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= Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn

= British Museum (Natural History) London = British Museum (Natural History) London = Charles University Paleontological Institute Prague = National Museum Prague = Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences = Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat

Bonn MCZ = Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge MD = Staatliches Museum fur Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden MME = Museum fur Mitteldeutsche Erdgeschichte, Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut,

Halle (Saale), East Germany NMP = National Museum Prague PFUK = Faculty of Natural Sciences Prague UUG = Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia

For the abbreviations of anatomical terminology see p_ 43_


Index The numbers of pages in italics denote illustrations.

abbreviations 43 accretion zones cleithri 76 Acer angustilobum 20 - dasycarpoides 20 - palaeosacharinum 20 - pseudocreticum 20 - ruminianum 20 - tricuspidatum 20 - trilobatum 20 Acetabulum 87, 212 Adolphi, H. 159 ager limitans posterior 87 Aglossa 33, 36, 191 ala ossis ilium 87 - sacralis 65 alae parasphenoidis 35, 49, 218 Alnus sp. (strobilus) 20 Alt Kamnitz see Ceska Kamenice Alytes obstetricans 29 Alytidae 192 Amphibamus 179 Amphibia 20 amphicoelous vertebrae 183, 227 Amphisacralia 33 angulus caudalis 66 - cranialis 66 anomalies 163 antebrachium 35, 115, 167, 170, 210, 212,

223, 224, see os antebrachii antennae 96 Anura 20, 33, 99, 179 apex parasphenoidis 49, 218 - rami anterioris ossis pterygoidei 49 - urostyli 70 apophysis distalis femoris 89 - proximalis femoris 89 Archaeobatrachia 192 Archaeopelobates 197 arciferous girdle 35 arcus postorbitalis 202 - vertebrae 60

18 Spinar: Tertiary

Ardisia 20 ascaphid group 182 Ascaphidae 29, 76, 177 Ascaphus 97, 182 Asphaerion reussi 11, 21, 230 Asterophrydidae 192 astragalus 35, 90, 92, 144, 163, 167, 197, 200,

213, 214, 215 auditory capsule 35 Aves 20

Bachelsdorf, see Bechlejovice Bayer, F. 11, 39, 123, 137, 192, 201 Bechleja inopinata 20, 188 Bechlejovice 14, 15, 26, 27, 37, 42, 43, 93,

100, 112, 113, 117, 118, 121, 131, 137, 147. 149, 160, 163, 164, 167, 170, 175, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 189, 198, 199, 227, 230

Bernasconi, A. F. 202 bicondylar sacro-urostylar connection 33 Bieber, lV.ll,12,21,22,39,151,156,157,166 blood vessels 94, 95, 167, 169, 221, 222, 224,

229 Bolkay, S. J. 33, 34, 36, 39, 41, 55, 88, 192,

195, 196 Bombina 14, 99, 100, 187 - bombina 29 - variegata 29 Bombinatores 192 Bombinatoridae 192 Bombinatoroides 229 Bombinidae 14, 25, 29, 33, 36, 70, 79, 177,

179, 183, 189, 192, 229 Boulenger, G. A. 36, 192 Bouthersen 45 Brabenec, B. 16 Brachycephalidae 177 braincase 50 Bratsroom, B. H. 181 Bruch, C. 192



Bufo 148 - bufo 29, 117 - calamita 29 - melarw8tictu8 30 - rodei 30 - viridi829 Bufonidae 29,30,36,97,146,177,179, 180,

189 Burgbrohl 112 Buzek, C. 6, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 156

calcaneus 35, 43, 90, 91, 144, 163, 164, 167, 197, 200, 213, 214, 215, 217

callus 165 Camerano, L. 159 Oamporwtu8 20 canales semicirculares 46 canalis coccygicus 66 - vertebralis 60 capitulum antebrachii 83, 85 - humeri 82 capsula otica 46 caput corporis vertebrae 60 - femoris 89 - humeri 82, 83 - ossis cruris 89, 90 - scapulae 76, 78, 161, 208 - stemi 209 carina neuralis 208 carpal ossicles 33,161, 173 carpalia distalia 84, 85, 210, 211 Oarpinu8 grandi8 20 carpus 35, 84, 85, 86, 173, 181,210,212 Casamiquela, R. M. 6, 34, 36, 192 cavitas glenoidalis scapulae 76, 78, 79, 83 centralia 84, 85, 86, 210, 211 Oeratophryde8 192 Oeratophry847, 192 - ornata 30 Oercidiphyllum crenatum 20 Ceska Lipa 11 Changes and deformations of palaeobatra-

chids 159 Cheb 28 choana 55 chorda 170 chorioidea 96 Cihak, R. 6 clavicle 79, 80, 81, 104, 170, 171, 200, 209


clavicula 78, 80, 81, 126, 223 cleithrum 74, 76, 77, 126, 161, 167, 169,

170, 171, 172, 181, 198, 200, 208, 218 223

cloaca 35, 94, 163, 168 coccyx 43

collum antebrachii 83, 85 - ossis ilium 87 - - ischium 87 - scapulae 76, 78, 208 columella 33,45,46,52,53,55,57, 126, 128,

