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Proceedings of the 16' ~unual Workshop held by the




Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

12 - 13 February, 2003


L D Currie, R B Stewart and C W N Anderson

The comct citation for these promdings is

thor(s), 2003. Titk of paper. In: Envimmenta l management wing soil-plant systems. (EdS Currie, R B Stewart and C W N Anderson). Occasional Report No. 16. Fntilizer and

Re Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North. pp



(Egna mungo-Cv. T9)

A Satbiyanamyanm and Anba B Khan

Salim Ali School of Ewlogv and Environmental Science, Pondicheny University, Pondicheny - 605 014, India. e-mail : anisabasheer@edif?inaiIcom

Absmct The efficient vermiconversion of coirpith by top load mechanism in a vermircactor is best achieved with a feed ratio of 1 : 1 coirpith:cowdung (wlw dryweight). Analysis of vennicasts mdicated TOC-3.28%; TON-0.34% with a C:N ratio of 9.65:l. Among the minerals N- 2 7 9 . 1 ~ P-141.14mg and K-621.75mg was obtained in 1:l ratio of coirpah: cowdung. The effect of vermicasts on the germination was observed in the laboratory and the effect on growth as well as yield parameters was tested in a pot study. Germination study was based on the percentage of seeds germinated, length of shoot, root etc., and other biochemical parameters. Growth was observed based on morphological parameters like root and shoot length, number of leaves and root nodules etc., and biochemically it was based on total pigments, total proteins, sugars, phenols and starch etc,. There is a higher rate of germination @> 0.06) observed as well as higher growth rate(p0.01)and yield w . 0 0 2 ) in cornparision to control.

lnhoduction Coir tiber production genemtes bulk quantities of coirpith as a byproduct. World production of coir fiber in the year 2001 - 2002 is 361.00 (000 tonnes) (FAO, report 2001-02), resulting In the generation of 722.00 (000 tonnes) of coirpith as waste. The bulk of the wirpith generated poses an environmental problem in terms of both bidk management and degradation. However coir waste suitable for both compost and vermiwmpost (Jothirnani 1994) containing higher proponions of cellulose material besides potash and lignin, has excellent moisture retaining capacity but is slow in decomposing. (Edwards et. al. 1998).

Vermicompoa contains growth hormones (Tomati et al. 1988) and is a good organic manure and potting media (Handreck 1986). That earthworms are beneficial in the recycling of sewage sludge has betn reported by Neuhauser et al. (1988) and Dominguez et al. (2000); of papa waste by Bun (1993) and Elvira et al. (1996); of urban and garden residues, and animal wastes by Edwards et al. (1985); Edwards (1988); Elvira et al. (19%) Dominguez and Edwards (1997).

African night crawler, Eudrilus eugeniae (Kmberg), relatively a large worm has a faster growth rate, being a prolific feeds resulting in not only fastm rate of vennicomposting, but also as an ideal animal protein fecd (Dominguez et al. 2001).

n i s papa evaluating the nutrient status of vetmicasts obtained in a combination of coirpah, Cowdung (100% CP; 1:l CP:CD and 100% CD) vermicompostin& identities the n&ts alding in fDstcr gamination of black gram seeds besides the enhanced growth and yield ch.ctaktiEs in a pot study. Results of these experiments point to the two-way a d w g e of

utihing the cortcfEctive t#:Imobgy in recycling waste (coirpith) and to whicve relatively better gcnninatioh p w t h as well as yield in Black gram [ V i g ~ mungo-(L) HepperICv. T9.

Materiala utd methods Vermicompostmg of wirpith was done is 3 Itr. wntahm using EudriIus eugeniae by top load mcchaniim, with three combinations of coirpith and wwdung (1 Wh CP; 1: 1 CP & CD and 1Wh CD) as fwd All cxperhmts w m run in duplicate. Physiw-chemical chamxeistics of the vcrmicssts obtained in all tbc three vermireactors were analysed following the standard methods ic. for EC and pH (Saxem, 1998); percentage of Total organic carbon (TOC) and for available NPK (Tandon, 1993) and for percentage of total Nitrogen (TON) (AF'HA, 1998).

