redefined by god not garbage

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Redefined by God Not Garbage


    Mirror, Mirror on theWall, who am I after


    How many times do we womenook in the mirror and cringe.unny, men pass by a storefront

    window and they pay attention,uck in their gut, push out theirhest and brush their hair, makeheir fist and pump a muscle.Man, I look GOOD!

    Conversely, Women walk by anduddenly react as if they have

    een attacked, shrieking andcurrying past it, putting theirand up over their eyes as if likehorse they need blinders and

    ush for the other side of thetreet.

    We have been so brain washed,we have swallowed so manyhings that are fed to us, and now

    we have a very wrong and

    kewed view of what we arealled to and called to be. Weompare ourselves with others allhe time and we either pridefullyoast we are not like someonelse or we want to bury our head

    n the sand and disappear intohe background.

    ION KING QUOTE:You are more than what you

    ave become!

    ByGOD, notGarbage!

    (c) 2013 Joanna Fruhauf
  • 7/30/2019 Redefined by God Not Garbage


    Ladies, We are often ineffectivebecause we seek our ownways...the ways of either theprideful or the prisoner - We areOFTEN defined by our

    GARBAGE! We wear it like agarment.

    We bring into our every dayives so much more than justhese silly misrepresentations of

    what we are told we aresupposed to do or be. We bringour own insecurities, our ownnferiorities, our own baggagerom our hurts, our shame, our

    sin, our past, our regrets, ourself abuse, our blame, ourbereavement, our belittling lies,discouragement, our discontent,our dissatisfaction, our anger,agitation, agendas, attitudes,ailures, fears and all ourroubled history....we come as

    victims, prisoners and slaves.And with that we expect to beeffective in our walk and display

    of the God we serve.

    GOD wants to change that! Wehave an incredible opportunity inChrist to be REDEFINED byGOD - not our Garbage. Wecould stay though in the oldgarments couldnt we.Comfortable in what we know.The new garments, new fit, newstyle, could be a little different

    and pull on different areas of us

    that we are not familiar or

    comfortable with. Maybe thebrilliance of those coloredgarments are not our normalattire...perhaps we are too usedto the drab, dark.

    Transformation is a wonderfulthing. It may not be easy, but itis beautiful. Caterpillars arechanged at the molecular level

    and TRANSFORMED into

    butterflies. they go fromcrawling on the grown to flyingthrough the air, from sluggishlytraipsing on branches and theforest floors to wafting about ongentle breezes, from eatinggreen leaves to being sippingthe sweet nectar of flowers.Butterflies also have thedistinctly unique job along withbees of pollination without

    which we would not have any of

    our nuts, fruits or vegetableswhich bring incredible nutrition toour daily lives.


    POLICY unlike any we have evereceived.

    We can turn in our worn out,discarded, ragged, destroyed antorn apart lives, and exchangethem for HIS LIFE.

    GOD is in the BUSINESS ofEXCHANGE ---IF---We will cometo Him, surrender to Him, Live fo


    If we HOPE in God, He will notdisappoint. If we focus ouraffections, our attention, ouraspirations on Him, He will Suppour every need, and exchange /turn our lives in.

    W eNEED an

    E x c h a n g e Policy from






    Who had BARBIEs? O My gosh, I can

    remember playing with Barbies for ever as

    kid...I think till I was about 14 years old...I s

    wanted to be like Barbie...but Lets be real

    anyone shaped like that would be so top

    heavy shed be doing a face plant on the

    sidewalk every time she tried to walk on hetippy toes! - Lets be Real!

    (c) 2013 Joanna Fruhauf
  • 7/30/2019 Redefined by God Not Garbage


    Terefore,ifanyoneisinChrist,heisanewcreaton;oldingshavepassedaway;behold,alingshavebecomenew. 2Cor5:17





    We need our

    Spiritual DNAradically alteredwhich happens

    the ALTAR!

    A surrender to thwill and ways oGod, a death o

    ourselves. Withoit there is NO

    resurrection pow

    no transformatio

    Spending time with the Lord

    is key, because its as we

    spend time with Him, He

    makes us into the Ladies He

    desires of us. Do notconform to the pattern of thisworld, but be transformed bythe renewing of your mind

    Rom 12;2

    All through out the scriptures God used women to show His power of Redefining Wonder.

    ie., Sarah a barren woman - Gave birth to the nation of God.

    I want to look a 4 women in old testament - who you may or may not be fa miliar with.! TAMAR - a woman whose husband died, and was essentially cast aside, neglected, andavoided by her father in law who was by law then to be responsible for her care.! RAHAB - a prostitute, well known, perhaps a madam known by the upper echelons of thmilitary, governmental officials. Pagan! RUTH - a moabite, widow, with no one to care for her. A woman who was considered adefiled woman because of her historical ancestry of the nations birth out of incest. living in

    foreign lands in obscurity - Pagan! BATHSHEBA - a woman raped by the King/coverup by authorities, whose husband waskilled.! AND YET BECAUSE ALL THESE WOMEN put their HOPE in GOD - HE CHANGEDRadically their circumstances - and they were all mentioned in the Lineage of Jesus Christ of

    Matthew chapter One - In fact, they are the only wives in the blood line passage of scripture


    Think of the Incredible amount of pain, suffering, distress, humiliation, and loss these women


    (c) 2013 Joanna Fruhauf
  • 7/30/2019 Redefined by God Not Garbage


    9 The Samaritan woman said tohim, You are a Jew and I am aSamaritan woman. How can youask me for a drink? (For Jews donot associate with Samaritans.)

