recalling the philippines’ wedding traditions

Post on 08-May-2015






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Here in the Philippines, we adhere to the marriage practices and superstitions that have no scientific proof, but are attested by the experience of our ancestors. Although we are living in the modern world, many are lingering to these beliefs for the sake of having a fruitful and happily married life. Marriage Superstitions So, you and the love of your life are finally getting married and you’re in the process of preparing for your wedding in a wedding venue in Tagaytay. You’re so close to being husband and wife and your families are becoming closer than ever. There’s just one thing, you’ll be showered with superstitious beliefs that you need to follow because your lolos and lolas insisted and you have no choice but follow them. Well, that’s part of the tradition. Better safe than sorry, they say. Here’s a list of the superstitious beliefs you’ll possibly be dealing with before you get married. Brides shall not try on their wedding dresses before the wedding day. If you try it on, the wedding might not push through. It is bad luck for the couple to see each other the night before the wedding. The groom must be in the wedding venue first for sure good luck. The bride must not wear pearls on her wedding day as it signifies tears on their marriage. Siblings are not permitted to be married on the same year or they’ll both be showered with bad luck. During the wedding, the person on whose on the side of the candle that first dies out is said to die first. Dropping the ring, veil, cord or arrhae is linked to unhappiness of the married life. If the bride steps on the foot of the groom towards the altar, her groom will become agreeable to her. Throwing rice and confetti on the newly wedded couple during the reception will mean happiness, prosperity and good luck for the couple. The doves during the reception must be able to fly together and freely for the couple to live a happily ever after. Superstitions are ideas that revolved into beliefs and have become a tradition in the long run. Things may have changed for the past years, but these superstitions will always be present in our lives. They may not be practiced regularly like they were before, but they will always be remembered in our subconscious mind, making us become careful of our actions always. You may doubt these beliefs but there’s no harm in doing every step to secure your happy marriage.


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