161, 181

condyli vertebrae sacralis 66, 68 condylus lateralis ossis cruris 80 - medialis ossis cruris 90 - occipitalis 46 Cope, E. D. 34, 35, 36, 41, 192 copulation 163 coracoid 35, 78, 79, 80, 161, 197, 200, 208,

209, 223, 229 Oordicephalu8 36, 183, 191 coronoid 206 - complex 59 corpus cleithri 76 - coracoidis 79, 80 - femoris 89 - ossis ilium 88 - - ischium 87 - parasphenoidis 49 - scapulae 76, 78 - urostyli 68 - vertebrae 60 Oorylu8 insigni8 20 crayfish 188 crista coccygica 66, 69 - communis ossium ischium 87 - deltoidea humeri 82 - femoris 89 - humeri 210 - iliaca 87 - ischii 200 - lateralis humeri 82 - ossis cruris 89, 90 - - ilium 87 - - ischium 89, 197 - parasphenoidis 49 - urostyli 69, 208 - ventralis humeri 82, 83 crus 92, 144, 165, 167, 194, 197, 198, 213,

215,217,223,224, see os cruris

Darlington, P. Y. 34, 39 Decapoda 20 deformations 164 Dely, G. O. 11, 230 Dendrobaena 20 dentale 56, 57, 59, 126, 127, 206, see os

dentale Dermaptera 20 Devfnska Kobyla Hill 25,28, 195 Devfnska Nova Yes 12, 19, 25, 26, 28, 196,

199, 225, 228, 229 Diatomaceae 27 dicondylar articulation 182 - connection 183, 189 digits 43, 84, 85, 86, 92, 105, 212, 214, 215 dilatatio articularis ossis squamosi 52 diphyletic origin 182 Diplocynodon 20, 188, 227 Diptera 20

Discoglossus 26, 97 - giganteus 12, 229 - pictus 29 distal row 35, see tarsalia distalia - tarsal row 92, 214 Diillitz, see Dolnice Dolnice 25, 28 Dumeril98 Dunlap, G. D. 159 Dverce 24

Eastman, Ch. R. 123 Eaton, T. 177 ecology (Eopelobates) 227 - (Palaeobatrachus) 187 eighth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63, 64 eminentia capitata humeri 82, 83 - tarsi lateralis 89, 90 - tarsi medialis 89 - triangularis ossis frontoparietalis 50, 52 Eoanura 179 Eobatrachus 36, 186, 191 Eobuffela 197 Eopelobates 26, 38, 52, 108, 146, 193, 196,

197, 198, 202, 213, 219, 220, 221, 225, 227, 228

- anthracinus 30, 194, 197, 201, 205, 215, 216, 218, 218, 219, 225, 228

- bayeri 194, 196, 198-200, 201, 202, 203-205, 206, 207, 209-214, 215-219, 225,227



Eopelobates grandipes 216 - guthriei 216 - hinschei 216

- neudorfensis 12, 198, 199 Eopelobatinae 23, 193, 196, 198, 228 Eoxenopoides 36, 191 epicondylus lateralis humeri 82, 83 - medialis humeri 82, 83 - ulnaris 210 epiphysis distalis humeri 82 - inferior seu distalis 89 - proximalis humeri 82 Erben, H. K. 6, 99, 109 Estes, R. 6, 183, 195, 196, 198, 199, 216, 228 ethmoid 37,48, 126, 127, 189, 196,201,202,

204, see os ethmoideum exooccipitale 203, see os exooccipitale extremitas articularis mandibulae 58, 59 - epicoracoids claviculae 81 - medialis 79 - scapularis claviculae 79, 81 eye pigments 45, 46, 96, 127 eyes 167, 169, 170,221

Faber, J. 167 facies basalis parasphenoidis 49, 50 - clavicularis scapulae 76, 78 - coracoidea scapulae 76, 78 - dorsalis parasphenoidis 50 - glenoidalis claviculae 79, 81 - quadrati ossis pterygoidei 47, 48 - scapularis coracoidis 79 Fejervary, G. J. 34, 36, 41, 156, 159, 192, 195 Fejfar, O. 6, 24, 25, 26, 229 femur 35, 43, 66, 71, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95, 167,