E w study on the germination of black gram seeds [Yigna mungo (L) Hepper] Cv. T9 was conduaed for 8 days and the pot study experiment was for 75 days, using the three types of vmnicasts, obtained by vcrmiwmposting, as manure. Morphome!& characters (pot study) w m d y s e d folbwing the methodology of Pragasm (19%). Biochemical analysis for proteins (Lowery et al. 1981) for starch, (McCready et al. 1951) for Total sugars (Ragasm 19%) b r reducing sugars (Snell and Snell 1957); and for non-reducing sugars (Nelson 1944) was done. For Statistical analysis Two-way Ah'OVA without replication was applied.

Results and dkuslion F I ~ W C I depicts some of the chemical characteristics of the three varieties of v d c a s t s obtained m the experiments, where the feed ratios were 1Wh CPf 1:l CP:CD and 100% CD that were fDd into the vmnireactors.

EGp; pH-pH unlts; C:Niano; TOC lad TON-PPantsge

Fig.1. Chmdcal characteristics of the three types of vermicasts.

igure 2 pmmts the avaikbk nitrogen, potassium and phosphate contents in the same three Ws of nrmicasts. Carbon and nitrogen (C:N) ratio pmjeas the digestion rate of the organic /ask by the uutbwoms gee 1994) and it is obscmd that thc ratio of C:N obtained with the ermiasts of 1:1 (CP:CD) ratio is m r e f a v o d k for gcnnination as well as for plant mwth. V e m h t s wae'effactive in vegetable cultivation and a good canicr media for bib- :rtilizers (Ismail 1997). Both electrical conductivity and pH were - neutral in the ermcluns obtained $om 1:) ratio of CP:CD feed than in those vamicasts obtained h m the

0 t h two W s ie. 100% CP and 104% CD. The available nitrogen and potassium content was relatively higher in 1: 1 nuio of CP:CD with a relatively lessziphosphatc content. Higher potassium helping in the absorption of plant nutrients, aids for &er germination and better plant growth (Salisbury et al. 1986).

Fig.2. A diagrammatic representation of the available NPK content in the three types of vennicasts.

Tables 1 and 2 summarise the morpbobgical and biochemical characteristics of the black gram, seep germination study with the three different vennicasts on the 4' and 8' day of getnunation respectively. A control was maintained with only tap water in the germination study. From these experiments it is observed that only 80S/o of germination was achieved with the vcnnicasts of 1 W h CP and also that the rate of gemination was relatively faster with the vermicasts of the other two ie. 1 W h CD and 1:l CD:CP. It is to be concluded that the vermicssts o b t a i i from 1 W h CP indicated a slight alkalinity. Moreover the ratio of C:N (51.27:l) (Fig.1) indicated that the breakdown of organic matter was at a lesser pace in conparison with other vermicasts obtained h m other feed combinations.

Acceleration of germination was achieved with the vermicasts, especially of 1:l ratio of CP:CD. This is reflected in the mot kngth, shoot length, fresh and dry weights of the roots and shoots besides the number of lsteral roots (Table l a ) . Vcrmicompost manure induces rooting and good yield responses was reported by Kale (1998) in hlrmeric. Similarly among

the pigments analysed total chlorophyll chlorophyll a; chlorophyll b and carotenoids were ~~gher in those &lings which germinated in the vennicasts of 1: 1 (CD:CP) ratio than in the bther two (Tabk l a ) . Concurring results were observed in both the 4" day and 8' day of lermination study. These results establish that a combination of 1:l CP and CD is ideal in iccelcrating germination in black gram d s Kgna mungo Cv. T9.

jimilarly m the pot study experiment, vennicasts h r n three different combinations of airpith and cowdung ( IWA CP; 1:I CP:CD; 100% CD) were used as potting media Data related to plant growth characteristics l i e root and shoot length; h h and dry weight; numb& of h v e s and total leaf area besides the number of root noduks was noted. From the results, it was obscrvsd that the combination of 1:l CP:CD has provided better p w t h charactnistics. Results of the applicath of ANOVA for these mprphomctric charactas in plant growth study (pot study) are pnsented through Fig. 3.

