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alienation 4, IS, 180, 198 anti-anthropocentrism 45 argument from survival 93, 94 artefact

artefact 6, IS, 109, Ill-liS, 126, 129-148, 151,157-159, 168, 175, 188-191, 194, 198-204,206,220,224,233,236,248-251

scientific 147,209,213,218,219-221,233 artifact 207f, 219, 220, 228

Bacon, F. 3, 7, 11-15,25,26,28, 45f, 54, 57, 122, 183, 185, 187, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205,207,208,230

Bohr, N. 8,214,215,217,218,225,231,246 Bogen,J.166,217,236 Bolk, L. 102-104, 113

Cameron, R. 183 Campbell, D. xiii, 53, 57f, 60, 75f, 80-82, 84,

88,94 Camap, R. 18, 19-25, 27, 28 Cartesian demon 13,52,53,119 Cartwright, N. 39,43,234,237,238,240 civil society 187-191, 193, 197, 199,272,273 contextuality 124, 126,256 Conway, G. 166, 176f correspondence

approximate 42-44 unique 12,49 unmediated 42,169

Crease, R. 50f, 196,203, 208f, 217, 221, 232, 238

culture xii, 54, 62, 100-102, 106, 107, 112, 113-114,131,150,167,174,252,266

Darwinism classical 81, 82, 84, 85 modern 81,85

Descartes, R. 3, 5f, 6, 8f, 9, II, 13, 14, 15, 30r, 32,49,52,53,57,122,200,230

Dessauer, F. 135,138-141,211 Dewey, J. 50,53,196 Dreyfus, H. 50f, 121-122, 124-126, 162 Dyke, Ch. 193


effectors 75-76, 88, 90-92, 106, 117, 120, 124, 151,250,254

Einstein, A. 8, 32, 212, 245, 276 enframing 184-186,195-196, 199 epigenetic system 85, 86,168, 169, 198, 199 epistemology

of divine knowledge 31, 49 evolutionary xiii, 54, 81-82, 84, 99, 100,

132,149 historical xiii, 62, 63 integral 60, 61 naturalised 52, 54, 55, 60, 61,131 naturalistic 50f, 53, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 72f,

80,81,99,100,116,130,131, 179 estrangement 6, 7, 187, 196 experiment

experiment 13-16, 146, 184, 199-203,206, 208-212,217-222,224,230,231,235-238,240-241,259,262,263,266,274, 275

macroscopic 207-211 microscopic 206, 212-220

explanation explanation 33, 36, 59, 226, 233-237, 238-

241,243,244,255,258f narrative 59

external world independent existence 35, 36 objectness 35, 195, 196

Fishbein, H. 86, 153 fitness

Darwinian 86 fitness 64, 83, 87 instrumental 83, 94, 96 isomorphic 83, 94, 95 reproductive 83

Franklin, A. 202f, 203, 217, 220, 222

Galilei, G. 3,4, 6, 9, 13, 15 Galison, P. 203, 212, 217, 220 Geertz, C. 100, 174 Gehlen, A. 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110,

112,123,124,126, 133f, 151, 152, 153 glassy essence 12,29,41,56,205,217


god artificer 5, IS, 16,201,242,273 father 5, 6 perfect being 8-10, 45,52,53,275 supreme intelligence 54, 242, 273, 276

Grene, M. 100, 101, 102

Hacking, I. 34, 37, 39, 203f, 203, 218-219, 220f, 232, 234, 239, 241, 246,274

Hegel, C. F. 17,186,188-190 Heidegger, M. 50f, 70f, 121, 134-140, 143,

182-186,188,195-196,199-200,202,212 Heisenberg, W. xiii, 184, 185,213,216,231,

239,240,246,276 hermeneutic circle 60, 243 Hooker, C. 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42f, M, 45, 58,

81,115 Hooykaas, R. 5--6 human Qutopoiesis

agricultural civilisation 177, 182, 252 entrepreneur 177, 194, 196 hunter-gatherer 177,178,179,182 neolithic farmer 177, 178, 179

human being prematurely born mammal 100, 101, 129 privileged position of9, 10, 17, 19,45,52,