170,194,197,198,200,213,215,217,223, 224

fenestra ovalis 46 fibula 90 fibulare 90, 164, 165 Fick's rule 184, 185 Ficus asari/olia 20 fifth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63 fin 168 first vertebra of palaeobatrachids 60 flange 70 foramen magnum 46 - nutricium 89, 90 - parietale 33, 46, 51, 53, 181, 226 - vertebrale 61



foramina nasalia 46 forelimb 81-86,105,139,161,170,171,187,

194, 197, 210-212, 229 fossa acetabuli 88 - cubiti ventralis 82, 83 fourth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63 fovea centralis 76 - condylica urostyli 66, 68 - corporis vertebrae 60 - muscularis 61 fractures 164 Frantiskovy Lazne 25 free ribs 33, 35, 189 Freudenheim, see Veselicko 21 Friedsdorf 145 frontoparietale 33,35,37,38,45-47,50,51,

126-129, 153, 161, 167, 169, 171, 172, 181, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 219-225, see os frontoparietale

Gadow, H. 36, 41, 192 Gastrotheca marsupiata 30 Geiselthal26, 137, 147, 189, 190, 197,228 Giebel, C. 41, 97,109,123,125,137,145,146,

147 Goldfuss, G. A. 96-99, 108, 109, 145, 146 Gomphonema 27 Gondwana 191 Grasengriin, see Hajek Grazzini, C. 9, 45 Griffith, 1. 6, 57, 79, 178, 182, 183, 192, 193,

196 Guardabassi, A. 159

Haffner, K. 53 Hajek 24, 28, 147 Halleobatrachus 189, 197 hallux 90 Haughton, S. H. 160 Hazard, J. 22 heart 95, 170 Hecht, M. 34, 36, ·39, 42, 45, 97, 189, 190,

194, 198 Hekatobatrachus 41, 74, 98, 149, 151 H emiphractidae 30 Hemiptera 20 Hibsch, J. 16, 22, 23


hindlimb 89-93,144,145,162,169, 170, 171, 198, 213

Hoffstetter, R. 42, 45, 180 Honbusch Hill 21, 151 Horni ZaIezly, see Zalezly Housa, V. 16 Howes, G. B. 160 Hrabak Mine 23, 28, 198, 199, 219, 220, 225 Huene, F. v. 36,42,123,147,156,192 humerus 43, 82, 83, 85, 95, 105, 115, 167, 170,

210,217,223,224 Hyla arborea 30 Hylidae 30, 36, 179, 180 Hymenochiridae 33,37 Hymenochirus 29, 33, 36, 91, 180, 186, 191 Hymenoptera 20 hyoid 43 hypo chord 66,172,173,181,220-224 hypochordal cartilage 95, 96

ilium 171, 172, 173, 195, 200, 207, 212, see os ilium

impressio lobi olfactorii 50, 52 - - optici 52 impressiones ventrales corporis vertebrae 60 incisura acromio·glenoidea 76 - cleithri 76 - scapulae 208 Inger, R. 177 Insecta 20 inter condylar process 68 intermaxilla 35, 37, 46, 173, 181, see os

intermaxillare intermaxillare 126, 127, 200 intermedium 85, 161 intumescentia glenoidalis coracoidis 80 ischium 200, 212 ischia, see ossa ischium isthmus ossis squamosi 52, 55, 203

J arvik, E. 202 jaw bones 46 Jenisuv Ujezd 22-23 Josef Osvald mine 23 J uglandacae 20 jUllcturae intercorporales 60 - intervertebrales 60 Jungersen, F. E. 138

Kamlfov 25 Kafka, J. 22, 25 Katzengriin, see Kacerov Koschtialov, see Koshl,lov KostMov 20, 21, 117 Krottensee, see Mofina Krumbiegel, G. 26 Kuhn, O. 26, 34, 41, 123, 147, 189, 197, 198,

228 Kundratice 20, 26 Kvacek, Z. 6, 24

labial cartilage 96 Lac, V. 192 lamina cleithri marginalis 75 - neuralis urostyli 68 - ossea vertebrae sacralis 66 - recurvata cleithri 76 laminae marginales urostyli 70 Lang Aujezd, see Jenisuv Ujezd Langois, see Jenisuv Ujezd lateral process ossis ethmoidei 47 Laube, G. C. 12, 23, 39, 112, 131, 151, 157,

159, 161, 162, 166 Lauraceae 20 Lausitz, see Luzice Leiopelma 97, 182 - hamiltoni 6 - hochstetteri 29 Leptobrachium hasselti 29 Leptodactylidae 29, 177 Leptodactylus pentadactylus 29 limbs 173, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225 Linne, C. 146 liver 95, 222 loose ribs 178 Loucky 22 Lumbricu8 20 lungs 35, 94, 95, 167, 170, 173, 187, 188, 222 Luschitz, see Luzice Luzice 11, 20, 21, 230

