rebeca.1.1-edouard seguin

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Edouard Seguin

The work of Edouard Seguin(1812-1880),the brilliant French physician and teacher was Maria Montessori’s inspiration and his “pedagogical treatment” used in treating different forms of disease such as idiocy ,paralysis, deafness represented the embryo of the Montessori method. Seguin’s work was influenced by (sonorous name such as of) Jean Marc Gaspard Itard the founder of the Otiatry (diseases of the year) and pioneer of a methodical education of the sense of hearing based on a series of experiments made in the institute for deaf-mutes founded in Paris by Freres Pereire (Pereire brothers-Emile and Isaac sons of Jacobo Pereira, the inventor of sign language),not only his teacher but also his muse. He used his predecessor’s experiments (among which was the observations made during the treatment of “the wild boy of Aveyron”, all of who’s senses were being treated) as the foundation of his work, applying procedures used before with great success ,modifying them or moulding them into new shapes, adding his research conclusions and finally perfecting a method described for the first time treatise named: “Traitement Moral, Hygiene et Education des Idiots” (Moral, Hygienic and Educational Treatment for the Idiots) published in 1846 in France. Edouard Seguin immigrated to the United States in 1848 but he continue to pursue his passion for educating the mentally challenged in order to help create a better society therefore he founded a series of institutions for people with deficiencies. After this new set of experiences he publishes in 1866 “Idiocy and its Treatment by the Physiological Medical” in New York, a volume which contains in a more explicit way his physiological method, offering valuable information about the didactic material used in order to obtain the aimed results (Seguin apparatus) among which a key role is played by the spiritual aid offered by the teacher.Seguin’s focus in describing the immense importance of the spiritual guidance and human participation in the teaching process, concluding by expressing his fear that his work would be less than useless due to the teacher’s lack of preparation ,and that does not mean lack of education, it mean that the teachers would not be ready for their work. A teacher profile in Seguin’s vision should contain such elements as: a pleasant physical appearance, good manners and a warm voice and a calling for leading people, either adults or children, on the road of knowledge, on the fortifying road towards life and happiness. It is imperative to comprehend the Seguin method and the most eloquent phrase which sums up this whole method is “to lead the child as it were lead by the hand, from the training of the muscular system, to that of the nervous system, and of the senses” From this we understand what he could achieve with disabled people, transforming idiots into a person, progressing gradually from a “lost case” to a “miracle”. Edouard Seguin’s legacy doesn’t speak only within the lines of his books but through his astonishing results with disabled people and most importantly through the


influence he had upon as remarkable a person as Maria Montessori> Her work was inspired by Seguin’s teaching methods which were applied in teaching normal children.Even today among the Montessori didactic material used in teaching children there are a series of boards named after the great scientist “first a teacher and than a physician” to remind us of the impact this illustrious figure had and still has.


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