    10 Jesus answered her, If youknew the gift of God and who it ishat asks you for a drink, you

    would have asked him and hewould have given you livingwater.

    11Sir, the woman said, youhave nothing to draw with andhe well is deep. Where can you

    get this living water? 12 Are yougreater than our father Jacob,

    who gave us the well and drankrom it himself, as did also hissons and his livestock?

    13 Jesus answered, Everyonewho drinks this water will behirsty again, 14 but whoever

    drinks the water I give them willnever thirst. Indeed, the water Igive them will become in them aspring of water welling up toeternal life.

    15 The woman said to him, Sir,give me this water so that I wontget thirsty and have to keepcoming here to draw water.

    16 He told her, Go, call yourhusband and come back.

    17I have no husband, sheeplied.

    Jesus said to her, You are rightwhen you say you have nohusband. 18 The fact is, youhave had five husbands, and theman you now have is not yourhusband. What you have just

    said is quite true.

    19Sir, the woman said, I cansee that you are a prophet.20 Our ancestors worshiped onthis mountain, but you Jewsclaim that the place where wemust worship is in Jerusalem.

    21Woman, Jesus replied,believe me, a time is comingwhen you will worship the Father

    neither on this mountain nor inJerusalem. 22 You Samaritansworship what you do not know;we worship what we do know, forsalvation is from the Jews.23 Yet a time is coming and hasnow come when the trueworshipers will worship theFather in the Spirit and in truth,for they are the kind ofworshipers the Father seeks.24 God is spirit, and his

    worshipers must worship in the

    Spirit and in truth.

    25 The woman said, I know thatMessiah (called Christ) iscoming. When he comes, he willexplain everything to us.

    26 Then Jesus declared, I, theone speaking to youI am he.

    The Disciples Rejoin Jesus

    27 Just then his disciples returnedand were surprised to find himtalking with a woman. But no oneasked, What do you want? orWhy are you talking with her?

    28 Then, leaving her water jar, thwoman went back to the town andsaid to the people, 29Come, seea man who told me everything Iever did. Could this be theMessiah?30 They came out of thtown and made their way towardhim....

    Many Samaritans Believe

    39 Many of the Samaritans

    from that town believed in

    him because of the womans

    testimony, He told me

    everything I ever did.40 So

    when the Samaritans came t

    him, they urged him to stay

    with them, and he stayed tw

    days. 41 And because of his

    words many more became


    42 They said to the woman,

    We no longer believe just

    because of what you said;

    now we have heard for

    ourselves, and we know that

    this man really is the Savior

    of the world. 2013 Joanna Fruhauf

    John 4:4Now [Jesus] had to go through Samaria. 5 Sohe came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plotof ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph.6 Jacobs wellwas there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, satdown by the well. It was about noon.

    7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus

    said to her, Will you give me a drink?8 (His disciples hadgone into the town to buy food.)
  • 7/30/2019 Redefined by God Not Garbage


    Consider the Woman at the Well in John 4

    Here is a a woman that is going to draw water at the well in the H

    of the day. WHY? Because she is ashamed of her lifestyle, her choi

    her baggage, her activities, her sin! She has no doubt been the brun

    jokes and sneers. The source of Gossip.

    BUT NOW, What a tremendous Exchange - Literally, not jus

    conversation, but actual exchange - HER LIFE for HIS!!! - THERE

    NO GREATER EXCHANGE POLICY in the universe!!!!

    She made out is a woman that was ostracized, snickereat, gossiped about, shunned and scolded. Here is a woman that haway, avoided contact with these other women, had no supportsystem and probably the lowest self esteem possible. She had sounderstanding of the God of Israel, she had some understanding tshe was in sin, but had no power to change where she was at. 2013 Joanna Fruhau

    SHE WAS NOT OFFENDED by the fact that Jesus KNEW EVERYTHING she ever did..She was notffended that Jesus agreed with that she wasnt in the best of situations, .in fact it was a comfort to her.

    SHE WAS DESPERATE for a change!

    SHE DIDNT have to live that way anymore, she didnt have to hide. She could be set free from the PRISOhe lived within. a Prison she placed her self in, no one elses fault, no one else had the power to releaseer.

    PRIOR to her encounter - AFTER her encounter, she was CHANGED - to the point where this woman whhoose to avoid everyone in town, headed right into the crowd to boldly proclaim who she encountered. N

    SHAME, No Regrets, No hinderance - She was flying, she had been washed clean, she was wearing newarments, she was drinking of the sweet honey from the Rose of Sharon, She was refreshed by the LIVIN


    his woman used to run from the taunts, now she ran head first/strong into the very crowd that in times padiculed her. THATs a Powerful life. Thats an effective Life, Thats an Abundant Life -

    he wonder of His LOVE, the Power of His Washing, the beauty of HIS Transformation!s RADICAL - Its IMPACTING - and there is always a residual impact zone, where the splash back of theisplaced earth leaves an indelible, impression on the face of the one impacted, like a meteorite that impahe surface of the earth or moon. That Splash zone is broad because much is displaced with just a little

    iece from the heavens

    Where are you at? Are you feeling ridiculed, ostracized, shameful, neglected, cast aside, hu

    nd beaten, robbed from or powerless?

    Are you feeling like a prisoner, a slave or a victimDo you want to Exchange YOUR Life for HIS and Be Transformed into something COMPLETELY NEW?

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