211 acropelobates 199 Madagascar 179 Malecov 21 Malschen, see Malecov Malsov 28 mandible 37, 57, 58, 59, 164, 206, 221, 223,

224, see os mandibulare

mandibulare 56 manubrium sterni 209 marginal cartilage 65 - fin 168 margo acetabularis ossis ilium 87 - anterior rami anterioris cleithri 75 - caudalis alae sacralis 66 - - cleithri 76 - - ossis ethmoidei 48 - - - pterygoidei 48 - - scapulae 78 - cleithralis scapulae 78 - cranialis alae 66 - - cleithri 76 - - scapulae 78 - - seu fenestralis coracoidis 79 - fenestralis coracoidis 80 - iliacus alae sacralis 66 - lateralis parasphenoidis 49 - maxillaris ossis pterygoidei 48 - medialis ossis pterygoidei 47, 48 - nasalis ossis frontoparietalis 50 - occipitalis ossis frontoparietalis 50 - posterior coracoidis 80 - - parasphenoidis 49, 50 - - ossis pterygoidei 48 - prooticus - frontoparietalis 50 - - - pterygoidei 48 - scapularis cleithri 76 Marianna mine 23, 28, 112 Markersdorf see Markvartice


Markvartice 11, 21, 26, 27, 28, 42, 112, 113, 117, 118, 149, 151

maxilla 35, 37, 46, 47, 173, 181, see os maxillare

maxillare 55,56,58,59, 126, 127, 172, 196, 198, 200, see os maxillare

maxillary arcade 192, 226 - teeth 55 21fegophryinae 187, 193, 197 21fegophrys 193, 198,202 - feae 29 - nasuta 29 - monticola 29 - parva 29 melanin 93 melanophores 96 mentomandibular ossicles 33, 182 mentomandibulare 35, 56, 59, 206, see os




Merkur mine 23, 198, 225 mesonephros 95 metacarpal ossicles 33, 193 metacarpalia 35, 84, 85, 105 metacarpals 106, 140, 182, 197, 200, 211 metacarpus 43, 84, 85 metamorphosis 173, 224 metapodium 144 metatarsal ossicles 33, 193 metatarsale 92, 144 metatarsalia 91, 144 metatarsals 107, 145, 182, 197, 200, 214,

215, 217, 223 metatarsus 35, 43, 92, 214 Meyer, H. V. 11,21,22,35,37,41,97,98,99,

109, 112, 123, 126, 146, 166, 174, 182, 230 M icrohylidae 175 M iobatrachus 179 Miopelobates 26, 195, 198 - robustus 195, 196 - zap/ei 12, 195, 196 Mivart, S. G. 192, 195 mono condylar connection 183, 226 Monseh 190 Mofina 25 mucous glands 94 Miiller, A. H. 42 muscles 93 musculus depressor mandibulae 95 myosepta 94,167,170

nasal bones 35, 173, 181 - fenestrae 170 - scapules 96, 221, 224 nasale 55, 126, 127, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202,

see os nasale Nastup mine 23, 198, 199, 219, 220, 225 N ectandra sp. 20 Negev 177 N eobatrachia 230 nerves 94, 167, 169, 221 nervus olfactorius 94 - opticus 94, 167 Neudorf a. d. March, see Devinska Nova Yes neural arch 60, 61, 66, 169, 194, 221, 222,

223,226 Nevo, E. 6, 160, 161, 164, 165, 177, 178 Niewkoop, P. D. 167 ninth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63, 64


Noble, G. K. 34, 36, 42, 156, 160, 166, 180, 192, 196

nonascaphid frogs 183 - group 182 nonpipoid frogs 183 N otobatrachus 182, 186 Novotny, B. 6, 16, 147 Nyssa sp. 20

occipital bones 169 - condyles 46 occipitale 126, 128 occipito·otical region 45 Oder 24,28, 112, 147, 186, 187 Odonata 20 Oeningen 146 olecranon 83, 85, 210 Oleska 28 Olesnice 21 olfactory nerve 170 Oligochaeta 20 omosternum 193 ontogenic stages of eopelobatids 220-225 - - - palaeobatrachids 168-174 ontogeny 165, 166, 174, 220 operculum 46, 57, 161 opistocoelous vertebrae 36, 183 opistocoely 184 optic nerve 170 orbita 58, 59 orbits 34, 46, 53, 127, 201 Orsberg 99, 108, 112, 125, 145, 147 Orton, G. L. 175, 177, 178, 181 os antebrachii 83-85, see antebrachium - carpi distale 85, 86, see carpalia distalia - cruris 35, 43, 89, 90, 91, 213, see crus - dentale 57, see dentale - ethmoideum 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 193, see