Fig.3. Resuhs of ANOVA for morphometric characters (black gram) in pot a d y .

Kale et a1 (1994) and Kale (1998) have reported good yield responses when vmnicompost is used as manure m cash crops, cereals and other plantation and ornamental plants. Similar observations were presented in the yield responses of cardamom and vanilla cuttiup. In the present study the results of the yield panuneter like number of h i t s , number of suds, h s h and dry weight of fruits and the like are presented through Fig. 4. Though nrmicompost is effective for yield responses (Kale 1998) in the present experiment it is established that I:] ratio of CP:CD has been more effective than the other two mmbiitions of faed for better yield responses in the black gram pot study. The statistical significance of the biihemical parameters through the application ofthe two-way ANOVA are presented in Fig. 5.

w+.slrn %ucar mntrd

1 m C D VC

Fig.4: A diagramatic representation of the yield parameters obtained with different micasts in the pot study of Vigna wtungo Cv.D

Fig.5: Statistical significance of the biochemical parametm in the pot study of Yigna mungo Cv.T9

The results of the present study confirmed that the v d c a s t s obtalned from a feed ratio of 1.1 CP and CD contains plant growth nutrients which are relatively more favourable than [hose h m the other two feeds i.e., 100% CP and 100% CD for promoting faster gmnination. The morphological and biochemical characteristics observed in the seedlings with 1: I ratio of CP:CD are higher than those with the other two feeds. Similarly the higher growth and yield ~btained with the vmnicasts of 1:1 CP and CD compared with those of the other two vermicasts at the same expexinmtal wnditions c o n h the two way advantage of bulk nanagement of wir waste by recycling (using 1:l CP and CD) to obtain higher nutrient :ontent to promote faster germination and for better growth and higher yield i.e. for overall Improvement of soil fertility.


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J.Soil Biol.Evo1. 19(1&2) : 118-121 March-Sept. 1999

Comparative Studies on the Feeding Efficiency and Biomass Production of TWO

Specie of Earthworms


Salii All School of Ecology and Environmental ~ciem&, Pondicheq University, Pondichery - 605014, Inda.

Abstract Bulk quantities of cow path, generated in colr jiber industty is recycled into prod-

uct through vermitechnology A comparatrve study on the rate ofconvers~on of coir waste Into vermicasfs and biomass of fwo dflerent earthworms Lampito mauritii and Eudrilus eugeniae is presented. Thejied (Cowdung : Coirpith) combination In the ratio of 1 . I is preferred to other combinations Between these two earthworms, the conversion potential of E, eugeniae 1s higher than that of L.mauritii.

Introduction . Coirp~th, an agro-mdusfq waste with high level of lignin and cellulose (Gobi et ol.,

2001) has a very low decomposing rate (Jothimani, 1994). The indigenous and endogeic earthworm, Lampito mauntii is wdely distributed in soils of sandy and clay loams. The exotlc and cpigeic earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae, an important commercial breed and a potenhal protein source (Remecke and Mljoen, 1988) has higher rate of ingesting and am- ing organic materials @ash, 1999). Present work favscs to identify and cornpan the rate of coupith conversion mto vetmicasts besides biomass production by earthwonns L. mowitii and E. eugenrae. Recycling of coirp~th into vetmicast not only solves the problem of waste management but partly the energy crisis of developing counties (Vijayakuman et al., 1988).

