regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006 introduction to simulink pavel karban university of west bohemia,...

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Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

Introduction to Simulink

Pavel Karban

University of West Bohemia,Faculty of Electrical Engineering,

Department of Theory of Electrical Engineering

Part One

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006


1. What is Simulink?2. Getting Started3. Dynamic System Definition4. Preparing Problem for Simulation5. Creation of Simuling Model – Standard Block Descripton6. Analyzing Results

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

-intended to modeling, simulating, and analyzing of dynamical systems under GUI-linear and nonlinear analyses-hierarchical model

1. What is Simulink?1. What is Simulink?

Simulink (SIMUlation and LINK) is an extension of MATLAB by Mathworks Inc

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

Simple model – Sine wave and its integral

1.Start Simulinka)From Command Window: type simulinkb)From Main toolbar

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

2. Simulink Library Browser

3. Create new model (by new file icon)

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

4. Workspace for your model

5. Explore Library browser for become familiarized

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

6. Drag from Sources group block with name Sine Wave to workspace

7. Save your work to harddisk

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

8. Continue to build model by adding blocks to your model window.

From Sinks library: ScopeFrom Continuous library: IntegratorFrom Signal Routing library: Mux

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

8. Continue to build model by adding blocks to your model window.

From Sinks library: ScopeFrom Continuous library: IntegratorFrom Signal Routing library: Mux

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

9. Establish connection between the blocks

To make a connection: left-click while holding down the control key (on your keyboard) and drag from source port to a destination port.

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started

10. Run the simulation

Double click on the Scope block to display of the scope.

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

2. Getting Started2. Getting Started


From math: Primitive function to sine function is –cosine function

Real integrator:Definite integral of input variable (area under sine wave function between 0 and t)


( ) ( )dt

y t u t t

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

33. . Dynamic System DefinitionDynamic System Definition

A dynamic system is in fact a way how to describe real objects and phenomena. It is possible to say, that the dynamic system is a set of variables and relations. Dynamic system can describe relations between variables and causality between variables as well. Variables describing an object or a phenomenon can be divided into to sets – parameters and state of system. State of system is such a set of variables the knowledge of which and the input function, with the equation describing the dynamics, will provide the future state and output of the system.

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

33. . Dynamic System DefinitionDynamic System Definition

The state of a system is described by a set of first-order differential equations in terms of the state variables. This set of differential equations can be written in matrix form as follows:

In general the output of dynamic system can be related to the state variables and the input signal by the output equation

x Ax Bu

y Cx Du

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

33. . Dynamic System DefinitionDynamic System Definition

The state of a system is described by a set of first-order differential equations in terms of the state variables. This set of differential equations can be written in matrix form as follows:

In general the output of dynamic system can be related to the state variables and the input signal by the output equation

x Ax Bu

y Cx Du

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

3. Dynamic System Definition3. Dynamic System Definition



B CintegratorS Su yxx


x inner state vectoru input vectorx output vector

A matrix of dynamics of the systemB input matrixC output matrixD matrix of direct acting of input to output

x Ax Buy Cx Du

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

44. . Preparing Problem for Simulation

Given circuit can be described by this equation:

Simulate electrical circuit

2 0LL

diR i L


With initial condition:


1 2




TASK: Find time evolution of current iL

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

44. . Preparing Problem for Simulation

After some rearrangement we will get:


di Ri

dt L

It is possible to rewrite previous equation in the "matrix" form

1 1x Ax

1y Cx


1 2

(0) 5 10U

xR R

1 Lx i 52 10R


1C where

Initial condition (integrator):

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

55. . Creation of Simuling Model

Block diagram of simple dynamic system

Simulink model of simple dynamic system






Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

55. . Creation of Simuling Model

Setting up Initial condition (double click on Integrator block)

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

55. . Creation of Simuling Model

Setting up simulation preferences (menu item Simulation > Configuration Parameters …)

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

66. . Analyzing Results

Time evolution of current iL (double click on Scope block)

Regensburg, 24. – 28.7. 2006

Thank you for your kind attention

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