ethmoid - exooccipitale 45, 46, 53, see exooccipitale - frontoparietale 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, see

frontoparietale - ilium 35, 66, 71, 86-87, 88, 94, 95, 181,

222, 223, 224, 229, see ilium - intermaxillare 45, see intermaxillare - mandibulare 194, see mandibulare - maxillare 45, 55, see maxillare - mentomandibulare 57, see mentomandi-


os nasale 45, 55, 161, see nasale - parasphenoideum 35, 45, 47, 49, see para-

sphenoid - praearticulare 57, 58, see praearticulare - praemaxillare 55, 56 - prooticum 45, 46, 53, see prooticum - pterygoideum 35, 45, 47, 48, 55, see

pterygoid - quadratojugale 57, see quadratojugale - quadratomaxiIIare 57 - quadratum 47, 53, 55, 57, 58, see qua-

dratum - septomaxillare 45, 55, 56, 57, see septo­

maxillare - squamosum 35, 45, 47, 53, 55, 161, 193,

see squamosum ossa ischium 35, 66, 71, 86-88, 94, 181, see

ischium - metacarpi 86, see metacarpalia - pubis 33, 35, 71, 86-88, 181, 213, 224,

226 Ostrya atlantidis 20 otic capsules 168, 181 ova 168, 181

Pacltova, B. 146 Palaeobatrachidae 12, 14, 20, 24, 26, 33,

35-39,41,74,96,125,147,159,182,186, 187, 189

palaeobatrachids 34, 37, 53, 76, 79, 88, 89, 136,167,177,183,186,187,200

Palaeobatrachina 33, 34, 182 Palaeobatrachoidea 33 Palaeobatrachomorpha 34 Palaeobatrachus 34, 40, 41, 97, 98, 108, 109,

121, 123, 145, 146, 152, 157, 159, 168, 186, 198, 208, 210, 212, 225, 226

- bohemicus 11, 21, 40, 123, 137, 160 - ? bohemicus 123 - calcareus 40 - diluvianus 12, 40-42, 56, 57, 73-75,

77,78,80-82,86,87,90,91,97,98,100, 101, 103-105, 105, 106, 108-110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119-121, 152-156, 160-163

- - var _ extensa 40 - cf. diluvianus 80,98,99 - - var. elegans 40, 98, 109 - - var. extensa 98,109 - falax 40


Palaeobatrachu8 falax var. laevis 40 - - var. major 40 - - var. tuberculo8a 40 - tritschii 40, 41, 78, 98, 108 - - var. major 40 - gaudryi 189 - gigas 40, 123, 126, 160, 174 - cf. gigas 40 - - var. carinata 40 - - var. depressa 40 - - var. subcarinata 40 - goldtussi 11, 98, 99, 108, 109, 112, 123,

125, 145, 147 - gracili8 40, 123, 160 - grandipes 40, 41, 44, 45, 65, 66-69, 73,

76-78, 80-85, 86, 87, 89-91, 95, 97, 99-101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 113-115, 121, 123, 125, 125, 126, 127, 128-130, 132-134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146-149, 152-154, 156, 157, 160-162, 174, 189, 190

- intermedius 40 - laubei 11, 12, 22, 36, 40, 41, 55, 75, 77,

78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 131, 149, 151, 152, 153,154,156-159,161

- luedecki 11, 20, 21, 40, 41, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80,85, 112-117,113-115, 160-162

- meyeri 40 - cf. meyeri (? Specio8US) 40 - novotnyi 41,73,77,82,83,91, 147-150 - rarus 40 - rostae 41,75,117,119,122,160,170 - sp. 40, 67, 69, 71, 72,95 - vicentinu8 40 - wetzleri 40 palaeobiogeography of Pal. 190 Palaeomonidae 20 Palaeopelobates 197 Palaeophrynos 41, 97, 146 - gessneri 98, 146 - grandipes 123, 125, 146 Palaeotriton 20 palatina 46, 181, 226, see ossa palatina palatinum 43,206, see os palatinum Panskt Mlyn 22 parasphenoid 33, 37, 38, 49, 101, 126, 130,

137, 154, 161, 163, 167, 171, 173, 181, 182, 189, 192, 196, 199, 204, 205. 218, 219-222,224,225,227, 229, see os para­sphenoideum