Material and Methods

Ten circular plastic containers of 30 cm diameter (approximately 3 liter capacity ) were used as verrnireactors. Twenty earthworms each of L. mawitii and E. eugeniae were mfmduced into each of A-E and A,-E, containers respectively. Experiments wen run in du- plicate. Feed supply to the varmreactors was once in fifteen days. Feed consisting of lOOg cow dung (CD) and coir pith (CP) m the ratio CD : CP-1 : 0; CD : CP-3 : 1; CD : CP-1 : I; CD : CP-1 : 3 and only CP wen mtroduced into the rcactm A-E and ACE,. The reac- tors were run for a total of 90 days the feed incluing castings removed, dried and sieved. Quantity of vennicasts produced was noted after stpanting it hm the remaining feed and sand. Same & w m were mtroduced for the next tun, along wih new feed 'Ihe number and weight of worms were noted befon and after every run. Quantity of vermicast and n- rnaining fecd wen done after separabw.


The weight of the remaining feed and the weight of the vermicast produced in all the reactors are presented in Table 1. From these results it is obvious that dinct conversion of coir pith (CP 100%) into vermicast is slow with only 22.4 and 67.3 g converted by L. mauritii and E, eugeniae respectively at the end of VI run from the lOOg feed introduced.

Conversion to vermicast is higher in reacto~% with d y cow dung 8s faed for both the earthworms. The 100 g of feed ~~ into the con tabs having E. eugeniae was com- pletely converted at every run. There is a random deaease in the quantity of vermicast pro- duced in other reactors which contained CD and CP in the ration of 3 : 1 : 1 : I and 1: 3 cowdung is contributing for faster cor~ersion into vamicast

Between L. mauntii and E. eugeniae at the end of 90 days, conversion into vermcast is three tmm higher by the latter in CD : CP in the ratios of 3 : 1, lhis converges to the point that the rate of conversion into vermicasts is faster by E. eugeniae. Conse- quentIf55jiuantity of remhmg feed in the reactors of E. eugeniae is less than that of l maurtiil (Table. I). Moreover with a combination of 1:l (CD:CP) the convmion rate by E. eugeniae is 2.8; 3.1; 2.6; 2.2; 2.3 and 2.3 times higher at every run. (Run I to Run N) respectively. Similarly, in 1 : 3 (CD:CP)ratio the respective wnvasion r a b for Run I to Run VI are 3.4; 3.5; 3.0; 2.8; 2.6, 2.5 tunes higber than that of L. mavitii. For the ncycling of coir pith, the combination of 1:l (a : CP) is prefared and this is followed by 1 :3 feed com binahon This is evidenced when 95 g of v e r m i c o ~ could be produced 6om 5050 g of coir pith and cow dung by E. eugeniae. Similarly 40 g of vermicasts are obtained by L. mauritii for the same amount of coir pith and cow dung used.

The Increase in the number of E, eugeniae after 30 days is observed in 1Wh CD and 3: 1 CD : CP reactors but for L. mwilii no such inaease is seen at the end of Run II. The mcreasem the number of E, eugeniae is discemable in 1: 1 CD : CP reactor by 4Sh day and m 1:3 CD : CP reactor by 6.P day.

The increase In the number of L. dtii is o h e d in the 4* run, after 60 days in both 3:l and 1:l CD : CP f e d reactors. However by 90h day E. eugeniae increased in number more than that of L, mwitii in all co~r pith feed containing reactors, except in pure coir pith reactor where there is no change in the number of L. mm~lt i i from that initially in- hoductd at the start of the experimt nerefore the rate of multiplication in E. eygeniae is higher than that of L. mauritii except in pure cow dung feed containing reactor where E. ageniae increased in number by 4 as seen in Run V and the same by L, mourilir in Run vI. Subsequent with the i n a w e in numk, there is an in- in earthworm biomass.

However, thls mmase IS conbnuous stating wth Run I even without any Increase in the number of earthworms. 'Ihis is seen in all types of feed combmations. It IS also obmous that the increase in the blomass of E, eugeniae 1s higher than that was observed in L. maurilil.

