real estate solutions project management construction management

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Our Professional Competence, Your Personal Condence

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    You need a reliable




    You need

    real eState SolutionS.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Join the


    explore the


    Real Estate Soluons (RES) is a highly respected ProgramManagement Company, specializing in managing the

    full lifecycle of real estate projects. With a unique ability

    to combine vast professional experse, management

    competence and an outstanding customer service, RES

    is denitely your true partner for managing your pre

    and post construcon iniaves.

    As one of the fastest growing Program Management

    companies in the Middle East, North Africa and

    Southern Europe, RES ulizes an in-depth analysis

    into the most complex and advanced perspecves of

    real estate development consultancy and program

    management. From the inial development appraisal,

    nancial analysis, design management to execuon and

    post compleon aercare, we employ a powerful and

    disciplined approach, tailored to our clients needs.

    For addional details of our value added services, clients

    and projects, kindly refer to our global web page.

    given the ComPlexitY of todaYS real eState

    and ConStruCtion marketPlaCe, Partnering

    with a ComPetent ProJeCt management

    ComPanY Can make the differenCe between

    SuCCeSS and failure.



  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    a truSted


    for delivering



  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    We are proud of our competence to adapt to the

    diverse styles, management cultures and strategies

    of our clients, joining hands to reach the best

    possible decisions. We have successfully integrated

    muldisciplines in our service-pack encompassing

    nancial management and project management

    together, aiming at providing maximum focus to our

    Clients protability targets. RES has been helping its

    clients meet their real estate investment objecves

    and construcon milestones, increasing overall

    eciency, improving protability and reducing

    operaonal costs. We have achieved these goals by

    transforming visions into reality and challenges into

    results by represenng strength and commitment

    to partnership and contemporary thinking.





    Your Future planSare our preSent challenge

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    our proFeSSional coMpetence

    Your perSonal conFiDence

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management



    Single Point of reSPonSibilitY

    ProJeCt deliverYServiCeS

    ProJeCtdeveloPmentfinanCial ServiCeS


    Standard work ProCedureS

    buSineSS Control SYStemS


    ContinuouS imProvement - Sharing knowledge & learning

    Site Appraisal Feasibility Studies Financial Analysis and

    P Investment Due Diligence

    Value Analysis and LifeCycle Analysis

    Initial Massing and Pre-Concept Studies

    Project Planning andScheduling

    Cost Models Development

    m Program and Requirements


    Design Review andm

    Tender Management Construction Management Project Review and Audit

    Value Engineering Project Control Systems Contract Administration Sustainability/Green

    Building Risk Management Safety Management Claims Management Project Management

    Information Systems

    Operation andMaintenance Planning andip

    Commissioning andHandover Assistance

    Due Diligence Life Cycle Costing and

    Improvement Procurement Management Energy Management

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Working and partnering with RES guarantees a

    wide range of benets. Our outstanding suite

    of services spans from idencaon of need

    to post project facility management. Beyond

    the expected tradional services most of the

    program management companies provide, RES

    has been deploying exclusive methodologies,

    innovave technologies and innovave working


    Making mulfaceted decisions in the rapidly

    evolving real estate market is a demanding

    challenge. Thats why you need a reliable partner

    who understands your unique aspiraons which

    you can count on.

    You need commied management services to

    idenfy key issues, establish eecve working

    systems and handle your most important

    investment decisions.

    For details on our services package in Europe, please visit our website.



  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    RES develops comprehensive business plans for real-estate

    developments that comprise the following:

    Assessment of the site appropriateness and density of the


    The likelihood of gaining planning consent

    Add-on costs (o-site cost) arising from carrying out the


    Market studies that includes the macro side of the

    targeted market, demand and supply analysis, analysis

    of compleve projects with respect to the intended


    Major market players

    Market share analysis, market opportunity and revenue


    Site and environment evaluaon, including locaon,

    socio-economic policies and transportaon

    Preparaons of preconcert and massing studies.

    Development of the project master schedules, detailed

    cost and revenue esmates and cash ow analysis Development of opmum capital structure, and analysis

    of protability indicators.

    RES is aware of the importance of early planning and

    precise vision denion to the lifeme of a project.

    Thats why we put a lot aenon to this crical stage

    of a project early planning based on solid market and

    technical studies before starng your development

    iniave provides a clear roadmap for the investment

    life-cycle and exit opons. Our project development

    nancial services enhance the value of projects

    while performing within the budget parameters.

    This type of professional dedicaon helps determine

    all investment specics, as required capital, capital

    structures, protability indicators, speed of the

    building process and oers a detailed review of risk

    and exit stragies..

    Our Preconstrucon Services include comprehensive

    business plans for real-estate developments, scope

    and budget management (cost models), value analysis,

    constructability review and scheduling. We provide

    early, detailed and accurate esmates for any scale ofprojects so that you can base your cost calculaons

    on realisc gures.PROjEcTDEvELOPmENTFINANcIALSERvI



    iS our core ViSion

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    The Financial Analysis and Investment Appraisal

    will include cost esmaons, basic accounng

    statement, project nancing, nancial and eciency

    rao and the overall nancial evaluaon.