Parker, H. W. 36, 161, 197, 216. 218 pars acetabularis ossis ischium 87 - - pubis 88 - acromialis capitis scapulae 208 - - scapulae 78 - anterior marginis medialis ossis ptery-

goidei 48 - cylindriformis ossis ilium 87 - epicoracoidalis 79, 80 - glenoidalis capitis scapulae 76, 208 - infraacetabularis os sis ilium 88 - lateralis ossis squamosi 52, 54 - medialis - - 52, 54 - opercularis columellae 52 - plectralis columellae 52 - posterior marginis medialis ossis ptery-

goidei 48 - spatulaeformis praearticularis 59 - supraacetabularis ossis ilium 88 pathology 164, 165 pectoral girdle 33, 74-81, 192 Pelobatidae 14, 20, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33,

37,38, 159, 167, 179, 187, 189, 192, 193, 199,228

Pelobatinae 193, 195, 196, 197 Pelobatinop8i8 41 - hinschei 123, 137, 189 Pelobate8 192, 193, 195, 198, 213 - cultripes 29, 200-202, 208, 209, 215, 219 - jU8CUS 29, 200-203, 206, 208, 209, 215,


- geiseltalensis 228 - robustus 195, 196 - syriacus 29, 216, 219 - wagleri 192, 195, 198 Pelobatoidea 33, 34, 192, 193 Pelodytinae 193, 197 pelvic bones 189 - girdle 86, 87, 89, 141, 161, 171, 200, 207,

212, 223, 224

pelvis 35 Peratherium 20 phalanges digitorum 85, 86, 92, 107, 141,

144, 182, 212, 215

Phaneroglossa 33 Philadelphus 20 phylogeny of Eopelobates 225 - - Palaeobatrachus 179, 181 Pipa 29, 33, 36, 43, 47,76,97, 137, 186, 190,

191, 197


Pipaemorpha 33, 34 Pipidae 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 76, 79, 80, 175,

177, 182, 183, 186 Pisces 20 Piveteau, J. 179, 192 plectrum 57, 161 Poaceae 20 Polgardi 195 posterior limb 35 postrostrale mediale posterius 193, 202 postsacral vertebrae 35, 60, 64, 178, 218, 221 postzygapophyses 60, 65, 66 praearticulare 59, 126, 127, 206, see os

praearticulare praehallux 33, 35, 91, 181, 193, 194, 195,

197, 200, 214, 216, 227 praemaxillae 37 praemaxillare 55, 56 praesacral vertebrae 57, 132, 166 praezygapophysis 60, 66 precoracoid 79 - cartilage 80, 81 Prescher, H. 146, 159 Proanura 179 processus anterior maxillae 56 - articulares caudales 60 - - craniales 60 - articularis radii 85 - columellaris 35, 52, 55, 161 - intercondylicus 66, 70 - lateralis dexter ossis ethmoidei 47, 48 - - sinister ossis ethmoidei 47, 48 - nasalis intermaxillae 126, 127 - - maxillae 55, 56 - - praemaxillae 56 - occipitalis ossis frontoparietalis 50 - posterior maxillae 56 - radialis antebrachii 83, 85 - rostralis ossis ethmoidei 47, 48 - - parasphenoidis 35, 49, 50, 204, 218,

219, 221, 222 - rostriformis coracoidis 79, 80 - scapularis claviculae 79, 81 - spinosus 60, 66 - transversus 60, 65, 66, 87 - ulnaris antebrachii 83, 85

Prochazka, M. 16, 27

Procoela 36 procoelous vertebrae 33, 36, 37, 187, 226

procoely 182, 184

Prokopi mine 23, 112 prootica 166, 169, 171, 220, 221, 222 prooticum 35, 45, 126, 127, 128, 161, 167, 170,

172, 203, see os prooticum Protobatrachus 179, 191 - massi1Wti 179 Protopelobates 36, 159 - gracilis 11, 12, 36, 156, 157, 159 Protopelobatidae 36, 159 proximal tarsal row 92, 198,227 Pseudidae 30 pseudoarthrosis 165 Pseudohyme1Wchirus 36 Pteridophyta 20 pterygoid 58, 59, 126, 127, 161, 204, 224, see

os pterygoideum

quadratojugale 35, 46, 181, 203, 226, see os quadratojugale

quadratum 59, 126, 203, see os quadratum Quinquevertebron 41 - germanicurn 123, 190

Racophoridae 177 radiale 84, 85, 210, 211, 212 radii ossificationis ossis frontoparietalis 50 radius 35, 83, 84, 85, 211, 212, 223 Raffelt, R. 20 ramus anterior cleithri 74, 75, 76 - - ossis nasalis 55 - - - pterygoidei 47, 48 - lateralis ossis nasalis 55, 56 - medialis ossis pterygoidei 47, 48 - oralis ossis nasalis 55 - posterior cleithri 74, 76 - - ossis pterygoidei 47, 48 - retrozygomaticus ossis squamosi 52, 54 - zygomaticus ossis squamosi 52, 54 Rana53, 108, 129, 146, 191 - diluviana 42,96,98, 108, 123, 145, 146 - esculenta 30 - luschitzana 11, 21, 230 - temporaria 30 Ranidae 14,26,30, 36, 177, 179, 189, 191,230 Reig, O. A. 34, 36, 160, 192 Reinbach, W. 202 Reptilia 20 respiration 38