53,54,56,97,99,100,271,275 retarded mammal 102

Ihde, D. xi, 50f, Ill, 134, 141, 184f, 188,203, 205,233,274

institutions 108-109, 112, 113, 114, 130, 131, 180,187,188,251,273,276

instrumentalism 29, 30, 32, 33, 41, 44, 222, 233

instrumentality of knowing subject 30, 31, 41, 42, 82 observation language 30 organism 94 technology 134-136, 140 theoretical language 30, 32, 41

Johnson,M. 163, 166 Jonas, H. 65,201, 208f, 230

Kant, I. 10, 19f, 20, 25, 45,51,59, 138f, 198, 200,202, 209f, 210, 271

knowledge descriptive 147, 149 divine 3, 8-12, 16, 19,31,49,53,55,62,

226,275 explicit 146-147 identiy between Thought and Being 8, 10,

12, 16, 19,53,55,64


objective 19f, 32,45,49, 62, 95, 249 prescriptive 147, 149 procedural 147 as representation 13, 49, 54, 56, 62, 64, 65,

67, 76, 77, 82, 83, 90, 95, 120, 128, 150,203,228,229,230,233,275

tacit 147,207,221,222 Kockelmans, J. J. 50f, 208f, 209, 210, 211 Kolb, D. 184f, 186, 187, 188, 190

Lakoff, G. 163-166 language

cosmic 25, 42, 45, 56 formal 24-25, 38 ideal 17, 19f, 31, 49, 62, 273 observation 26, 27, 29-31 scientific 20-27,31,36,38,40,41,46,61,

ISO, 166, 199,224-228,230,233-236, 242-243,245-246

theoretica126, 27, 29-32, 34, 37, 42 language, functions

formatting 152 making 157 naming 150-152,154,163 performing 155

language, layers of meta-theoretical 241 operational 234 phenomenal 236 theoretical 238

Latour, B. 256-265, 277f, 278 Laudan, L. 273 Laudan, R. 146 Layton, E. T. 146 Lewontin, R. 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89 life

autopoietic system 66, 70, 77, 80, 121, 132, 143

circularity 66 enclosed selective openness 72, 73 experiment in design 86, 94, 274 homeostatic system 66--67 metabolising system 69

linguistic tum 19,21,37, 149,224,226,234 linguotype 168, 170, 176 logic of science 19--23,27,28,149 logical empiricism 22, 25-29, 31, 32, 34, 38,


mathematics 13, 15-16, 21, 22, 23, 95, 201, 210,228,230-231

Maturana, M. 65--67, 68f, 70, 115, 116, 118, 119,120

Maxwell, 1. C. 208-209,214,239

Maxwell's demon 69-70, 72, 76, 111, 135, 136 McMullin, E. 42, 44, 45 Merlcwelt 75, 89,93,275 Merton, R. 3, 4, 50f, 254, 252, 276, 278 metaphor

of conqueror 140-141, 183, 185,219,220 controlling 163,225,234,243 of midwife 136, 139, 141, 182, 212, 218,

219,220 structuring 244,274

modernity calculative thinking 186, 198, 197 commodification 186, 196, 198,275,277 empty subjectivity 186, 187, 191,279 formal rationality 186, 188, 191, 192, 195,

272 rational economic man 191, 193,277

mode of living 77-80, 91, 113-114, 121, 128, 129, 130, 131, 143, 162, 170, 173, 174, 175, 177, 181, 186, 190, 194, 196, 197, 198, 222, 224, 234, 242, 244, 248, 25 I, 252,266,267,271,273,274,275,278,279

Mumford, L. \10, \12, 181, 183

naturalism 46,50,51,52-57,61,64,85,97 Neolithic revolution l77f, 178, 182, 183 nervous system

architecture 117, 118, 119, 130 incompletness 123, 125 relational and state dependent character

\18 neuron 116-120 NeWlon, I. 3,6,7,8, 14, 15,32, 192, 195,200,

207,209,214,265 Newton-Smith, W. xiii, 34,40, 43f, 44, 226

observation observation 23, 27, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 128,

203-208,212,213,217,220,226,243, 266

theory-Iadeness 245, 256 Ortega y Gasset, J. 109, 110, 133, 173, 174,


perception 11,27,41,44,51, 88, 90, 92, 122, 124, 126, 130, 140, 151, 154, 250, 254, 271,277