Discussion Gobi el d.(2001) have s u g g d vermicomposting as a better method for recycling of

bulk rnatenals not only due to enhanced quality end products but also because of reduced duration in ncyclmg. P m a t findings have ~llushaied the rate of recycling with d h t feed combmations. Ihough recycling with 1:3 CD : CP feed c o m b i o n s relatively slow than that of 1:l feed combination, large quantities of coir pith get recycled in the former, promoting mininuation of bulky waste material, along with resource recovery. hies of recycling differ by the two earthworms in the recycling of coir pith. The enzymes present in the gut of the earthworms differ (Parthasarathy, 2201). E. eugenioe is a known active feeder (MBA , 1978; Kale, 1998) and grows faster, Vetmicornposting is a cost-effective technology for coir pith recycl'ing, waste management, minimization and resource recovery. Coir pith waste con- vers~on up to 61% is achieved with 1: 1 feed combination wih 90 days. This process $kes

place at a hlgher pace and rate by E. eugeniae in comparison with L. mauritii. Different feed combinations can be utiW subject to availability, duration and quanhty to be recycled.

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tamable development. Zoology, Entomology and F~sheries , 86' session of Science Congress,Chennai pp. 46.

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Ltd., Bangalore. India. Mba, C.C., 1978. Influence of different mulch treatments on the growth rate and activity

of earthworm E. eugeniae (Kinb) L. P. Flanzenernaehr Bodenkd 141 : 453-468.

Psrthmthi, K., 2001. Enzyme activities In the different gut regions of tmpical earth- worms reared on clay loam soil and press mud. J Envt and Pollulion.8 : 79-83.

Reinecke, A.J. and Viljom, S.A., 1988. Reproduction of the African earthworm E. eugeniae (Oligochacta) Cocoons. B~ol. Fertil Soils, 7 : 23-27.

Abstract of the oawr acce~ted for oublication in the J o u d of

Trooical E c o l a

Diversity, distribution and abundance of earthworms in Pondicherry region

Sathianarayanan, A and Anisa B. Khan

Sal~m ,411 School of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Pondlcheny Un~ven~ty, Pondlcheny - 605 014 bdla


D~stnbubon pattern of earthworm fauna In Pond~cheny reglon and ~ t s

populat~on dens~ties were studled Ten specles of earthworms Druwida wlllti, D. hmella,

D. scadens, Pontodnlus bennudensls, Pontoscolex corethrurs, Lampito maurihi,

Penonyx excavatus, Eudrilus eugenzae, Ocrochaetona serrara and 0. barnem belonging

to seven genera and SIX farn~l~es were noted Earthworm specles d~vee~ty In fourteen

local~bes from drfferenthab~tats IS presented L. mauntrr was dom~nant In all the habrtats

of the reglon Dlvenlty Index and specles nchness e presented Among the d~fferent

specles, based on age group and populabon dens~hes (number/m2), earthworm density

was maxlrnurn In verm~culturc: area (358) and lowest In salrne (25) habitats Specres

r~chness was found hlgher In V~ll~anur locality, where the number of habitats was also


Abstract of the o a r aceeoted for ~ubliution in thcProeeedina ofthe National S v a t o o e i ~ on ''Environn~entrl Crisis and h n t v ID tbe

. . new Milknnillm"


Sathirnuryiora A. and Aniu R Khan Salun Ali School of Ecdogy & ErmmMlaaal Sclcnces,

P d d w r y University, Poadfcheny - 605 014

Coirpith is an agro-industrial organic waste Its disposal is a major

environmental concern because of the quantity in which it is dumped in

industrial yards Resource management of this organic waste through

vennitreatment is a cost effective alternative In the present study h m p r t o maurrtir

is used for the conversion o f coirpith waste into vermicasts Conversion of

coir pith into vermicast is monitored every fifteen days in the laboratory for a

total of six runs The production of earthworm biomass and vermicasts were

estimated and data presented There is substantial increase in the biomass of

the earthworm atid vermicasts, along with asubstantial reduction in the bulky

coir pith material

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