Reuss, A. E. 11, 25, 166 Rhi1Wphrynidae 29, 175 Rhi1Wphl'ynus dorsalis 29 Rhussp.20 ribs 33, 35, 37, 38, 61, 66, 166, 167, 168, 169,

171, 173, 178, 181, 186, 193, 194, 196, 226,229

Ritland, R. M. 160 Romer, A. S. 34, 36, 41, 156, 179, 192 Rosa sp. 20 rostral process ossis ethmoidei 47, 50 Rott 145, 197,218,228 Riippel, E. 41, 99, 108, 123, 144, 146, 147

sacral region 87, 113, 137, 163 - vertebra 37, 57, 95, 166, 217, 218, 220,

222,226 - wing 35,63,64,65,66,87, 134, 161, 182,

189, 198, 218, 225 sacrum 43, 195 Salezl, see Za,lezly Saltenia 36, 191 Scaphiopodidae 192 scapula 33, 35, 76, 78, 79, 105, 126, 161, 172,

181, 196, 208, 223, 226, 229 Schaeffer, B. 36, 39, 41, 97 second vertebra of palaeobatrachids 60 Sedra, S. N. 160 Seifhennersdorf 22, 26, 112, 147, 187 sensory papillae 38 septomaxillare 55, 126, 127, 201, see os

septomaxillare seventh vertebra of palaeobatrachids 64 Severcov, A. N. 186 sexual dimorphism 163 - glands 95 shape of body 38, 43 Shelania 36, 191 shoulder girdle 35, 37,76,77, 161, 170, 172,

200, 208, 222, 223, 224 sinus dorsalis cleithri 75, 76 - semicircularis scapulae 78, 161 sixth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63 skin 94 Skyfice 23 skull 35, 37, 43, 45, 126, 127, 128, 161, 163,

166, 200 soft parts of the body 93 Sooglossinae 193



spade 197, 198, 199,200,227 spatium intertarsale 91, 144 spine 217 spiraculum 175, 177, 178 squamosum 33, 52, 53, 126, 128, 181, 195, 196

199,203,218,226, see os squamosum stages of ontogeny (Eopelobates) 220-225 - - - (Palaeobatrachus) 168-174 Stannius, H. 192, 193 Stara Kamenice 11 stegochordal imbricate vertebrae 33 Stephenson, E. 6, 177 sternum 193, 197,200,209, 218, 224 Stoschen 42, 145 stratigraphical range of eopelobatids 228 - - - palaeobatrachids 189 stratigraphy of the Bechlejovice locality 17 sulcus antebrachii 210, 211 - epicoracoidalis claviculae 81 - longitudinalis 83, 85, 89 - pro cartilagine precoracoidis 80 - pterygoideus 47,48 Suleobatrachus 41, 151 Suletice 11, 21, 22, 26, 118, 147, 152, 156,

157, 159 Sulloditz, see Suletice Sulz, see Suletice supraacetabular part of the iliac bones 88 sutura internasalis 55 - parieto·exoccipitalis 52 - parieto.occipitalis 50 - parieto· prootica 50, 52 - sagittalis 51 - squamalis 50 symphysis pelvis 87, 88 synchondrosis ilioischiadica 88 synsacrum 35, 57, 63, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 103,

114, 119, 132, 133, 161

tadpoles 14, 37, 93-96,165-168,174-178, 220-224

tail 167, 168, 170, 171, 173,222,223,224,229 tarsalia 91, 144, 163 tarsus 90, 213 Tatarinov, L. P. 192, 193 tectum ductus tubae Eustachii 35,47,48,49 teeth 37, 55, 56, 128, 129, 188, 192,200,221,

223,227 tenth vertebra of palaeobatrachids 63, 64


tenuitas cranialis scapulae 78 third vertebra of palaeobatrachids 61 Thoraciliacu8 36, 183, 185, 191 - rostriceps 30 thymus 93,95, 167, 169, 170 tibia 90 tibiale 90, 164, 165 tibiofibulare 170, 210, 229 Tihen, J. A. 177, 186, 187 tongue 192 transverse process 35, 96, 161, see processus

transversus Triadobatrachus 179, 185, 191 Trichoptera 20 trunk 169, 170, 172 tuber ossis ilium 87 tuberculum ilicum 88 - mediale rami anterioris ossis pterygoidei

