama (President – Democrat)– Wins second term…currently serving

• Mitt Romney (Republican)

Patriot Bill Reauthorized

• 2011, President Obama reauthorized Patriot Act, plus:– Allowed FBI to wiretap phones (no warrant

necessary)» Telephones, e-mails, financials

– Search business records» Homes, businesses, financials

– Conduct surveillance of terror suspects– Detain immigrants who are suspected

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