Pickering, A. 239, 241f, 255f Polanyi, M. 122, 125, 126, 127, 134 Popper, K. 12, 30, 42, 43, 50f, 57f, 80, 94, 95,

150f, 179,228,249,258,262 Portmann, A. 100-102, 108, 113 principle of observability 31, 33, 44 principle of verification 22, 26


purification 10-12, 15, 16, 18, 22, .57, 187, 248,271

Quine, W. V. O. 50-53, 55, 60, 160f, 169,234, 250f,255f

realism blended 81 metaphysical 33 operational 233, 274 pure 81, 93, 94, 96 scientific 44-46, 50f, 82, 84, 179, 199

realism, components of epistemic 40,41,44 ontological 34, 36, 37, 38, 42 pragmatic 42 semantic 37

reason reason 4,5,8,9-11,13-15,16,18, 19f, 25,

49, 52, 59, 121, 122, 126, 1277, 131, 138f, 143-144, 169, 188, 189, 191, 203,224,231,235,271,272,273,278, 279

calculative 191, 194, 196,230 copy of divine mind 9, 16,56 forma1192 technical 143, 146, 147

receptors 51,67,75-76,88-92,106, 118, 120, 124,151,204,250

referential theory of meaning 42 reification 37 relativism

relativism 56, 250 species relativism 56, 94

Rogers, G. F. C. 144 RoTty, R. 12, 13

scepticism 3-4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 52, 53, 57, 94, 200,202,230,262,263,264,273,274,279

SchrOdinger, E. 68-69, 70f science of science 20, 23, 27, 59, 63 second law of thermodynamics 68, 70, 72, 135 sedimentation 262, 266, 274, 275 Shimony, A. xiii, 45,51,54,55,59,60,61,81,

100, 115 skill 107, 126-127, 131, 144, 147, 157, 158,

159, 167, 206, 207, 219, 220, 221, 222, 232,235,241,246,277

Smart, J. 1. C. 33, 36, 45 social gestation 101, 102, 108,129,131,248 social uterus 101, 129, 153, 168, 175 sociology

of scientific community 249, 154 of scientific knowledge 249, 254, 256, 277


Stroud,B.51,52,53 systematic fallibilism 81, 94

teaching 58, 127, 167-168, 170, 180, 199,265 technology

allopoiesis 132, 136, 137, 139, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 159,218-219,232,233, 236,241,256,262,266,274

ancient 139, 189,212 cosmic view 135 instrumental'view 133, 137 modem 110, 140, 181-186, 189, 195, 197,

199,211,233 theory

theory 23, 24, 26, 30, 32, 33, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 58, 181, 195-197, 199-203, 207,211,212,220-223,224,226,229, 230,231-234,236-249,255,263,265, 274

decision 192, 272, 277 of evolution 54, 80-82, 85, 87, 88, 94-96,

112 of science 20, 63, 88, I 34f, 149, 248, 249,

250 speech-act 155, 156, 160 underdetennination of227, 245, 256, 262

transparency of the subject 31, 41, 248 truth

coherence 187,273,274 consensus 274 correspondence 8, 12, 25, 28-30, 39-40,

42-44,49,55,82-85,93-96, 150, lSI, 162,170,238,243,274

thruth-value 40-41

Umwelt74, 75f, 77, 89, 93, 114, 115 urban revolution 177-180

Van Fraassen, B. 33, 44f Varela, P. 65,66,67, 68f, 70, 115, 116, 118-120 Vienna circle 18,21,22,29 Viennese programme 19-20, 22, 27, 31, 32,

37,50 Vincenti, W. 146, 147, 161 Vollmer, G. 42f, 59, 81-83, 90, 93-94, Il5

Waddington, C. H. 86 Wartofsky, M. xiii, 62, 63, 179f, 232, 271 Weber, M. 186-188 Wilson, P. 1. 100, 104-106, 108, Ill, 167, 178 Wirkwelt 75, 92, 93, 244, 275


Wittgenstein, L. 25, 27, 39, 78, 122, 150, 156, 160f, 162,169,170,175

Woodward, J. 217,236 Wooigar, S. 255f, 261, 277f, 278 world

etfectoral91, 92, 93, 123, 130 perceptual 90, 91, 92,123 vicarious 89, 92

Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science

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