47, 48 - scapulare 78 Tuschmitz, see Tusimice Tusimice 23 types of tadpoles 171-172

ulna 35, 43, 83, 84, 85, 211, 212, 217, 223 ulnare 84, 85, 161, 210, 211, 212 Ulnus sp. 20 upper jaw 37 Urodela 20, 188 urostyle 35, 37, 43, 57, 60, 63, 64, 66, 67,

71-75,87,94,95,113,132,161,171-173, 181,189,192,194,195,198,200,206-208, 217, 218, 224, 226, 229

variability 160-164 Varnsdorf 22 Vernefice 22, 28, 42 vertebrae 35, 43, 57, 60, 65, 74, 95, 161, 163,

167,169,170,172,181,182,192,194,195, 199, 200, 206, 220, 221, 225, 226, 229

vertebral column 35, 43, 57-74, 161, 166, 169,171,196,199,206,220,221,223,224, 225,229

Veselicko 11, 21, 28, 42, 112, 118

Vieraella 182 vomer 35, 205, 226

Waldschnitz, see Olesnice Walter, H. 22, 26, 99, 112 Warnsdorf, see Varnsdorf Warzen, see Dverce Watson, D. M. S. 179 Wernstadt, see Vernefice Wettstein-Westersheimb, O. 12, 195, 196,

198, 199, 216, 229 Wolterstorff, W. 21, 22, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41,

42, 51, 97-99, 109, 112, 114, 115, 123, 147, 151, 157, 159, 160, 166, 182

Woodward, A. S. 123

Xenopidae 33, 36, 37, 43, 50, 53, 55, 81, 88, 94, 96, 129, 136, 138, 164, 167, 178, 187


Xenopus 14, 33, 35, 36, 43, 46, 47, 76, 86, 93, 97, 128, 129, 168, 169, 181, 186, 188, 191

- laevis 29, 43, 94

Zaharesco, V. 160 ZaIezly 22 Zapfe, H. 26 Zelkova ungeri 20 - zelkovaefolia 20 Zittau 11 Zittel, K. A. 123, 147, 159, 192 Zizyphus tiliaefolius 20 Zutner, B. 160 Zweifel, G. 193, 194, 198, 216, 228



Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part I - General

History of investigation of fossil frogs in Czechoslovakia Review of provenances of fossil frogs in Czechoslovakia

A - Bohemia ................ . Provenances in the Ceske stfedohofi Mountains Provenances in the North Bohemian Bassin .. Provenances in the Sokolov Bassin Provenances in the Doupovske hory Mountains.

B - Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provenances in the vicinity of Bratislava.

C - Some localities outside Czechoslovakia . . Sedimentologic character of rocks containing tertiary frogs Methods of examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of comparative Recent and Fossil Material Studied. .

Part II - Descriptive

Order Anura Dumeril, 1806 ..... . Suborder Palaeobatrachina Bolkay, 1919.

Family Palaeobatrachidae Cope, 1865 . Remarks on the systematics of Palaeobatrachidae

Genus Palaeobatrachus Tschudi, 1839 . . . . . . Morphology of palaeobatrachids. . . . . . Soft parts of the bodies of palaeobatrachids. Remarks ............... . Relations .............. . Palaeobatrachus (Palaeobatrachus) nov. subg. Palaeobatrachus (Hekatobatrachus) nov. subg. Palaeobatrachus (Suleobatrachus) nov. subg ..

Changes and deformations in the bones of palaeobatrachids Variability during the animal life .... Postmortem variability and deformations.

Ontogeny ............... . Description of single ontogenetic phases Remarks



11 12 12 15 22 24 24 25 25 26 26 28 29

33 33 34 39 41 42 93 96 97 98

121 151 159 160 164 165 168 174 179



Ecology of palaeobatrachids. . . . . . Stratigraphical range of palaeobatrachids Palaeobiogeography of palaeobatrachids .

Suborder Archaeobatrachia Reig, 1958 Family Pelobatidae Stannius, 1856 . . . Subfamily Pelobatinae Mivart, 1869

Miopelobates Wettstein-Westersheimb, 1955 Subfamily Eopelobatinae nov. subf.

Eopelobate8 Parker, 1929 . . . . . . . Ontogeny ............... .

Description of single ontogenetic phases Phylogeny .............. . Ecology of eopelobatids. . . . . . . . . . Stratigraphical range and palaeobiogeographical distribution of eopelobatids . Family Bombinidae Fitzinger, 1826 .

Suborder Neobatrachia Reig, 1958 Family Ranidae Bonaparte, 1831. .

Part III - Concluding remarks

Explanation of plates . References Abbreviations Index ....


187 189 190 192 192 195 195 196 197 220 220 225 227 228 229 230 230

237 257 272 273

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