    The Econoic Evaluation will include cash ow,

    annual return, payback period, and internal rate ofreturn, (NPV) net present value, present and future


    The Technical Assessent will include the

    pre-concept study, scope of work for construcon

    acvies, constructability analysis, project sustainable

    soluons, green building iniaves, project schedule,

    nish level and esmates of the overall investment.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management



    A preliminary study and conceptual design massing is

    developed in order to analyze the nancial eciency of

    the space program

    Authories are consulted to ensure the programs


    Based on this preliminary design study we prepare the

    detailed Master Budget for the whole project, broken

    down into clear and predened working elements

    We prepare the detailed Master Schedule which

    species the various stages of the project

    We prepare the design TOR and together with the client

    we select reputable design consultants to manage the

    design procurement

    Our prime role during the implementaon phase

    is to create an atmosphere of cooperaon and

    producvity, encouraging producve working

    relaonships among all members of the project

    team, including consultants and contractors.


    Preparaon of an overall implementaon strategy,

    including Project Brief, Design, Procurement andConstrucon Strategies.





    the liMitS oF perForMance

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Monitor design costs

    Manage the design scheduleConrm that design checks are carried out by the A/E

    (design vericaon)

    Design reviews

    Guarantee the highest project design standards

    throughout the enre project

    Ensure that the design selected has the lowest Operaon

    and Maintenance costs and the highest income yield

    Design Management is a systematic approach

    of our organization. It evaluates and monitors

    the design process, assuring that the project is

    completed within the cost, timetable and quality

    as required by the client.

    Together with the selected design consultant, our

    primary goals are to:

    Establish the clients design requirements and to

    develop a Design Management strategy for thetotal project (design input)

    Ensure that the hired designers meet their

    contractual obligaons

    Conrm that design interfaces are dened

    Conrm that the design output meets the clients

    requirements (design output)

    Green Building compliance

    Constructability analysis Manage design changes eecvely, by evaluang

    the technical, me and costs impact of the

    proposed changes




  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Aain comprehensive knowledge of the trade

    contracng industry. Further develop good working

    relaonships with the individual contractors

    and a thorough knowledge of their abilies andtheir specializaons. We undertake a formal

    and systemac selecon process to arrive to the

    contractors short list.

    Management of the Tendering Process

    Preparaon of Tenders Reports

    Negoate and Award Package Contracts

    In addion we connuously strive to rene our

    innovave methods of planning and execung

    construcon projects and provide our clients with

    the most accurate assessments of probable cost

    and bids during the tender phase of the project.

    We are qualied to conduct Value Engineering

    workshops and to select opmum design soluons

    and materials that can achieve the best economical

    and funconal design.

    We implement powerful management tools and

    techniques to match the requirements of the client

    and the various stages of the project. Our goal is to

    help both the designer and the Client to complete a

    superior constructed project at a reasonable cost.

    The result is a detailed set of proposals and praccal

    recommendaons, designed to add value to theproject and ensure that it delivers maximum benet

    for the client through an accountable decision

    making process.vALUEENgINEERINg




    Share the power,

    explore the poSSibilitieS

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    In todays construcon industry, melycompleon of projects is crucial for their success.To meet the oen tough challenges of our clientsmetables, RES ulizes the latest technologicaldevelopments and the most advanced processingand communicaon equipment.

    During the planning stages we present the clients

    with snapshots of the overall project schedule,

    allowing clear understanding of the acvies

    that have the greatest impact on the project.

    This crucial informaon enables the clients to

    keep pace with market uctuaons and make

    the right decisions.

    Cost management and control has a signicant

    RES has chosen Construcon Management asthe opmum route for delivering its projects.We rely on exible management techniques thatcan be adapted to changing demands, and wemanage the enre life cycle of the project fromincepon unl occupancy.

    By incorporang our experse and knowledgein each phase of the project, we opmize the

    overall construcon process. We coordinate theworks of various construcon packages, aim atreducing operaonal costs and we proacvelyancipate, idenfy and resolve unpredictedchallenges.








  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    As construcon professionals, we at RES

    know how to balance the conngencies of risk

    with the contractual, nancial, operaonal

    and organizaonal requirements. The risk

    management process entails idenfying risks

    and exposures, and formulang an eecve risk

    management strategy to migate the potenal

    for loss, if any. Moreover, we use a holisc risk

    management approach that enables us to idenfythe potenal impact that other associated risks

    may have on the project.

    impact on the outcome and ongoing success of

    a construcon project. The key for measuring

    success and evaluang the value of a construcon

    project is the return on investment for the

    client who nanced it. RES has achieved success

    through its innovave planning and cost control

    techniques on each project it has delivered.

    We believe that value should be at the heart ofany cost management service, which is why we

    endeavor to fully understand our clients projects

    and business objecves.










    proViDing SerViceS,

    generating relationShipS

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    charges This strongly posions us within FM market with

    edge over our competors.

    As part of our post construcon services, we make

    signicant eorts to ensure that our clients have a thorough

    understanding of how their new building operates. Our

    paent and detailed guiding service has a very strong

    inuence on our clients sasfacon.

    ( Appointed as construcon Managers to manage the security upgrade for Oil Sector Complex )

    Facilies Management (FM) consultancy provides an

    important addion to Real Estate Soluons porolio

    of services allowing us to connue our relaonships

    with clients well aer construcon is completed and

    the facilies are in use.

    We go the extra mile by providing strategic advice

    and consultaon which can be applied at the designstage and throughout the enre life of a construcon

    project. Our work ensures ecient and well-run

    buildings, with low operaonal and maintenance


    Our understanding of FM issues is strengthened by

    hands-on experience and involvement in building

    design and construcon, giving us a clear perspecve

    on maintenance issues and whole lifecycle cosng

    including the calculaons of the maintenanceFAcIL



  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Our energy management starts with an in-depth

    understanding of the overall energy system and

    consumpon. Our energy management processes

    idenfy ineciencies and provide soluons that

    can improve eciency.

    We at RES are condent in our ability to generate

    savings through ecient energy management,

    that we are guaranteeing proven results! On some

    of our past projects we reached savings in excess

    of 25%.

    Our energy management techniques can be applied

    to any building, irrespecve of its size or complexity,

    whether private or public sector buildings. Our

    approach to energy management is exible and

    can be tailored to suit the clients needs.



    perFect tiMing

    For intelligent DeciSionS

    RES Innovave methods for improving energy eciency

    can bring many benets

    Lower energy costs

    Lower operaon costs Lower maintenance costs

    Reduced carbon emissions

    Improved working condions

    Beer monitoring and control

    Ensures legislave compliance

    Higher revenues and income yields

    Demonstrates corporate & social responsibility

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    at real eState SolutionS we are ContinuallY

    Pioneering new teChniqueS develoPing more

    effeCtive SolutionS and Putting innovativeideaS into PraCtiCe. thiS aPProaCh enableS uS

    to reduCe CoSt and inveStment riSk for ClientS

    and deliver SuCCeSSful ProJeCtS.

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Why Talk to Us?

    Real Estate Soluons oers a comprehensive package of

    management and consulng soluons that can eecvely assist

    its clients. These services create a signicant compeve edge,

    posioning our company as a leader in our eld. Here are only a

    few of the advantages.

    An in-depth knowledge and professional experse, with core

    competencies in various aspects of Program Management.

    We will maximize your companys performance through a full-

    service package of intelligent decisions. Everything we do isunderpinned by a desire for excellence, never compromising

    quality and perfecon while delivering our services.

    When partnering with our clients we always set posive and

    realisc expectaons, connuously planning and working for

    successful results. We are commied to maintaining the highest

    standards of ethics and work as long as it takes to keep our

    promises and retain your trust.

    We go beyond constraints of market convenon and standard

    approaches to Program Management. We are always passionate

    about innovave ideas that make a dierence to our clients.

    The quest for excellence in our industry and the ever-changing

    environment, in which we operate, constantly challenges us to

    increase our level of knowledge and client service. We believe

    we are one of the few management companies that foresee and

    proacvely respond to these challenges.

    Whenever you venture into an unfamiliar arena, its important

    to partner with someone you can trust. RES services are alwaysbased on trust, integrity and condence, striving to posion

    ourselves as your devoted partner in Program Management


    Whilst it is important to be an integral part of the team, RES is

    totally independent of the projects designer and contractor.

    We work as the exclusive representave of the client. This is the

    best way to permit a fully objecve assessment of the project

    schedule, budget, and quality in full accordance with the ownersbest interests.

    Being deeply rooted in our nancial culture, our soluons will

    enable you to build value, manage risk and improve your building

    performance through our customized project management


    With RES youll shorten your learning curve and reduce your

    risk level whenever delivery of major projects is at stake. Well

    provide you with local excellence and access to global experse.

    Rigorous program management techniques, a full spectrum of

    resources, industry intelligence and proprietary analycal tools,

    are the main tools that dierenate our consultancy services.

    proViDing You

    with the MoMentuM For SucceSS

  • 8/14/2019 Real Estate Solutions Project Management Construction Management


    Head Office


    Kuwait Free Trade ZoneBusiness Waves D9P.O.Box 4893Safat 13049

    Tel: +965 2461 3950

    Fax: +965 2461 3954


    Grosvenor House TowerSuit # 1511, 15th levelShaikh Zayed RoadP.O. Box 215743

    Tel: +971 4329 8618

    Fax: +971 4329 8619


    The Gables Block AGround Floor,Triq Raddiet lr - RotiXemxija

    Tel: +356 2158 1350

    Fax: +356 2158 1351


    20 Aisha El TaimoriaGarden CityC

    Tel: +2022 2792 0293

    Fax: +2022 2792 0298


    57 Boulevard Abdelmoumen,a O 27 Rue Salim Cherkaoui,Imm.AL HADI. 2me tage B8Casabanca-Maroc

    Tel: +356 9991 9992

    Fax: +356 2141 3652

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